Chapter 21 outline GHP

Mrs. Paulus
GHP World Studies
Chapter 21 Shadows Over the Pacific: East Asia Under Challenge
The Decline of the Manchus
a. Opium and Rebellion
b. The Climax of Imperialism in China
i. Opening the Door to China
c. Collapse of the Old Order
Chinese Society in Transition
a. Daily Life
A Rich Country and a Strong State: The Rise of Modern Japan
a. An End to Isolation
b. The Meiji Restoration
i. The Transformation of Japanese Politics
ii. Meiji Economics
iii. Building a Modern Social Structure
c. Joining the Imperialist Club
d. Japanese Culture in Transition
e. The Meiji Restoration: A Revolution from Above
Blue Boxed Reading Questions (Primary Sources):
1. 1.“A Letter of Advice to the Queen”------Is this letter an exercise in futility,
in view of its patronizing tone? Did the arrogance and greed of British
drug traders and government make a moral appeal by Chinese useless?
2. “An Appeal for Change in China”--------What reforms does Wang Tao
advocate in this excerpt, and why? Why were many Chinese officials
reluctant to listen to Wang Tao’s warnings? Was he correct in his
predictions about China’s future relations with Western technology and
Western culture?
3. “Program for a New China”------Is Sun Yat-sen’s program democratic
and/or socialistic? How much of his program reflected traditional China
and how many could be considered “modern”?
4. “A Letter to the Shogun”------Does President Filmore’s letter contain hints
of the arrogance of Western expansionist ideas? What do you think might
have happened if “no” had indeed been the reply given to the president?
What has changed in Japan, and the world, since the beginning of the
Tokugawa Shogunate in the early 1600’s?
5. “Programs for Reform in Japan”-----Why were the stipulations found in tis
passage stated in such vague terms? Was Japanese willingness to borrow
from other societies a source of strength? What were the objectives of
the Charter Oath? Were they achieved?
6. “In the Beginning, We Were the Sun”-------What does this excerpt
contend was the meaning of “true liberation”? How does it compare with
the ideas of feminists elsewhere at the time? How does it compare with
feminist ideas today?
7. “The Rules of Good Citizenship in Meiji Japan”------Are there any
Confucian attitudes reflected in the rules? In what way did it fit into the
“new” Japan being created by the Meiji reformers?
8. Two Views of the World”-----Are these declarations designed to explain
why each government is declaring war or to build support for its side?
Which nation presents the most convincing claim? Does it appear that
either Japan or China was truly concerned about the desires
1. The Qing
2. Macartney
3. Opium trade and Opium War
4. Treaty of Nanjing
5. Extraterritoriality
6. “Heavenly Kingdom of Supreme Peace”
7. Treaty of Tianjin
8. “self-strengthening”
9. Spheres of influence
10. Open Door
11. Boxer Rebellion
12. Sun Yat-sen
13. Revolutionary Alliance
14. “Nationalism, Democracy and People’s Livelihood”
15. Yuan Shikai
16. Foot binding
17. Commodore Matthew C Perry
18. Treaty of Kanagawa
19. Meiji Restoration
20. Charter Oath of 1868
21. The Diet
22. “three obedience’s”
23. Russo-Japanese War
24. “yellow peril”