State Street State Street Reconstruction September 2003 Project Team City of Madison Kjohnson Engineers MSA Joe DeYoung, P. E. Pr oje ct Eng inee r Michael Kowal Mu nic ipal Str ee t Desig n Mark Harnois, P.E . Hyd ra ulics Ken Saiki Design Ken Saiki, ASLA L and scap e Ar chit ect ZD Studios Mark Schmitz Prin cip al Cr eati ve Dir ecto r Davi d Marquardt, ASLA L and scap e Ar chit ect Jessi ca Thuli Mel ani e Kranz Vice Pr esid ent Pro ject Man age r St ude nt I nte rn Mark Schmitz Amy Beyler Des ign Team Michael S tatz, P.E. Thomas Siebers , P.E. Project Manager Madison Office Manager Public Art Jill Sebastian Pub lic Ar tist KJWW Steve Hays, P. E. SES Octavio Tejeda, P.E. L ead Elec tr ical Eng ine er Duane Rei chel, P.E. Ingrid McMasters Geo tec hni cal Cer tif ied L igh tin g Des igne r In vest igat ion s Elizabeth Miller Hi stori cal Survey Project Schedule • • • • • • Public Informational Meeting #1 Public Informational Meeting #2 Final Plans for 100 Block Due 100 Block Construction Final Plans for 200 Block Due 200 Block Construction September, 2003 November, 2003 January 1, 2004 2004 January 1, 2005 2005 or 2006 Construction Overview Construction Scope • Reconstruct Sidewalk and Roadway • Replace Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, and Water Main • New Street Lights and Traffic Signals • Streetscape, Wayfinding, Logo, and Public Art Opportunities Goals 1. Improve State St. …as a place for people 2. Promote environmental quality, character, safety, comfort, interaction, and flexibility of use 3. Reduce air and noise pollution Goals 4. Insure commercial retail viability by increasing the area’s attraction as a shopping and entertainment center 5. Strengthen the imagery of Downtown Madison 6. Capitalize upon the unique physical and symbolic attributes of the City, Capitol and University State Street Capitol Concourse Plan - City of Madison . Paul Friedburg & Associates A symbol of the community and its history A place for escape and romance A place to act and dream A place to remember Trees Save as many trees as possible Improve growing conditions with a continuous soil trench between trees Plant new trees using a variety of species Pavement Test Pavement - C1 Non-colored concrete Black and red aggregates Accent areas of special pavement treatment Special Places Benches facing each other Planters Overture Block Street Ends 100 Block Lighting Dark Sky Organization Outdoor Lighting Code Handbook Version 1.14 December 2000 / September 2002 • State Street will be designed for Zone E4 Class 1 Lighting – Areas of high ambient brightness where color rendition is important. Normally these are urban areas that have both residential and commercial use and experience high levels of nighttime activity. Lighting 3 Types Area Pedestrian Accent/Banner Lighting Area Lighting Amber Glow High Pressure Sodium Full cut-off optics Mounted at 30 feet Lighting Pedestrian Scale White Color Metal Halide Low lumen output and prismatic lens Mounted at 14 feet Lighting Accent/Banner Lighting White LEDs will replace the glitter poles through the new banner bracket design. Lighting Tree/Seasonal Lighting Permanently mounted lights will replace the tree mounted lighting to minimize maintenance. They will only be used during the fall/winter months. Proposed Lighting Public Art Retain sculpture location Make needed repairs to sculpture and its lighting Provide an unobstructed view of the sculpture Create new context and setting for sculpture: pavement, seating, plantings, lighting Make the sculpture a focal point Multi-tiered program Invite renowned artists Hold competition of local and regional artists Begin mentorship between young and experienced artists Create program for temporary art Encourage partnerships for public/private contributions Provide for long term maintenance Public Art Opportunities Objects manhole covers, tree grates, storm drains, paving, kiosks, etc. Intersections Capitol Entrance Mifflin Street Court Overture Center Terrace Peace & Concrete Parks Continuum of Opportunities State Street State Street Reconstruction September 2003