First Course in Organic Chemistry 2010 - 2011 Introduction to Organic Chemistry By Dr. Nabila Aljaber 22/03/2016 1 WARNING! •This document contains visual aids for lectures •It does not contain lecture notes •It does not contain actual lectures •Failure to attend lectures can harm your performance in module assessment 22/03/2016 2 Printing out handouts of PowerPoint documents Click on ‘OK’ Set ‘Slides per page’ to ‘3’ (recommended to facilitate taking of notes), ‘4’ or ‘6’ 22/03/2016 From ‘File’ menu, select ‘Print’ Set ‘Print range’ to ‘All’; set ‘Print what:’ to ‘Handouts’ 3 What is Organic Chemistry? It is defined as the study of hydrocarbons (compounds of hydrogen and carbon) and their derivatives 7 million Organic Compounds 1.5 million Inorganic Compounds Animal and plant matter, Foods, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Fertilizers, Plastics, Petrochemicals, Clothing 22/03/2016 4 Periodic Table 22/03/2016 5 Carbon Why is it the element of life on earth? Has Four Bonding Electrons Unique Strong Covalent Bonds Strong Single, Double and Triple Bonds Average Bond Energies (KJ mol-1) C-C 607 Si-Si 230 C-H 416 Si-H 323 C-N 754 Si-N 470 C-O 336 Si-O 368 22/03/2016 O-Si-O = Sand and Rocks 6 Simplest Organic molecule Carbon has 4 valence electrons H H H C H H C H H H Ne Neon methane H C Stable Octet required 22/03/2016 Covalent Bonding – Atoms Share Electrons 7 C(6) - 1s2, 2s2, 2px1, 2py1, 2pz0 lowest energy state 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , 1 2px , 1 2py , 1 2pz Excited state 4 sp3 Hybridization + 2s 22/03/2016 + + 2py 2px 2pz 4 X sp3 8 Px Px Pz Pz Py 22/03/2016 Py 9 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz Promotey sp3 sp3 sp3 sp3 Hybridize x 109.5o z Methane: Carbon 22/03/2016 10 Methane building blocks 22/03/2016 11 Methane is Tetrahedral 109.5 0 H C H H H Sp3 hybridized carbon 4 equivalent C-H bonds (s-bonds) All purely single bonds are called s-bonds 22/03/2016 12 120 H o H C H C H 2 2 Flat molecule – “Planar” 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , 2px , 1 2py , 0 2pz Hybridization 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , H C C H p-bond 22/03/2016 H 1 2px , 1 2py , 3 sp2 H 1 2pz p-bond Three s-bonds s-bonds – One C-C, two C-H bonds per carbon atom 13 s-bond s-orbital p-orbitals Spherical Symmetry end to end overlap of orbitals leads to s-bond p-bond side ways overlap When a single bond is present between atoms, that bond is always s-bond DB contains one s-bond and one p-bond The p-bond lies perpendicular to the s-bond – overlapping lobes above and below the plane of sbond Groups or atoms can be rotated about a single bond, but DB is rigid – No rotation about a DB is possible without breaking the22/03/2016 p-bond – This leads to cis-trans Isomerism 14 Linear Molecule 180o Alkynes H C C H Ethyne (acetylene) H3C C C H Propyne Sp3 hybridisation in Saturated Bonds (e.g. alkanes) Sp2 hybridisation in DB (e.g. alkenes) Sp hybridisation in TB (e.g. alkynes) 2 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , 2px , 1 2py , 0 2pz Hybridization 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , Two s-bonds (C-H) and (C-C) And Two p-bonds between C-C 22/03/2016 per C atom 1 2px , 2sp 1 2py , 1 2pz 2p-bonds 15 ALKANES 22/03/2016 16 Alkanes CnH2n+2 consist of only carbon and hydrogen bonded by single covalent bonds single H H C H H methane CH3 22/03/2016 H H H C C H H H ethane CH3CH3 H H H H H C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H C C C C C H H H H H H propane butane pentane CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH3 H H H H C C C H H H H CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 17 Skeletal structure of only carbon atoms propane butane pentane C1 – C4 n-alkanes are all gases Methane main component of natural gas Propane and butane often stored as compressed gases 22/03/2016 18 Rotation about single covalent bonds occurs freely. The energy barrier is small. The position of hydrogen atoms relative to one is thus constantly changing H H H C H C H H Ethane 22/03/2016 19 Nomenclature * General Formula CnH2n+2 Number of carbon Name Structure One Two Three Four Five Sex Seven Eight Nine Ten Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane Nonane CH4 C 2H 6 C 3H 8 C4H10 C5H12 C6H14 C7H16 C8H18 C9H20 C10H22 22/03/2016 Decane 20 Alkyl groups (R): (-H) # Methane # Ethane # Propane CH4 C2H6 22/03/2016 Methyl Ethyl C3H8 (2 R) CH3-CH2-CH3 - CH2-CH2-CH3 n-Propyl CH3 C2H5 OR CH3-CH-CH3 Isopropyl 21 # Butane (C4H10) Butane n -butane CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 n-butyl CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 Isobutyl CH3 CH2-CH-CH3 22/03/2016 Iso butane CH3 CH3-CH-CH3 2 butyl CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 3 butyl CH3 CH3-C-CH3 22 Degree of carbon 4º 4ry quat. 1º 1ry Pry. 22/03/2016 3º 3ry ter. 2º 2ry Sec. 23 isopropyl 3ry-butyl 2ry -butyl methyl isobutyl 22/03/2016 n-propyl 24 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC 1-Longest continuous chain CH3–CH2–CH–CH2–CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 3-Ethyl hexane 22/03/2016 Not CH3–CH2–CH–CH2–CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 3-Propyl pentane 25 2-Lowest number of attachment of substation CH3–CH2–CH–CH2–CH3 CH2 CH2 Not CH3 3-ethyl hexane 22/03/2016 CH3– CH2–CH–CH2–CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 4-ethyl hexane 26 3-Same alkyl substitute (di -, tri-, tetra, penta.. etc.) CH3 CH3 – CH – CH2 –C – CH3 CH3 CH3 2, 2, 4-Trimethylpentane Not 2,4,4-Trimethyl pentane 22/03/2016 27 4-Different alkyl substation ( alphabetical) CH3 CH2 CH3 –CH2 – CH2 – CH – CH – C – CH2 – CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 3,3-Diethyl-4-methyl-5-n-propyloctane 22/03/2016 28 CH3 CH2 CH3 –CH2 – CH2 – CH – CH – C – CH2 – CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 22/03/2016 29 Name the following compound CH3CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH C C CH3 H H CH2 H CH2 C CH3 CH3 longest chain = 9 carbons = nonane 1,2-dimethyl propyl substituent methyl need to be in alphabetical order 5-(1,2-dimethylpropyl)-2-methylnonane 3D – models show that because of the tetrahedral carbon atoms the chains are zig-zagged and not at all straight 22/03/2016 30 Physical Properties of Alkanes Non-polar molecules, which are less dense than water. Alkanes are immiscible with water making two layers. Van-der Waals or dipole-dipole attractive forces, and not H-bonding (as in polar molecules) are the main intermolecular forces Alkanes show regular increases in bpt and mpt as molecular weight increases down the homolgous series 22/03/2016 31 Physical Properties of Alkanes These weak intermolecular forces operate over small distances, arising because the electron distribution within molecules at any given instance is not uniform. Resulting in tiny electrical attractions between molecules. These temporary dipoles hold alkanes as liquids or solids, and must be overcome in order to vaporize a liquid or melt a solid (wax) 22/03/2016 32 Isomers – they have the same molecular formula, but a different structures Structural Isomers – same molecular formula, but atoms are bonded in different orders H . H3C C CH3 C4H10 – has two isomers, n-butane and isobutane (2-methylpropane) CH3 Isobutane H3C CH CH2 CH3 Isopentane CH3 Has the same molecular formula as n-pentane, C5H12 (2-methylbutane) CH3 H3C C CH3 CH3 Neopentane 22/03/2016 Have different Physical Properties, Mpt, Bpt, densities, (2,2-dimethylpropane) 33 Fractional distillation of crude oil Natural Gas (C1-C4) Gasoline (C4-C12) Bpt (40-200 ºC) Petroleum Kerosene (C12-C16) Bpt (200-250 ºC) Heating oil (C15-C18) Bpt (250-300 ºC) Straight-chain alkanes are a pure fuel, because of engine knock. n-Heptane has an octane rating = 0 Catalytic cracking 2,2,4-trimethylpentane has an octane rating = 100 22/03/2016 34 CYCLOALKANES and Conformational Analysis 22/03/2016 35 Cycloalkanes H2C CH2 C H2 H CnH2n H C C H H C H H Cyclopropane H2C CH2 H2C CH2 H2C CH2 H 2C CH2 C H2 22/03/2016 Cyclobutane Cyclopentane 36 Angle Strain in Cyclopropane and Cyclobutane – weaker “Bent” C-C bonds C-C Bond angles 60 and 88o respectively Eclipsed hydrogens – Torsional Angle Reduced in Cyclobutane by folding or bending Pentane has C-C bond angles of 108o C-C bonds slightly bent out of planarity in order to reduce torsional strain The most stable cycloalkane with 109.5o C-C bond angles Cycloalkanes have higher bpt/mpt than straight chain 22/03/2016 alkanes with the same number of carbon atoms 37 Sir D.H.R. Barton, Nobel Prize 1969 22/03/2016 38 How to draw Cyclohexane ? H H H put in axial H’s H put in equitorial H’s H H H H H H H H 22/03/2016 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 39 Reactions of Alkanes Combustion CH4 + 2O 2 CO2 + 2 H O + energy 2 Dehydrogenation RCH2 High Temp. catalyst CH2R RHC CHR alkene light or heat 22/03/2016 + Br2 + H H Br + HBr 40 22/03/2016 41 When bonds break ions are created – driven by the energy of solvation Each atom gets one electron each – results in the formation of radicals Radical – neutral species with one unpaired electron Using Curly Arrows 22/03/2016 42 Sir Robert Robinson, Nobel Prize 1947 Introduced curly arrows in 1922, numerous brilliant syntheses of complex natural products 22/03/2016 43 Halogenation Substitution Reaction – a reaction in which part of a small reacting molecule replaces an atom or a 22/03/2016 group of atoms on the organic molecule 44 Mechanisms are widely used by organic chemists to explain reaction pathways to observed reaction products Initiation Two highly reactive Chlorine radicals formed Hydrogen abstraction to form a methyl radical 22/03/2016 45 Propagation Chlorine atom is abstracted to form a chlorine radical Propagation are the product forming steps Chain Reaction – thousands of radical forming cycles 22/03/2016 46 Termination Radicals Couple Product forming Chains are broken As the reaction progresses chloromethane accumulates and its hydrogen atoms can be abstracted. 22/03/2016 47 Fluorine is the most reactive halogen – mixtures of fluorine and methane can be explosive. Fluorine radical is very reactive. The reaction is controlled with the addition of an inert gas to dilute the reaction. Chlorine is next most reactive, followed by bromine. Cl2 and Br2 require heat or light. Iodine does not react with methane easily. Iodine radical is disperse and large - unreactive 22/03/2016 48 Alkyl Halides or Haloalkanes 22/03/2016 49 Naming them Tend to be Heavier than water More Toxic than Alkanes Cl Cl C CH3 CH Cl CH Cl Cl Tetrachloromethane or carbon tetrachloride CH3 CH3 CH CH3 CH2 CH2 Br 2-Chloro-3-methylbutane Cl 3-Bromo-1-chlorobutane CH2CH3 Br F Cl 1-Bromobutane 1-Ethyl-2-fluorocyclohexane Cl Cl C F F Cl Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon-11) Cl C Cl F F 2-Chloropropane or Isopropyl chloride F F C C F H H Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1,1, 2-Tetrafluoroethane (Freon-12) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 22/03/2016 Refrigerant Gases, Ozone Depletion, More H’s more degradable 50 X dd+ C X = F, Cl, Br X is readily displaced by nucleophiles Nu Electronegativity is defined as the ability of atoms to attract shared electrons in a covalennt bond ------------ leads to nucleophilic substitution in alkyl halides Cl Cl C Cl Cl 22/03/2016 Symmetrical molecules have no dipole moment or have equal distribution of electrons within covalent bonds Therefore, they are unreactive! 51 ALKENES 22/03/2016 52 Unsaturated Compounds – contain DB and or TB ALKENES H2C CH2 Ethene 1-Butene End in ene H3C CH CH2 CnH2n Propene 1-Pentene 1-Hexene 1,3-Butadiene 3-methyl-1,4-pentadiene 22/03/2016 53 H 120o H C C H Flat molecule – “Planar” H 2 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , 2px , 1 2py , 0 2pz Hybridization 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , H H C C H 1 2px , 1 2py , 3 sp2 H 1 2pz p-bond Three s-bonds p-bond 22/03/2016 s-bonds – One C-C, two C-H bonds per carbon atom 54 s-bond s-orbital p-orbitals Spherical Symmetry end to end overlap of orbitals leads to s-bond p-bond side ways overlap When a single bond is present between atoms, that bond is always s-bond DB contains one s-bond and one p-bond The p-bond lies perpendicular to the s-bond – overlapping lobes above and below the plane of sbond Groups or atoms can be rotated about a single bond, but DB is rigid – No rotation about a DB is possible without breaking the22/03/2016 p-bond – 55 This leads to cis-trans Isomerism If each of the two carbons has two different groups attached to it Geometric isomers have different chemical & physical properties H3C H CH3 H H3C H cis-(Z)-2-butene H R R R H H H H R cis- trans- CH3 trans-(E)-2-butene Z-E system, we take the group with higher priority (here higher molecular weight), and compare it with the group with higher priority on the other carbon 22/03/2016 56 Cl Br F Cl > F H H 3C H Br > H (Z)-2-Bromo-1-chloro-1-fluoroethene F Cl H F > CH3 CH3 CH3 > H (Z)-2-fluorobutene F Br Cl > F Br > H (E)-2-Bromo-1-chloro-1-fluoroethene 22/03/2016 57 p-bond lobes represent areas of high electron density Therefore, the p-bond is susceptible to attack by electron deficient molecules, called electrophiles, E+ ADDITION REACTIONS E+ C H H C X OSO3H + C H H A C C C C A B X OSO3H C C Alkyl Halides Alkyl hydrogen Sulfate C H OH H+ 22/03/2016 X H X C X C C OH C Alcohols X Dihaloalkanes 58 B Mechanism C Slow C C C + X H H X fast C H C X C C H X X- is the nucleophile, and the carbocation is the electrophile The electrophile is a Lewis acid, its accepted a pair of electrons, the simplest Lewis acid is H+ The nucleophile is a Lewis base, its donated a pair of electrons 22/03/2016 59 C Slow C C O C O H H OSO2OH Markovnikov’s Rule H2C H Br CH3 H2C H Unsymmetrical Alkene 22/03/2016 O H O Fast H C S C C H OSO3H H atom adds to the carbon atom which already has the most H atoms H C CH3 Br Markovnikov addition Product 60 H CH3 +C H H +C H CH3 CH3 H +C H CH3 +C CH3 CH3 INCREASING STABILITY OF CARBOCATIONS This determines the selectivity of addition of HX onto an unsymmetrical alkene 22/03/2016 61 H CH3 C C H H 2-Bromopropane is the main product BrH2C C H H2 C CH3 C C H Br 2o Carbocation prefered C H H CH3 H CH3 1-Bromopropane – little formed 22/03/2016 Slow H Br H CH3 CHBr CH3 H H Br Slow CH3 H C H C H H 1o Carbocation 3o > 2o > 1o Carbocation stability The Slow Step is the Rate Determining Step 62 Bromination of DB – This is an Ionic Mechanism C C C C Br Br d+ Br d- + Br Test for DB or TB Decloroization of Br2/CCl4 1. Bromine molecule becomes polarised 2. Bromine bond breaks heterolytically 3. Formation of Bromonium cation and Bromide anion Br C C Br Br C C Contrast with reaction between Bromine and Alkanes Br colourless 4. Back-side nucleophilic attack – opening of three membered ring 5. Stereospecific Product 22/03/2016 63 Hydrogenation – “Reduction” C H C H C C Example 2X H Pt or Pd - catalyst solvent, pressure C H Pt - catalyst solvent, pressure H H C H H C H Pt ethanol, 1 atm cyclohexene 22/03/2016 C H cyclohexane 64 Oxidation of Alkenes H2C CH2 KMnO4, -OH, H2O H2C CH2 + MnO2 OH OH 1,2-Ethanediol LEO Says GER Oxidation = Loss of electrons Loss of Hydrogen Gain of Oxygen 22/03/2016 Reduction = Gain of electrons Gain of Hydrogen Loss of Oxygen An oxidizing agent gets reduced A reducing agent gets oxidized 65 H H C C Polymers are large molecules containing many identical repeating units (100-1000000) H H H ethylene H C C H H H Cl n n C C Addition polymer is a polymer in which the monomer simply add together with no other products formed besides polymer 22/03/2016 H F C C F n Teflon H C C F F F F Tetrafluoroethene H C C H H n Poly(vinylchloride), PVC vinyl chloride F n Polypropylene H F C C H Cl H H CH3 n C C H n Polyethylene CH3 H C C H propylene Polymerisation reaction is a repetition reaction which combines many small molecules of monomer (alkene) to form a polymer H H n n H H C C H n 66 Styrene Polystyrene ALKYNES 22/03/2016 67 Linear Molecule 180o Alkynes H C C H Ethyne (acetylene) H3C C C H Propyne Sp3 hybridisation in Saturated Bonds (e.g. alkanes) Sp2 hybridisation in DB (e.g. alkenes) Sp hybridisation in TB (e.g. alkynes) 2 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , 2px , 1 2py , 0 2pz Hybridization 2 1 C(6) - 1s , 2s , Two s-bonds (C-H) and (C-C) And Two p-bonds between C-C 22/03/2016 per C atom 1 2px , 2sp 1 2py , 1 2pz 2p-bonds 68 Therefore, a Triple bond consists of one s-bond and two pbonds The two p-bonds are perpendicular to each other and form a cylinder of negative charge about the axis of the bond ---------- No bond rotation about TB sp-orbitals contain 50% s- and 50% p-character Far less disperse than sp2, which is less disperse than sp3 The Carbon-Carbon bond is 1.2Ao shorter than C=C, which is 1.3Ao. C-H bond is also shorter than ethene, which is shorter than ethane, because in ethyne it is overlap between an sp orbital and a s-orbital of H to give the s-bond. The22/03/2016 bonding electrons reside closer to the C-nucleus, and so 69 are held more tightly. Alkynes are more reactive in halogenation reactions than alkenes (no longer in this course) and -------- Combustion Alkynes are high energy compounds H C C H + 2.5 O2 2 CO2 + H2O Welding gas 22/03/2016 70 Benzenes & AROMATICS 22/03/2016 71 An Aromatic Hydrocarbon is a cyclic compound that does not readily undergo addition reactions Reactivity is different to other unsaturated compoundsSubstitution rather than Addition is favoured. H Benzene C6H6 H H C C C C C C H H H High Carbon content – burn with a smoky flame Resonance Structure - Rearrange the bonding electrons Delocalisation, Resonance -Stabilise molecules, so make them less reactive Delocalised or Conjugated System – p-bonding 22/03/2016 electrons can move within the molecule 72 H H H C C C C C C H H Kekul said that he dreamt the structure of benzene – so called Kekul structure of benzene H In aromatic compounds the C atoms are sp2 hybrids, so that each C atom has one remaining p-electron involved in p-bonding Three sp2 hybrid orbitals arrange themselves as far apart as possible which is at 120° to each other in a plane. The remaining p orbital is at right angles to them. Each carbon atom uses the sp2 hybrids to form s-bonds with two other carbons and one hydrogen atom. This extensive sideways overlap produces a system of p-bonds which are spread out over the whole carbon ring. Because the electrons are no longer 22/03/2016 73 held between just two carbon atoms, but are spread over the whole ring, the electrons are said to be delocalised. = Flat (Planar) Molecule Regular Hexagon p-Electron Density Rings above and below the plane of the ring – Susceptible to electrophilic attack Benzene is a colourless odourless liquid that is a suspected carcinogen Benzene and its derivatives are said to be aromatic - a term coined because of the strong fragrance of some of the derivatives of benzene Non-aromatic compounds are said to be aliphatic 22/03/2016 Michael Faraday first isolated benzene in 1825 74 = Flat (Planar) Molecule Regular Hexagon Delocalised or Conjugated System – p-bonding electrons can move within the molecule 22/03/2016 75 1. Must be cyclic Rules for Aromaticity 2. Must be planar 3. Each atom of the ring must have a p orbital and these p orbitals must be perpendicular to the plane of the ring 4. Must contain 4n+2 Rule p-electrons (where n = 0, 1, 2, ...) –Hückel n = 1 , 6pelectrons Naphthalene 22/03/2016 10 π Anthracene Phenanthrene 14 π 76 Vinyl group Br CH3 1 2 O 3 4 O 22/03/2016 +O N H N m p H OH HO O 77 Naming Aromatic Hydrocarbons F CH2CH3 Fluorobenzene NH 2 CH3 Ethylbenzene Toluene Aniline O OH Cl C OH -ortho Cl Cl -meta Phenol Cl Benzoic Acid 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene CH3 -para Cl O 2N CH3 NO 2 CH3 Br 22/03/2016 NO 2 Cl 1,4-Dichlorobenzene o-Xylene m-Bromostyrene 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 78 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution H E H H E H X H + H H H H H X H H Electrophilic attack – Slow Rate Determining Step E H E H E H E sp3 Transition State or Wheland Intermediate E 22/03/2016 H Delocalised Cyclohexadienyl cation 79 Fast Step is the loss of a proton + E ---rapid re-aromatization - H+ E H E.g. Nitration of benzene HNO3(c), H2SO4(c) NO2 Sir Christopher Ingold's ideas (1930s), terminology and nomenclature for reaction mechanisms (e.g. electrophilic, nucleophilic, inductive, mesomeric, SN1, SN2 etc) were generally accepted and employed everywhere. 22/03/2016 80 The Nitration of Benzene _ O O + N electrophilic attack O electrophile O2 N + - H+ fast 22/03/2016 O +N + slow H O + N _ O O +N = + O NO2 = 81 Generating NO2+ Sulfuric acid is a stronger acid than nitric acid O _ H O S O H O _ O S O + 2 H+ O O H HO NO2 H+ H O+ NO2 NO2+ NO2 + H2O NO2 H NO2 - [H+] Nitrobenzene 22/03/2016 82 HALOGENATION Cl2, AlCl3 Cl Br2, FeBr3 Br Professor Charles Friedel and Professor James Crafts The Halogen is polarised Br Br 22/03/2016 Br FeBr3 H + FeBr4 83 Conclusions Aromatic Compounds are resonance stabilized This gives them added stability They undergo Electrophilic Substitution Reactions Upon substitution, the fast step is the loss of a proton to regenerate aromaticity H Br + Br H H + Br + FeBr4 Br double-headed arrows + HBr FeBr3 22/03/2016 Regenerate the catalyst – so only a small amount is required 84 Diazonium Coupling Reactions mauve Azo Dyes William Perkin Write the mechanism for the formation of mauve from the diazonium salt of aniline 22/03/2016 85 ALCOHOLS, PHENOL and ETHERS 22/03/2016 86 Alcohols and Ethers Alcohols and Ethers can be regarded as derivatives of water in which one or two of the H atoms has been replaced by an alkyl group Methanol, CH3OH Water, H2O H O 0.96 Ao o 0.96 A H C H O H H H 104.5o o 1.43 A O C H H H H H 109.5o 22/03/2016 111.7o 1.43 A Saturated molecules are sp3 hybridized 108.5o Methoxymethane, CH3OCH3 H C o 1.10 Ao - I (net dipole) dO d+ H3C H Electronegativity of oxygen causes an unsymmetrical distribution of charge 87 Alcohols are found to have much higher bpt than those of alkanes or haloalkanes of comparable size, e.g. Methanol (65 oC), Chloromethane and Methane are gases ; Ethanol (78.5 oC), Chloroethane (12 oC) and Ethane is a gas Methanol and Ethanol are classed as Polar Molecules (Hydrophilic) – They are Infinitely Soluble in Water Why? Answer – Hydrogen R H Bonding H R O dH d+ H O H O R H O dH d+ H O O H H-bonds weaker than covalent bonds, although these bonds can be continually broken and reformed – a highly ordered structure results – H-Bonding to water can also occur 22/03/2016 Water (mw = 18) is a liquid, bpt 100oC – otherwise a gas 88 Ethanol H H 1-Pentanol H C C O H C C C C C O H H Hydrophilic end H H H H H H H H H H H H As R-group increases in size, so does the solubility in nonpolar solvents Hydrophobic end As the number –OHs increases so does solubility in water Bpt increase with chain length and number of –OHs Methanol, CH3OH In the Liver - Solvent in varnishes, paint - Racing Car Fuel (easy to put out flames) - Highly Toxic – “Blindness” Formaldehyde In Ethanol, CH3OH -Drinking Alcohol H3C O OH H C H Alcohol Dehydrogenase the Liver CH3CH2OH O H3C Alcohol Dehydrogenase C O [O] H Acetaldehyde - 50% Ethanol is 22/03/2016 flammable OH O [O] H C H3C C OH Acetic Acid 89 Odour on your breath Symptoms - Hang-over Ethanol content; Beer, 3-9% ; Wine, 11-13% ; Whisky, 40-45% ; Vanilla Extracts, 35% ; Night Nurse, 25% ; Listerine, 25% Preparation of Ethanol - Fermentation of Sugar – Break down of sugar to CO2 and Ethanol by Yeast Enzymes - Industrial Process – Hydration of Ethene H H H2O CH3CH2OH H H3PO4 , 300C H Naming Alcohols hydroxy or alcohol group CH3 OH CH3 CH2 OH CH3 Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) (methanol) CH3 22/03/2016 CH OH CH3 Isopropyl alcohol CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 OH Propyl alcohol (propanol) CH CH2 CH3 CH2 OH 2-Ethyl-1-butanol 90 Naming Alcohols Polyhydroxy alcohols are alcohols that possess more than one hydroxyl group CH2 CH2 HO CH2 CH3 CH CH2 HO OH OH HO CH CH2 HO OH 1,2,3-Propanetriol (glycerol) 1,2-Propanediol (propylene glycol) 1,2-Ethanediol (ethylene glycol) Harmless Extremely Toxic Calcium Oxalate crystallises in the kidney leading to renal problems 22/03/2016 CH3 O CH2 HO CH2 OH HO C Liver Enzymes HO OH H3C C Liver Enzymes C OH Oxalic acid O CH CH2 O O C OH 91 Pyruvic acid CH3 H CH3 H3C C OH H3C C OH H H Primary (1o) Alcohol H3C C OH CH3 o Secondary (2 ) Alcohol Tertiary (3o) Alcohol Alcohols are very weak Acids H R O H d+ d- d+ Alcohol H + R O Alkoxide O H Relative Acidity ; H2O > ROH > R 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 Na 22/03/2016 2 CH3CH2 Vigorous Reaction H O H C C H > RH O Na + H2 92 STEREOCHEMISTRY 22/03/2016 93 Isomers are different compounds that have the same molecular formula Structural isomers are isomers that differ because their atoms are connected in a different order CH3OCH3 ---- dimethyl ether and CH3CH2OH ---- ethanol Stereoisomers differ only in the arrangement of their atoms in space Geometric Isomers Cl H Cl H C2H2Cl2 Cl 22/03/2016 H cis-1,2-Dichloroethene H Cl trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 94 Enantiomers are stereoisomers whose molecules are nonsuperimposable mirror images of one another Objects that are superimposable on their mirror images are said to be achiral Involves a tetrahedral sp3 atom H CH3 C CH2 CH3 OH Chiral Centre 2-Butanol CH3 H C OH Interchanging any two groups at a chiral CH2 CH2 different groups converts one enantiomer CH3 CH3 into another CH3 HO H C 22/03/2016 centre (stereocentre) that bears four 95 One structure can be superimposed on another CH3 H C OH CH3 CH3 HO C H CH3 If any of the groups attached to the tetrahedral atom are the same, the centre is achiral. 2-Propanol The ultimate way to test for molecular chirality is to construct models of the molecule and its mirror image and then determine whether they are superimposable Screwdriver is achiral Socks are achiral Golf club is chiral Gloves are chiral A molecule will not be chiral if it possess a centre or plane of Symmetry 22/03/2016 96 Properties of Enantiomers Enantiomers have identical melting points and boiling points Enantiomers have identical solubilities in solvents Enantiomers have identical spectra and refractive index Enantiomers interact, and react with achiral molecules in the same manner Enantiomers interact and react with other chiral molecules at different rates Enantiomers rotate plane-polarised light by equal amounts but in opposite directions Chiral molecules are optically active Plane-polarised light Oscillation of electrical field of ordinary light occurs in all possible directions Polarimeter is a devise used to measure the effect of plane22/03/2016 polarised light on an optically active compound 97 No Correlation between the direction of rotation of plane polarised light and the absolute configuration of a molecule Clockwise Rotation (+) – dextrorotatory Anti-Clockwise Rotation (-) – levorotatory Same Configuration CH3 H2 C C H HO CH2CH3 (R)-(+)-2-Methyl-1-butanol CH3 H2 C C H Cl CH2CH3 (R)-(-)-1-Chloro-2-methylbutanol An equimolar mixture of two enantiomers is called a Racemic Mixture It is Optically Inactive 22/03/2016 98 O O H S-(+)-Carvone Principle component of Caraway seed oil and responsible for the characteristic odour H R-(-)-Carvone Principle component of Spearmint oil and responsible for the characteristic odour Receptor Sites in the Nose are Chiral 22/03/2016 99 Nobel Prize 2001 Professor William Knowles Professor Ryoji Noyori Professor K. Barry Sharpless For synthesis of optically active compounds – asymmetric synthesis SN2 H3C HO H C Br C6H13 R-(-)-2-Bromooctane 22/03/2016 CH3 CH3 HO C Br H C6H13 HO H C6H13 S-(+)-2-Octanol Transition State Inversion of Stereochemistry 100 SN2 – Substitution, Nucleophilic, Bimolecular Rate = k2 [R-Br] [Nuc-] Backside Nucleophilic Attack – Inversion in Configuration H3C HO H C Br C6H13 R-(-)-2-Bromooctane CH3 CH3 HO C Br H C6H13 Transition State HO H C6H13 S-(+)-2-Octanol Optically Active Enantiomericaly Pure Inversion of Stereochemistry Concerted Mechanism 22/03/2016 101 SN1 – Substitution, Nucleophilic, Unimolecular (CH3)3COH + 2 H3O+ + Cl - (CH3)3CCl + 2 H2O Slow Step (RDS) CH3 CH2 H3C C Cl + H3C CH3 Aided by polar Solvent Cl CH3 Stable 3o Carbocation ions are stabilized via solvation CH2 Professor George Olah Nobel Prize 1994 H3C C O H H3C Carbocation is sp2-planar more stable R R C > R 22/03/2016 R CH3 O H H Front or Backside Attack H H > R C CH3 Fast Step R C H R groups are electron releasing - delocalise the positive charge CH3 H - H+ CH3 H3C C O H CH3 102 tert-Butyl alcohol H3CH2CH2C - HBr H3C C Br H3CH2C S-3-Bromo-3-methylhexane CH2CH3 HO C CH3 CH2CH2CH3 H3CH2CH2C + H3C C OH H3CH2C 1:1 Mixture of R- and S-3-Methyl-3-hexanol The Carbocation intermediate is attacked by water from either side by the same rate 22/03/2016 103 Phenols are stronger acids than alcohols OH OH pKa = 18 H O CH3 O cyclohexene OH pKa = 10 O O Resonance Stabilised Phenoxide anion phenol Tetrahydrocannabinol H3C O CH3 104 22/03/2016 cyclic ether ETHERS, RO-OR CH3CH2 O CH2CH3 CH3CH2 O Diethyl Ether H3CO O Methoxycyclohexane OCH 3 H3C O Methoxy group Ethoxy group Non-Flammable Anaesthetics 1-Propoxypropane Methoxybenzene “anisole” Cl F F Bpt are similar to alkanes – No H-bonding to one another H C C O C H But are soluble in water- H-bonding to water - Polar F F F Flammable – Ether can cause flash fires Enflurane Low Reactivity – Make Good Reaction Solvents F H F F O Furan 22/03/2016 O Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Cyclic Ethers O Pyran C C O C H F Cl F Isoflurane 105 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 22/03/2016 106 Aldehydes and Ketones H R R C O Aldehyde C O R Ketone p-bond - two overlapping 2p orbitals H H C O lone Pairs O 1s2, 2s2 2p2 2p1 2p1 s-bond 3 sp2 orbitals s-bond- overlapping 1s H-orbital and sp2 C-orbital 22/03/2016 107 Useful in Synthesis H 118o d+ d- C O H 118o H3C 121o H C C H 121o H Resonance Structures H H Most Reactive Group – C O C O p-electrons + polarisation H3C H3C Names al – aldehydes, one - ketones H H C O C O H 22/03/2016 Methanal (formaldehyde) H H3C H C O CH3CH2 Propanal Ethanal (acetaldehyde) C O CH3CH2CH2CH2 Pentanal 108 H O H H Benzaldehyde O H trans-Cinnamaldehyde S O H Acrolein (2-propenal) - lachrymator and pleasant "odour" from barbacuing meat Formalin, 35-40% formadehyde in water Preservative that reacts with proteins causing them to resist decay 22/03/2016 Coelacanth, “prehistoric fish” H Thiopropionaldehyde (propanethiol) - lachrymator from chopped onion 109 O CH3 H O O O H3C Butadione OCH3 (butter flavour) OH Carvone Vanillin (spearmint flavour) O O H3C Propanone (ACETONE) H3C CH3 Butanone O Acetophenone H3C C H2 CH3 O CH CH2 CH3 CH3 3-Methyl-2-pentanone O CH3 22/03/2016 CH3 Benzophenone 110 Carbonyls readily undergo Nucleophilic Attack dO C d+ O O H C C H N R H N R H RNH2 ANHYDROUS Conditions are required for imine formation O H C C Imine N H N R R - H2O Reaction between an amine and a carbonyl compound 22/03/2016 111 Condensation Reaction – Elimination of water H H H3C C O H3C N N + H H3C C N N - H2 O H H H3C hydrazine acetone H hydrazone of acetone NO2 - H2O O2N H3C C O + H3C acetone H N N O2N H H H3C NO2 C N N H3C H hydrazone of acetone 2,4-diphenylhydrazine DNP test for aldehydes & ketones gives crystalline hydrazones 22/03/2016 112 Emil Fischer, Nobel Prize 1902 H dd+ R C X Mg Ether H H d- d+ R C MgX X = I or Br RCH2 H Grignard Reagent MgX Professor Victor Grignard (1912 Nobel Prize) Developed this chemistry with Professor P. A. Barbier H dd+ R C X H d- d+ R C Li Li Ether H X = I or Br RCH2 H Organolithium Reagent ADDITION dR 22/03/2016 C O dd+ Li d+ Li Protonation R C O R C O H Li H H2 O Alcohol 113 Organometallics add to carbonyls to give alcohols Ether H C O MgBr MgBr H H C O H3O+ H H C O H C O + MgBr C OH H Benzylalcohol Ether 2. H3O+ Triphenylmethanol Benzyl Group Phenyl, Ph Group 22/03/2016 Ph 114 Nucleophilic Addition Reactions H O H C H Ph Primary alcohols O R C H Ph Secondary alcohols your adding Ph H O C H Formaldehyde + Ph MgI 22/03/2016 H H O R C R Ph tertiary alcohols _ O C R H Aldehydes + Ph MgI O C R R Ketone + Ph MgI 115 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 .. O .. CH2CH3 Mg Br .. O .. Ethers (Lewis base) stabilize the Grignard Reagent making it more reactive CH2CH3 Organometallic Reactions must always be done under anhydrous conditions -d +d Mg Br H H Grignards are powerful bases and will deprotonate water O 22/03/2016 H + _ OH 116 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS and ESTERS 22/03/2016 117 Carboxylic Acids O C pKa = 4 - 5 , O water = 16 C O H + H2O O + H3O We can distinguish a water-insoluble carboxylic acid and phenol from an alcohol O C O O H Benzoic acid 22/03/2016 + H2O NaOH C O Na Sodium Benzoate 118 Carboxylic Acids Highly Polar Low molecular weight acids show Appreciable Solubility in Water High Bpt – Extensive H-bonds to themselves and water NAMES O O H CH3 OH Methanoic acid O OH CH3CH2 Ethanoic acid OH Propanoic acid O O HO Red ants rhubarb O HO O ( )n C C OH OH O Br 4-Bromo-2-ethylpentanoic acid Ethanedioic acid (oxalic acid) OH n = 1 = malonic acid n = 2 = succinic acid 22/03/2016 n = 3 = glutaric acid HO2C CO2H Terephthalic acid CO2H CO2H Phthalic acid 119 Esterification – condensation reaction, where H O is lost 2 O O + CH3CH2 OH CH3 Acetic acid (ethanoic acid) OH CH3 Ethyl acetate HCl or H2SO4 H+(catalyst) O O + OH Ph H3C OH Benzoic acid Ph H+(catalyst) O Ethyl propanoate O CH3 Methyl benzoate O O O O O Methyl formate vinyl acetate H Alcohol part appears first in the name 22/03/2016 O CH2 CH3 120 Ester molecules cannot H-bond to each other, because they do not have an –OH Consequently, is much lower than that of alcohols and acids of comparable mass H-bonding to water is possible -low mw esters are soluble in water Solubility rapidly decreases with carbon chain length. H O H O R 22/03/2016 O R H O H 121 Highest Boiling points and exceedingly water soluble O R C O R O........ H O R C C R O H ........ O Two hydrogen bonds cannot H-bond to another ester molecule Boiling points Hexane = 69 ºC Diethyl ether = 56 ºC Ethanol = 78 ºC Ethanoic acid = 118 ºC Ethyl acetate = 77 ºC 22/03/2016 122 Redox Reactions Addition of Oxygen or Removal of Hydrogen is OXIDATION Removal of Oxygen or Addition of Hydrogen is REDUCTION CH4 +O CH3OH - 2H H C O H R Reduction R Oxidation Reduction 22/03/2016 Ketones C O - 2H HO O C O H H Primary Alcohols H R C O C O R H H R C O C O H Aldehydes +O Oxidation H R Secondary Alcohols 123 Examples of Reduction Reactions CH3 O H3C CH3 O H2 , Pd-C H H H3C 3-Methylbutanal O H 3-Methylbutanol H O H H H2 , Pt Cyclohexanone Cyclohexanol Examples of Oxidation Reactions OH H Overoxidation K2Cr2O7, H2SO4, H2O O 22/03/2016 OH O 124 Organic bases are amines Amines are derivatives of ammonia H N H R N H H Ammonia H Primary (1o) Amine R N H R N R R R Tertiary (3o) Amine Secondary (2o) Amine 22/03/2016 N 1s2, 2s2 2p1 2p1 2p1----------- lone pair occupies an sp3 orbital 125 AMINES, AMIDES and ANILINE 22/03/2016 126 Ammonia .. N H 107O .. 3oAmine H N H R R R 107O Unshared lone pair of electrons in the fourth sp3 hybrid occupies slightly more space than the electrons in the s-bonds 22/03/2016 127 Naming amines where Et = CH2CH3 H2NEt ethylamine primary HNEt2 NEt3 diethylamine triethylamine secondary tertiary where Me = CH3 H2NMe methylamine primary H N 22/03/2016 HNMe2 dimethylamine secondary NMe3 trimethylamine tertiary methylpropyl amine 128 Some Common Amines 1,4-butanediamine NH2 H2N Putrescine (found in decaying meat) NH2 Both upper amines are 1o Amphetamine (dangerous stimulant) N N Isopropylamine H Triethylamine Piperidine This amine is are 22/03/2016 2o This amine is 3o NH2 This amine is 1o 129 Amines are bases because of the lone pair on the nitrogen atom - red litmus paper to blue H H Cl NH2 Base + Acid N H Cl H Ammonium Salt = O H O O O H O oxalic acid 22/03/2016 + 2 N(CH2CH3)3 triethylamine O O + 2 HN(CH2CH3)3 O triethylaminium oxalate 130 Aniline is useful in the synthesis of many other aromatic compounds HNO3, H2SO4 NO2 NH2 NO2 Sn, HCl phenylamine 22/03/2016 = aniline 131 Aniline can be converted into useful diazonium salt NH2 NaNO2, HCl N N + Cl- 0C benzenediazonium chloride N N + Cl- 22/03/2016 Nuc- Nuc N N 132 N N + Cl+ KCN CN CuCN - N N Benzene nitrile N N + Cl- NaI N N + Cl- 22/03/2016 N N HBr, CuBr - I iodobenzene Br N N bromobenzene 133 Amides R' R' N C O ------------- Not acids or bases R N C R O Features of a Peptide Bond; 1. Usually inert 2. Planar to allow delocalisation 3. Restricted Rotation about the amide bond 4. Rotation of Groups (R and R’) attached to the amide bond is relatively free 22/03/2016 134 R H2N C COOH H AMINO ACIDS O C H NH2 formamide H3C O C O NH2 NH2 acetamide benzamide O C H2N NH2 urea All are high melting point solids, only benzamide not soluble in water 22/03/2016 135