Civil Rights Training

Civil Rights
Objectives for this session
• Upon completion of this activity, WIC Staff will be able to:
• Understand the meaning of Civil Rights as it pertains to
the various Civil Rights Laws.
• Name the six protected classes identified in the Kansas
WIC Program.
• Understand the criteria used to collect racial/ethnic data.
• Accurately inform clients/caregivers of their right to a fair
Objectives, cont.
• Appropriately record and submit civil rights complaints to
the State Agency.
• Establish what effective communication is and how it can
be used to provide good customer service.
• Identify resistant behaviors, which create communication
• Learn strategies to resolve conflict and practice conflict
resolution techniques
Civil Rights Training
• All new WIC staff must complete the “Civil Rights, Fair
Hearings, and Civil Rights Complaints” training module
within six months of the initial employment date.
• All WIC staff will complete Civil Rights Training on an
annual basis.
• A record of LA Staff CR Trainings will be maintained in
the LA Staff Training File
Civil Rights
Exist to ensure that all people
have equal access to our
program and are not treated
differently than others.
USDA prohibits discrimination on
the basis of six classes.
The Laws. . .Past and Present
• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
• Prohibits discrimination in programs and activities
receiving Federal Financial assistance based on:
• race,
• color, and
• national origin.
The Laws. . .Past and Present
• Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
• It is the policy of the U.S. Government to provide equal
opportunity in employment for all persons. Equal
opportunity must be an integral part of personnel policy
and practice including employment selection, training,
advancement and treatment.
The Laws. . .Past and Present
• Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972
– Prohibits discrimination based on sex under any
education program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.
The Laws. . .Past and Present
• Americans with Disabilities Act
– Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all services,
programs, and activities provided to the public by State and Local
• Local Agency Responsibilities
– Ensure that disabled applicants and clients are accorded
the same benefits and access to facilities.
– LA shall advise and provide applicants and clients with hearing,
vision, speech or mental impairments communication systems and
appropriate auxiliary aids that are as effective as communications
with others at no cost to the participant.
The Laws. . .Past and Present
• Affirmative Action
– The purpose is to overcome the effects
of past societal discrimination by
allocating jobs and resources to
members of specific groups, such as
minorities and women.
Public Notification
The public notification system must include the following
basic elements:
• Program Availability
– Inform Applicants, clients, and potentially eligible
persons of their
oProgram Rights and Responsibilities
oSteps necessary for participation
Public Notification
• Complaint Information
‾ Applicants and clients must be advised of their
o Right to file a complaint
o How to file a complaint
o Complaint procedures
• Local Agency Responsibilities
‾ Ensure that any applicant or client who seeks
services provided by the Kansas WIC
Program has the right to file a complaint of
Public Notification
• Nondiscrimination Statement
– Must be included on
o All program materials and sources, including Web sites.
– Must be read during
o Radio and Television public service announcements.
– Is not required on items such as
o Cups,
o Magnets, or
o Pens.
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions
participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race,
color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any
program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information
(e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State
or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech
disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800)877-8339. Additionally,
program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint
Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any
USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information
requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866)632-9992. Submit your
completed form or letter to USDA by: Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410; or by fax:
(202)690-7442; Email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Non-Discrimination Statement
• The full statement is found in
– Policy PRI 01.01.00
o Civil Rights: Public Notification and Compliance
• The short statement can be used when space is limited
– This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Methods of Public Notification
• Each State and Local Agency must
inform the
General public,
Potentially eligible populations,
Community leaders,
Grassroots organizations, and referral
about the WIC program and Civil Rights
Public Notification
• Posters
– “And Justice For All,” and
– “You Have a Right to a Fair Hearing,”
• MUST be displayed in a prominent place in the lobby
at all clinic sites.
Fair Hearings
• Procedure
‾ Outlined in Fair Hearings Request and
Procedures Policy: PRI 03.01.00
o Availability of Hearings
 Any individual may appeal an
adverse action.
o Hearing System
 Hearings are held at the local
Fair Hearings
o Notification of Appeal Right
a) At the time of suspension or participation denial, the
individual must be informed in writing
o Request for a Hearing
a) Defined
o Time Limit for Request
o Continuation of Benefits
Written Assurance
• Is provided by:
– The State Policy & Procedure Manual
– Annual Contract signed and submitted by the Local
oIncludes non-discrimination compliance clauses
Civil Rights File
• Each Local Agency must maintain a file that
– Copies of discrimination complaints filed at the
Local Agency
– Correspondence from State Agency concerning
complaints filed
Data Collection and Reporting
• Racial/Ethnic Data is collected by each Local
Agency in the KWIC System.
• Data is used to generate reports required by the
Federal and State Governments.
o Self – Identification is the preferred means of
obtaining information about an individual’s race
and ethnicity.
o Ethnicity refers to the identity with or membership
in a particular racial, national, cultural group and
observance of that group’s customs, beliefs and
• Hispanic or Latino
• Not Hispanic or Latino
• Race refers to a group of persons related by
common descent or heredity.
Black or African-American
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
• The LA shall provide interpretive services for all
participants at no cost to the participant.
• A participant, parent or guardian should NOT be
required to use friends or relatives as interpreters.
• How Local Agencies serve the LEP community. . .
Records and CR Compliance
• Records must be kept for the current year plus
• Safeguards must be maintained that prevent the
use of this information for discriminatory purposes.
• Civil Rights compliance is evaluated at Local
Agency Management Evaluations.
Complaint Process
• Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint
– Record the Complaint on the CR Complaint Form located at
– A link to the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint form can
also be found in the forms/administrative materials section
under Local Agency Resources on the Kansas WIC website.
o Place a copy of complaint in CR File.
o Send complaint to the State Agency.
o Maintain documentation of all correspondence in CR file.
o Complaint is forwarded by the State Agency to the appropriate
Regional or FNS OCR Director.
o Record a note in KWIC indicating that a CR Complaint is on file
Civil Rights Complaints
• Any person or representative alleging discrimination based
on a prohibited basis has the right to file a complaint within
180 days.
• All complaints of discrimination, written or verbal, must be
– Federal law prohibits retaliation for filing a complaint of discrimination
• Use the WIC Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Form
located in the forms/administrative materials section under
local agency resources on the website.
Civil Rights Complaints
o Refer to Policy PRI 01.02.00, Civil Rights
o Verbal Complaints shall be written on the USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint form by the
person to whom the allegations are made.
• Include detailed information on the complaint form
Recording CR Complaints in KWIC
Recording CR Complaints in KWIC
Recording CR Complaints in KWIC
Recording a Civil Rights Complaint on File in KWIC
Participant Rights & Responsibilities
• Participants shall be informed of their rights and
responsibilities related to the WIC Program at certification.
• Participants shall sign and date the R&R form at certification.
• Signed R&R forms shall be retained in a file at the LA WIC
• The Rights and Responsibilities are listed on the client’s WIC
Program Booklet
• The booklet provides written notification to the client.
Participant Rights & Responsibilities
• Confidentiality
– The LA shall keep all client/applicant information confidential.
– Client information may NOT be released to a physician treating a client
without that client’s consent.
• Notification Letters
– Provide assurance that all clients or applicants are aware of their right to
o Denial of participation,
o Suspension from the program, or
o A claim for repayment of improperly issued benefits.
Keys to Good Customer Service
Positive Communication
What is Communication?
Communication is:
– To make known
– To transmit
– To exchange information or opinions
Effective communication is a major key ingredient to creating good customer service.
Nonverbal Communication
• Can be one of the most difficult barriers to
effective communication to overcome
• What is nonverbal communication?
– Environmental/Physical
– Appearance-Participant and Staff member
– Emotional
Communication Barriers; Resistant Behavior
Resistant Behavior Can Appear in Many Forms and from Either Party Involved
• Agency Staff
– Inattentive
– Assumptive
– Uncaring
– Poor Eye
• Client
– Hostile
– Withdrawn
– Negative
• Examples of environmental or physical forms of non
verbal communication (barriers)
– Office environment – how is the organization of the office
– Noise level
– Odors (pleasant or not)
– Busy – how much traffic?
• The appearance of the client can affect a staff member’s
nonverbal communication
• The appearance of a staff member can affect the
nonverbal communication of the client
• Does personal hygiene affect nonverbal communication?
Nonverbal Communication
Body Language
Positive body language
Good eye contact
Relaxed arms, open palms
Nodding to show you
Negative body language
Frowning, rolling eyes
Not focused on client
Folded arms, tense
• What is your stress level?
• Are you tired and distracted?
• Are you having a “bad” day?
A Final Checklist On
Nonverbal Communication
• Be aware of how you use your voice – tone, volume,
• Be aware of your position and posture
• Be aware of your facial expressions
• Consider your appearance
Communication Exercise
• Pick a partner
• Half the room will turn their backs to one each other and
the other half of the room will face each other.
With a frown on your face
introduce yourself to your partner
ask them several questions and you
respond back to them
• With a smile on your face ask them the same thing.
Keys to Unlocking the Doors
of Resistance
Use Reflective Listening
Accept and Acknowledge
Build Rapport
Use Open-Ended Questions
Avoid Being Judgmental
Use “I” Statements
Reflective Listening
• Listen
• Focus on what the person is saying to you
• Don’t react to emotional words
• Restate to the person what they have just told you
• Focus on the problem not the person
Accept and Acknowledge
Create a caring and accepting environment
• Communicate clearly and effectively
– Smile
• Listen to what your client has to say
– Give your undivided attention
• Show them that you care
– Empathize with them
Rapport Building
Rapport is one of the most important features or
characteristics of unconscious human interaction. It is
commonality of perspective, being in "sync", being on
the same "wavelength" as the person with whom you
are talking.
Use Open-Ended Questions
Open-Ended vs. Closed Questions
How are you doing . .
To what extent . . .
How often . . .
Why . . .
Tell me about . . .
Help me understand. . .
Did you . . .
Have you . . .
Will you . . .
Can you . . .
When will you . . .
“I” Statements
Speaking for ourselves and not for others.
“YOU” Statements
• “You should breastfeed your infant; it is much
healthier for him.”
• “You should not give your child candy.”
Create a Culture of Service for your Clients
Create a welcoming environment
Use client names
Discover their needs
Show your appreciation for them
Invite them back
Conflict Resolution
The Angry Client
• When might a client become upset with WIC?
– After becoming determined ineligible for WIC
– After experiencing unsatisfactory customer
How can the situation be
Listen to the client
Open-ended questions
Validate their concern
Strategies for
Moving out of a Crisis
• Listen to the client.
– Let them vent their frustration.
– Be sincere and try to understand.
– Receive the other’s comments without
– Do not become defensive.
Strategies for
Moving out of a Crisis
• Open ended questions should be asked tactfully.
‾ Identify the real issue.
‾ Avoid making excuses for anyone.
‾ Express your regret that the situation occurred.
Strategies for
Moving out of a Crisis
• Validate the client’s concern.
– Show a desire to help the participant work out the issue.
– Most often, people in crisis are not capable of beginning with
– The client needs to begin with emotional release in the first two
– Follow with a discussion of the problem.
Strategies for
Moving out of a Crisis
• Empower the client by working together to
find an answer.
‾ Empathize with the client and Respect
their point of view.
‾ Educate by offering realistic solutions to
the perceived problem.
• Above All Else, Show RESPECT!
• Respect a person for their
differences, that is what makes them
• Do not discriminate against anyone
for their differences.
• Americans with Disabilities Act,
• Federal Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency,
• Food and Nutrition Service Instruction 113-1
• U.S. Department of Agriculture Directives and Regulations, l
• U.S. Department of Labor,
• U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
• U.S. Department of Agriculture Directives and Regulations,
Thank You
Print this page to record Civil Rights Training Attendance
AGENCY Name______________________________________________________________________
CR Topics Included in Training____________________________________________________
All current WIC staff must participate in Civil Rights Training at least once a year and document completion of
that training. All new staff must participate in Civil Rights Training within six months of hire.
Fill in the staff names and the date training was completed. Retain CR Training attendance in the Training
folder. The SA will review this information during Management Evaluations.
__________Staff Member______________________