Organization Profile 1. General Information Name of organisation The Future In Our Hands-Sierra Leone (FIOH-SL) Address 20 Lunsar Road, Makeni Contact person Edward B. Kargbo 232-76-657-669/88- 168-446 Mobile/Tel. Number E-mail Web site Brief history: The Future In Our Hands – Sierra Leone (FIOH-SL) is an indigenous Non-Governmental Organization registered with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED) and Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (SLANGO) with Head office in Makeni (Bombali district) and sub-offices in Kabala town (Koinadugu District) and Mile 91 (Tonkolili District) and Kambia town (Kambia District). It was established in 1993 as an offshoot of what was formally the Yoni Farmers’ Union. In 1994, as the situation in Sierra Leone deteriorated, the membership decided that FIOH had a vital role to play in providing assistance to those affected by the escalating conflict. The main focus of the organization during the rebel war was to complement the emergency relief work of the Government of Sierra Leone, as well as that of international and national NGOs. During and immediately after the war, FIOH worked in collaboration with CARE International, DFID, and WFP, distributing food and other relief items to internally displaced persons in their operational areas. Further activities included providing psychosocial support to affected communities and raising awareness on Human Rights, HIV and AIDS prevention and control. Following the end of the conflict in 2002, FIOH shifted focus from emergency relief to sustainable development with specific focused on building the capacity of communities for self reliance. It has continued to build partnership and linkages with a variety of local and international organizations and currently implementing; Rural Nutrition & Livelihood Promotion Project, supported by Bread for the World and The Employment Promotion Programme supported by GIZ in Koinadugu District whilst the Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) and UNDP/NAYCOM-GIP is providing the human resource (volunteer) support. In addition, the FIOH-UK, and UN/WFP are supporting in community asset creation and rehabilitation for marginalized youths and communities. FIOH-SL. also enjoys strong links with CBOs at grassroots level aimed at building their capacities to better serve their communities. Accountability: The FIOH-SL is accountable to a Board of Trustee comprising 4 male and 3 female members. The Board administers the activities of the organization through the Secretary who is also the Director. The Steering committee helps in information flow between the management and the staffs and it supports in formulating programme support systems and policies for the organization’s staff and in designing the way forward in project activities. Governing Body The organization is governed by a Board of Trustee headed by a Chairman. The Board supervises the work of the management. Membership is drawn from founder members and reputable public servants. The lifespan of the committee is five (5) years maximum. Institutional Capacity: FIOH-SL has an effective decision making structure that comprises a Board of Trustees, Project Management unit and a program’s support staff. At secretariat and operational levels, the organization has 19 paid staff and 4 international voluntary staff from VSO including trained and qualified Agriculturist, specialized in Animal and Crop Production. The organization also has a trained and qualified staff in Micro enterprise development. FIOH-SL. has over fifteen years of experience in implementing sustainable rural development programmes. The finance of the organization is managed by a well qualified and experienced Finance Officer. FIOH has the following logistics for project implementation: six computers, two Toyota Land Crushers, One Toyota Hilux car and eleven motor bikes. Vision: A World in which rural communities are empowered to improve their livelihoods in order to achieve their full potential Mission: Improve the livelihood of the disadvantaged and marginalized rural poor by achieving self-reliance and dignity through the alleviation of poverty. Core Values Respect for people’s initiatives and decisions irrespective of age, sex and status. Effective participation and involvement of target communities. Truth and transparency. Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. Collaboration and partnership with local and international NGOs and CBOs. Geographical areas of operation: Bombali District (Makeni) Koinadugu District (Kabala) Tonkolili District (Mile 91) Kambia District (Kambia) PROGRAMME AREA FOCUS 1. Agriculture and Food Security: Conservation Agriculture Crop and Animal production Community Asset Development 2. Health: Food and Nutrition Water and Sanitation 3. Education: Child Education Functional Literacy and Numeracy 4. Micro Enterprise Development Value Addition Skills Promotion Village Savings and Loan CROSS CUTTING ISSUE Village Savings and Loan (VSL) is mainstreamed in all project activities as this will serve as a community financing strategy for sustainability and expansion. HIV/AIDS, Human Right education are also mainstreamed into all programme activities to reduce Human Right violation, prevent new HIV/AIDS infections, reduce the risk and mitigate the impact. CURRENT ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS PROJECT Koinadugu District 20132016 RuNLiP ACTIVITIES DONOR Cultivation of high protein crops BFTW Construction of Hand Pump water well and VIP toilet VS &L Food & Nutrition WFP IVS, Tree Crop and Road rehabilitation Community Asset Rehabilitation Kambia District Inland Valley Swamp Development Construction of bonds & Drainages GAFSP Tonkolili District 2013 Village Child Education Construction of Classroom Provision of furniture & school materials VIP Toilet & Hand pump water well FIOH-UK & Small Ruminant Support GIZ German Dev. Cooperation Koinadugu District 20132014 Koinadugu District 2014 2016 Employment Promotion Programme GEORG Norway PAST ACTIVITIES: LOCATIONS Makeni, Bombali District. Koinadugu District PROJECT ACTIVITIES UN/Bombali Youth Employment Project Conservation Agriculture Project Life Skills Trainings and Asset Creation UNDP/COOPI for marginalized youths. Bombali & Koinadugu Districts Koinadugu District Kono & Bonth Districts Livelihood, Enhancement & Asset Dev. Project (LEAD) Village Savings Loans (VS&L) & Food For Work (FFW) DONOR Farmer Field School Agro Forestry Land tenure and conflict mitigation. Value chain addition. Tools and seed support Rice production Cassava & potato Fund for Asset Vulnerable group feeding Youth’s empowerment Micro enterprise Dev. Village saving & Loans Leadership training Team building Micro enterprise Dev. HOWARD G. BUFFET FOUNDAION USAID/CARE – MITAF/CARE Inland Valley Swamp rehabilitation UN/WFP & MAFS Tonkolili District Tonkolili & Port Loko Districts Bombali, Tonkolili, Port Loko & Koinadugu Life Skills Training for Youths Micro Finance Community Reintegration and Re- Tree crop rehabilitation Tree crop rehabilitation Roads rehabilitation Tailoring Carpentry Blacksmithery Literacy Village savings & Loans Micro-credit Distribution of food & nonfood items Trauma healing and FIOH-UK FIOH-UK Community & FIOH-SL. WFP, CRS, DFID/DRP & Big Lottery through Districts. settlement. Tonkolili & Port Loko Districts Micro Finance Tonkolili Education & Livelihood Project (TELP) Tonkolili Bombali, Tonkolili & Koinadugu Districts Agriculture & Food Security counseling Seeds & Tools distribution Domestic re-stocking WATSAN Life Skills Trainings Village Savings & Loans Micro-credit Micro-enterprise Dev. Trainings Construction of classrooms Pump water wells construction. VIP latrine Skills training and adult Literacy. Rice farming Vegetable production FIOH-UK.. FIOH-UK to community through FIOH-SL. GUERSEY TRUST FUND – UK. WFP & FIOH-UK. THE FUTURE IN OUR HANDS – SIERRA LEONE EBOLA RURAL COMMUNITY AWEARNESS RAISING PROJECT - BREAKDOWN BUDGET No 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION Training of trainers Preventive gears Radio discussion programme Hand wash equipments Information Education Communication (IEC)materials GRAND TOTAL UNIT CHCs Staff Airtime/slots set Villages QUANTITY 75 15 12 75 75 UNIT COST ($) 25 50 100 250 1,000 TOTAL COST ($) 1,875 750 1,200 18,750 75,000 97,575