Graduation Ceremony May 23, 2013 We Thank You All For Sharing This Special Day With Us. Listen... Waiting for class... Our Home... Collaborating... Imagining the possibilities Focus... Happy Students... Our Home Away From Home, Hugh Gillis Hall... Assistance Always Available... Interactive Classes... Multitasking... Tutoring... Free Speech... Celebrating Our History... Engage... Brittany Navarro Thank you to God, Momma Bear, my family, and loved ones who have stood by me while on this wild journey to finish my education. Andrew Powell I’m going to spend the rest of my life on summer vacation. Krista Palumbo Congrats Class of 2013! Suchitra Varma Dreamt, Believed, Strived and Achieved Tania Berlinski Thanks to my friends, family and professors for their love and support. Special thanks to Dad and Val for making it all possible. Thank you all so much! Laura Marie Buckingham Congratulations Class of 2013. I love you Mom! Chris Fernandez Chris Fernandez HS Senior. My life in the Illiad; graduated HS Trojan Class of '90,SJSU Spartan Class of '13! It's time for the Odyssey! Ruben Olagues EVERYDAY WE ARE GIVEN CHOICES; IT'S UP TO YOU IF YOU WANT TO BE BETTER TODAY THEN YOU WERE YESTERDAY. -RUBEN OLAGUES SR. Rayane Abi Abboud To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also believe. -Anatole France Brett McPherson I could not have finished this path without the support of my parents; you are truly an inspiration to me, thank you. Serena Jew Congratulations Class of 2013! Mike Gonzalez I LOVE MY FAMILY Scott Macdonald Thank you to my family, close friends, and special lady. Without all of you, none of this would have been possible. Ingrid Garnica I couldn't have done any of this without the love and support from my family. Thank you! Michael Wilkerson My career calling has always been one in sports, and now I am finally able to answer that call. Ashley O’Brien Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss Briceida Concepcion I want to give thanks to my family and friends for showing support through this journey. Abdi Hussein Thank You Family and Friends. GO WARRIORS! Chris Valdez "If you can imagine it, you can dream it. If you can dream it, you can become it." -William Arthur Ward Ella Wang Believe in yourself. Chase your dreams. Prove to the world that nothing will beat you down. Amy Hakkinen What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. Christina Ginn Congratulations Class of 2013! Karina Momary Thank you to my family, friends and professors for all of your love and guidance throughout this wonderful journey. Love you bunches! Mia Bell Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. Randy Chang Thanks for the love and memories. Erica de Guzman Cheers to being young, healthy & educated! It's been a blessing & I can't wait for what's next! Thanks for the memories! Jennifer L. Matheson “The beautiful thing about education is that no one can take it away from you.” ― B.B. King Kam Chi Ip Communication Studies gave me the confidence to conquer my weakness while interacting with others. Alexsis Navarro Thank you to my parents for all the love, support, and encouragement throughout the years. I love you Navarro Family. Cherise Tenisha Renee’ Cotton I did it, Mom & Dad! Thank you for everything. I love you. Valentina Berry Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln Bedilia Ramirez Mom and Dad, it took determination and guts to leave everything you knew and venture towards something new. Gracias por su apoyo y amor. Jason Steib I would like to thank all of the faculty members, friends, family, and counselors that have helped me along the way. Congratulations to the SJSU Comm. Studies Class of 2013! David Miles This graduation symbolizes the hard work that it's taken to get here and opens a door of new goals and challenges to be accomplished. Jessica Hammons I’m thankful for all my excellent professors who made my learning experiences so meaningful. Special thank you to my parents for supporting me throughout everything. Amanda Elizabeth Goldsmith Congratulations Class of 2013! Brandon Torrealba I would like to give special thanks to my family and friends who have supported me, and always been there to offer words of advice and keep me motivated. Anny Wong Congratulations Class of 2013! Anthony Teschera I just want to thank my friends & family, especially my parents, grandparents, & sister for believing in me. LOOK MOM AND DAD! YOUR SON DID IT! Jose Molina Seize the opportunities and stay positive. We did it! Good luck and Congrats Class of 2013! Stephanie Anderson Teachers, friends, family, & loved ones: You've helped me become more than I thought I could be, & I'm forever grateful. Anthony Giammalva I have learned so many amazing things in and out of the classroom that I will take with me on to graduate school at Azusa Pacific University. I love you San José State! Arthur Virgil Gilbreath III Never Give Up On Your Dreams Because You Never Know Where They Might Lead You. Chantel Steburg Thank you to my family and friends. I couldn’t have done it without your love, support, and encouragement! Class of 2013 Baby! Gloria Chukwueke Discipline is one of the keys to success, and for that I thank my father. I thank my teachers, friends and family for endless support. SJSU you will be missed... John Diaz I define success as achieving goals. Graduating college is a goal I set for myself, therefore, I am successful. Nnamdi Nwaigwe Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Garrett Cuffel "Appreciate the little things." To my family when I couldn't be with my family; it would not have been the same without my brothers. IHSV Anamarie Rodriguez Thank you everyone who believed in me, pushed me, helped correct my essays, and stood by me. Benjamin Thompson There are two important days in your life; the day you were born, and the day you find out why. -Mark Twain Margarita Lozano Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers. -Cesar Chavez Jacqueline Kershing Thank you to my family, friends, and AMAZING boyfriend for your unconditional love and support over the last three years. We did it! Sarah McGaffey I've learned in graduate school to be reflexive & to enjoy the journey. Me ke aloha mom & dad. <I am communication studies> Colleen Shjeflo I did it! Thank you to my family for your unconditional support and love… Hector Fajardo Ask yourself how bad do you want to succeed? When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful! Sofia Cruz Mom & Dad, I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love you have given me. My goal is to make you proud. Thank you for giving me the best 4 years of my life. Kevin Timko Congratulations Class of 2013! Adrian Aujero It's been a delightful four years here at SJSU. Thanks to all of my family, friends, and staff for supporting me throughout my undergrad career. Let's make our dreams come true! Jessica Murphy Woohoo! Congrats my fellow graduates, we did it! Thank you G. Firenzi, T. Lim, and S. Spano, you were truly amazing! Hayli Hiebert Mom, thank you for guiding me on this life path and making sure that I am happy in my own soul. Thank you Gramma and Grampa for loving me unconditionally and without judgment. Valerie Garcia A big thank you to all for your love and support. To all in this program, if grad school were easy, everyone would do it. You’ll be fine :) Erin Michaela Weeks Gratitude to SJSU COMM, friends, & family... especially Zach. Thank you for all your love, support, & faith in me. I love you! Nina Ahghari I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at San Jose State and I am excited to embark on my next journey in life. Christie Mae Walker Thank you Mama, Papa, Saree & close friends who have supported me as I pursued my future. I love you all to the moon & back! Matthew Logan Thanks Mom and Dad for all the Love and support! Jessica Johnson I thank my family, friends, and colleagues for giving me a nuanced way to see the world. <I am communication studies> Kati Ireland 3 years ago this was so far away. Now here I am, dreams coming true. Forever changed & grateful. <I am Communication Studies> Daniel Lebrija "A proud SJSU Comm Studies Masters graduate!" Thank you to my professors, colleagues, friends and family who took part in making this a reality! Alyssa Heater The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt Kyra Rodriguez Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. We did it! Aubrey Lee I don't know what my future holds, but who does? That's what makes the journey worthwhile. Thank you to those who believed in me. Bryan Ford One step closer to my dreams! Always shoot for the stars! Thanks everyone, little chip we made it! Carina Rodriguez Passion equals drive, drive equals determination, and enough determination equals success. I appreciate my family’s support through this journey. Rebecca Kassel Thank you to my family and friends for the ultimate love and support throughout these years. I wouldn’t be here graduating without you. Christianne Kastelic Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~Mahatma Ghandi. Congratulations COMM graduates! Radha Jhatakia Thank you to everyone who made this moment possible; the smallest things can make a difference in the grand scheme of things." Shacori Poole Thank you to all my friends and family for your love, support, and prayers. I couldn't have done it with out you! LOVE YOU ALL! Darcy Osheim The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. –Wittgenstein Thank you for the changing my life. I am communication studies! Ali Cross Thanks Mom, Dad, Colin, Haley, and Courtney for all the love and support! Em, Alicia, Michelle, Mark, and Manny thanks for making this transition worthwhile! Tiffany E. Harbrecht I will always treasure my experience in graduate school at SJSU and COMM Studies. Jacqueline Janeiro Success is determined by how determined you are to succeed. Thank you for always being there for me dad, I owe it to you. I did it! Chris Faria My life’s purpose is to use my disability as my greatest ability. Matt Zweier Congratulations Class of 2013! Kurt Garrett The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra. Mitch Eastlick Thank you to Campus Recreation and the Ford Family Foundation for supporting me at SJSU. Next stop: Ohio University IM Sports! Esther Costa Congratulations Class of 2013! Lena Zubaid The key to success is believing in yourself and following your dreams . Nikki Schoffner The love, support, and encouragement that I have been given has made me who I am today. Thank you for everything you have done for me, nothing goes unnoticed. Bob Ash The academic achievement that I have received at SJSU has been nothing short of a positive experience for me. John Staedler Huge thanks to Dr. Spangler, Dr. Feist and especially Dr. Terry for taking me on as an interdisciplinary student. Also, a big thanks to friends and family. Alyssa Kompelien Thank you to everyone who invested in my life during these last four years, I could not have gotten here without you all. Congratulations to the Class of 2013! Tyler Gallau Thank you very much to my friends and family for supporting me throughout my academic journey. I most certainly could not have done it without your support! Congratulations GRADUATES! Slideshow by: Laura Buckingham