SLP SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM 24 March 2015 Overview of the program SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD A program that aims to improve the socio-economic capacity of the participants through micro-enterprise development and employment facilitation activities that shall ultimately provide a sustainable income source ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS NHTS-PR household, Pantawid Pamilya family, or vulnerable individual/family (PWDs, senior citizens, disaster affected, etc.) Skills Training for Microenterprises Cash for Building Livelihood Assets Self-Employment Assistance - Kaunlaran Commodity Cluster Model Skills Training for Employment Pre-Employment Assistance Fund Program modalities Cash for Building Livelihood Assets (CBLA) Short-term employment of program participants for the development, rebuilding or protection of physical and natural assets to increase productivity for profitable, sustainable livelihood projects TECHNICALVOCATIONAL SKILLS TRAINING FOR ENTERPRISE & EMPLOYMEN T Grant to be utilized for the acquisition of technical skills, knowledge and other inputs necessary in managing livelihoods and accessing jobs SELFEMPLOYM ENT ASSISTAN CE KAUNLAR AN (SEAK) CAPITAL SEED Provide start-up capital for individual or group enterprises to be rolledback to the Field Office Revolving and Settlement Fund (RSF) within a period of 2 years; Organization of community based credit and savings facilities PREEMPLOYM ENT ASSISTAN CE FUND (PEAF) Grant to assist SLP participants who have potential or guaranteed employers that need financial assistance to obtain necessary prerequisite requirements for the job. LINKAGES with government programs Department of Trade and Industry In various provinces, DTI assists SLP participants in product development, for better access and linkage to market opportunities. Department of Agriculture National Program for Fisherfolk Registration Households will be enlisted to ensure implementation of relevant programs to assist LGUs in the development, administration, management, protection and care for fisheries resources. Containment of Knifefish Infestation in Laguna de Bay Project (Knifefish Project) Seeks to diminish the infestation of knifefish, an invasive species of fish in Laguna de Bay, while converting the same to sources of livelihood for the people. DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM & Department of Agriculture Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) Agrarian reform beneficiaries and Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries are capacitated to supply the food needs of Day Care Centers under the Supplementary Feeding Program Serves as a major partner in the pilot areas in regions Region V, VIII, and IX. SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION • The Supplementary Feeding Program is the provision of food in addition to the regular meals, to children ages 2-5 years old in the day care center/under Supervised Neighborhood Play (SNP). DESCRIPTION • The food supplementation will be in a form of hot meals to be served during snack/meal time to children five (5) days a week for 120 days. • Menu equivalent to 1/3 of the Daily Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake (RENI) OBJECTIVES 1. To provide supplementary feeding to children ages 2-5 years old in the day care center/supervised neighborhood play. OBJECTIVES 2.To improve knowledge, attitude and practices of children, parents and caregivers through intensified nutrition and health education. OBJECTIVES 3. To improve and sustain the nutritional status of the target children beneficiaries. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES 1. Target Beneficiaries • 2-4 year old children in Supervised Neighborhood Play (SNP) areas; • 3-4 year old children enrolled in day care centers; • 5-year old children not enrolled in the DepEd preschool children but enrolled in DCCs; and IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES • Organize the community a. Conduct of barangay meetings (Local official orientation) . b. Parents shall be organized by the day care/SNP worker into working committees. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES • Measuring of children (height and weight) under the supervision of a medical staff using the New WHO Child Growth Standards (CGS) or available weighing scale and height boards. Conduct of Feeding 1. The feeding shall be implemented for a minimum of 5 days and maximum of 7days, for a period of 120 days. 2. If there are two sessions, feeding shall be given to both and shall consist of daily hot meals. Conduct of Feeding 3. The Parent Committee on Food Preparation shall provide voluntary labor for the cooking/preparation of food and management of feeding sessions. Conduct of Parent Effectiveness Sessions • Has nine sessions - self, family, parent effectiveness, health and nutrition, etc. to improve/enhance their knowledge, attitude, skills and practices on parenting. Fund Allocation • Php13.00 per child per day for 120 days hot meal feeding: • P10.00 for the viand per child per day • P3.00 for the rice per child per day. • Php P75 per child for the eating utensils while P1,000 per day care center/SNP for cooking utensils. Procurement of Goods • The rice shall be procured by the FO, LGU or Day Care Center Services Parent Group (DCSPG) / Supervised Neighborhood Play Parent Group (SNP PG) • Viand should be procured by the FO, LGU or DCSPG/SNP PG. • The eating and cooking utensils should also be procured by the FO. Procurement of Goods All purchases/procurements shall be supported by • official receipts, • RER/acknowledgement receipts/statement of market purchases, • invoices, • billings. Liquidation The DCSPG/SNP PG shall liquidate the funds transferred in accordance with accounting rules and regulations. Liquidation The FO should encourage monthly liquidation by the DCSPG/SNP PG at least 70% of the amount spent for the month, and require submission of full liquidation of funds released to them 30 days after the completion of the program for transparency and accountability. Day Care Service Parents Group/Supervised Neighborhood Play Parents Group (DCSPG/SNP PG) • Organize into committees for marketing, inspection of goods, financial management, and preparation of food. • Manage and implement the daily feeding of the day care children according to the guidelines and protocol of the program. Day Care Service Parents Group/Supervised Neighborhood Play Parents Group (DCSPG/SNP PG) • Apply for a petty cash advance. • In case of fund transfer to the DCSPG/SNP PG open a bank. • Immediately purchase food items in accordance to list upon receipt of funds;. • Maintain simple bookkeeping and accounting for the inspection and SF reports . • Liquidate all funds transferred. Day Care Service Parents Group/Supervised Neighborhood Play Parents Group (DCSPG/SNP PG) • List the food requirements based on the menu prepared by the nutritionist. • Generate counterpart from fellow parents to augment the resources • Attend the PES sessions. Challenges • Delay in Procurement • Quantity, Quality, Regularity of supply of food products/Ingredients • Indigenous foods and/or locally produced foods • Food menu equivalent to 1/3 of Recommended Energy and Nutrient lntake (RENI)