Bipolar Disorder - People Server at UNCW

Bipolar Disorder and
Kristina Macdonald,
Amy MacHarg,
Tabitha Mason,
Angela Mcfalls,
Jessica McMichael
Bipolar Disorder’s Criteria
According to the American
Psychiatric Association’s
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders,
fourth edition (DSM-IV);
“Bipolar Disorder is
characterized by the
occurrence of one or more
Major Depressive Episodes
accompanied by at least one
Manic Episode.”
What Is Bipolar Disorder?
A mood disorder that alters:
(Within episodes of mania and depression)
Bipolar Disorder is previously known as Manic Depression
Clinical Presentations
Most commonly
diagnosed between
ages of 18 and 24
Mania, Hypomania,
Psychosis, depression
Characteristics of Mania
Feeling of being able to do anything
Little sleep is needed
Feeling filled with energy
Not caring about financial situations
Substance abuse
The DSM-IV has a list of symptoms and three or more must be
Characteristics of Hypomania
Feeling of creativity
Don’t worry about problems seriously
Feeling as if nothing can bring you down
Have confidence in yourself
Similar to Mania except Hypomania is of lesser intensity
Characteristics of Psychosis
Poor attention and concentration
Social withdrawal
Feeling that things around you have changed
Describing the diagnosis with psychosis is usually used to
clarify the severity of the state of the disorder
Characteristics of Depression
Sleep more than you normally would
Feeling of tiredness
Crying uncontrollably
Withdrawing from activities you once enjoyed
Staying in bed for days
Weight Loss/Weight Gain
The DSM-IV has a list of symptoms and five or more must be
present during the same two week period.
The Two Sides of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar I
Bipolar II
Episodes of full mania
alternating with
episodes of major
Diagnosed in patients
typically in early 20’s
Episodes of major
depression and
Evaluation of Patient
Make sure no other medical condition is causing
mood or thought disturbance
Perform a physical examination
Look for possibility of substance abuse
– Trauma to brain
– Seizure disorders
Perform mental health evaluation
Mental status examination (MSE)
 Assesses mood and cognitive abilities
 Safety of individual
 Examines forms of psychosis
Evaluation of Patient Cont…
Subjective experience of patient
Family’s psychiatric history
Lifetime= 1%
Males and Females = no difference
Age = all ages
Highest prevalence is in the 18 to 24 year age group
First degree relatives = incidence of BP increases
Affects roughly 1/100 adults
Very little data about kids and teenagers
Linked to disturbed electrical activity in the brain
(Griswold, 2000)
Bipolar Disorder
(Griswold, 2000)
Hyperactivity is most
Common; Makes BP
Difficult to diagnose
Symptoms similar to adults
Psychosis can be a
Presentation of BP.
Substance abuse can be
Present which makes
Diagnosis difficult
Planning of pregnancy is a
Necessity because of
Rapid cycling could occur
What Causes Bipolar?
No single cause may ever be found for bipolar
disorder. Among the biological factors observed in
bipolar disorder, as detected by using imaging cans
and other tests, are the following:
Over secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone.
Excessive influx of calcium into brain cells.
Abnormal hyperactivity in parts of the brain associated with
emotion and movement coordination and low activity in
parts of the brain associated with concentration, attention,
inhibition, and judgment. (Well Connected, 2002)
How Serious is Bipolar Disorder?
According to Well-Connected, 2002:
 Risk for Suicide
An estimated 15-20% of patients who suffer from bipolar
disorder and do not receive medical attention commit
In a 2001 study of Bipolar I disorder, more than 50% of
patients attempted suicide; the risk was highest during
depressive episodes.
Patients with mixed mania, and possible when it is marked by
irritability and paranoia, are also at particular risk.
Many young children with bipolar disorder are more severely ill
than are adults with the disorder. According to a study in 2001,
25% of children with the disorder are seriously suicidal.
Seriousness of Disorder Cont.
Thinking and Memory Problems
In a 2000 study, it was reported that bipolar
disorder patients had varying degrees of
problems with short- and long-term memory,
speed of information processing, and mental
(Medications used for bipolar disorder, however,
could have been responsible for some of these
abnormalities and more research is needed to
confirm or refute these findings)
Seriousness of Disorder Cont.
Substance Abuse
Cigarette smoking is prevalent among bipolar
patients, particularly those who have frequent or
severe psychotic symptoms. Some experts
speculate that, as in schizophrenia, nicotine use
may be a form of self-medication because of its
specific effects on the brain.
Up to 60% of patients with bipolar disorder abuse
other substances (most commonly alcohol,
followed by marijuana or cocaine) at some point
in the course of their illness.
Seriousness of Disorder Cont.
Effect on Loved Ones
It is very difficult for even the most loving families
and caregivers to be objective and consistently
sympathetic with an individual who periodically
and unexpectedly creates chaos around them.
Often family members feel socially alienated by
the fact of having a relative with mental illness,
and they conceal this information from
Seriousness of Disorder Cont.
Economic Burden
In 1991, the National Institute of Mental Health
estimated that the disorder cost the country $45
billion, including direct costs (patient care,
suicides, and institutionalization) and indirect
costs (lost productivity, and involvement of the
criminal justice system.)
In one major survey, 13% of patients had no
insurance and 15% were unable to afford medical
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
(a four phase process)
Evaluation and diagnosis of presenting
 Acute care and crisis stabilization for
psychosis or suicidal or homicidal ideas or
 Movement toward full recovery from a
depressed or manic state
 Attainment and maintenance of euthymia
This four phase process was according to (Himanshu P. Upadhyaya, MBBS, MS.,2002)
Inpatient Care
Assess the patient
Diagnose the condition
Ensure safety of patient and others
This care is necessary for:
 Psychotic features
 Suicidal or homicidal ideations
Antidepressant therapy
Mood stabilizer
Lithium carbonate
Sodium divalproex
Antipsychotic Agents
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Inpatient basis
Severe cases
Patient requires hospitalization often
Faster than medications for therapeutic responses
Memory loss before and after treatments
3-8 sessions
Medications are still required in maintenance phase of
Mood Stabilizers
Mood Stabilizer
Common Adverse
Special Concerns
Lithium carbonate
(Eskalith CR,
Lethargy or sedation,
tremor, enuresis,
weight gain, overt
hypothroidism occurs
in 5-10% of patients
300-600 PO tid/qid
Must be adjusted by
monitoring serum
level and patient
diabetes insipidus,
polyuria, polydipsia
Sodium divalproex/
valproic acid
Sedation, platelet
dysfunction, liver
disease, weight gain
10-20 mg/kg/d
Must be adjusted by
monitoring serum
Elevated liver
enzymes or liver
disease, bone
marrow suppression
Suppressed WBS,
drowsiness, rashes,
liver toxicity(rarely)
200 mg PO bid Must
be adjusted by
monitoring serum
blood levels
interactions, bone
marrow suppression
Mood Stabilizers Cont…
fatigue, ataxia,
sedation, weight
Not established
dizziness, nausea
Not established
Not established
Decrease doses
in liver or renal
or emesis, diplopia,
ataxia, headache,
sleep disruption,
benign rash
Mood Stabilizers Cont…
Liver Disease, Not
photosensitivity Established
, headache,
Weight gain,
Is not an effective treatment by itself, but can
be used in addition to medication
Types of therapy include:
-cognitive behavior therapy
-interpersonal therapy
-multifamily support groups
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
More effective with the depressive part of
bipolar disorder
“…Involves identifying irrational thought
patterns and altering [them] to better reflect
reality” ***Activities such as “daily mood logs”
can help (Wilkinson 2002)
Learning signs and symptoms of his/her
disorder; what triggers mood alteration
 More useful for mania
---Being able to identify signs and symptoms of
mania is helpful in the prevention of a “full
blown manic episode” (Wilkinson 2002).
Interpersonal Therapy
Helps to improve social skills and thereby
provides patients with more stability in
interacting with others
 Activities include:
- role playing
- modeling
- “guided in vivo practice” (Wilkinson 2002)
Multi-family Therapy
Parent involvement in a child with BD by
teaching the child:
-relaxation techniques
-anger management
-decision-making skills
-communication/listening skills
-seeing that children don’t become “victims of
their illnesses” (Wilkinson 2002)
An Alternative Combination
A combination of lithium and valproate can
be effective in treatment if monotherapy fails.
Treatment for Children and
Lithium is one of the original treatments for bipolar
states in youth
In a study in which chlorpramzine (thorazine) was
used, approximately 30% to 50% of youths had an
improvement with mood stabilizing
In Frazier et al’s 2001 experiment, an eight week
study of using olanzapine monotherapy in 23
children and adolescents shown that there were
significant improvements of mania and depression
on doses ranging from 2.5 mg/day to 20 mg/day
Treatment Trends in the Elderly
The number of new lithium users per year fell
from 653 to 281 in 2001 for older patients
The number of divalproex users rose from
183 in 1993 to 1090 in 2001
Though there has been a decline in elderly
lithium patients using lithium, lithium will
continue to be a mainstay until other mood
stabilizers are researched more extensively
Choosing the site of Treatment
According to the American Psychiatric Association, 2000:
 One of the first decisions the psychiatrist must make is the
overall level of care that the patient requires.
– Acute episodes of bipolar disorder are frequently of such
severity that patients require treatment in either a full or
partial hospital setting. (The least restrictive setting that is
likely to allow for safe and effective treatment should be
 If the patient is lacking the capacity to cooperate with treatment.
– Patients who are unable to care for themselves adequately,
cooperate with outpatient treatment of their mood disorder,
or provide reliable feedback to their psychiatrist regarding
their clinical status are candidates for full or partial
hospitalization, even in the absence of a tendency toward
intentional self-harm.
Site of Treatment Cont.
If the patient is at risk for suicide or homicide
Patients with suicidal or homicidal ideation require close
monitoring. Patients at high risk may benefit from
hospitalization, during with close observation, restricted
access to violent means and more intensive treatment are
If the patient lacks psychosocial supports
Recovery from acute bipolar episodes is aided by an
environment that encourages safety, constructive activity,
positive interpersonal interactions, and compliance with
treatment. If the home environment lacks these features or
exposes the patient to undesirable or dangerous activities,
such as alcohol or drug abuse, admission to a hospital or an
intensive day program may be necessary.
Works Cited
Bipolar Disorder. (2002). Well Connected A.D.A.M. Inc. Retrieved from .
Dinan, Timothy G. (2002, April 27). Lithium in bipolar mood disorder. British
Medical Journal, 324 (7344), 898-991.
Griswold, Kim S. (2000, September). Management of Bipolar Disorder. American Family Physician.
Hirshfeld, R., Clayton, P.J., Cohen, I., Fawcett, J., Keck, P., McClellan, J., et al. (2000). Practice Guidelines for
the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder. American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for
the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, Compendium 2000, 503-562.
Nathan, Peter F., Gorman, Jack M. (1998). A guide to treatments that work.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schlozman, Steven C. (2002, November). The Shrink in the Classroom. An Explosive Debate: The Bipolar
Child. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (89-90).
Shulman, Kenneth I. (2003, May 3). Changing prescription patters for lithium
and valproic acid in old age: Shifting practice without evidence. British Medical Journal, 326
(7396), 960-962.
Works Cited Cont.
Srinath, Rajeev J. et al. (2003, February). The Index Manic Episode in JuvenileOnset Bipolar Disorder: The Pattern of Recovery. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry. Vol. 48 (1). Retrieved Oct. 22, 2003, from EBSCO Academic
Search Elite Database.
Sternstein, Aliya & Gross, Neil. (2002, August 12). Some uplifting news about
Business Week, (3795), 69.
Treatment. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, (24) 348+. Retrieved Oct 21,
2003, from EBSCO Academic Search Elite database.
Upadhyaya, Himanshu P. et al. (2002, October). Mood Disorder: Bipolar Disorder.
Wilkinson, Greta et al. (2002). Bipolar Disorder in Adolescence: Diagnosis and