March 16, 2012


School of Education


Dr. Brenda A. Priddy, Chair

Dr. Lisa Allen

Ms. Susan Blevins

Dr. Priscilla Brame

Mr. Don Cheatham

Ms. Dottie Davis

Dr. Beverly Ennis

Dr. Carol Garrison

Ms. Marilyn Goodwin


March 16, 2012

10 a.m.

EB 102

Ms. Ellen Hamilton-Ford

Dr. Donna Hedgepath

Dr. Sharon Hundley

Ms. Nancy Newberry

Dr. Debbie Schumacher

Dr. Bill Stout

Dr. Robert VanEst

Dr. Colleen Walker

Ms. Norma Wheat

54.0 Welcome and Prayer

Ms. Norma Wheat welcomed everyone to the meeting and Don Cheatham offered prayer.

55.0 Old Business

55.1 Review of Minutes

Faculty reviewed minutes of February 10. Ms. Wheat reported that the last sentence in 48.2 relating to action on the Praxis Policy was moved to item number 58.4 on today’s agenda and would be tabled until the April 13 meeting.

56.0 New Business

56.1 Discussion of Advising Issues (March 19-23, Junior/Senior and March 26-30,


Dr. Hedgepath discussed upcoming advising and presented the faculty with a list of CAP 2 Candidates that cannot take any further ED courses. See attached list for names. She pointed out that advisors need to have the candidate’s binder with them during advising. Dr. Hedgepath further discussed the recent change approved by the Curriculum Committee for ED 411. It has been renamed ED 414, P-9

Classroom Management. Both P-5 and 5-9 candidates will enroll in this course. Gwen Sampson has revised the curriculum guidesheet to reflect the change and advisors need to have a copy of the revised form during advising. Discussion ensued on the critical need in advising to make sure candidates take

ED 390 before ED 416 and ED 311 before ED 414. Candidates taking these two courses in the same semester produce units that do not reflect quality work (units) that is portfolio-ready. This is an issue that needs critical attention in the advising process.

56.2 Status of Program Submission Rejoinders

Dr. Hedgepath gave the faculty the good news that one portion of the NCATE process has meet EPSB approval. We received a letter stating that the 23 programs met EPSB requirements. Dr. Hedgepath stated these could be found on the F drive under All Users.

56.3 Review of Recent “Paired Clinical Model Pilot” Activities

Mrs. Davis updated the faculty on the Paired Clinical Model Pilot . She stated that the implementation plan is on target. She reported that the meeting with the two LEA administrators had been held and the district representatives were very supportive of the pilot. Further, she reported that the LEA representatives suggested that a meeting with teachers from the two districts would be important to gain buy-in . A meeting with teachers from the two respective districts, Taylor County and

Campbellsville Independent, has been scheduled for April 11. Names have been submitted from the

LEAs to Dr. Priddy and Mrs. Davis. The NCATE Standard 3 committee will be meeting March 27 to discuss the presentation to be presented to the district’s teachers. Mrs. Davis also discussed that the

Standard 3 committee members were discussing different options for CU pre-service teachers such as

(1) having a block of time open until 11:00 a.m. on the days of the ED 414 and 416 class, (2) the ED classes might meet in one or both of the district’s buildings for a portion of the class time, (3) the ED courses might meet for one class period and the students meet in the schools for the second class period (i.e., meet for class on Tuesday and in the district on Thursday). Mrs. Davis further stated that the Paired Clinical Model would not be for every student teacher; we would still have the traditional student teacher placements.

Dr. Walker stated that she had a concern about the increase in field hours needing to be meaningful.

Mrs. Ford stated that this had been discussed by the committee and it will most likely be discussed further at the May Retreat.

56.4 Review of Priority Areas for Program Improvement

Faculty reviewed the Program Improvement Plan. Ms. Wheat commented that Dr. Schumacher and

Sally Williams were already working on the Praxis Study Plan for each of the Praxis II exams that the students will take for licensure. Dr. Schumacher stated that the work was going well and would most likely be completed in April ready for Dr. Priddy to review. Ms. Wheat related that the worksheets would probably be presented at the August faculty meeting.

56.5 Discussion of Recruitment and Retention Strategies as Presented in 2012-2017

Strategic Plan

Faculty reviewed the 2012-2017 Strategic Plan. Ms. Wheat pointed out items in the plan that Dr.

Priddy wanted the faculty to notice. Ms. Wheat stated that this was still a draft plan. There was discussion about the ED 102 course being an online course. Dr. Walker stated that she had concerns that the students taking that course may not be mature enough for an online class. She further stated that she felt the students needed more guidance and a more personal relationship with the instructor than what could be offered through an online course. Dr. Hedgepath commented that online courses were probably needed but perhaps the need was for upper level courses. Ms. Wheat continued to point out different information within the plan including the Recruitment and Retention Strategies that had been added. She further explained that each department on campus was being asked by the

Administration to have a recruitment and retention plan.

56.6 Decision on Pennebaker Award Recipients

The following students were selected by the faculty to be recipients of the Pennebaker Award:

Denise Spencer, IECE

Rebekah Murphy, P-5

Jessica Hupp, 5-9

Courtney Danis, 8-12

Abigail Lanham, P-12

Faculty asked if there could be a separate category 5-12. If this is a possibility, they recommend Blake

Milby as the recipient.

56.7 Student Requests: Change of Major

Ms. Wheat reported the two student requests for change in majors. Sarah Havener is changing her major from English with certification to English/no teaching certification. Jennifer Terry is changing her major from IECE to ECE.

56.8 CAP Recommendations

*See attached lists

56.8.1 Undergraduate CAP 2

56.8.2 Graduate MASE: CAP 5, CAP 7, Readmit Rank 1: CAP 5, Readmit

In CAP actions, Dr. Hedgepath made the motion to approve CAP 2 candidates. Susan Blevins seconded. Motion carried. Dr. Schumacher made a motion to approve CAP 5, CAP 7, and re-admit

MASE and TL MASE candidates. Dr. Hedgepath seconded. Dr. Brame asked question about the candidate, Matt Payton with a GPA of 2.75 being conditional. Ms. Wheat stated that that was an error on the printed document. Ms. Wheat asked permission to discuss another candidate, Mike McLane.

She presented that he needs to complete 6 credit hours in an approved graduate program in order that

EPSB to reinstate his teaching certificate. She further discussed his criminal background check. There was no further discussion. Motion carried. Dr. Allen made the motion to approve CAP 5 and re-admit

Rank I candidates. Susan Blevins seconded. Mrs. Davis mentioned that there was no GPA for Aaron

Troutman on the listing. Ms. Wheat stated she would ask Gwen for the GPA. There was no additional discussion. Motion carried.

57.0 Reports

57.1 Curriculum Committee Approves ED 414, P-8 Classroom Management

Dr. Hedgepath asked if there were additional questions form the earlier discussion of the change from

ED 411 to ED 414. No further discussion.

57.2 Update on Beulah Campbell Children’s Literature Conference

Dr. Walker gave an update on the Beulah Campbell Literature Conference. She reported that the conference is scheduled for Saturday April 21 and that on Friday April 20 first grade students from

Campbellsville Elementary would be on attending a Children’s Day. She presented that the keynote speaker would be at Taylor County Elementary on Friday to have a program at that school. Dr. Walker stated that four (4) authors have committed to presenting at the conference; that there were area librarians that would be presenting; and that registrations were beginning to come in; that Gwen

Sampson has sent an email to CU students about the conference with cost for the students being $25.

Dr. Walker further stated that students were being selected to be facilitators for the conference and the students in Ms. Blevins’s class would be presenting poster sessions. She further stated that she would be making visits to area schools promoting the conference and collecting registration fees when available. Fees are $50 for pre-registration up to April 9. After April 9 the registration fee will be $60 and can be paid the day of the conference. Further, Dr. Walker reported that she had sent the brochure by email to other institutions as well as to KRA. KRA has put a link in their newsletter to the brochure. A question was asked about the fee for SOE faculty. Dr. Walker stated she would talk with

Dr. Priddy and send an email to everyone. In addition, faculty stated they would like to have brochures to take to area schools when going for things such as observing a student teacher.

57.3 CAP Report

*See attached list

57.3.1 Rank 1: CAP 7

58.0 Announcements

58.1 TEAC Meeting – April 30

58.2 KACSE Meeting – May 1

58.3 School of Education Recognition at Convocation on March 21

58.4 Praxis Policy Delayed to April 13 Meeting

Ms. Wheat asked everyone to note the announcements in the agenda. She stated that Dr. Priddy would be sending an email to those needing to attend the TEAC meeting. Ms. Wheat also reminded everyone that March 21 was SOE recognition at Convocation.

59.0 Other

Susan Blevins stated that she was collecting coke bottle caps for Campbellsville Elementary. The school is collecting the caps to help purchase equipment for their school. She further mentioned a project her OR 110 students would be doing during the LEAs spring break in April. She asked the faculty if they would help with food items. She will send an email with food items needed. She stated that the project involved the children who had family members in the local jail. The OR students wanted these families/children to have a memorable spring break.

60.0 Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Norma Wheat

Special Education Program Coordinator
