8-27-12 LP - ems

Name: Maria Arnold
Grade: 7
Subjects Taught: World Geography/KS History
Week of: August 27, 2012
If you have questions, please contact me via phone or email listed below.
Phone: 785-274-6205
Email : marnold1@topeka.k12.ks.us
Please note: Lesson plans are subject to change without notice.
World Geography
Goal: Develop and use maps
Bell Work: Color continents on Continent’s Map-5
Class work: Map Projections and Distortion Lecture, Cornell Notes, and Activity-15
Write Summary TPS-10
QQT Ch.1 Vocab-5
TB (Interview Dream Vacation)-5
Paper Mache-40
Homework: none
Make-up/ISS Work: Cornell Notes over map projections and distortion
Alterative assignment for paper mache-Ch.1 hw world geo quiz
Goal: Develop and use maps
Bell Work: Color continents on Continent’s Map-5
Class work: Map Projections and Distortion Lecture, Cornell Notes, and Activity-15
Write Summary TPS-10
QQT Ch.1 Vocab-5
TB (Interview Dream Vacation)-5
Paper Mache-40
Homework: none
Make-up/ISS Work: Cornell Notes over map projections and distortion
Alterative assignment for paper mache-Ch.1 hw world geo quiz
Goal: Develop and use maps
Bell Work: Color continents on Continent’s Map-5
Class work:
Continents and Oceans song-10
CB (Backups)-5
Find Someone Who…(Continents/Oceans)-5
Paint paper mache globes blue-30
Cut out continents and paste onto globe
Make lines on globe for equator, prime meridian, and international date line
Label all hemispheres of world-30
Homework: Paper Mache Globe, if not finished in class
Make-up/ISS Work: Alterative assignment for paper mache-Ch.1 hw world geo quiz
Goal: Develop and use maps
Bell Work: Color continents on Continent’s Map-5
Class work:
Continents and Oceans song-10
CB (Backups)-5
Find Someone Who…(Continents/Oceans)-5
Paint paper mache globes blue-30
Cut out continents and paste onto globe
Make lines on globe for equator, prime meridian, and international date line
Label all hemispheres of world-30
Homework: Paper Mache Globe, if not finished in class
Make-up/ISS Work: Alterative assignment for paper mache-Ch.1 hw world geo quiz
Goal: Identify physical features of the world
Bell Work: Continents, Oceans, Hemispheres Quiz
Class work: Physical Features Flashcards
Homework: Physical Feature Flashcards, if not finished in class
Make-up/ISS Work: Physical Feature Flashcards