Unit 3E: Magnets and Springs Unit 3E: Magnets and Springs Magnets and Springs Unit 3E: Magnets and Springs Unit 3E: Vocabulary Useful Words Magnetic A material that will be attracted to a magnet Non Magnetic A material that will not be attracted to a magnet Attraction / Attract A FORCE pulling two objects together Repulsion / Repel A FORCE pushing two objects apart Bar Magnet A straight bar-shaped magnet Horseshoe Magnet A horseshoe shaped magnet, the two ends are the poles Ring Magnet A doughnut shaped magnet, the two faces are the poles Iron A metal which is magnetic Aluminium A metal which is non-magnetic Poles The two ends of a magnet Unit 3E: Vocabulary- Unit 3E: Forces Between Magnets Opposite Like poles poles attract repel each other each other Unit 3E: Forces Between Magnets: L.O. 1, 2, 3 : NC: 4.2a Unit 3E: Magnetic or Non Magnetic? Which objects are magnetic? Magnetic Tennis ball Screw Shoe Marker Pen Keys Scissors Sweets Unit 3E: Magnetic or Non Magnetic? : L.O. 4, 5, 6, 7 : NC. 4.2a Non Magnetic Unit 3E: Uses of Magnets Scrap yards (Cranes) Hospitals (MRI Scan) Compasses What are magnets used for? Speakers Locking Doors Fridge Magnets Unit 3E: Uses of Magnets: L.O. 8 Unit 3E: Which is the strongest magnet? 1. How can we find out which magnet is the strongest? 2. What equipment will we need? 3. How will we know which magnet is strongest? 4. How will we record our results? Unit 3E: Which is the strongest magnet? : L.O. 9, 10 : NC. 1.2d, 1.2e Unit 3E: Which is the strongest magnet: Results table. Results Table Magnet Number of paperclips picked up Magnet A Magnet B Magnet C Magnet D Unit 3E: Which is the strongest magnet: Results table : L.O. 11, 12 : NC. 1.2h, j. Unit 3E: Uses of Springs Car/bike suspension Clockwork Trampolines What are springs used for? Staplers Closing Doors Playground Rides Unit 3E: Uses of Springs: L.O. 13 Unit 3E: How Springs Work Unit 3E: How Springs Work: L.O. 14, 15 : NC. 4.2 d Unit 3E: Investigating Elastic Bands What do you think will happen if the catapult is pulled back further? Test what happens when the catapult is pulled back by different amounts. Unit 3E: How Springs Work: L.O. 16 : NC. 4.2 d, e, 1.2 d, e, f, g, h, j, l Unit 3E: Investigating Elastic Bands: Results Distance catapult pulled back Distance car travelled 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm The car travelled furthest when we pulled it back _______ cm This tells us that when the car is pulled back further, the force from the elastic bands is __________________ Can you explain why the results showed this? Unit 3E: Investigating Elastic Bands: Results: L.O. 17,18,19 : NC. 4.2 d,e, 1.2 l Unit 3E: Summary bar ring horseshoe bar like repel ring Magnets iron steel nickel rubber aluminium wood Non-metals Unit 3E: Summary horseshoe Unit 3E: Summary Springs stretches more stretch compresses less Unit 3E: Summary