E A B C D F G H ON the back write your paragraph response. What is the best tip you will try to use in your own writing this year? How will you use it? Restate the question Answer it Prove your answer using examples or evidence Thoroughly explain how your examples/evidence prove your point What is the best tip you will try to use in your own writing this year? How will you use it? My natural tendency is to write every single thought, and then write them again in another way because I worry that my reader won’t T understand what I mean. As a result, I say too much. So as I’m writing, I will use Vonnegut’s R A tip to ‘have the guts to cut.” Often I have three slides for my lesson that basically say the same P thing in different ways. That’s unnecessary, and probably boring. RW Quiz Q1-Wks 1-2 1. Name: Don’t contradict your dad if you want to stay on his good side. 2. A biologist decided it was a species that had never been discovered before. 3. The density of the air in a balloon has to be lower than the air around it for it to float. 4. The ravens encircled the hurt rabbit in an area enclosed by trees. 5. Our city is almost equidistant from the equator and the North Pole. 6. We could use a barometer to tell if the conditions are right for a thunderstorm. 7. The project will certainly fail if we don’t cooperate. 8. Take the anti-toxin just in case you’re allergic to the snake that bit you. 9. Measure the circumference of the basketball and compare it to the size of your hand. 10. A beetle’s empty exoskeleton is sometimes found hanging on a tree. Per: A/D I E H G B C A/D J F Root Word flu Definition Sentence Pictogram flow Liquids are fluid, which means they flow. flu QW: A “flow” state is when you get lost in whatever you’re doing and forget about everything else. What leads to a “flow” state for you? What is your #1 writing goal for this year? Write a ‘pithy’ label for the writing skill you want to master. Nonfiction Narrative Factual story about a person What are all the kinds of “narratives” people write? Nonfiction Narrative What are all the kinds of “nonfiction narratives”? Memoir Autobiography Biography Diary about one part of a person’s life about the writer’s whole life about someone else’s life journal of one’s life Nonfiction Narrative Annotation Practice 1. Genevieve Barrios’ family narrative is the story of her family’s flight from Mexico to the U.S. 1. How does a person earn the title of “Hero”? Main Idea Supporting Detail Supporting Detail 14 While reading, ask yourself… What is the text mostly about? Nearly everything in the text relates to… Main Idea 15 • • • • • • Main Idea – MI (1-2) Diction – D (5+) Logical Order of Events – LogO (1+) Imagery – Imag (2+) Author’s Purpose - AP (2-3) Historical Fact - HI (2-3) Root Word Graph, gram Definition Sentence Draw, write Pictograms are drawings of a word to show the word’s meaning. Pictogram GRAM JW: How would you describe the most important female in your life? Here’s a sample from one writer: "She pulls rank all the time and once judo-flipped me onto my back in a grocery store to remind me where things stood." What is your writing goal for this year? “ Here we grew from the first feeble band to be a great people, and covered the whole country as the clouds cover the mountains. “ • Succinct? (says a lot in a few words – no rambling) • Authentic Voice? • Passion for the topic? “I have come to you, not from any love for you or for your great father in Washington, or from any regard for his or your wishes, but as a conquered chief, to try to save the few people that still remain to me.“ • • • • • • • • Main Idea – MI (1-2) Author’s Purpose - AP (2-3) Diction – D (5+) Simile – Sim (1-2) Logical Order of Events – Log (1+) Imagery – Imag (2+) Historical Fact - HI (2-3) Call to Action – Call (1) Cochise as a Writing Model Cochise … • • • • writes his thoughts simply uses strong, precise wording writes about what interests him doesn’t ramble What’s YOUR writing goal? You’re going to find a passage in Cochise’s narrative where he actually does this. For example, Ms. W doesn’t want to ramble. Cochise said a lot in a single sentence. “I have come to you, not from any love for you or for your great father in Washington, or from any regard for his or your wishes, but as a conquered chief, to try to save the few people that still remain to me.“ How many ideas are packed into this sentence? “I have come to you, not from any love for you or for your great father in Washington, or from any regard for his or your wishes, but as a conquered chief, to try to save the few people that still remain to me.“ How many ideas are packed into this sentence? 2 1 “I have come to you, not from any love for you 3 or for your great father in Washington, or 4 from any regard for his or your wishes, but as 5 6 a conquered chief, to try to save the few people that still remain to me.“ RAPT Paragraph Which passage in Cochise’s narrative is the best example of YOUR writing goal? Challenge yourself to mix it up in your paragraph! Restate the question Answer it Prove your answer using examples or evidence Thoroughly explain how your examples/evidence prove your point Root Word hydr Definition Sentence Pictogram water Becoming dehydrated leads to headaches and fatigue. hydr JW: What are your favorite kinds of water and places with water? (think about drinking it, swimming in it, seeing it, boating in it…) Diction Practice pg. 15 Use strong, precise words in order to… Create an engaging, authentic VOICE! Say what you REALLY mean. Avoid RAMBLING. Example of WEAK wording There was a dog who had been in an accident and he lost both of his legs and couldn’t come to you if you called him. Example of VAGUE wording He owned a dog who lost his legs in an accident and couldn’t come when he called him. Example of WEAK wording fix up The dog, a four-leg amputee victim from a run-in with a vehicle, couldn’t come when called. Example of VAGUE wording fix up Daryl’s legless dog, Lucky, couldn’t come when called thanks to the accident. Example of a humorous fix up that resolves vagueness and weak wording Referring to his dog who’d survived a run-in with a car, Daryl asked, what do you call a dog with no legs? It doesn’t matter; it’s not going to come. Root Word hyper Definition Sentence over The man suffered from hypertension, so he took his blood pressure daily. JW: What makes you hyper? Pictogram Root Word hypo Definition Sentence Pictogram under Used hypodermic needles can expose people to diseases because they come in contact with blood under the skin. hypo JW: “Why do people risk their lives to get equality?” Would you? What kind of equality is worth risking your life?