Mathematics Lesson

Money Change to 5c
Lesson Topic:
Money Change
45 Mins
Prior student learning:
Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value
ACARA Achievement Standards
ACARA Content Descriptors
 Represent money values in multiple ways and count
 They represent money values in various ways
the change required for simple transactions to the
nearest five cents
Mathematic concept: Counting money change to the nearest 5cents
 The students will be able to give accurate and appropriate answers to questions asked by teacher.
 Students have a good knowledge and understanding of how to show money and change in a range of different ways
 Students are able to work effectively and constructively to represent the value of money
Objectives for the lesson-At the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate their ability to:
1. Count change to the nearest five cents
2. Represent money values physically, verbally as well as written
3. Show the realistic effect that money has
 Have 30 cups filled with small amounts of coins for children to count
 Have PowerPoint open and ready
 Have Maths is fun website open
 Money PowerPoint
 30 x cups
 Money Jar
Lesson Introduction: (5 - 6 minutes)
Begin lesson by introducing the three behaviour management areas that the lesson will be focusing on.
Introduce the idea of money to the children and use the maths is fun resource to show how to make totals of money
10 mins
Teaching and Learning Activities
Teaching Strategies
Presentation Phase
 Ask Students: do collections with the largest number of
Individually, students are given a collection
coins also have the highest value? Does the largest coin
of coins in a cup or containers.
have the greatest value? Does the smallest coin have
The student will sort out the amount that is
the least value?
inside of the cup and once all students
 Observe which students’ need assistance and pair some
have completed they will report back
students together to collaborate their end result
about the content and value of their
Begin with simple collections e.g. three 5c,
two 10c, two 20c and increase the number
and type of coins, as required.
Line up the various collections according to
their value and compare them
Demonstration Phase
Put on the “Money PowerPoint” and
explain to the students that they will be
looking at a lunch menu
Go through the PowerPoint and constantly
use the examples given to show students
how to work out their remaining change as
they go.
20 mins
Application Phase
It is completely up to them what they will
buy and they only have $10.00 to spend.
The only rule is that they must have at
least 2 items to eat and 1 item to drink.
Allow students to help work out what change is
remaining before the answer is shown
Ask a range of students
Make sure the students are all gathered in one area and
involved those who sit on the fringes
Constantly walk around the room helping and
observing students
Challenge students by asking why they have the
coins the way they have
Let students try and solve their own
equations using the methods shown in the
PowerPoint. Allow students to try this with
a range of coins and let them try the
challenge twice using different
Check Fast Finishers for extension task
Lesson Conclusion
Conclude the lesson by asking the students how they had gone in the challenge and what they found
difficult or easy.
Listen to the children’s responses to how they went in the challenge
Assessment of Student Learning
1. Did the students enjoy themselves? Why/Why not?
2. Which of the students did not achieve the objectives of the lesson?
3. Were the students productive and engaged during the lesson?
4. How well did the students work in groups and as individuals?
5. What follow-up actions need to be taken in the next lesson?
6. Which students will require further support?
Extended activities for fast finishers
Challenge students to whoever can buy the most items for $10.00, whoever can have the most amount of change left
over from buying three items and if everyone can solve the puzzle in 10 minutes
Evaluation- Learning Objectives
Evaluation- Self as Teacher
Associate teacher’s comments: