1 Guide for CCE Educators to Train Individuals to Teach CHFFF Purpose: Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness is a curriculum that is best used following training in a group setting. These trainings may be offered regionally as follows: 2 days: active involvement in selected activities, games, food prep, etc., with teach-back practice, or 1 day: active involvement in selected activities, games, food prep, etc., without teach-back practice However, the costs of group training1 have led the Youth Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) PWT to develop this guide to make the curriculum more available and more sustainable over time. Experienced curriculum users in local Cornell Cooperative Extension offices can use the guide to prepare other facilitators (within or beyond the Cornell Cooperative Extension system) who may wish to use CHFFF. The guide attempts to list essential curriculum elements as well as offer suggestions about how to effectively share these in a one-to-one setting. Resources for this Training: CHFFF and CHAT: https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Initiatives/Youth.cfm CHFFF Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tovu6lSBNcc Local CCE Responsibilities/Factors to Consider Training time and content will vary depending on a new user’s experience and knowledge of nutrition concepts presented in CHFFF lessons as well as experience and knowledge working with 8-12 year-olds who will be the recipients of the curriculum. In all sections of this guide, estimated times are included, but as these depend greatly on the knowledge and experience of the trainee, trainers should adapt to fit the training needs. Tailor training sessions to make the most of a person’s previous knowledge and experience so that you spend the greatest amount of time addressing their highest needs in order to deliver CHFFF in an effective way. Use the guide and training options on next page to clarify the minimum and maximum effort you are willing to offer. Contents of this Guide: Section One-to-One Training Options Trainee Homework/Independent Study Tasks Orientation to CHFFF Curriculum Lesson-by-Lesson Training Guides 1 Purpose Choices to make based on available trainer time and knowledge/experience of trainee One-page handout for trainee that summarizes work s/he should do on his/her own prior to training and/or on assignment from trainer Overall orientation to purpose, structure, and unique aspects of CHFFF, including youth development to understand audience Topics to cover in order to facilitate CHFFF lessons (Many lesson sections suggest that the trainer either models or explains an activity. Choosing which approach is up to the trainer.) Page Number(s) 2 3 4-5 6-11 Costs may be related to travel, consultant fee, facility rental, materials, etc. Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 2 One-to-One Training Options Note: Times are approximate and depend greatly on trainer’s assessment of trainee needs 2 Option Comments Obligation by Trainee Orientation Only (for very experienced educators) Orientation Plus Lesson Overviews (See tables below) Overall focus on curriculum goals and how to achieve them Includes demonstrating or explaining all parts of each lesson, including games, plus discussing nutrition background using Flash Cards Trainee Homework / Independent Study Tasks (See page 3), 3-4 hours Trainee Homework / Independent Study Tasks (See page 3) Data collection/ reporting as required Teaching Kit LendOut/Rental Shadowing Experienced Facilitator Conducting CHFFF / Staff Demonstrations Phone Availability: for questions and support For fee by county, optional Data collection/ reporting as required As determined between trainer and trainee During 1-6 lessons, prep time, etc. As needed Data collection/ reporting as required Trainer Time with Trainee 1 hour Total: About 5.5 hours Orientation: 1 hour Lesson 1: 70 minutes Lesson 2: 60 minutes Lesson 3: 45 minutes Lesson 4: 45 minutes Lesson 5: 50 minutes Lesson 6: 60 minutes 30-60 minutes debrief/lesson To be determined Counties may determine their own fees for each type of service they choose to offer. Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. County Fee2 3 Trainee Homework/Independent Study Tasks Task Time Anticipated Where to Find Due by: (assigned by trainer) Prior to meeting with Trainer, trainee should do the following tasks. View CHFFF Webinar 45 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tovu6lSBNcc Download CHFFF Curriculum https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Initiatives/CHFFF.cfm Read CHFFF Introduction 30 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_Intro_032713.pdf Complete Youth Development 20 minutes http://nys4h.cce.cornell.edu/staff/pages/volunteerInvolvement.aspx segment of 4-H Volunteer e Under heading: Development Opportunities for Volunteers and Staff, Learning Course click on “4-H Volunteer e-Learning Course” On welcome/intro page, click on icon: “4-H Volunteer e-Learning Course” Enter first and last name, state: use password VOLUNTEER Select: Youth Development Trainee should do the tasks below as assigned by the Trainer prior to discussion about each lesson. Lesson 1 Read Lesson 1 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_1_SweetenedDrinks_ 031813.pdf Lesson 2 Read Lesson 2 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_2_VegFruits_030413. pdf Lesson 3 Read Lesson 3 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_3_NutritionFactsLab el_030413.pdf Lesson 4 Read Lesson 4 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_4_WholeGrains_0304 13.pdf Lesson 5 Read Lesson 5 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_5_FastFoods_030413 .pdf Lesson 6 Read Lesson 6 20 minutes https://fnec.cornell.edu/Documents/CHFFF/CHFFF_6_EatBreakfast_0304 13.pdf Optional Prepare and try some recipes Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 4 Orientation to the CHFFF Curriculum This table outlines topics to cover in an orientation to CHFFF. It assumes that trainee has done the independent study above. Topic Website Access to CHFFF Orientation to CHFFF Purpose (60 Min) Time 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min Show/Tell/Do (Model or explain as best fits need) Identify all necessary files on website and address trainee questions from homework/independent study. CHFFF Introduction: Note: not appropriate for children under age 8 and recommended group size is 10-12 Behavior Goals Lesson Structure (high level overview) Resource https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Initiativ es/Youth.cfm Pages iv-vii of CHFFF Introduction CHFFF Lesson Features Hands-on, interactive learning Experiential Learning and the 4-A Dialogue Approach Fun active games (in lesson, plus extras) Food prep with veggie or fruit in each recipe (in lesson, plus extras) Goal-setting Family Newsletters Six sequential lessons (scripted to deliver key nutrition messages in most engaging way and in least time) Importance of using real product labels (products specifically chosen to fit teaching goal of lessons) Page viii of Intro Pages xi-xiii of Intro, or actual walk through Lesson 1 Page xiv, xviii-xix of Intro, or Recipe and Games Appendices, plus sample lesson Pages xv-xvii Scanned food labels on website Teaching Kit (if choosing to lend it out) Continued, page 5 Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 5 Orientation to the CHFFF Curriculum (continued) Youth Development/ Youth Engagement 10 min Leading Games 5 min Preparation and Teaching Kit 10 min Ask trainee to raise any questions generated after their completion of the module on Positive Youth Development (See page 3) Review CHAT Handouts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4 Note the teaching tips within CHFFF lessons Teaching Tips for different ages/stages of development (TBD 2014) Importance of including active play in lessons to model activity and offer alternatives Leadership skills for maximal activity Games chosen intentionally to encourage movement; if all kids move and have fun, that’s success! Discuss printing instructions Teaching Kit and Master Supply List Volunteer e-Learning Module (see above for link and instructions) CHAT Handouts, pages 18-22 CHFFF Teaching Tips for Adult Facilitators (in lessons) CHFFF Introduction, Active Games Guide/Leadership Tips YouTube CATCH videos for examples of how to effectively lead active play games. https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Initiative s/Youth.cfm Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 6 Lesson-by-Lesson Training Guides Lesson 1: Drink Low-Fat Milk and Water Instead of Sweetened Drinks Topic Time* 5 min 10 min 5 min Show/Tell/Do (Model or explain as best fits need) Lesson Overview and Structure Nutrition Background Note: Lessons teach specific nutrition messages targeted to children’s developmental readiness and attention spans. Background offers extra info for facilitator confidence that is not intended to be taught. Games – model or explain: Instant Replay, All My Neighbors, Calcium Relay, Body Stir-Up Anchor – model or explain 5 min Lesson 1 (65 Min) 10 min Add – model or explain: ‘Go, Slow, Stop’ drinks, referring back to Nutrition Background and Flash Cards Resource CHFFF Lesson 1 Nutrition Background Flash Cards Active Games 1-4 Lesson Material and Supply List Lesson, including Poster 1-1 and 1-2 Nutrition Background Material and Supply List Visual Aid 1-1 (page 1 and 2) Poster 1-3 Introduction, pages, ix-x 10 min Apply – model or explain: station set-up and sugar measuring activity 5 min Away – model or explain: importance and process of goal-setting in lessons, including having youth write their goals in family newsletter 3 min Food Prep – model or explain: with/without electric options Discuss recipes: Fruit Yogurt Smoothie and Water with a Twist Recipe Appendix 2 min Family Newsletter – model or explain: importance of family involvement Handout 1-1 Family Newsletter 5 min Materials and Supplies – Review where to find comprehensive list, including in Teaching Kit Lesson Intro Table of Contents / Print Instructions https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Ini tiatives/CHFFF.cfm Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 1” Your accumulated wisdom from teaching CHFFF 5 min Teaching Tips * Times will vary based on the trainee’s experience, knowledge, and preparation. Review the page of Teaching Tips (“Facilitate Well During Lesson ___”) in each lesson as you conclude training on each lesson, or during each component of the lesson (Anchor, Add, Apply, Away, etc., as the tips are divided by these same categories). Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 7 Lesson 2: Eat a Rainbow! Eat More Vegetables and Fruits Lesson 2 (60 min) Topic Time 2 min 10 min 10 min 3 min Show/Do/Tell (Model or explain as best fits need) Lesson Overview Nutrition Background (Note again: Background offers more info to help facilitators feel confident, but is not intended to be taught.) Games – model or explain: Streamers Galore, Fruit and Veggie Toss, Under the Cone Scavenger Hunt, and Double Tag Bridge from Lesson 1 – explain purpose and necessary brevity 2 min Anchor – model or explain 10 min Add – Demo or go through in detail: Why veggies and fruit are important Colors and types with samples Healthy Plate and activity Apply – discuss station set-up using Visual Aid 2-V-4 (station instructions) and use of food cards Resource CHFFF Lesson 2 Nutrition Background Flash Cards 10 min 2 min Away – model or explain goal-setting options 3 min 2 min Food Prep – discuss recipes: Orange and White Fries and Garden Salad with Vinaigrette Family Newsletter – discuss importance of family involvement Materials and Supplies – Review where to find comprehensive lists 5 min Teaching Tips Active Games 1-4, plus Under Cone Activity Cards Lesson Goal-Setting Poster Lesson Visual Aid 2-V-1 Lesson, including Visual Aids 2V-2, and 2-V-3, Poster 2-1/6-1 MyPlate.gov Nutrition Background Food Cards Material and Supply List; food card sorting for stations Poster 2-2 Intro, pages, ix-x; clover goalrecording option for younger kids Recipes Recipe Appendix Handout 2-1 Family Newsletter Lesson https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_In itiatives/CHFFF.cfm Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 2!” Your accumulated wisdom from teaching CHFFF Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 8 Lesson 3: Read it Before You Eat It! The Nutrition Facts Label Topic Time 2 min 10 min 10 min 2 min 5 min Resource CHFFF Lesson 3 Nutrition Background Flash Cards Active Games 1-4, plus Fitness Leader Activity Cards Lesson Goal-Setting Poster Lesson Lesson, including Poster 3-1 Scanned food labels Poster 3-2 Handout 3-1 Family Newsletter Lesson https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_In itiatives/CHFFF.cfm Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 3!” Your own accumulated wisdom from teaching CHFFF Anchor – model or explain: Show cans without labels, ask what you need to see what’s inside Add – model or explain or go through in detail: Use Poster 3-1 to point out where to find fat and sugar on Nutrition Facts Label Apply – model or explain / show how to do: Salty snack grab bag and line-up Sweet snack grab bag and line-up Away – goal-setting options Bridge to Lesson 4 Food Prep – discuss with/without electric options Discuss recipes: Hummus with Veggies and Pita and Apple Cinnamon Wrap and Roll Family Newsletter – discuss importance of family involvement 2 min Materials and Supplies – Review where to find scanned food labels 5 min Teaching Tips 5 min Lesson 3 (45 min) Show/Do/Tell (Model or explain as best fits need) Lesson Overview Nutrition Background (Note focus label reading on fat and sugar only.) Games – model or explain: My Bonnie, Stretching Mirrors, Elbow Tag, Fitness Leaders Bridge from Lesson 2 10 min 1 min 2 min 3 min Recipe Appendix Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 9 Lesson 4: Make Half Your Grains Whole! Eat More Whole Grains Lesson 4 (45 min) Topic Time 2 min 10 min 10 min 2 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 1 min 1 min 5 min Show/Do/Tell (Model or explain as best fits need) Lesson Overview Nutrition Background (Note: focus on fiber and ingredient list to find whole grains.) Games – model or explain: Conga Spirals, Musical Hoops, Cupid Shuffle, Heart Alert Bridge from Lesson 3 Anchor – model or explain. Show 4-V-1 Like It/Don’t Like it Signs and list of grains Add – model or explain. Show bags of whole and non-whole grains, Visual Aid 4-V-2 Whole Grain Parts, Poster 4-1 Make You’re your Grains Whole! Use Poster 4-2 to show where to look for fiber and the word ‘whole’ in ingredient list on Nutrition Facts Label; and Poster 4-3 to show what whole grains to look for Apply – model or explain: fiber relay race Resource CHFFF Lesson 4 Nutrition Background Flash Cards Active Games 1-4; Guide to finding music Lesson and Goal-Setting Poster Lesson Visual Aid 4-V-1 Lesson, including Visual Aid 4-V2 and Posters 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 Scanned food labels Poster 4-4 Recipe Appendix; Optional Handout 4-1 Bread-inBag Handout 4-2 Family Newsletter 1 min Away – goal-setting options Bridge to Lesson 5 Food Prep – discuss pros and challenges of making the optional BreadIn-A-Bag with kids, including recipe and 4-V-3 Assembly Line Labels Discuss recipes: Oatmeal Pancakes with Applesauce and Veggie PickPockets Family Newsletter – discuss importance of family involvement 2 min Materials and Supplies – Review where to find scanned food labels Lesson and https://fnec.cornell.edu/Our_Init iatives/CHFFF.cfm 5 min Teaching Tips Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 4!” Your own accumulated wisdom from teaching CHFFF Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 10 Lesson 5: Healthier Food – Fast: Eat Fewer High-Fat, High Sugar Foods Lesson 5 (50 Min) Topic Time 2 min 10 min Show/Do/Tell (Model or explain as best fits need) Lesson Overview Nutrition Background (Note: although there are additional reasons to cut down on fast and convenience foods, focus on those identified on Poster 5-1) Games – model or explain: Table for Three, Hospital Tag, Fast Food Relay, Dragons Tail Bridge from Lesson 4 Anchor – model or explain Add – model or explain: Fast foods low in veggies, fruits, whole grains; high in fat, sugar, and calories often with sweetened drinks and large portion sizes. One option: choose smaller sizes or share an order Apply 1 – Model or explain: making a Big Mac demo Blubber Burger stations to have children make and display Blubber Burgers from 6 restaurants Apply 2 – model or explain: choosing healthier meal options from Visual Aid 5-V-2 Menu Cards Away – Use Poster 5-3 to sum up ways to eat healthier food fast. Goal-setting options Bridge to Lesson 6 – a summary lesson Food Prep – Discuss recipes for Broccoli Black Bean Quesadillas or Tortilla Roll-Ups Resource CHFFF Lesson 5 Nutrition Background Flash Cards Poster 5-1 Active Games 1-4 10 min 2 min 2 min 3 min Lesson and Goal-Setting Poster Lesson Lesson, including Posters 5-1, and 5-2 5 min Lesson, including Visual Aid 5-V1 Blubber Burger Cards 5 min Lesson, including Visual Aid 5-V2 Fast Food Menu Cards Lesson, including Posters 5-3 and 5-4 1 min Recipe Appendix Family Newsletter – discuss importance of family involvement Handout 5-1 Family Newsletter 2 min Materials and Supplies – Review Blubber Burger supplies Lesson and website 5 min Teaching Tips Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 5!” Your accumulated wisdom teaching CHFFF 1 min 3 min Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu. 11 Lesson 6: Power Up Your Day: Eat Breakfast! Topic Time 2 min Lesson 6 (60 Min) 10 min 10 min Show/Do/Tell (Model or explain as best fits need) Resource Lesson Overview Nutrition Background (Remind facilitators to stick to the lesson’s Add) Games – model or explain: Fitness Tag, Breakfast Shake, Triangle Tag, Fitness Speedway CHFFF Lesson 6 Nutrition Background Flash Cards Active Games 1-4; Bridge from Lesson 5 Anchor – model or explain: Add – Explain “Why Breakfast is Important” activity Model or explain: Healthy breakfast includes at least 1 veg or fruit, plus dairy or protein, plus a grain (ideally a whole grain) Apply – Model or explain Breakfast Olympics station set-up: Compare sugar and fiber in cereals Compare fat in fast foods Compare fat in convenience food breakfasts Create Wild Card breakfasts that include veggie or fruit Away – Take a Healthy Step goal-setting Wrap Up and End of Series Celebration Discuss options to celebrate Food Prep – Discuss recipes for Breakfast Parfait and Quick Fruit Scones Lesson and Goal-Setting Poster Lesson Lesson, including Visual Aid 6-V-1, and Poster 2-1/6-1 Lesson, including Visual Aids 6-V-2 Fast Food Frenzy Menu, and Handout 6-1 Breakfast Olympics Scorecard Lesson, including Poster 6-2 Your experiences Recipes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S ZlL5s0uksM demo’s Triangle Tag 2 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 1 min 3 min 2 min Family Newsletter – Note that this is the only place CHFFF discusses screen time 2 min Materials and Supplies – Review all supplies and website contents Lesson and website 5 min Teaching Tips Teaching Tips: “Facilitate Well During Lesson 6!” Your accumulated wisdom teaching CHFFF 5 min Handout 6-2 Family Newsletter Developed by Sally Crosiar with Cornell Cooperative Extension HEAL PWT input, Oct. 2013. For info, ww16@cornell.edu.