COMPS SCORE Slow movements Outward inward 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 Total score: /12 Number of rotations R ( ) L( ) B( ) 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Total score: /12 Symmetry Quality of Performance Speed Rapid forearm rotation SUBCATEGORY (INSTRUCTIONS) Finger Nose touching R R L Moving arm 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 L Symmetrical Some asymmetry Completely asymmetrical Smooth Some irregularity jerky 5 or more seconds 3 to 4 seconds 0 to 2 seconds 9 or more rotations in 10 seconds 4-8 rotations in 10 seconds 1-3 rotations in 10 seconds unable to complete OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSSED 3 Smooth, direct 2 Irregular or weaving 1 Unable to sustain COMMENTS Extended arm Force of touch Missed contact Lowest score for each column Prone Extension 0 0 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 Quality Assumes 2 1 0 Head 2 1 0 Upper Trunk 2 1 0 Finger – nose pattern 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 Completely extended < 30 degrees elbow flexion > 30 degrees elbow flexion Light touch < 2 times pushing > 3 times pushing 0 – 1 miss nose or finger < 2 miss nose or finger > 2 miss both nose & finger Total : /12 All body parts simultaneously Segmentally Cannot assume Face raised forward, neck extended > 45 degrees Face looking at mat or slightly forward, neck extended < 45 degrees Head on mat Definite arch, elbows and shoulders even Minimal arch, elbows forward, 0 Thighs 2 1 0 Knees 2 1 0 Maintains (based on first 15 sec) 2 1 Total score : ATNR /12 0 10-12 points = 3 7-9 points = 2 3-6 points = 1 0-2 points = 0 Quality score: /3 3 – Elbow flexion from 0-30 degrees, including visible muscle tone changes 2 – elbow flexion 3160 degrees, with slight or varies Chest on mat Clearly off midthigh distally Barely off mat or intermittent extension Thighs on mat Flexion < 45 degrees Flexion 45 – 90 degrees Flexion > 90 degrees Maintains and counts Maintains but body sways, limbs move, grimaces or does not count, holds breath Not assumed or maintained Duration: 3 – 30 seconds 2 – 20-29 seconds 1 – 6-19 seconds 0 – 0-5 seconds Duration score: /3 depression of shoulder Total head to left (right arm scores) Supine Flexion 1 – elbow flexion < 60, no loss of balance or lifting contralateral leg. Shoulder depressed and trunk movement 0 – elbow flexed < 60 degrees, loss of quadrupedal position (collapse), forearm touching, or contralateral leg leaving 0 – score o if child locks elbows in spite of verbal & physical prompts R L L R 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Total head to right ( left arm scores) Quality Assumes R L L 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 Right +Left = Total : /12 R 3 2 1 0 divided by 2 2 1 0 Neck 2 1 0 Upper trunk 2 1 0 Hips 2 1 0 Knees 2 1 0 Maintains ( based on first 15 secs) 2 1 0 All body parts simultaneously Segmentally Cannot assume Chin tucked, neck extended >45degrees Chin protrudes, neck extended < 45 degrees or varies Head not raised Definite trunk flexion Trunk in neutral or extended position or varies Back on floor Flexed > 90 degrees Flexed 45-90 degrees or varies Flexed < 45 degrees Flexion > 90 degrees Flexion 45-90 Degrees Flexion < 45 degrees Maintains and counts Maintains but body sways, limbs move, grimaces, doesn’t count or holds breath Not assumed or maintained Total (quality) score: /12 Quality score: 10-12 points = 3 7-9 points = 2 3-6 points = 1 0-2 points = 0 Quality score: /3 Duration: 3 – 30 seconds 2 – 20-29 seconds 1 – 6-19 seconds 0 – 0-5 seconds Duration score: /3 Clinical Observation Hyperactive/distract Tactile defensiveness Muscle Tone Eye Preference -S’s eye through ring of Ex’s finger at 15cm -S’s eye through hole in paper - S’s eye through different objects ie. cone, kaleidoscope, telescope 3 – normal activity 2 – slight hyperactivity 1 – def. hyperactivity 3 – no response 2 – 1 or ? response 1 - 2 responses or def. * Hypertonic 3 – Normal 2 – slight hypotonic 1 – def. Hypotonic R/L differences Eye R L Hand used to hold R L R L R L R L R L R L R L Independent eye closure (optional) circle if adequate, cross if unable Eye Movements R/L Differences Thumb Finger Touching Tongue to lip Movement Co-contractions – arm, shoulder, neck Postural Background Movement Across midline 3 - Midline 2 - Slight irr. 1 - Def. poor Right 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 Equilibrium Reactions 3 2 Upper lip - normal - slight irr. - def. poor - normal - slight deficiency - def. deficiency - normal - slight deficiency - def. deficiency Upright Kneeling - normal - slight def. Pursuits in General 3 - Normal 2 - Slight irr. 1 - def. poor Left Convergence 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def.poor 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor Both Simul. 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor Lower Lip 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor Sides 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor Quadruped 3 - normal 2 - slight def. Long sitting 3 - normal 2 - slight def. Quick Localization 3 - normal 2 - slight irr. 1 - def. poor Protective Extension Schilder’s arm extension posture Choreoathetosis 3 - normal 2 - slight 1 - defin. R/L difference Symmetrical TNR: quadrupal, head flexed, & extended Rolling Postural insecurity supine position Hopping Skipping Jumping feet together 1 3 2 1 - def. deficiency normal slight def. def. deficiency Postural changes in arms 3 - normal 2 - slight 1 defin Arms raised R L 3 - no change in joint flexion or extension 2 - slight change in joint pos. 1 - definite change in joint pos. To Right To left 3 - normal 2 - slight def. 1 - deficiency Right Left 1 - def. deficiency 1 - def. deficiency Trunk rotation 3 - normal 2 - slight 1 - defin. Head resist 3 - normal 2 - slight 1 - defin. Elbows Hyperextended R L Discomfort 3 - normal 2 - slight 1 - defin. Posture VestibularSomatosensory of postural control Vestibulo-spinal reflexes TLR Righting reactions Standing on floor (mini. Postural sway & main. Balance with corr. At hip or ankles & without stepping) Organization postural control in space Ankle Hip Step strategy Tone Balance Orientation Dizziness Visual Vestibular Side to side Forward-backward Shifting weight Forward-backward Head righting Tone Balance Orientation Dizziness Shifting weight Forward Backwards sideways Body sway – Mild Moderate Severe Fall Equilibrium Reactions 4 point Kneeling Sitting Kneel Standing Binocularity Unilateral cover test Present Delayed Poor Exotrophia Esotrophia Hypertropia Hypotrophia Exophoria Esophoria Hyperphoria Hypophoria See double Alignment recovery Within 3 inches of their eyes Brock’s String Test Over-converging Under-converging Normal Visual Midline Shift Perceptual screening Vestibular-Visual Observations Post-Rotary Nystagmus (VOR) standing Visual Acuity Midline Rec’d Left N Right PRN excursion Duration Tested Normal Vestibulo-ocular Reflex (VOR) 3 – Normal 2 – Slight Irr. (detects presence of strabismus) Alternating cover test (tendency for eyes to not stay aligned) Near point convergence test (slowly move target) Y/N Vision Reduced Can’t find/loss of target Saccadic adjustments R near R far L near L far 1 - Def. Difference Gaze Stabilization (VOR) 3 – Normal 2 – Slight Irr. 1 – Def. Difference Smooth Pursuits Horizontal Vertical Diagonal 3 – Normal 2 – Slight Irr. 1 – Def. Difference Saccades Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Normal 3 – Normal 2 – Slight Irr. 1 – Def. Difference Irregular Spontaneous Nystagmus Visual lag Redirects Nystagmus dizziness Loss of target Saccadic adjustment Visual lag Redirects Elicits nystagmus Discomfort Loss of target Redirection Lag Saccades Midline jerk (DEM) Redirection Unidirectional Nystagmus Multidirectional nystagmus Over shoot Undershoot Additional saccades