WWII-In a nutshell New Leaders in Europe • Josef Stalin o Communism o Leader of U.S.S.R o Totalitarianism • Gov’t has complete control over its citizens • Benito Mussolini o Fascism o Leader of Italy • Stressed nationalism and placed the needs of the state above those of the individual • Power rested with a single strong leader and a group of devoted party leaders More new leaders • Adolf Hitler o Leader of Germany o Nazi • Extreme form of fascism o Powerful public speaker • Called himself “der fuher” the leader o o o o Wrote Mien Kampf (My Struggle) Wanted racial purification to an Aryan race Took control of Germany in 1932 Established the “Third Reich” Third Empire Hitler’s Aggression • Part of Nazi plan was expansionism • Hitler invaded and took over Austria in 1937 • Also charged that the Czechs were abusing the German speaking people of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia o Also wanted to expand Germany’s control and resources Sudetenland • France and Great Britain offered to protect CZ. • Neville Chamberlain was P.M. of G.B. • A conference was called by Hitler to solve the situation • French premier and Chamberlain were invited to Munich • Hitler said that the Sudetenland would be his last territorial demand Appeasement • Signed “Munich Agreement” Sept. 20, 1938 o Turned Sudetenland over to Germany • Chamberlain came home and pronounced that he had achieved “peace in our time”. • Winston Churchill o Chamberlain’s political rival in parliament • Believed that Chamberlain had appeased Hitler o “Britain had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor.” o Believed that Hitler would want more-He was right Poland • Once CZ was conquered, Hitler moved against Poland • Most believed that Hitler was bluffing o Might begin a war with Soviets, French, and British o Wouldn’t risk a two front war • Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939 o Secret vow was to split Poland between them Defenses • The Nazis had control of Poland in three weeks o Allies were not able to set up defenses that quickly o France and Britain set up defenses in Eastern France • Some newspapers called it a “Phony War” o No fighting was going on • Stalin annexed Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania and began to take over Finland in late 1939 • Chamberlain was replaced as P.M. by Winston Churchill War Expansion • Hitler launched an invasion of Denmark and Norway in April 1940 o Needed bases to attack G.B. • The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg were next on Hitler’s hit list o End of the phony war France • Italy began taking Southern France • Germans pushed into Paris • Nazis controlled Northern France o Puppet gov’t was set up in France • “Vichy Government” set up in the south • Gen. Charles DeGualle fled France after it fell o Set up a gov’t in exile in England FDR’s Support for the War • Roosevelt was willing to help France and England o The country wanted to stay isolated • FDR created a “cash and carry program” o We would sell arms but only if they paid in cash and picked them up themselves (1939) Axis Powers • Tripartite Treaty o Germany, Italy, and Japan o If war was declared by U.S. it would face a two ocean war. • U.S. began building defenses o 1940 Selective Service Act • 16 million men age 21-35 registered • Drafted 1 million men at a time for 1 year at a time • Poor Army, fat and untrained Election of 1940 • FDR ran for a third term o Refused to actually say he was a candidate until he was nominated • Ran against Wendell Wilkie • FDR won with 55% of the vote • Led FDR to strengthen aid to Europe Lend Lease • FDR would lend European allies supplies that would either be returned at the end of the war or replaced. o Saw this as lending a garden hose to a neighbor if his house was burning • Roosevelt believed that, given the chance, Hitler would attack US o Saw this as a measure to try and defeat Hitler Lend Lease cont. • FDR wanted the US to be the “Arsenal of Democracy” • Also gave aid to Soviets • Hitler invaded USSR in1941 ending the N-A pact of ’39 • “If Hitler invaded Hell, the British would be prepared to work with the devil himself” -Winston Churchill FDR at home • FDR was keeping the US war prepared on a shoestring o Extension of the draft barely passed the house • Couldn’t ask for a dec. of war but wasn’t doing anything to prevent one • There had been some naval confrontations between U-boats and US ships What about Japan? • Most of the focus was on Hitler • French, Dutch, and British were fighting for their homeland o Left pacific colonies unprotected • • • • Japan began expanding into East Asia 1937 Japan invaded Manchuria in China 1941 invaded French Indochina (Vietnam) U.S. protested invasions by cutting off oil to Japan Tojo • Japan was ruled by Emperor Hirohito • Hideki Tojo was the Army Chief of Staff o Held most of the power • Peace talks began between US and Japan in 1941 but broke down Pearl Harbor • November 1941, Tojo told Navy to prepare for attack • U.S. had broken Japanese code and knew an attack was planned o Expected it last week of November • December 6, 1941 Japanese ambassador told to reject any US peace plan Pearl Harbor cont. • US sent warnings to Pacific bases: o Philippines o Panama Canal o Pearl Harbor • Attack came at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 @7:55 am • Battleships were lined up perfectly to be destroyed by bombs and torpedoes Pearl Harbor cont. • 180 planes from 6 carriers • Less than 2 hrs. 2,403 Americans were wounded 1,178 killed • Larger scale damage than the navy incurred in all of WWI WAR!! • FDR asked Congress for a declaration of war on Dec. 8 • Called Dec. 7th “A day of infamy” • Germany, honoring the Tripartite Pact of 1941, declared war on US Dec. 11, 1941 New Kind of War • Past battles had focused on using battleships o Most were destroyed at PH • Aircraft carriers had pulled out of PH prior to the attack o Dawn of depending on navel airplanes • “I fear all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve” -Admiral Yamamoto Battle of the Atlantic • Hitler began to attack ships on the Atlantic to try to stop goods from getting to the allies • “wolf packs” began to attack Allied ships • Allies brought back the convoy system from WWI • Ships carrying goods were surrounded by a group of military ships, submarines, and planes • Traveled in large groups Battle of the Atlantic cont. • Convoy system also included ships with sonar and radar • U-boats were being destroyed faster than they could be replaced • US was producing 140 “liberty ships” each month o Not really well built, but easily replaceable • Allies were winning the Battle of the Atlantic by mid’43 Battle of Stalingrad • Germans took the offensive in southern Soviet Union • Wanted to wipe out Stalingrad o Major industrial city • Stalingrad was attacked for weeks • Winter set in and the Soviets surrounded the mostly German controlled city Stalingrad cont. • • • • • Soviets cut off German supply lines Hitler ordered his troops to stay and fight Germans surrendered Jan. 31, 1943 Soviets lost 1,100,000 troops During the battle, Stalin wanted a second allied front opened up to take some of the pressure off of him Operation Torch • Tried to take pressure off of Stalin • Allies invaded North Africa • Dwight Eisenhower commanded the Allied troops o American General o Would command the Allies in Europe for the rest of the war • Gens. George S. Patton and Omar Bradley along with Field Marshal Montgomery defeated Rommell’s Afrika Korps Operation Torch cont. • Following success in North Africa, the allies landed in Sicily and moved north into Italy • Mussolini was forced in July ’43 to resign and was beaten to death by his own people • Allies got caught up just outside Rome o o o o “Bloody Anzio” Lasted 4 months 25,000 Allies dead 30,000 Axis dead Race War • Tuskegee Airmen o All black squadron fought with distinction in Sicily and Italy o Thought to be too unintelligent to fly • Japanese Americans also fought in Italy o Were not allowed to fight in the Pacific o 442nd Regimental Combat Team • All 2nd gen. Japanese Americans • Most decorated unit in U.S. History Douglas MacArthur • After P.H. Japan took control over a major area of the Pacific • Japanese forced Gen. Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines o Left some US troops there to fight w/ Filipino rebels (March 1942) o “I shall return” Doolittle’s Raid • Lt. Col. James Doolittle led a raid of bombers off carriers and bombed Tokyo in April ’42 • Japanese moral was damaged o Believed that they were safe Battle of Midway • Americans had broken the code of Japanese • Knew about where next attack would come • Admiral Chester Nimitz was the commander of US naval forces • Found the Japanese fleet and bombed it before it could inflict too much pain on Midway Island Midway cont. • US planes were able to attack while the Japanese planes were still on the decks of their carriers • Japanese lost 4 carriers, a cruiser, 250 planes • Battle of Midway was a turning point in the war in the Pacific New War Plan in Pacific • MacArthur created a hopscotch plan to defeat the Japanese • Attack some islands while leaving others behind o Plan was to cut off supplies to those islands not attacked and let them “wither and die” Europe-Operation Overlord • Planned invasion of Normandy o 3 million US, British, and Canadian troops o Some dropped by air, others came by sea • D-Day o June 6, 1944 o Largest air-sea operation in history o Utah and Omaha beaches (US) o Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches (British) Europe - D-Day • Heavy casualties on beaches, but not as much as planned o 70% casualty rate planned o 30% actual • 1 million troops crossed through Northern France within a month of D-Day Europe – Post D-Day • After D-Day Gens. Bradley and Patton advanced through France • By Sept. ’44 France, Luxembourg, and Belgium were free • Helped to elect FDR to a fourth term o New running mate: Harry Truman Europe-Battle of the Bulge • Allies began to invade Germany o Took Aacher in October ’44 • Nazis responded by an offensive against the Allies • Nazi tanks drove 60 miles into Allied lines o Last ditch offensive on the Nazi’s part • Lasted 1 month – turned the war Back back2 Europe-Battle of the Bulge • Germans lost: o o o o 120,000 troops 600 tanks 1,600 planes Could not be replaced • Allies continued to push at Germany from both East and West Europe – Coming to an End • Soviets invaded Poland and began freeing Death Camp prisoners • FDR didn’t think that he could free the camps and still keep focused on beating Hitler Pacific- Back to the Philippines • MacArthur continued to the Philippines o Returned in ’44 • Battle of Lete Gulf o Japanese began Kamikaze attacks o “divine wind” o Suicide missions that crashed planes into ships o Sunk 16 ships and damaged 80 Pacific- Back to the Philippines • Battle of Lete Gulf lasted 3 days • Crippled the Japanese Navy o Lost: • 3 battleships • 4 carriers • 13 cruises • 500 planes Pacific-Iwo Jima • After Philippines, MacArthur needed Iwo Jima as a bomber base • Defended by 27,000 Japanese • 6,000 marines died taking Iwo Jima o Most lost in the Pacific up to that point Back back2 Pacific-Okinawa • April ’45 • 1,900 Kamikaze attacks o Sunk 30 ships o Damaged 300 more o 5,000 seamen killed • US faced stronger opposition than in Iwo Jima • 7,600 Americans died • 110,000 Japanese died • Invasion of Japan could lead to even more dead Yalta Conference • Close to victory in ’45 • Stalin, Churchill, and FDR meet at Yalta to discuss division of Europe • Stalin wanted to punish Germany and divide Germany into occupied zones • Churchill strongly disagreed • FDR mediated Yalta cont. • FDR wanted: o Soviets to join war against Japan o Soviet support for the new UN • Agreed to temp. division of Germany o British, Soviet, and US • Stalin promised free elections in Poland and agreed to enter into the war with Japan Harry S Truman • FDR died April 12, 1945 • Truman took over • FDR left Truman on the outside of most decisions o No Knowledge of the Manhattan Project Victory in Europe • V-E Day May 8, 1945 • Soviets moved in and took Berlin • Hitler committed suicide and left orders that his body be burned Potsdam Conference • July ’45 • “Big 3” met again • Churchill's party had lost elections o Churchill was replaced as P.M. • Stalin had changed o Probably knew of A-bomb o Hadn’t intended to provide Poland with free elections Manhattan Project • • • • Led by J.Robert Oppenheimer Top secret project First test was July 16, 1945 Truman ordered the dropping of two bombs Manhattan Project cont. • • • • • August 6, 1945 b-29 “Enola Gay” dropped “little boy” on Hiroshima Leveled the city Japan refused to surrender Three days later “fat man” dropped on Nagasaki o 200,000 people died • Sept. 2, 1945 Japan signed the surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay • V-J Day Occupation of Japan • MacArthur controlled Japan after the war • 1,100 Japanese were tried for war crimes o 7 sentenced to death, including Tojo, for atrocities against civilians or P.O.W.s • 7 year occupation of Japan by MacArthur • Introduced: o o o o Free market economy New constitution Women’s suffrage Basic freedoms Occupation of Japan cont. • The Emperor was allowed to continue to help the transition from the old world to the new democracy • Had to admit to not being a god Paying for the War in Europe • 24 surviving Nazi leaders were put on trial for : o Crimes against Humanity • Murder • Enslavement • Extermination o War Crimes • Killing hostages • Plundering private property • Destruction of towns and cities o Crimes against the Peace • Planning and waging an aggressive war