Mien Kampf

New Leaders in Europe
• Josef Stalin
o Communism
o Leader of U.S.S.R
o Totalitarianism
• Gov’t has complete control over its citizens
• Benito Mussolini
o Fascism
o Leader of Italy
• Stressed nationalism and placed
the needs of the state above those
of the individual
• Power rested with a single strong
leader and a group of devoted party leaders
More new leaders
• Adolf Hitler
o Leader of Germany
o Nazi
• Extreme form of fascism
o Powerful public speaker
• Called himself “der fuher” the leader
Wrote Mien Kampf (My Struggle)
Wanted racial purification to an Aryan race
Took control of Germany in 1932
Established the “Third Reich” Third Empire
Hitler’s Aggression
• Part of Nazi plan was expansionism
• Hitler invaded and took over Austria in 1937
• Also charged that the Czechs were abusing the
German speaking people of the Sudetenland in
o Also wanted to expand Germany’s control and resources
• France and Great Britain offered to protect
• Neville Chamberlain was P.M. of G.B.
• A conference was called by Hitler to solve
the situation
• French premier and Chamberlain were
invited to Munich
• Hitler said that the Sudetenland would be his
last territorial demand
• Signed “Munich Agreement” Sept. 20, 1938
o Turned Sudetenland over to Germany
• Chamberlain came home and pronounced
that he had achieved “peace in our time”.
• Winston Churchill
o Chamberlain’s political rival in parliament
• Believed that Chamberlain had appeased Hitler
o “Britain had to choose between war and
dishonor. They chose dishonor.”
o Believed that Hitler would want more-He was
• Once CZ was conquered, Hitler moved
against Poland
• Most believed that Hitler was bluffing
o Might begin a war with Soviets, French, and
o Wouldn’t risk a two front war
• Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with
Hitler in 1939
o Secret vow was to split Poland between them
• The Nazis had control of Poland in three
o Allies were not able to set up defenses that
o France and Britain set up defenses in Eastern
• Some newspapers called it a “Phony War”
o No fighting was going on
• Stalin annexed Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania
and began to take over Finland in late 1939
• Chamberlain was replaced as P.M. by
Winston Churchill
War Expansion
• Hitler launched an invasion of Denmark and
Norway in April 1940
o Needed bases to attack G.B.
• The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg were
next on Hitler’s hit list
o End of the phony war
• Italy began taking Southern France
• Germans pushed into Paris
• Nazis controlled Northern France
o Puppet gov’t was set up in France
• “Vichy Government” set up in the south
• Gen. Charles DeGualle fled France after it fell
o Set up a gov’t in exile in England
FDR’s Support for the War
• Roosevelt was willing to help France and England
o The country wanted to stay isolated
• FDR created a “cash and carry program”
o We would sell arms but only if they paid in cash and picked them up
themselves (1939)
Axis Powers
• Tripartite Treaty
o Germany, Italy, and Japan
o If war was declared by U.S. it would face a two ocean war.
• U.S. began building defenses
o 1940 Selective Service Act
• 16 million men age 21-35 registered
• Drafted 1 million men at a time for 1 year at a time
• Poor Army, fat and untrained
Election of 1940
• FDR ran for a third term
o Refused to actually say he was a candidate until he was nominated
• Ran against Wendell Wilkie
• FDR won with 55% of the vote
• Led FDR to strengthen aid to Europe
Lend Lease
• FDR would lend European allies supplies that would
either be returned at the end of the war or
o Saw this as lending a garden hose to a neighbor if his house was burning
• Roosevelt believed that, given the chance, Hitler
would attack US
o Saw this as a measure to try and defeat Hitler
Lend Lease cont.
• FDR wanted the US to be the “Arsenal of
• Also gave aid to Soviets
• Hitler invaded USSR in1941 ending the N-A pact of
• “If Hitler invaded Hell, the British would be prepared
to work with the devil himself”
-Winston Churchill
FDR at home
• FDR was keeping the US war prepared on a
o Extension of the draft barely passed the house
• Couldn’t ask for a dec. of war but wasn’t doing
anything to prevent one
• There had been some naval confrontations
between U-boats and US ships
What about Japan?
• Most of the focus was on Hitler
• French, Dutch, and British were fighting for
their homeland
o Left pacific colonies unprotected
Japan began expanding into East Asia
1937 Japan invaded Manchuria in China
1941 invaded French Indochina (Vietnam)
U.S. protested invasions by cutting off oil to
• Japan was ruled by Emperor Hirohito
• Hideki Tojo was the Army Chief of Staff
o Held most of the power
• Peace talks began between US and Japan in 1941
but broke down
Pearl Harbor
• November 1941, Tojo told Navy to prepare for
• U.S. had broken Japanese code and knew an
attack was planned
o Expected it last week of November
• December 6, 1941 Japanese ambassador told to
reject any US peace plan
Pearl Harbor cont.
• US sent warnings to Pacific bases:
o Philippines
o Panama Canal
o Pearl Harbor
• Attack came at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 @7:55
• Battleships were lined up perfectly to be destroyed
by bombs and torpedoes
Pearl Harbor cont.
• 180 planes from 6 carriers
• Less than 2 hrs. 2,403 Americans were wounded
1,178 killed
• Larger scale damage than the navy incurred in all
of WWI
• FDR asked Congress
for a declaration of
war on Dec. 8
• Called Dec. 7th “A
day of infamy”
• Germany, honoring
the Tripartite Pact of
1941, declared war
on US Dec. 11, 1941
New Kind of War
• Past battles had focused on using battleships
o Most were destroyed at PH
• Aircraft carriers had pulled out of PH prior to the
o Dawn of depending on navel airplanes
• “I fear all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant
and filled it with a terrible resolve”
-Admiral Yamamoto
Battle of the Atlantic
• Hitler began to attack ships on the Atlantic to try to
stop goods from getting to the allies
• “wolf packs” began to attack Allied ships
• Allies brought back the convoy system from WWI
• Ships carrying goods were surrounded by a group of military ships,
submarines, and planes
• Traveled in large groups
Battle of the Atlantic cont.
• Convoy system also included ships with sonar and
• U-boats were being destroyed faster than they
could be replaced
• US was producing 140 “liberty ships” each month
o Not really well built, but easily replaceable
• Allies were winning the Battle of the Atlantic by mid’43
Battle of Stalingrad
• Germans took the offensive in southern Soviet Union
• Wanted to wipe out Stalingrad
o Major industrial city
• Stalingrad was attacked for weeks
• Winter set in and the Soviets surrounded the mostly
German controlled city
Stalingrad cont.
Soviets cut off German supply lines
Hitler ordered his troops to stay and fight
Germans surrendered Jan. 31, 1943
Soviets lost 1,100,000 troops
During the battle, Stalin wanted a second allied
front opened up to take some of the pressure off of
Operation Torch
• Tried to take pressure off of Stalin
• Allies invaded North Africa
• Dwight Eisenhower commanded the Allied troops
o American General
o Would command the Allies in Europe for the rest of the
• Gens. George S. Patton and Omar Bradley along
with Field Marshal Montgomery defeated Rommell’s
Afrika Korps
Operation Torch cont.
• Following success in North Africa, the allies landed
in Sicily and moved north into Italy
• Mussolini was forced in July ’43 to resign and was
beaten to death by his own people
• Allies got caught up just outside Rome
“Bloody Anzio”
Lasted 4 months
25,000 Allies dead
30,000 Axis dead
Race War
• Tuskegee Airmen
o All black squadron fought with distinction in Sicily and Italy
o Thought to be too unintelligent to fly
• Japanese Americans also fought in Italy
o Were not allowed to fight in the Pacific
o 442nd Regimental Combat Team
• All 2nd gen. Japanese Americans
• Most decorated unit in U.S. History
Douglas MacArthur
• After P.H. Japan took control over a major area of
the Pacific
• Japanese forced Gen. Douglas MacArthur out of
the Philippines
o Left some US troops there to fight w/ Filipino rebels (March 1942)
o “I shall return”
Doolittle’s Raid
• Lt. Col. James Doolittle led a raid of bombers off
carriers and bombed Tokyo in April ’42
• Japanese moral was damaged
o Believed that they were safe
Battle of Midway
• Americans had broken the code of Japanese
• Knew about where next attack would come
• Admiral Chester Nimitz was the commander of US
naval forces
• Found the Japanese fleet and bombed it before it
could inflict too much pain on Midway Island
Midway cont.
• US planes were able to attack while the Japanese
planes were still on the decks of their carriers
• Japanese lost 4 carriers, a cruiser, 250 planes
• Battle of Midway was a turning point in the war in
the Pacific
New War Plan in Pacific
• MacArthur created a hopscotch plan to defeat the
• Attack some islands while leaving others behind
o Plan was to cut off supplies to those islands not attacked and let them
“wither and die”
• Planned invasion of
o 3 million US, British, and
Canadian troops
o Some dropped by air, others
came by sea
• D-Day
o June 6, 1944
o Largest air-sea operation in
o Utah and Omaha beaches
o Gold, Juno, and Sword
beaches (British)
Europe - D-Day
• Heavy casualties on beaches, but not as much as
o 70% casualty rate planned
o 30% actual
• 1 million troops crossed through Northern France
within a month of D-Day
Europe – Post D-Day
• After D-Day Gens.
Bradley and Patton
advanced through
• By Sept. ’44 France,
Luxembourg, and
Belgium were free
• Helped to elect
FDR to a fourth
o New running mate:
Harry Truman
Europe-Battle of the Bulge
• Allies began to invade Germany
o Took Aacher in October ’44
• Nazis responded by an offensive against the Allies
• Nazi tanks drove 60 miles into Allied lines
o Last ditch offensive on the Nazi’s part
• Lasted 1 month – turned the war
Europe-Battle of the Bulge
• Germans lost:
120,000 troops
600 tanks
1,600 planes
Could not be replaced
• Allies continued to push at Germany from both East
and West
Europe – Coming to an
• Soviets invaded Poland and began freeing Death
Camp prisoners
• FDR didn’t think that he could free the camps and
still keep focused on beating Hitler
Pacific- Back to the
• MacArthur continued
to the Philippines
o Returned in ’44
• Battle of Lete Gulf
o Japanese began
Kamikaze attacks
o “divine wind”
o Suicide missions that
crashed planes into
o Sunk 16 ships and
damaged 80
Pacific- Back to the
• Battle of Lete Gulf lasted 3 days
• Crippled the Japanese Navy
o Lost:
• 3 battleships
• 4 carriers
• 13 cruises
• 500 planes
Pacific-Iwo Jima
• After Philippines, MacArthur needed Iwo Jima as a
bomber base
• Defended by 27,000 Japanese
• 6,000 marines died taking Iwo Jima
o Most lost in the Pacific up to that point
• April ’45
• 1,900 Kamikaze attacks
o Sunk 30 ships
o Damaged 300 more
o 5,000 seamen killed
• US faced stronger opposition than in Iwo
• 7,600 Americans died
• 110,000 Japanese died
• Invasion of Japan could lead to even more
Yalta Conference
• Close to victory in ’45
• Stalin, Churchill, and
FDR meet at Yalta to
discuss division of
• Stalin wanted to punish
Germany and divide
Germany into
occupied zones
• Churchill strongly
• FDR mediated
Yalta cont.
• FDR wanted:
o Soviets to join war against Japan
o Soviet support for the new UN
• Agreed to temp. division of Germany
o British, Soviet, and US
• Stalin promised free elections in Poland and agreed
to enter into the war with Japan
Harry S Truman
• FDR died April 12, 1945
• Truman took over
• FDR left Truman on the outside of most decisions
o No Knowledge of the Manhattan Project
Victory in Europe
• V-E Day May 8, 1945
• Soviets moved in and took Berlin
• Hitler committed suicide and left orders that his
body be burned
Potsdam Conference
• July ’45
• “Big 3” met again
• Churchill's party had lost elections
o Churchill was replaced as P.M.
• Stalin had changed
o Probably knew of A-bomb
o Hadn’t intended to provide Poland with free elections
Manhattan Project
Led by J.Robert Oppenheimer
Top secret project
First test was July 16, 1945
Truman ordered the dropping of two bombs
Manhattan Project cont.
August 6, 1945
b-29 “Enola Gay” dropped “little boy” on Hiroshima
Leveled the city
Japan refused to surrender
Three days later “fat man” dropped on Nagasaki
o 200,000 people died
• Sept. 2, 1945 Japan signed the surrender aboard
the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay
• V-J Day
Occupation of Japan
• MacArthur controlled Japan after the war
• 1,100 Japanese were tried for war crimes
o 7 sentenced to death, including Tojo, for atrocities against civilians or
• 7 year occupation of Japan by MacArthur
• Introduced:
Free market economy
New constitution
Women’s suffrage
Basic freedoms
Occupation of Japan cont.
• The Emperor was
allowed to continue to
help the transition from
the old world to the
new democracy
• Had to admit to not
being a god
Paying for the War in
• 24 surviving Nazi leaders were put on trial for :
o Crimes against Humanity
• Murder
• Enslavement
• Extermination
o War Crimes
• Killing hostages
• Plundering private property
• Destruction of towns and cities
o Crimes against the Peace
• Planning and waging an aggressive war