Practical Training for Carers Facilitator Guide Provide Support to Meet Personal Care Needs Contents Facilitator Guide Workshop - 6 hours BEFORE YOU BEGIN HOW TO USE THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE _____________________________________ 3 MATERIALS REQUIRED ___________________________________________________ 4 SYMBOLS USED IN THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE ________________________________ 5 FACILITATOR GUIDE PROVIDE SUPPORT TO MEET PERSONAL CARE NEEDS __________________________ 6 UNDERSTANDING THE CLIENT’S PERSONAL CARE NEEDS _______________________ 7 ENCOURAGE CLIENT PARTICIPATION ______________________________________ 13 ADDRESSING PERSONAL SUPPORT NEEDS __________________________________ 14 REPORT CHANGES IN CLIENT’S HEALTH OR NEEDS ____________________________ 18 RECAP _______________________________________________________________ 20 HANDOUTS ___________________________________________________________ 20 REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ 21 Please note: This course is independently managed by Interwork Ltd and funded by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. The opinions, comments and/or analysis expressed in this document are those of the author or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Minister for Disability Reform and cannot be taken in any way as expressions of government policy. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 2/21 HOW TO USE THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE Here are some helpful hints to assist you in using this guide: 1. Page Setup- Each page has two columns. The left column contains the current slide number and image plus the workbook page and symbol. The right column contains the segment title, description and activity instructions. 2. Instructions- describe what you are doing and explaining. Italicized text- This is scripted text of what the facilitator may say. 3. Timing- The time estimates are printed for each segment. The time required varies with the group size and your experience. Times should be changed to suit learner and facilitator requirements allowing for flexible delivery. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 3/21 MATERIALS REQUIRED Facilitator’s guide Participant workbook (1 per person) Computer, Power Point, Projector, cord/s and power board/s USB with Power Point Name tags (blank, 1 per participant) Clock/timer Coloured Markers Pens (1 per participant) Flipchart stand, paper and markers Attendance Sheet Participant Evaluation © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 4/21 SYMBOLS USED IN THE FACILITATOR’S GUIDE Add slide # SLIDE NUMBER AND IMAGE Pge. PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK PARTNER ACTIVITY GROUP ACTIVITY BREAK TIME © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 5/21 PROVIDE SUPPORT TO MEET PERSONAL CARE NEEDS Introduction: TOTAL TIME: 20 minutes Ice Breaker: (10 minutes) Start with an Ice Breaker of their choice (10 minutes) Tell participants approximate break times and finish time for the day SLIDE 1 Introduction to session: (5 minutes) Pages 1-2 This unit was chosen from the Certificate III in Disability CHC30408 because it gives an excellent overview of the skills and knowledge required to provide personal care to different disability types. The unit also explores different disability types and supports required. Pages 1-2 of the Aspire Workbook outlines the content of the session SLIDE 2 Overview of session and content: (5 minutes) Go through the content and discuss briefly Discuss participants current care arrangements and how the content will help them. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 6/21 UNDERSTANDING THE CLIENT’S PERSONAL CARE NEEDS TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes SLIDE 3 Overview of content: (2 minutes) Refer group to page 3 of the Aspire Workbook and discuss bullet points. Page 3 SLIDE 4 Personal Care Support Plan: (15 minutes) Read and discuss slide content Refer bullet points page 7 of Aspire Workbook Click on hyperlink to nd_delivery/care_and_service_planning. Discuss with group what should be in a personal care support plan Discuss monitoring of the plan and methods used to review/monitor plans pages 8 to 11of the Aspire Workbook Hand out ‘Care Plan Example’ and go through what a Care Plan might look like. Explain that different organisations follow different plans. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 7/21 SLIDE 5 Daily Living Activities: (15 minutes) Refer slide GROUP ACTIVITY: Ask participants to brainstorm examples of activities of daily living page 13 Aspire Workbook. Discuss Personal Support Requirement dot points on page 15 of Aspire Workbook. Seek examples from the group of the types of Personal Support Care they provide. Page 15 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 8/21 SLIDE 6 Personal Support Requirements: (20 minutes) Pages 15-20 Discuss slide Discuss bullet points pages 15-20 of Aspire Workbook PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group form pairs and complete Practice Task 3 on page 17 of the Aspire Workbook and share responses as a group. Suggested responses: 1. Can include things like prepare all equipment, clothing, towels prior to shower, adjust temperature, ensure privacy and dignity. 2. Responses can include cover with towel, talk to Madeleine about her day etc. Use humour. Use hyperlink ges/TransferAidsSpecificTypes.aspx for mobility and transfer if further explanation/equipment information required. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 9/21 SLIDE 7 Personal Support Requirements: (10 minutes) Refer slide Discuss each dot point pages 21-23 of Aspire Workbook and ask participants for personal experiences on 1. Elimination 2. Hydration, nutrition and feeding Pages 21-23 3. Respiration and 4. Skin maintenance. Elimination- Facilitator to go to hyperlink nglish/15ContinenceProductsEnglish.pdf and discuss incontinence aids © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 10/21 SLIDE 8 Personal Care and the Effect on a Client: (15 minutes) Page 25 Question to the group – What do you think some of the thoughts or feelings are for the person receiving the care at times? Go through bullet points on slide refer to bullet points on page 25 of Aspire Workbook and discuss GROUP ACTIVITY: Facilitator to ask participants to imagine they are receiving personal care (e.g. to shower) Ask participants to share their feelings regarding this and how they might feel in this situation SLIDE 9 Risks When Providing Personal Care: (5 minutes) Pose question from slide to the group – what risks do you think can be associated with providing care? Read through slide and discuss Refer to page 31 of Aspire Workbook and describe Simple Risks and Major Risks Page 31 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 11/21 SLIDE 10 Aids and Equipment: (10 minutes) Read through slide Click on hyperlink and navigate through website with participants. When navigating through website, ask participants what they would like to look at search for? PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group break into pairs. Complete Assessment Activity 1 – Part B – Case Study on Page 38 of the Aspire Workbook and answer questions 1-6. Discuss responses as a group when complete. Page 38 Break time (15 minutes) © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 12/21 ENCOURAGE CLIENT PARTICIPATION TOTAL TIME: 25 minutes SLIDE 11 Encourage client participation: (5 minutes) Pose the following question to the group: “Am I doing this task to the client or with the client?”. Response should be ‘WITH you’. Both have an active role, client should not be passive in care Seek further comments of the group if you think further clarification or comments are required SLIDE 12 Client Involvement: (20 minutes) Page 48 Read through slide Discuss types of information you can provide and refer to page 48 of the Aspire Workbook GROUP ACTIVITY: Facilitator to say ‘Wherever possible the client should be encouraged to participate in his/her own personal care’. Have the group develop a daily task list independently on paper. Highlight the aspects that the person you care for can attend to unaided. Discuss as a group, does the person you care for do these things independently? As a Carer is there anything you can change. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 13/21 ADDRESSING PERSONAL SUPPORT NEEDS TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 45 minutes SLIDE 13 Addressing Personal Support Needs: (5 minutes) Introduce the topic refer to page 53 of Aspire Workbook and go through bullet points. Page 53 SLIDE 14 Equipment Processes and Aids: (5 minutes) Read through slide Ask the group as to what equipment, processes and aids they think are available? Put up on whiteboard. Ask who might do the assessment? Put up on whiteboard. Suggested response – OT, Physio etc. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 14/21 SLIDE 15 Equipment Processes and Aids: (20 minutes) Read through slide. Hand out fact sheet on equipment published by NSW Government and discuss different types of equipment with the group. Through discussion gain an understanding of participant’s knowledge on aids and what is available. Click on hyperlinks: TADSA TADSA aims to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, the frail aged and those who care for them, through the application of technology using the skills of volunteers. (3 min 16 sec) Ask group if they have heard of TADSA and if they feel they could have used their services in past for the person they care for or possibly in future. Click on hyperlink: lity/Adults+with+disability/Equipment+and+home+modi fications navigate through EQUIPMENT © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 15/21 SLIDE 16 Dealing with Risk: (15 minutes) Explain to group that this is an important part of their role. Ask the group what risk and potential for risk is there when providing care for someone? Go through and discuss slide Refer to pages 63-65 of Aspire Workbook and refer to the bullet points. Discuss with group who they think they could report risks to if they are caring for someone at home? Suggested responses could include GP, Disability Services. PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group break into pairs. Complete Practice Task 19 on page 65 of the Aspire Workbook. Discuss as a group. Pages 63-65 SLIDE 17 Providing Assistance: (30 minutes) Pages 69-71 Question to the group – what type of assistance can you provide to a client Go through slide with the group and refer to pages 69-71 of Aspire Workbook. Discuss with group how this impacts on their current care roles? PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group break into pairs. Ask each group to have one to two topics from the list in the slide. Each group to use work book as a reference and to come up with a presentation using butchers paper to give ‘tips’ on providing assistance on their topic to a new Carer. Share presentations. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 16/21 SLIDE 18 Providing Assistance Technical Care: (30 minutes) Ask the group to define technical care Go through slide and refer to pages 74-76 of Aspire Workbook. Do not go into detail as this will be done in activity. PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group break into pairs Ask each group to have one topic from the list in the slide. Each group to use Aspire Workbook, pages 74-76 as a reference and to come up with a presentation using butchers paper to give ‘tips’ on providing assistance on their topic to a new Carer. Pages74-76 SLIDE 19 Maintaining clients confidentiality, privacy, dignity: (5 minutes) Read through slide discuss with group to clarify and confirm their understanding through discussion and questioning. PARTNER ACTIVITY: Break into pairs. Complete questions 1 and 2 of the Case Study page 88 of Aspire Workbook. Suggested responses: 1. Assistance with transfers, washing, dressing, grooming, catheter care. 2. Wheelchair, lifter, catheter, specialised bed. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 17/21 REPORT CHANGES IN CLIENT’S HEALTH OR NEEDS TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes SLIDE 20 Reporting Changes in Client’s Health or Needs: (2 minutes) Introduce topic refer to page 89 of Aspire Workbook Ask group who they would report to? E.g. GP Page 89 © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 18/21 SLIDE 21 Reporting Changes in Client’s Health or Needs: (30 minutes) Pages 90, 93, 97 & 98 Read through slide and discuss with the group Read Example on page 90 of Aspire Workbook to the group. Discuss how physical changes need to be reported even if they seem minimal. Refer to page 93 of Aspire Workbook to discuss ways to report changes. Review table on page 97 of Aspire Workbook with the group regarding possible changes to aids and discuss. Discuss with group personal experiences. GROUP ACTIVITY: Have the group complete Practice Task 28 page 98 of Aspire Workbook and discuss responses. Use whiteboard to create table with responses. PARTNER ACTIVITY: Have the group break into pairs and complete list of changes Part B page 105 of Aspire Workbook. Discuss as group. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 19/21 RECAP TOTAL TIME: 10 minutes SLIDE 22 RECAP: (10 minutes) Discuss the session and ask for feedback/evaluation Ask each participant in the group to share something that they have learnt from the session with the rest of the group. HANDOUTS Care Plan Example Equipment Fact Sheet © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 20/21 REFERENCES Aspire Learning Resource CHCDIS301B Work Effectively with People with Disability Version 2.1 Second Edition 2011. Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations 2008, CHC08 Community Services Training Package, Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council, Surry Hills, NSW. Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) 2001, Training package assessment materials kit, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Melbourne, Vic. Australian Skills Quality Authority 2011, Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, ACT. Charles Darwin University 2009, ‘Assessment VET: validation and moderation’, <>. National Quality Council 2010, AQTF users’ guide to the Essential Conditions And Standards For Continuing Registration, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, ACT. © Interskills Version control is limited to the electronic document in Share point. Once printed, this document ceases to be version controlled. Version 1:03 Provide support to meet personal care needs 21/21