Test Review • What does the relative location of a place tell you? • The location of a place compared to the places around it Test Review • Which two continents are located entirely in the Western Hemisphere? • North America and South America Test Review • What is map distortion? • Change in shape, size, and position of features that occur when representing the Earth on a flat map Test Review • What do geographers use to indicate absolute location of any place on Earth? • A global grid Test Review • What is a meridian of longitude? • Line that runs north to south Test Review • Which map showed the size and shape of the continents most accurately? • Goodes Test Review • What does the tilt of the Earth’s axis cause? • The changing of the seasons Test Review • What does a map’s scale compare? • Distance on a map to the distance on Earth Test Review • What does a map’s title tell a user? • What the map is going to be about Test Review • What does a compass rose show us? • The cardinal directions on a map; N,S,E,W Test Review • What is another name for a Map key? • A legend Test Review • What is a hunter-gatherer? • A person who gathers wild food and hunts animals to survive Test Review • What does domesticate mean? • To adapt wild plants and animals for use Test Review • What is sedentary living? • When someone lives in one place. Test Review • What is the specialization (division) of labor? • Specialization of labor is when certain individuals perform specific tasks / skilled trades. e.g. blacksmith, carpenter, tailor etc… Test Review • What are three examples of human characteristics? • Examples will vary Test Review • What are we talking about when we talk about Movement? • The transfer of information, people and goods around the world Test Review • John built a dam near his house to create a body of water he can swim in. What is this an example of? • Modifying the environment Test Review • Sarah started to wear lighter, cotton dresses when she moved to Arizona. What is this an example of? • Adapting to the environment. Test Review • Farmer Pete is really praying that it rains this season, his family needs a big crop to survive. What is this an example of? • Depending on the environment Test Review • Name a local region with a similar language, religion and culture. • Ex. East Dearborn, Southwest Detroit, Southfield, Corktown Test Review