Georgia Studies Unit 8: Modern Georgia and Civil Rights Lesson 1: Post-World War II Developments Study Presentation Lesson 1: Post-World War II Developments • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: – How has technological change affected agricultural methods and production? – How did the post WWII economic climate provide opportunities for entrepreneurs? – How do Georgia’s transportation systems affect economic growth and development? New Technology • Television use expanded in the 1950s – ABC, CBS, NBC were major networks – Entertainment was important – Entertainment was important; People could now watch news events almost as they happened • Transformation of Agriculture: – New synthetic (man made) fabrics became popular. – Examples: Rayon and Nylon – Reduced the need for cotton; as the demand for cotton fell other crops/plants began to be grown in place of cotton; trees, peanuts, soybeans, and corn were some of the major examples – New farming technology (i.e. tractors and harvesters) helped improve the amount of products that farmers could grow. Industries Move into Georgia • Businesses continued to move into the state • Air conditioning began to be installed making year round work more comfortable • Georgia’s low taxes were attractive to workers and businesses • Lockheed became largest employer • CDC: Centers for Disease Control – Atlanta headquarters established The Cold War • Relations between the US and USSR became tense • Cold War: a war of words and diplomacy • US and USSR were world’s most powerful countries • USSR kept eastern Europe in communism behind the “iron curtain” • Containment of communism led to war in Korea and Vietnam The Korean War • Korea was divided after WWII • 38th parallel was line between communist North and democratic South • June 25, 1950: North Korea invaded South Korea • United Nations countries sent troops to assist South Korea • 25,000 Americans killed; 500 Georgians • Peace declared in July 1953; no winner • Many businesses benefited from doing business with the military bases and armed forces Ellis Arnall • Elected Georgia’s governor in 1942 • Helped to fix the accreditation issues with the University of Georgia (during Eugene Talmadge’s time as governor) by helping the board of regents become a separate body from the governor’s office. • Removed Georgia’s prison system from under the control of the governor. • Under Governor Arnall, Georgia became the first state in the Union to grant 18-year olds the right to vote. The 1946 Governor’s Race • Governor Ellis Arnall’s term of office was due to end in 1946. • Eugene Talmadge was elected to his 4th Term as Georgia’s Governor but died before taking the Oath of Office. • Began the “Three Governor’s” Controversy: – Herman Talmadge (Eugene’s son) was chosen as governor by the legislature due to the amount of write-in votes he had received and were “found” after the election. – Current Governor Arnall declares that Lieutenant Governor Melvin Thompson was the new Governor as he was the rightful successor. – January 15, 1947, Herman Talmadge’s men broke into the governor’s office and changed the locks and readied themselves to run the state. – Governor Arnall set up a temporary office at the Capitol Information counter; Arnall officially resigned three days later. – Finally in March 1947, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled Thompson was the governor until a special election could be held in 1948. At this election, Herman Talmadge was elected governor. – Georgia Governors • Melvin Thomas: purchased Jekyll Island to build a state-owned resort; established UGA Veterinary School • Herman Talmadge: Strict segregationist. Minimum Foundation Program for Education Act – established 9-month school year raised standards for schools • Marvin Griffin: began educational television; oversaw purchase of Stone Mountain for park Atlanta’s Mayors • William Hartsfield: Served as Atlanta’s mayor longer than any other person (6 terms from 19371961). Presided over many building projects including expressways and parks throughout the city. After his death in 1971 the Atlanta airport was renamed after him. • Ivan Allen, Jr.: Served as Atlanta’s mayor from 1962-1970. Only politician from the South to speak in favor of the Civil Rights Act. Helped to bring the Braves from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Atlanta. Major League Sports Teams • Atlanta Braves: Moved to Atlanta in 1966. Bought by Ted Turner in 1976. Braves games began being broadcast nationwide on TBS. Won the World Series in 1995 (first professional title in Atlanta’s history). • Atlanta Falcons: Played their first NFL game in 1966. Played in the Super Bowl in 1998. • Atlanta Hawks: NBA team, moved from St. Louis, Missouri to Atlanta in 1968. • • Transportation Systems • Interstate Highway System: Makes transportation through the city easier. Interstates, such as I-20, I-75, and I-85, go through the city of Atlanta. I-95 goes from Florida to Maine and I-75 goes from Miami to Michigan. • Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport: One of the busiest airports in the world. Named after two Atlanta mayors (William Hartsfield and Maynard Jackson). • Georgia’s Deepwater Ports: Two major deepwater ports (Savannah and Brunswick). Goods (products) made in Georgia are frequently shipped to other parts of the world through these ports. • Railroads: Allowed for efficient transportation of people and products over land. • These four transportation systems are important to GA’s economy as they allow people and goods to move throughout the state. Georgia Studies Unit 8: Modern Georgia and Civil Rights Lesson 2: Segregation and Civil Rights Study Presentation Lesson 2: Segregation and Civil Rights • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: – How can the policies of state and local political leaders influence economic growth? – How can political policies and decisions create a climate in which individuals and groups can voice opinions to bring about social change? End of the White Primary • White Primary – Used, after the Civil War, to keep African Americans from voting. – 1900 Democratic Primary – Democratic leaders decided that only white Democrats could vote in the primary election. – GA was essentially a one-party state (Republican and Independent candidates got little support from white citizens). – As a result, white, Democratic candidates were often elected with little or no African American support. – End of the White Primary – King v. Chapman Supreme Court case made the white primary systems in GA unconstitutional (illegal). Early Civil Rights in GA • Herman Talmadge – Served as governor of GA briefly in 1947 and again from 1948-1955. Later served in the U.S. Senate. – Segregationist – Worked to keep African American and white citizens separate – As a politician, Talmadge worked to help GA’s farmers and tried to stop Civil Rights. • 1956 State Flag – In 1956, GA’s state flag was changed to prominently display the Confederate Battle Flag; changed in 2001 as citizens found the flag offensive. GA Flag 1920-1956 GA Flag 1956-2001 GA Flag 2003-Present The Supreme Court and Education • 1948: racial integration ordered in armed forces • 1950: Brown v. Board of Education – case struck down “separate but equal” concept; schools were to be integrated • Sibley Commission: found that most Georgians would rather close schools than integrate • More private schools opened • 1961: Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes first African American students at UGA • 1971: All Georgia public schools integrated. • Civil Rights Movement • Civil Rights Movement- political & social movement that began after WWII. • Many black soldiers came back to the U.S. & were not going to tolerate being treated as 2nd class citizens. • A large number of African Americans began demanding better treatment & more respect for their civil rights. • National attention came to the Civil Rights Movement in 1955 after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery Alabama bus to a white passenger. • Black people boycotted riding the city busses costing the city lots of money. • This boycott made a certain man a well known figure because he led the boycott. • Dr Martin Luther King Jr. • Organized the Civil Rights Movement & the Montgomery bus boycott. • Born in Atlanta & made it the center of the Civil Rights Movement. • Believed that the best way for Blacks to win their Civil Rights was non-violent protest (even if they were beaten, arrested, or killed). • It worked! People all across the country saw white policemen beating peaceful black protesters. A Nonviolent Movement is Born • Benjamin Mays – President of Morehouse College; educator and mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr. of Atlanta and as a Civil Rights advocate. • Martin Luther King, Jr. developed a nonviolent approach to social change • Four-prong approach: – – – – direct, nonviolent actions legal remedies ballots economic boycotts • SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference – civil rights group led by Dr. King • Sit-in: Dr. King’s strategy to people refuse to leave a public building until their demands are met. • “I Have a Dream” • 1963- King marches to Washington D.C. where 200,000 civil rights activists demanded equal rights to blacks. • Over the next two years King saw his work pay off. • Civil Rights Act of 1964- made it illegal for public accommodations such as restaurants, hotel, and movie theaters to segregate. • 24th Amendment- ended the poll tax. • Voting Rights Act of 1965- ended the literacy tests and allowed the president to use federal officials to make sure all people could register to vote. • The Albany movement • In 1961, in Albany, Georgia… --Mainly farming community --40% African American --Schools were segregated --Only a small number of African Americans were allowed to vote The focus of the Albany Movement in Georgia was to Integrate interstate bus station waiting rooms in Albany. NAACP and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) decided to test the ruling by sitting in the “whites only” waiting room at the city’s bus station. • The protesters were quickly arrested. Freedom riders • Black and white “freedom riders” arrived in Albany to support the Albany Movement. • They were arrested at the Central Railway Terminal. • The next day, SNCC led a march of African American high school students to the same train station. • The students were arrested and jailed while members of the national press watched. At one point during the months of protest in Albany, 500 people were either in jail or out on bond. Civil rights leaders arrested included Dr. King and Reverend Ralph Abernathy, who had traveled to Albany to ask city officials for a meeting to resolve the dispute. Protests move to Alabama • In April 1963, Dr. King began a campaign in Birmingham, Alabama to end discrimination in all areas of that city’s public life. • For several nights, television news showed police attempts to control demonstrators with attack dogs and high pressure hoses. • Over 3,000 people, including Dr. King, were arrested. • • On September 15, 1963, during Sunday School at Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church, a bomb killed 4 black children and injured 14 others. • Even though a riot broke out, blacks and whites joined together to stop further violence. Letter from Birmingham jail • Influential letter in which Dr. King explained the civil rights movement to his many critics. • The letter was published and circulated throughout the country. • In spite of the Civil Rights Act, African Americans in many sections of the South still could not vote. • Dr. King (awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964) began to turn his attention to voting rights. • In the summer of 1964, people from all over the country came to the South to help African Americans register to vote. • To call attention to the cause of voter’s rights, Dr. King planned a march of over 600 from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. • The marchers were met by about 200 state troopers armed with billy clubs and tear gas. • The marchers fell back into Selma, followed by the county sheriff’s mounted posse. • Dr. King went to Montgomery to request a march permit. • President Johnson activated the Alabama National Guard and sent army troops, federal marshals, and FBI agents to Selma to protect the marchers. • On March 21, more than 4,000 Americans of different races began the 50 mile walk to Montgomery. • About 25,000 others joined the group in Montgomery to complete the march to the Alabama State Capitol. • The march influenced Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. • Within 18 months, a million African Americans were added to the registers of voters in the South. After the Selma-to-Montgomery march, the mood of many seeking equal civil rights changed from a non-violent approach to a more aggressive. • Black Power – Black Panthers • Malcolm X, a member of the Nation of Islam, rejected the civil rights movement and preached black separatism, black pride, and black self-dependence. • In the summer of 1967, there were riots in 164 American cities. • Dr. King and his supporters urged the end of the violence. • On April 3, 1968, King was in Memphis, Tennessee, to organize support for 1,300 striking sanitation workers. • He had many threats on his life throughout the years, but he said… • “It really doesn’t matter what happens to me now because I’ve been to the mountain top…and I’ve looked over and seen the promised land. I may not get there with you…but we, as a people, will get to the promised land…like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place…but I’m not concerned about that now.” • The next day, 39 year old Dr. King was on the balcony of a Memphis motel when he was shot and killed by James Earl Ray. the city of racial moderation and oasis of tolerance The city became known as “the city too busy to hate • In 1948, Atlanta Mayor Hartsfield hired 8 African American police officers for restricted duties, a move unheard of throughout most of the South. He also expanded Atlanta’s airport, worked with African American and white leaders, and worked to integrate Atlanta’s schools. • In 1962, businessman Ivan Allen was elected as Atlanta’s mayor. • Ordered the immediate removal of “colored” and “white” signs on all entrances and exits to City Hall. • Integrated the city’s fire department and city government. • In July 1963, theaters opened their main doors to 6 African Americans. • By October, all of Georgia had followed the Atlanta lead and desegregated public facilities. • Racial problems did still exist however… • Segregationist Lester Maddox used a gun and ax handles to chase African Americans away from his restaurant. • In September 1966, a 6 day riot broke out in the Summerhill area across from the stadium. • A suspected car thief trying to escape was shot by a white police officer. • An eyewitness reported that he was shot a second time after he was down. • In response, onlookers threw bricks and bottles at the police. • 138 were arrested, and 35 were injured. • When Dr. Martin Luther King died, the eyes of the world turned to Atlanta wondering what they would see… • Those who had hoped to see racial troubles were disappointed. • The city united in mutual grief and respect. Atlanta elects its first Jewish mayor Atlanta elects its first African American mayor in 1973. (1st African American mayor of a major southern city). Atlanta elects its first African American Board of Education member An aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Executive director of the SCLC. In 1972, won election to the U.S. House of Representatives (1st African American from GA to be elected to Congress since the 1860’s). • Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in housing • More black students finish high school and college; get better jobs • Greater pride in racial identity leads to Black Studies programs • More African-American participation in movies, television • Increased voter registration results in more black elected officials • Born in Cairo, Georgia • 1st student at UCLA to earn varsity letters in four different sports in one year (baseball, basketball, football, and track) • In 1947, moved up to the major leagues as a Dodger – 1st African America baseball player in the major league (Dodgers) • "Hammerin' Hank" Aaron, a player for the Atlanta Braves, hit 755 home runs, a record that stood unchallenged until 2007, during his twenty-three-year career in major league baseball. Georgia Studies Unit 8: Modern Georgia and Civil Rights Lesson 3: Georgia in Recent History Study Presentation Lesson 3: Georgia in Recent History • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: – How did the policies and actions of Jimmy Carter influence the state, nation and world politically and socially? – How did the 1996 Olympic Games provide opportunities for economic development and contribute to Georgia’s international image? – How do new immigrants change social structures and influence economic policies and practices? Political Changes • “One Person, One Vote”: The concept that each citizen’s vote should equal every other citizen’s vote • County-unit system was declared unconstitutional in 1962 • This change caused more representatives to come from urban areas • Reapportionment – General Assembly had to reapportion (redraw) voting districts to ensure districts of equal population size Georgia in the 1970s • Ted Turner: TBS television network expanded from one station to a national network • MARTA: Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority – began rapid rail service in Atlanta • James (“Jimmy”) Earl Carter: 1970 – elected governor of Georgia; 1977-1980 served as President of the United States – As president, negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt – Problems as president: high energy costs, high interest rates, high inflation, 52 American hostages held in Iran • Georgia cities began to lose population to the suburbs; cities have began to work to attract residents Jimmy Carter • Born: October 1, 1924 in Plains, GA. • Elected to the GA Senate in 1962 and 1964. • Elected as governor of GA in 1970. Worked to streamline Georgia’s government and improve education in rural areas. • Won the presidential election in 1976. Worked to develop peaceful relations between numerous countries. Due to the Iranian hostage crisis and economic problems during his presidency, President Carter lost the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter • Unfortunately during his 4 yrs as President, many blamed him for the nation’s double digit inflation & hurting economy. • Even worse, many perceived him as weak. • Signed an arms treaty w/ the Soviet Union & not long after that they invaded another country. • Even more damaging for Carter was the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis. Iran Hostage Crisis • Iranian students stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran’s capital of Tehran & took those inside hostage. • They were part of a group that overthrew the former ruler, the Shah of Iran, & replaced him w/ a Muslim gov. • They were ticked @ Carter for letting the Shah enter the U.S. for medical treatment & demanded the president return the Shah to Iran to stand trial in exchange for the hostages. • Carter refused & there were 5 months of standoff until he ordered a rescue attempt that failed when a military helicopter collided w/ a plane. • The hostages were let go when Carter lost the election in 1980. Camp David Accords • Camp David is the President’s personal retreat. • For centuries the Arabs from Egypt & Jews from Israel have fought bitterly in the region of Palestine in the Middle East. • But in 1978, Carter was able to get the leaders to sign a peace agreement called the Camp David Accords. • Many saw this as a miracle & credited Carter for his ability to help negotiate a treaty btw 2 nations that had fought for so long. The Women’s Rights Movement • Women’s Rights Movement: women gained confidence that they could do the same jobs as men and should have the same rights • Women often could not get credit at banks • NOW: National Organization for Women – promoted women’s rights issues • ERA: Equal Rights Amendment – never became part of the Constitution • 1972: Title IX – President Nixon signed law which prohibited discrimination in education (academics or athletics) Vietnam Divides America • North Vietnam: communist • South Vietnam: democratic • USA began support South Vietnam against the North • 1968: Over 500,000 Americans involved in Vietnam War • Protests against the war increased • 1973: war ended with no clear victor – Vietnam is now united and communist Watergate • 1972: Group of men arrested for breaking into the Watergate building in Washington, DC to “bug” Democratic National Committee offices • Evidence supported that President Nixon knew of the burglary and tried to cover it up • Nixon resigned and Vice-President Gerald Ford became president The Energy Crisis • 1973: US supports Israel in its war with Egypt • Arab nations stop selling oil to the US • Price of gas went up and there were shortages • Georgians began to drive less and purchase fuel-efficient cars • Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Alaskan Pipeline brought oil to the “lower 48” states The End of the Cold War • Ronald Reagan: “Great Communicator” elected president – served 1981-1989 • Reaganomics: “supply-side” economics, tax cuts, heavy defense spending, limited government, limited regulation on business • Reagan tough with USSR • By end of 1980s, Cold War ending • Mikhail Gorbachev: leader of USSR • 1989: Berlin Wall came down • 1991: Communist USSR government collapsed Rise of the Two-Party System • Political shift in Georgia (and other southern states) during the 1980’s and 1990’s. • Increase in the amount of conservatives (mainly Republicans), especially in national elections. As more Republicans were elected to office Georgia began to have a real Two-Party (Democrats and Republicans) System for the first time in over 100 years. • Notable Elections in the rise of the Two-Party System: – 1980 – Mack Mattingly becomes first Republican elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction. – 1992 – Republicans win most Georgia’s congressional elections; however, Atlanta Democrat Cynthia McKinney became the first African American woman from GA to be elected to Congress. – 1994 – Republicans gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years; GA’s Newt Gingrich is elected Speaker of the House. – 2002 – Sonny Perdue elected Governor of GA; first Republican Governor since Reconstruction. 1996 Olympic Summer Games • 1996 Olympic Summer Games held in Atlanta, Georgia. Events were also held in the cities of Savannah, Columbus, Athens, Gainesville, and Cleveland. • Major economic impact on Georgia. Hotels added 7,500 new rooms and new sports venues and event sites were created (such as the Georgia Dome and Centennial Olympic Park) • More than 72 million visitors came to Atlanta during the Olympics • Helped to create large amounts of tax revenue for Atlanta, Georgia. Also, helped to increase the popularity and media exposure of Atlanta as a major southern city. Immigrants Coming to GA • Immigrants – People who move to an area from other countries. • 1965 – Large numbers of immigrants began coming to the United States. • By the 1970’s almost 4.5 million people legally entered the country. • In the 1990’s almost 9 million people came to the United States. 80% of these came from Asia, the Caribbean, or Latin America. • Many of the immigrants coming to the United States are illegal immigrants. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act created penalties and punishments for companies that hire illegal immigrants. However, these immigrants often times help fill jobs in farming and manufacturing. “The Day That Changed America” • September 11, 2001: Islamic terrorists hijack US passenger planes and crash them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon • One additional plane (United flight 93) was retaken by passengers but crashed in Pennsylvania • WTC towers collapse killing 2,774 • The War on Terror began shortly after 9/11 as the United States began to fight against countries that harbored and funded terrorist groups. Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom • al-Qaeda linked to the September 11 attacks – based in Afghanistan • October 2001: Operation Enduring Freedom – US and other nations’ troops invade Afghanistan to destroy alQaeda camps and destroy Taliban government • Osama bin Laden escaped • Saddam Hussein in Iraq continued to violate UN resolutions regarding weapons of mass destruction and inspections • March 19, 2003: US and coalition forces attack Iraq – combat phase over by May • Weapons of mass destruction were not found • Saddam Hussein captured and later executed on December 30, 2006. Challenges for the Future • 8 million people live in Georgia – large increase puts demands on environment; more traffic, pollution and less resources. • Three main challenges: 1. water resources 2. differences between urban (city) and rural (country) GA 3. tremendous population growth • Alabama, Florida and US government have demanded Georgia reduce water use and pollution • Difficult to fund services such as schools in rural areas as those areas do not generate enough tax revenue (mainly through property and sales taxes).