ACADEMIC COUNCIL Minutes of the fourth meeting of Academic Council in the 2013-2014 academic session, held on 12 March at 2pm in room 075, Queen Anne, Greenwich Campus. Present: David Maguire, Vice Chancellor (Chair) Christopher Hallas, Director of Student Affairs (Secretary) Tom Barnes, DVC (Research & Enterprise) Alex Brooks, President, SUUG Linda Burke, PVC, FEH Judith Burnett, PVC, FACH Paul Butler, Director, ILS Wendy Cealey Harrison, Head of AQU Owais Chishty, SUUG Sandra Clarke, FACH, Teaching & Research Karen Cleaver, FEH Jo Cullinane, FBU Sarah Greer, DPVC Henry Hill, Deputy Director, OSA Cos Ierotheou, FACH, Teaching & Research Simon Jarvis, DVC, (Academic Development) Simeon Keates, Head, Engineering Mary Clare Martin, FEH, Teaching & Research Pam Maras, Chair of UREC Kyle Marchelleck, SUUG Chris Philpott, DPVC Neil Spiller, DPVC Andrew Westby, Director, NRI Tony Whitehead, SUUG In attendance Norma Powell (note taker) Apologies: Liz Bacon, DPVC Noel-Ann Bradshaw, CMS, Teaching & Research Alex Coutroubis, FES, Teaching & Research Iain Cumming, Head, MSoP Ed Galea, FACH, Professoriate AC/13.40 Andrew Hall, MSoP David Isaac, FACH, Professoriate Nevin Mehmet, FHE, Teaching & Research Wim Melis, FES, Early Career Jon Sibson, PVC, FBU Martin Snowden, PVC, FES MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 22 JANUARY 2014 The summary minutes of COUNCIL held on 22 January 2014 were agreed as an accurate record, subject to minor adjustments to the titles of some members listed as in attendance. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 AC/13.41 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Minute AC/12.55 – Postgraduate Research Degrees: The review of the Academic Regulations for Research Awards is ongoing and will be completed as part of the plan for Review of Regulations. Minute AC/13.26 – Membership of Academic Council: Action completed. Minute AC/13.27 – Academic Quality – Update on Preparation for Institutional Review: Initial discussions with regard to arrangements for preparing and presenting the Students’ Union evaluation document have taken place. A draft communications plan is currently being considered by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Development). (see main agenda item 5) Minute AC/13.29 – Regulations – Plan for Review: A report will be presented to COUNCIL at the meeting scheduled for 30 April 2014. Minute AC/13.31 – National Student Survey – Report from the Student Experience Committee: SEC has considered feedback from Faculties and Offices, which identified that no obvious causal factors could be observed. The position will continue to be reviewed with respect to future NSS outcomes. Minute AC/13.34 – Any other business – Quality Assurance Handbook: Action completed. Minute AC/13.38 – Academic Council Handbook: The Director of Student Affairs informed COUNCIL that, since the handbook had been received as a formal item at a previous meeting of COUNCIL, it had been deemed appropriate to make a minor amendment to the Faculty Board Terms of Reference. COUNCIL approved the amendment. . AC/13.42 REPORT FROM THE VICE CHANCELLOR The Vice Chancellor offered congratulations to those members of the Students’ Union who were successful in the recent elections for SUUG officers for 20142015. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 The inauguration of the new Chancellor of the university, The Right Honourable, the Baroness Scotland of Asthal PC, QC, will take place during the evening of 12th March, in the Old Royal Naval College Chapel. Twenty new academic appointments have been advertised for which a large number of applications have been received. Interviews for the new Chief Operating Officer will take place on 11 April and the recruitment process for a new University Secretary is underway. The Vice Chancellor reported that applications for admission to the university showed an increase of 10% on the previous year. This compares with an average sector-wide increase of 4.5% The Vice Chancellor congratulated all those involved in this area of activity and noted that it would be an important task to ensure that the applications translate into offers, acceptances and finally student registrations. A review of the communications and marketing functions undertaken across the university has been commissioned by the Vice Chancellor and will be led by the PVC (FBUS). The Vice Chancellor stressed the importance of this function to the success of the university. The university is currently awaiting receipt of the grant letter from HEFCE which will confirm the amount of funding available for the 2013-2014 session, outline the funding for 2014-2015 and identify indicative funding for the year 2015-2016. The Vice Chancellor advised COUNCIL that the university is currently showing a healthy financial surplus and is therefore in a strong position with regard to its financial situation. However, there will be substantial capital expenditure over the next 3 - 5 years, requiring careful management. The Vice Chancellor congratulated Professor Ed Galea and his team on being awarded the Guardian University award for Research Impact for their work on ‘Active Dynamic Signage Systems’. AC/13.43 ACADEMIC STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION PROPOSALS FOR ACADEMIC STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION In June 2012 COUNCIL endorsed proposals to introduce a new academic structure to achieve delivery of the university’s Strategic Plan 2012-2017. The structure comprised four Faculties and was subsequently approved by Court. The Vice Chancellor reported that the key structures were now fully operational with the three tier structure of Faculty, School, Departments being replaced by a two tier structure – Faculty and Departments. COUNCIL was asked to endorse the proposed academic and organisational structure, for submission to Court for approval. COUNCIL endorsed the proposed academic and organisational structure for submission to Court for approval at its next meeting. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, COMPUTING AND HUMANITIES The Pro Vice Chancellor (FACH) presented proposals for the restructuring of the Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities. A full consultation process on the proposed changes had taken place between 5 November 2013 and 5 December 2013 and included 1-2-1 meetings, discussions with functional groups and the Unions and departmental and Faculty meetings. The changes proposed are intended to improve the resourcing, organisational efficiency and departmental constitution of the Faculty. COUNCIL endorsed the new structure. AC/13.44 ACADEMIC QUALITY UPDATE AND TIMETABLE ON PREPARATION FOR INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Development) updated COUNCIL on the preparation for Institutional Review. He explained that there will be three phases to the preparation: Institutional awareness and initial work on the institutional Self Evaluation Document (SED) and Student Submission (SS) Institutional preparation and finalising of the SED and SS Implementation of Higher Education Review (HER) arrangements. The first round of ‘mapping’ against the Quality Code has now been completed and areas needing work and further improvement have been highlighted. Checks will now be carried out at Faculty level and tests for accuracy in terms of local practice will be made. One of the main concerns remains possible existing inconsistencies with regard to practices within faculties and departments. Consultation will now take place with internal and external advisers on the results of the mapping exercise. A communication strategy will be launched and a regular newsletter distributed. The aim is to involve as many staff as possible in the review process. Drafts of the SED will be made available to COUNCIL. The Pro Vice Chancellor (FEH) said that the proposal for consultation at both centralised and Faculty level to ensure consistency was positive. She asked that programme leaders be included in the discussions. There are plans for the Academic Quality Unit to meet with the Educational Development Unit (EDU) and Heads of Departments to clarify what is expected within the new structure with regard to programme review, as well as with programme leaders to look at, for example, job descriptions, roles, titles etc. The Vice Chancellor thanked the AQU for the comprehensive plan they had put forward and emphasised that the review is a critical activity for the university and the achievement of a satisfactory outcome is a top priority. COUNCIL endorsed the proposed timetable for preparation for Institutional Review. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 SCHOOL MONITORING AND REVIEW DOCUMENTS, 2012-2013 (SMRDS) – PROCESSES AND OUTCOMES TO DATE The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Development) gave an oral report on the School Monitoring and Review documents (SMRDs). A paper will be presented to COUNCIL at the next meeting. The SMRD consists of three reporting areas (Quality and Standards, Research and Enterprise and Collaborative Provision) and will concentrate on key themes. The reports are currently presented on a School basis. The director of Learning and Teaching (FEH) will lead a review on how these will be produced in the future under the Faculty structure. Themes raised and actions taken last year included: 2:1s and Firsts - the university achieved the desired increase in the number of candidates gaining good degrees. However, examiners noted that the full range of marks available ought to be utilised i.e. marks in the 80s and 90s. Personal Tutoring – a new procedure has been implemented and rolled out this year. UCAS tariff – the increase in UCAS tariff points of applicants had been maintained and slightly increased. The number of students passing at the first attempt – improvements in progression had been achieved Research Excellence Framework (REF) – the university’s submission has been made Employability initiatives – the employment outcomes of students still need to be improved Timetabling – The Faculty Operating Officer (FBUS) is chairing a group looking at timetabling. Some progress has been made. Extenuating Circumstances – a proposal previously made to COUNCIL in June 2013 to simplify processes pending full establishment of Faculty structures and introduction of electronic workflows was not endorsed. The results of a further review are still outstanding. Action around review of the Academic Regulations is ongoing. A recommendation to provide mid-term reviews of SMRD action plans was proposed. It was suggested that this could cause too much duplication of reporting, especially where regulatory body inspections and reports were also required by, for example, OFSTED, the National Midwifery Council and the British Psychological Society. AC/13.45 ACADEMIC CALENDAR – TERM DATES 2015-2016 The Deputy Director of Student Affairs, Student Administration, presented proposed term dates for 2015-2016 to COUNCIL for approval. The proposed dates reflect a request by the Executive Committee for a later start date in January of each year. The proposed dates also make provision for a later start in September and a two week break in the teaching block in recognition of the early dates for Easter during 2015-2016. The later start dates will be built into the dates for future academic years 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Development) stressed that there should be no loss of momentum for the three teaching weeks after the Easter break in 2015-2016. It was agreed that there would in future be student representation on the group preparing the calendar. COUNCIL approved the proposed term dates for 2015-16. AC/13.46 STOCKWELL STREET – ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENTS The Pro Vice Chancellor (FACH) and the Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (FACH) gave a presentation to COUNCIL on academic developments for the new Stockwell Street building. The end of July 2014 will see the ‘practical completion’ of the building and it is expected that it will open on 14 September 2014 in time for the new intake of students in 2014-2015. As well as being a home for the teaching of academic programmes, an intended function of the building is to create a sense of ‘place’ and also contribute to the reputation of the university. The ground floor will be a public space in which to hold external events. The Vice Chancellor thanked both members of COUNCIL for the presentation. AC/13.47 ENHANCING EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH – FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE COUNCIL received an update on the framework for enhancing employment outcomes at the university from the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Enterprise). He outlined several initiatives which have been introduced this year in order to improve the university’s league table position with regard to employment outcomes, as specified in the Strategic Plan. The SHIFT conference on employment outcomes raised awareness of these issues and looked at ways of overcoming them, based on practice elsewhere in the sector. A minimum of 15 credits worth of employability components to be included in all undergraduate programmes, via the Greenwich Employment Matrix (GEM). The REED employment service is currently on campus offering coaching to students to help them into employment and in identifying jobs and internship opportunities. The contract with REED allows for engagement with up to 2000 students per year. There are currently just under 1000 students registered and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) asked that staff encourage students to register. REED have also set up a University of Greenwich LinkedIn group which disseminates job and internship opportunities as well as information on training workshops, tips and advice. The Passport to Employment devised by the Faculty of Business is up and running and due to be rolled out across campuses – the Faculty of Engineering and Science will be the next to take this up. Staff in the Faculty AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 are working on using the pebble platform to produce an electronic version of the passport which, it is hoped, will be in place next year. Other initiatives include: An employment fair, jointly run by GET and REED, which was recently held on the Medway Campus. A graduate recruitment event to be held in May, where it is expected that 100 employers will attend. The Deputy Vice Chancellors (Academic Development) and (Research and Enterprise) will meet together with the Head of the Educational Development Unit to consider proposals for enhanced employment training. The Students’ Union has developed a toolkit which will allow students to register for extra curricula activities and thus enhance their employability. The Vice Chancellor expressed support for the developments and emphasised that obtaining improvement in the employment outcomes of graduates is a top priority for the university. AC/13.48 SUMMARY REPORTS FROM ACADEMIC COUNCIL COMMITTEES COUNCIL received reports from the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, Research and Enterprise Committee, Student Experience Committee, and from the Faculty Boards of Architecture, Computing & Humanities, Education & Health and Engineering & Science, summarising the current status of their work. Research and Enterprise Committee COUNCIL was asked to ratify the recommendation of the committee with regard to postgraduate research degree awards (see item 10 of the main agenda). COUNCIL considered and noted the summary report. Academic Quality and Standards Committee Student Experience Committee Faculty Board of Architecture, Computing & Humanities Faculty Board of Education & Health Faculty Board of Engineering & Science COUNCIL considered and noted the summary reports from the above mentioned committees and Faculty Boards. AC/13.49 CONFIRMATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM EXAMINERS FOR RESEARCH DEGREE AWARDS COUNCIL received a report from the University Research and Enterprise Committee confirming the recommendations of examiners following the Faculty Research Degrees Committee meeting on 17th January 2014 COUNCIL ratified the award recommended by the examiners. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014 AC/13.50 ACADEMIC AWARDS – A PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE THE AWARD OF MArch IN THE SCHEDULE OF AWARDS OFFERED BY THE UNIVERSITY The DPVC (FACH) presented a proposal to COUNCIL to include the Masters of Architecture (MArch) in the schedule of awards which may be made by the university. It is proposed that the title of the Diploma in Architecture will be replaced by the MArch Architecture Part 2 and will be a change of title only. The university has received confirmation that the change would be approved by ARB/RIBA provided that no major programme changes are involved. It is proposed that the new award will be in place for students graduating this year. Work would need to be undertaken by the AQU to review and update the schedule of awards presented in the Academic Regulations. COUNCIL approved in principle the proposal to establish the award of MArch. AC/13.51 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. FORMAL AGENDA AC/13.52 REPORT ON ACTION TAKEN BY THE CHAIR ON BEHALF OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL COUNCIL noted action taken by the Chair to approve items of business on behalf of COUNCIL, as agreed at the meeting held on 22 January 2014. COUNCIL noted the action taken by the Chair. AC/13.53 MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL COMMITTEES Minutes of the following meetings were received by COUNCIL: Academic Quality & Standards Committee, 19 December 2013 (confirmed) Research & Enterprise Committee, 12 February 2014 (unconfirmed) Student Experience Committee, 31 January 2014 (unconfirmed) Faculty Board – Architecture, Computing & Humanities, 21 January 2014 (unconfirmed) Faculty Board – Education & Health, 22 January 2014 (unconfirmed) Faculty Board – Engineering & Science, 4 December 2013 (unconfirmed) COUNCIL noted the flow of minutes. AC/13.56 NEXT MEETING OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL TO TAKE PLACE ON 30 APRIL 2014, AT 3.00pm, QUEEN ANNE 075, GREENWICH CAMPUS COUNCIL noted the date, time and venue for the next meeting. AC 13\M-4\MARCH 2014