Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies (Formerly NYSS Institute of Management & Research) Atrey layout, Nagpur MBA Semester II HRM Question Bank UNIT 1 1. Define HRM. 2. Enlist the objectives of HRM. 3. Describe diagrammatically the internal & external factors influencing HRM. 4. What is Strategic HRM? 5. What are the qualities of an HR Manager? 6. Explain the welfare & firefighting legal role of HR manager in the globalised world.(2013 univ.paper) UNIT 2 1. What is Job description? 2. What are the Contents of Job descriptions? 3. What is Job Specification? 4. What are the various Job design decisions? 5. Explain the terms : Ergonomics, Flexitime working 6. Differentiate between Job Enlargement, Job Rotation, Job enrichment. 7. Define Job analysis. 8. Enlist the uses of Job analysis. 9. Describe the use of Role Analysis. .(2013 univ.paper) 10. Compare the advantages & disadvantages of any two Job design approaches. .(2013 univ.paper) UNIT 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define induction. List the problems faced during Induction. Define placement. Explain the term ‘retrenchment’. What is demotion? Distinguish between - Transfer & Promotion - Discharge & Dismissal Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur. Signature of Faculty In charge Page 1 Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies (Formerly NYSS Institute of Management & Research) Atrey layout, Nagpur 7. Define Selection. 8. What are the steps in Selection process? 9. Discuss the process of HRP in the changing needs of organization. .(2013 univ.paper) 10. Enlist different types of Employment tests used in the Selection Process. .(2013 univ.paper) 11. Explain the steps in Induction Program followed by professional organization.(2013 univ.paper) UNIT 4 1. Define Training. 2. Differentiate between training and development. 3. Differentiate between training and education. 4. Enlist the objectives of Training 5. What are the different stages of training? 6. What is organizational analysis? 7. What do you mean by task analysis? 8. What is person/ individual/ man analysis? 9. Differentiate between on the job and off the job training. 10. What are the different types of training? 11. Define MDP. 12. Enlist the methods of Executive Development 13. How to improve effectiveness of Training Program. .(2013 univ.paper) 14. Give the advantages & disadvantages of Off the job training techniques. .(2013 univ.paper) UNIT 5 1. What are the leniency & contrast errors in Performance Appraisal process? (2013 univ.paper) 2. What are the essentials of good record keeping? (2013 univ.paper) 3. Enlist the areas of applications of HRIS. .(2013 univ.paper) 4. List the purpose of performance appraisal 5. List the various traditional performance appraisal methods. 6. What is the purpose of performance appraisal? UNIT 6 Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur. Signature of Faculty In charge Page 2 Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies (Formerly NYSS Institute of Management & Research) Atrey layout, Nagpur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define Compensation. Differentiate between Wages & Salary. Mention the principles of Salary formulation within an organization. .(2013 univ.paper) Explain Wage Policy. Define Job Evaluation. Explain the principles of JE. What are Employee benefit programmes? Explain the objectives of Employee benefit programmes. Define : a. Incentives b. Fringe benefits 10. Explain the objectives that determine the incentive plan of an organization.(2013 univ.paper) Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur. Signature of Faculty In charge Page 3