Community Board Orientation 2- 2-1 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-2 Provide an overview of the Communities That Care research foundation and process. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-3 On completing this module, you will be able to: 1. describe what the Communities That Care system is and how it helps communities 2. describe the research foundation of the Communities That Care system 3. explain how the prevention-science research base helps build positive futures for youth and prevent problem behaviors 4. explain how the Communities That Care operating system works 5. describe the benefits of using the Communities That Care operating system. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-4 uses prevention-science research to promote positive youth development and prevent youth behavior problems provides local control and flexibility to maintain support and sustainability matches a local profile of risk, protection and problem behaviors to tested, effective programs, policies and practices focuses on outcomes to ensure accountability for resources. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-5 • The Social Development Strategy • The public health approach • Research-based predictors of problem behaviors and positive youth outcomes— risk and protective factors • Tested, effective prevention strategies Community Board Orientation 2- 2-6 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-7 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-8 A research-based model that organizes known protective factors into a guiding framework for building positive futures for children Community Board Orientation 2- 2-9 The goal… Healthy behaviors for all children and youth Start with… Healthy beliefs & clear standards …in families, schools, communities and peer groups Build… Bonding • Attachment • Commitment …to families, schools, communities and peer groups By providing… By providing… By providing… Opportunities Skills Recognition …in families, schools, communities and peer groups And by nurturing… Individual characteristics Community Board Orientation 2- 2-10 • The Social Development Strategy • The public health approach Community Board Orientation 2- 2-11 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-12 • Based on research on predictors of health problems • Modifies predictors to prevent behavior problems • Can affect the entire social environment • Works through collaboration • Can create long-lasting results Community Board Orientation 2- 2-13 • The Social Development Strategy • The public health approach • Research-based predictors of problem behaviors and positive youth outcomes— risk and protective factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-14 Risk factors Research has identified risk factors in four domains: Risk factors are predictive of higher levels of adolescent substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school drop-out and violence. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-15 • Research-based • Predictive in multiple longitudinal studies • Present in all areas of influence • Predictive of multiple problem behaviors • Present throughout development • Work similarly across racial lines • Measurable • Buffered by protective factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-16 Availability of Drugs Availability of Firearms Community Laws and Norms Favorable toward Drug Use, Firearms and Crime Media Portrayals of Violence Transitions and Mobility Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Extreme Economic Deprivation Community Board Orientation 2- 2-17 Family History of the Problem Behavior Family Management Problems Family Conflict Favorable Parental Attitudes and Involvement in the Problem Behavior Community Board Orientation 2- 2-18 Academic Failure Beginning in Late Elementary School Lack of Commitment to School Community Board Orientation 2- 2-19 Early and persistent antisocial behavior Rebelliousness Friends who engage in the problem behavior Gang involvement Favorable attitudes toward the problem behavior Early initiation of the problem behavior Constitutional factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-20 Protective factors Research has identified protective factors in four domains: Protective factors buffer young people’s exposure to risk. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-21 • Research-based • Present in all areas of influence • Measurable • Predictive of positive youth development • Present throughout development • Buffer effects of risk exposure Community Board Orientation 2- 2-22 • Individual factors • High intelligence • Resilient temperament • Prosocial orientation • Competencies and skills • Prosocial opportunities • Reinforcement for prosocial involvement • Bonding • Healthy beliefs and clear standards Community Board Orientation 2- 2-23 The goal… Healthy behaviors for all children and youth Start with… Healthy beliefs & clear standards …in families, schools, communities and peer groups Build… Bonding • Attachment • Commitment …to families, schools, communities and peer groups By providing… By providing… By providing… Opportunities Skills Recognition …to families, schools, communities and peer groups And by nurturing… Individual characteristics Community Board Orientation 2- 2-24 The Search Institute’s framework: The Communities That Care framework: • assesses external and internal assets • uses the Social Development Strategy • promotes positive youth development by enhancing assets. • assesses risk and protective factors • matches risk and protection profiles with tested, effective programs • promotes positive youth development by reducing risk and enhancing protection. Community Board Orientation 2-2-24A 100% 90% 80% 70% Number of Protective Factors Prevalence 60% 0 to 1 50% 2 to 3 4 to 5 40% 6 to 7 30% 8 to 9 20% 10% 0% 0 to 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6 to 7 8 to 9 10+ Number of Risk Factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-25 20% Protection, Level 0 15% Protection, Level 1 Prevalence Protection, Level 2 Protection, Level 3 10% Protection, Level 4 5% 0% L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 L=4 Risk Factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-26 100% 90% 80% 70% Prevalence 60% 50% 40% Number of Protective Factors 0 to 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 to 30% 20% 1 3 5 7 9 10% 0% 0 to 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6 to 7 8 to 9 10+ Number of Risk Factors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-27 • Risk and protective factors exist in all areas of children’s lives. • The more risk factors present, the greater the chances of problem behavior. • Risk and protective factors can be present throughout development. • Risk factors are buffered by protective factors. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-28 • Common risk and protective factors predict diverse behavior problems. • Risk and protective factors work similarly across racial lines. • Both risk and protective factors should be used in prevention efforts. Community Board Orientation 2- 2-29 • The Social Development Strategy • The public health approach • Research-based predictors of problem behaviors and positive youth outcomes —risk and protective factors • Tested, effective prevention strategies Community Board Orientation 2- 2-30 Programs, policies or practices that have demonstrated effectiveness in: • Reducing specific risk factors and enhancing protective factors • Enhancing positive behaviors and reducing negative behaviors Community Board Orientation 2- 2-31 • Project STAR • Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial • Preparing for the Drug-Free Years (Now called Families That Care: Guiding Good Choices) • Adolescents Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids: The ATLAS Program • Project Family • Strengthening Families Program • Focus on Families • Reconnecting Youth • Adolescent Transitions Program (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1997) Community Board Orientation 2- 2-32 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-33 1. Assessing community levels of risk and protection 2. Prioritizing elevated risks and depressed protective factors 3. Including individuals and groups exposed to the highest levels of risk and the lowest levels of protection Community Board Orientation 2- 2-34 4. Matching tested, effective programs to the community’s risk and protection profile 5. Selecting tested, effective programs that address the racial, economic and cultural characteristics of the community 6. Implementing programs, policies and practices with fidelity at the appropriate ages Community Board Orientation 2- 2-35 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-36 100 Risk Factor Scale Scores 92 89 90 88 87 89 Community Dis 80 70 65 60 60 51 50 50 52 48 54 51 62 61 54 51 63 62 Poor Family Di Family History 59 54 53 50 Rebelliousness Friends' Use of Peer Rewards Gang Involveme 40 Fav. Atts./ATO 30 Sensation See Average 20 10 0 . . s s e e y n B se B) ng ess avior ent avior TOD SB SB ool nc e age ugs Us org obilit ach gun ndgun rvisio ciplin f AS AS Seeki Dr r A lvem D U av./A orma o Sch iousn h h ver A ug Att y Dis nd e e o d o / f s r e O . f a a i A M n o d l B B o s p y f t D T l F H D H o it er se ea nt ion Su rds g Inv nt be t or ial of Att ly ts. . /A ho s & se & un Us and sat Re inque ds' U wa me ic P ks ily mi soc Fav. His . Fav al At n bor omm sition U Re l em mmit am or Fa t Sen ugs Ris (Drug Ga /Anti s ily en e g r r igh d t n F n i C t e u d e r a e a m D r D r r F s. o Pe ve n s' D l./ Po lA Fa Par or Ac of Co wN Po Att tio al T v./ cei vai nta e nd Lo Po Per Initia son ms Fa ed A a v. are Fri ack F P w L v Per r o y L rl cei No Ea & Per ws La Community Board Orientation 2- 2-37 Risk factor addressed Program strategy Protective factors Healthy beliefs/ clear Developmental standards Bonding Opportunities Skills Recognition period Family history of the Prenatal/infancy programs problem behavior Prenatal-2 Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Early childhood education 3-5 Parent training Prenatal-14 Family therapy 6-14 Marital therapy Prenatal Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Parent training Prenatal-14 Family therapy 6-14 Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Parent training Prenatal-14 Community/ school policies All Family management problems Family conflict Favorable parental attitudes and involvement in the problem behavior Community Board Orientation Community Board Orientation 22-38 • Nurse-Family Partnership (Olds et al., 1986; Olds & Kitzman, 1993; Olds et al., 1998) • Syracuse Family Development Research Program (Lally, Mangione & Honig, 1988) • Infant Health and Development Program (Ramey, 1990; Ramey et al., 1992; Liaw et al., 1995) • Keys to CaregivinG videotape series (Barnard et al., 1988) Community Board Orientation 2- 2-39 Risk factor addressed Program strategy Protective factors Healthy beliefs/ clear Developmental standards Bonding Opportunities Skills Recognition period Family history of the Prenatal/infancy programs problem behavior Prenatal-2 Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Early childhood education 3-5 Parent training Prenatal-14 Family therapy 6-14 Marital therapy Prenatal Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Parent training Prenatal-14 Family therapy 6-14 Prenatal/infancy programs Prenatal-2 Parent training Prenatal-14 Community/ school policies All Family management problems Family conflict Favorable parental attitudes and involvement in the problem behavior Community Board Orientation Community Board Orientation 22-40 • Families That Care: Guiding Good Choices (Catalano et al., 1998) • Preparing for School Success (Hawkins et al., 1999) • Iowa Strengthening Families Program (Spoth et al., 1998, 1999, 2001) Community Board Orientation 2- 2-41 La w s w N ei g hb or ho od Pe C rs A o m on tta & m al ch u N ni Tr . or ty an m D sF si i t Pe so io av ns rg rc ./D . ei & ru ve M g d ob U A se va ili ty il. & /D H an ru gs dg un an Po s d or H Fa an m dg ily un Po s Su or pe rv Fa is m io ily n Fa D m i Pa sc ily re ip H nt lin is al e to A ry tts of .F A av SB Pa . /A re T nt O al Po D A or U tts se A .F ca La av de ck . /A m ic of SB Pe C om rf or m m itm an ce en tt o Fr Sc ie ho R nd e ol b s' e lli D el ou in sn qu es en s Fr tB ie e nd ha s' vi U or Pe se er of R D ew ru gs ar ds fo Fa G rA v. an g A SB tts In vo . /A l ve nt is m oc en ia Lo t l w B eh Pe Fa av rc v. Ea io ei A rly r ve t t d s In . /A R iti i TO sk at s io D of n (D D r ru ug g U U se se an d Se A ns SB at ) io n Se ek in g A ve ra ge Lo Risk Factor Scale Scores 100 50 96 93 90 80 70 68 60 51 50 52 Community Board Orientation 51 66 70 64 68 65 55 54 56 54 56 60 48 53 52 54 53 40 30 20 10 0 2- 2-42 Risk factor addressed Program strategy Parent/infancy Academic failure programs beginning in late elementary school Early childhood education Protective factors Healthy beliefs/ clear Developmental standards Bonding Opportunities Skills Recognition period Prenatal-2 3-5 Parent training Prenatal-10 Organizational change in schools 6-18 Classroom organization, management and instructional strategies 6-18 Classroom curricula for social competence 6-14 School behavior management strategies 6-14 Youth employment with education 15-21 Community Board Orientation Community Board Orientation 22-43 • Reconnecting Youth (Eggert et al., 1994) • Children of Divorce Intervention Program (Pedro-Carroll & Cowen, 1985; Pedro-Carroll et al., 1986, 1992) Community Board Orientation 2- 2-44 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-45 1. Assessing community levels of risk and protection 2. Prioritizing elevated risks and depressed protective factors 3. Including individuals and groups exposed to the highest levels of risk and the lowest levels of protection Community Board Orientation 2- 2-46 4. Matching tested, effective programs to the community’s risk and protection profile 5. Selecting tested, effective programs that address the racial, economic and cultural characteristics of the community 6. Implementing programs, policies and practices with fidelity at the appropriate ages Community Board Orientation 2- 2-47 w N 80 80 70 63 60 Community Board Orientation 66 59 57 59 60 51 62 61 57 54 54 ve ra ge Risk Factor Scale Scores 90 A ei gh bo rh oo P d Co er La A so m tta w na m s& ch un lT . N ity ra or n D sit m i so sF io Pe rg ns av rc . & ei ./D ve M r ug d o bi A sa lit va nd y il. /D H an ru dg gs un an Po s d or H an Fa d m gu ily ns Su Po pe or rv Fa isi m on ily Fa D m i Pa sc ily ip re H lin nt ist al e or A y tts of .F A av SB ./A Pa re TO nt D al Po A U or tts se A .F ca La a de v ./A ck m ic of SB Pe C rfo om rm m itm an ce en tt o S Fr ch ie Re oo nd l be s' lli D ou el in s ne qu ss en tB Fr ie e ha nd vi s' or U se Pe er of Re D ru w gs ar ds f Fa o G rA an v. SB g A In tts vo ./A l ve nt m iso en ci t a Lo lB w eh Pe Fa av rc v. io Ea ei A r rly ve t t s./ d In Ri A iti TO sk at so io D n f (D D ru ru g g U U se se an d Se A ns SB at ) io n Se ek in g Lo 100 95 88 83 79 65 62 59 64 50 53 50 40 30 20 10 0 2- 2-48 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-49 Purpose: Begin the Communities That Care process. Identify: • people • scope • readiness • resources. Support: Strategic Consultation; Tools for Community Leaders: A Guidebook for Getting Started Community Board Orientation 2- 2-50 Purpose: Prepare Key Leaders, the Community Board and community members for involvement by: • developing an organizational structure • creating a work plan • securing resources to implement the Communities That Care system • confirming milestones and benchmarks to create accountability. Support: Key Leader Orientation; Community Board Orientation; Technical Assistance as needed Community Board Orientation 2- 2-51 Purpose: Identify gaps in current response to priorities. • Assess risk factors, protective factors and problem behaviors (Communities That Care Youth Survey). • Prioritize risk and protective factors, and populations or geographic areas. • Complete resources assessment and gaps analysis. Support: Community Assessment Training; Community Resources Assessment Training; Technical Assistance as needed Community Board Orientation 2- 2-52 Purpose: Create a plan for implementing and evaluating tested, effective programs, policies and practices. • Measurable outcomes • Selection of programs, policies and practices to fill gaps • Implementation and evaluation plans Support: Community Planning Training; Technical Assistance as needed Community Board Orientation 2- 2-53 Purpose: Implement and evaluate the plan, and refine as needed. • Implement selected programs, policies and practices. • Evaluate the process and outcomes. • Adjust the plan. Support: Community Plan Implementation Training; Technical Assistance as needed Community Board Orientation 2- 2-54 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-55 • Broad community involvement and ownership • Data-driven assessment of risk, protection, behavior and resources • Mutually agreed-upon focus and priorities • Research-based programs, policies and practices, building on existing resources • Outcome-based plan and evaluation strategy Community Board Orientation 2- 2-56 Community Board Orientation Community Board Orientation 2- 2-57 • Shared vision and community norms • Common language for prevention and youth development • Coordinated data collection and analysis using a limited, manageable data set • Integrated planning processes Jenson et al., 1997; U.S. General Accounting Office, 1996; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1996, 1997 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-58 Increased: • funding • collaboration among agencies • accountability • use of tested, effective programs • long-range, strategic focus • community involvement. Jenson et al., 1997; U.S. General Accounting Office, 1996; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1996, 1997 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-59 Decreased: • “turf” conflict • duplication or fragmentation of resources • “problem du jour” • use of untested or proven ineffective programs • community disorganization. Jenson et al., 1997; U.S. General Accounting Office, 1996; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1996, 1997 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-60 Ames, IA Improved cognitive skills East Prairie, MO Improved parenting skills, family relations, community relations Montgomery County, MD 72% decrease in suspensions; 30% decrease in school problems Nekoosa, WI Decrease in student detentions, academic failure, truancy Lansing, MI Decrease in fights, suspension; Increased feelings of safety at school Port Angeles, WA 65% decrease in weapons charges; 45% decrease in burglary; 29% decrease in drug offenses; 27% decrease in assault charges; 18% decrease in larceny Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1996, 1997 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-61 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-62 • Established for each phase • Indicate critical steps and procedures • Document and celebrate accomplishments • Supported by training modules Community Board Orientation 2- 2-63 • Commit to the process • Engage other Key Leaders • Establish the Community Board • Oversee implementation of the Communities That Care system • Educate the community about the Communities That Care system Community Board Orientation 2- 2-64 • Hold the Community Board accountable • Provide access to community resources and information • Support implementation of the Community Action Plan Community Board Orientation 2- 2-65 • Represents the community’s diversity • Includes representation from all stakeholder groups • Requires a three- to five-year commitment • Requires a broad range of skills Community Board Orientation 2- 2-66 Community Board Orientation 2- 2-67