Week 9 – Intermediate
I like … you like …
She/he likes …
We like …
They like …
I don’t like …
You don’t like …
She/he doesn’t like …
We don’t like …
They don’t like …
Do you like …?
Does she/he like …?
What do you like …?
Pronunciation j/y
(Food Flashcards in Week 11 – Beginners)
Food (n/f)
Fruit (n/f)
Vegetables (n/f)Pineapple
Green Pepper Orange
Peas Watermelon
Corn Grapes Onion
(Verb Flashcards in Week 9 – Intermediate)
Watching tv doing homework (n/f) …
Playing soccer Swimming in the sea
Milk Hamburgers
Orange Juice Fries
Soft Drink
Fast Food
Practice focus and vocabulary
“What fruit do you like?”
“What vegetables to you like?”
Draw your favourite food – make sentences. “I like…, she likes …. , they like… etc.”
Who am I? – write vocabulary on a post it and paste it on their head. They have to ask questions; am I yellow? And am I a fruit?
Make a recipe – even fruit skewers. Make sure that they think about how much they need of everything. Maybe bring it in the next day so they can make their recipe.
Food pyramid. A lot of children have been exposed to this during VAP. What do you need of what and how much to eat healthy? (Later in the week)
Practice focus more advanced
Ask them what they like to do?
Model how to answer this question with the other volunteer. E.g. Philipp, what do you like to do? – I like swimming in the sea and listening to music. Encourage your students to give longer sentences.
Make two teams. One person of each team asks the questions: “What do you like to do?” the other person got to answer in a complete sentence. Give more points for more complete answers: e.g. swimming (1), I like swimming/swimming in the sea (2), I like swimming in the sea (3), I like swimming in the sea when it is hot (4)
Honduras Child Alliance – PEP
Practice Pronunciation j/y
Week 9 – Intermediate
For this activity pronunciation is important. It isn’t necessary to know the meaning of the word to do this exercise.
Write all the words on the board and practice the difference in pronunciation:
Jail - Yail Jellow – Yellow
Non-sense words (just for pronunciation):
Jet - Yet Joe – Yo!
Jump – Yump Jojo – Yoyo Josh – Yosh Jes - Yes
There are two sides of the room. The J-side and the Y-side, make a sign and hang up the J and
Y letters. Ask the students to move to the side they think is the correct side to what they hear. Name the words in random order.
Give points and see who is the best listener.
Two children sit opposite of each other. Give each student a 12 grid (like in the attachment) and make a divider between them. Each student receives all words on cards. They take turns with saying what card they put on what number. E.g. “Jail on 3”. Both students put Jail on 3.
When all the numbers are filled they take away the divider and check if they have the same.
Think of more different and or difficult word/ non-sense words when it is easy for the kids.
Look/say/cover/write/check vocabulary. Check every Thursday with a quick dictation. To check the answers, let them pass their paper to the person next to them. Give them a different colour and let them check each other’s work. Write down on the dictation Log
Find an easy book in English to read with them. Preferably related to the vocabulary that week. They don´t have to understand every single word but they probably have quite some vocabulary to understand the gist of the book.
Honduras Child Alliance – PEP
Week 9 – Intermediate
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Honduras Child Alliance – PEP