employer branding perception is reality China country report Randstad Award results 2015 table of contents 1. study background and survey design 2. global results 3. country results • • • • what what what what are the most important drivers when choosing an employer? are the main drivers for changing employers? drivers would make potential leavers change employers? are the main drivers for staying with current employer? 4. Randstad Award • • most attractive companies/organizations most attractive sectors Appendix: additional research modules 2 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 1. study background about the Randstad Award Randstad Award – key facts what is the Randstad Award? • largest independent employer branding research globally, capturing the views of over 225,000 people • based on the perceptions of the country’s largest employers ranked by their number of employees (> 1,000 employees in small countries) • research compiled by ICMA Group, independent research company how is the research carried out? 4 • a random list of companies is shown to all respondents with the question: ‘do you know this company?’ • next, only those who know the company are asked: ‘would you like to work for this company?’ = question that determines the most attractive employer • • next, the respondents rate each company on 10 functional attributes an annual award is granted to recognize the most attractive employer 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China Randstad Award – key facts • • • Australia Argentina Belgium Canada 5 2015 China France Germany Hong Kong Hungary India Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Poland Employer Branding: perception is reality Russia Singapore Spain Switzerland China Sweden UK USA • 23 countries participating in 2015, covering 75% of the global economy representative sample aged 18 to 65 based on region, age and sex – slightly biased towards respondents aged under 40, potential workers being the target audience of the survey sample comprised of students, employed and unemployed workforce interviews conducted online between September 8 and December 23, 2014 Randstad Award – survey design main survey 1. what attributes are important to you when choosing to work for a company? respondents rank their top 5 attributes, in order of most to least important, from a list of 17 choices 2. which of the following companies do you know? respondents select companies they know from a random list of 30 companies per respondent 3. based on your perception of this company, would you like to work for it? 1 2 3 (definitely) no 4 5 (definitely) yes 4. how do you rate this company on 10 specific attributes? 1 2 (strongly) disagree 6 2015 3 4 5 • • • • • • • • • • (strongly) agree Employer Branding: perception is reality China salary and employee benefits career progression work atmosphere long-term job security work-life balance financial health job content training management environment and society (CSR) Randstad Award – survey design additional insights 1. did/do you plan to change employers in the last/next 12 months? • • • • yes, I changed employers in the last 12 months voluntarily yes, I changed employers in the last 12 months due to layoff yes, I plan to change employers within the next 12 months no 2. what factors contributed to your decision to change employers? respondents rank their top 3 factors, in order of most to least important, from a list of options 3. what factors contribute to your decision to look for another employer? respondents rank their top 3 factors, in order of most to least important, from a list of options 4. what factors make you stay with your current employer? respondents rank their top 3 factors, in order of most to least important, from a list of options 5. did/do you or would you use social media when applying for a job? • • 7 if yes, which sites? no 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China Randstad Award – definitions name awareness • to know the company enough to have an opinion/perception about it attractiveness • among respondents who know the company, the percentage that would like to work for the company (scores 4-5 on a scale from 1 to 5) • the company with the highest score on this parameter wins the Randstad Award notes: − company attractiveness is based on the attractiveness among people that know the company, to enable lesser-known companies to have an equal chance compared to better-known companies − sectors in this report are locally defined based on the companies surveyed − all sector results in this report are based on the company scores within the sector 8 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 2. global insights differences across countries divergent trends in employer brand attractiveness across 23 countries reflect continued but slow and uneven economic recovery worldwide employer brand attractiveness: based on percentage of talent that would like to work for the employer worldwide positive trend in employer brand attractiveness slows down in 2015 (up 1% vs. 4% in 2014) 2013 2014 2015 38% 39% • steep increase in 4 countries: Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Argentina (4 to 7%) • very small increase in 10 out of 23 countries (1 to 2%) and stable in India and Australia 34% • 1% down in 6 countries: France, Poland, UK, Germany, New Zealand and USA and 2% down in Japan 39% worldwide would like to work for one or more of the largest employers in their country 10 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China salary still top priority for job seekers worldwide followed by job security; employers are perceived to perform weaker in this and other core values like atmosphere and balance core values searched by potential talent in 23 countries potential employees search… employers score best on… 1. salary & employee benefits 1. financial health 2. long-term job security 3. pleasant work atmosphere 4. job content 5. financial health 3. good training 4. career prospects 5. salary & employee benefits 6. job content 7. career prospects 7. long-term job security 9. good training 10. corporate social responsibility 2015 2. strong management 6. work-life balance 8. strong management 11 core values attributed to largest employers in 23 countries 8. pleasant work atmosphere 9. corporate social responsibility 10. work-life balance Employer Branding: perception is reality China disharmony between what potential talent find important values and how they rate employers on these values: • top 3 core values salary, job security and atmosphere – rank only at position 5, 7 and 8 among employers • employers score best on financial health, strong management and training – only at position 5, 8 and 9 in core values searched by talent • weak employer performance in major driver atmosphere and in work-life balance 49% job seekers worldwide use social media networks – today an indispensable tool to reach out to the right talent; use rates vary significantly across countries use of social networking sites to find a job: global Hungary Argentina Italy China Spain India Russia Netherlands Sweden Germany Belgium Hong Kong Switzerland Singapore Luxembourg USA Canada Poland New Zealand UK France Australia Japan 12 2015 half of job seekers worldwide use social media networks to find a job; 56% of the users prefer Facebook, 38% use Google+ and 34% LinkedIn: 49 75 72 71 69 66 66 59 59 56% 52 51 49 49 38% 48 34% 46 45 42 40 Facebook most Google+ preferred social number one network to find social network a job in 19 of 23 to find a job in countries(*) China 40 40 39 34 34 26 Employer Branding: perception is reality (*)VKontakte China LinkedIn most often used to find a job in Singapore and Netherlands is most preferred networking site in job search in Russia 3. country results snapshot description of online respondents 3rd edition of the Randstad Award in China • • • 9,006 potential employees aged between 18 and 65 based on respondents' perceptions of the 150 largest employers interviews conducted online between September and December 2014 respondents (*) total sample gender age education 9,006 men 4,638 women 4,368 18 - 24 years 1,373 25 - 44 years 5,987 45 - 65 years 1,646 secondary and lower 1,426 bachelor 6,775 master and higher 764 (*) 14 2015 see glossary for more details Employer Branding: perception is reality China salary still top priority in China despite some decrease; career prospects and job security remain next major drivers what is the most important criterion to you when choosing an employer? what is your top 5 of most important criteria when choosing an employer? criteria most important salary & employee benefits top 5 most important 2015 24 2013 70% 64% career progression opportunities 12 50 51% 55% long-term job security 12 50 51% 54% 41% 43% 43% 48% 41% 38% 25% 23% 28% 27% 22% 27% 24% 20% 22% 24% 19% 17% 15% 15% 13% 11% 15% 13% 12% 12% 9% 8% good work-life balance 7 pleasant working atmosphere 42 6 financially healthy 41 9 interesting job content 40 4 27 good training 26 conveniently located 24 strong management 3 strong image/strong values 23 4 22 offers flexible working arrangements 19 quality products/services 3 international/global career opportunities 3 17 16 environmentally & socially aware (CSR) uses latest technologies diversity management 15 64 2014 2015 15 3 14 11 Employer Branding: perception is reality China lack of career prospects main driver to leave employer before low compensation what factors contributed to your decision to change employers? (top 3) did you change employers in the past 12 months? leavers’ factors lack of career growth opportunities 39 compensation too low 34 lack of financial stability 19 lack of recognition/rewards 19 insufficient employee benefits 18 work-life balance issues 18 not feeling interested in my job 17 poor leadership insufficient training opportunities 13 not feeling engaged 13 note: top 10 factors are shown 17% changed 15 % changed voluntarily: 14% % made redundant: 3% 16 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China potential leavers also point at lack of career prospects in first place followed by low compensation what factors would contribute to your decision to look for another employer? (top 3) would you change employers in the next 12 months? potential leavers’ factors lack of career growth opportunities 42 compensation too low 40 work-life balance issues 20 lack of recognition/rewards 20 insufficient employee benefits 19 lack of financial stability 18 not feeling interested in my job insufficient training opportunities 15 poor leadership 14 lack of communication about vision/strategy 12 note: top 10 factors are shown 17 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 32% would change 16 work-life balance is primary driver to stay with the employer closely followed by salary; career prospects next major driver what factors make you stay with your current employer? (top 3) did/would you change employers in the past/next 12 months? stayers’ factors good work-life balance 41 competitive salary 40 career growth opportunities 32 I feel recognized for my work 30 financially healthy 27 flexible working arrangements 21 opportunities to develop my skills 18 15 strong image 13 pleasant company culture 11 note: top 10 factors are shown 18 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 51% no (stay) work-life benefits (e.g. childcare) 4. Randstad Award 4.1. most attractive companies/organizations top 20 best known companies name awareness: to know the company enough to have an opinion/perception about it 20 1. 可口可乐公司 (COCA-COLA) 87.28% 11. 蒙牛乳业 (MENGNIU DAIRY) 82.36% 2. 苹果公司 (APPLE) 86.81% 12. 国美电器 (GOME) 82.11% 3. 三星电子 (SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) 86.47% 13. 海尔集团 (HAIER GROUP) 82.09% 4. 麦当劳 (MCDONALD'S) 85.39% 14. 宝洁公司 (PROCTER & GAMBLE) 81.70% 5. 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 84.91% 15. 戴尔 (DELL) 81.63% 6. 沃尔玛 (WAL-MART STORES) 84.44% 16. 家乐福 (CARREFOUR) 81.09% 7. 联想集团 (LENOVO) 84.30% 17. 雀巢公司 (NESTLÉ) 80.88% 8. 西门子 (SIEMENS) 83.06% 18. 美的集团 (MIDEA GROUP) 80.81% 9. 百度公司 (BAIDU) 82.69% 19. 招商银行 (CHINA MERCHANTS BANK) 80.53% 10. 腾讯公司 (TECENT) 82.60% 20. 顺丰速运 (SF-EXPRESS) 80.42% 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 20 most attractive companies = Randstad Award attractiveness: among respondents who know the company (minimum 10% name awareness), percentage who would like to work for the company 21 1. 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 85.45% 11. 拜耳集团 (BAYER) 78.76% 2. 国际商业机器公司 (IBM】 84.54% 12. 百度公司 (BAIDU) 78.64% 3. 苹果公司 (APPLE) 84.22% 13. 西门子 (SIEMENS) 78.05% 4. 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 83.35% 14. 埃森哲 (ACCENTURE) 77.50% 5. 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 82.79% 15. 招商银行 (CHINA MERCHANTS BANK) 77.47% 6. 蒂森克虏伯 (THYSSENKRUPP) 80.94% 16. 上海浦东发展银行 (Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ) 77.18% 7. 腾讯公司 (TECENT) 80.79% 17. 联想集团 (LENOVO) 76.75% 8. 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司 (ROYAL DUTCH SHELL) 80.04% 18. 法国威立雅环境集团 (VEOLIA) 76.43% 9. 通用电气公司 (GENERAL ELECTRIC) 79.02% 19. 博世公司 (ROBERT BOSCH) 76.12% 10. 渣打银行 (STANDARD CHARTERED) 78.81% 20. 大众公司 (VOLKSWAGEN) 76.04% 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive companies by attribute 1st position 22 2nd position 3rd position salary & employee benefits 埃森哲 (ACCENTURE) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 巴斯夫公司 (BASF) career progression opportunities 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 埃森哲 (ACCENTURE) 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) pleasant working atmosphere 赛诺菲 (SANOFI) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) long-term job security 法国威立雅环境集团 (VEOLIA) 赛诺菲 (SANOFI) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) good work-life balance 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 德国大陆集团 (CONTINENTAL) 赛诺菲 (SANOFI) financially healthy 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 苹果公司 (APPLE) interesting job content 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 德国大陆集团 (CONTINENTAL) 腾讯公司 (TECENT) good training 埃森哲 (ACCENTURE) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) strong management 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 巴斯夫公司 (BASF) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) environmentally & socially aware (CSR) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 德国大陆集团 (CONTINENTAL) 国际商业机器公司 (IBM) 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive companies by gender and age 23 1st position 2nd position 3rd position men 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) women 国际商业机器公司 (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES) 【IBM】 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 蒂森克虏伯 (THYSSENKRUPP) 18 - 24 years 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 苹果公司 (APPLE) 百度公司 (BAIDU) 25 - 44 years 国际商业机器公司 (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES) 【IBM】 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 45 - 65 years 蒂森克虏伯 (THYSSENKRUPP) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司 (ROYAL DUTCH SHELL) 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive companies by education and geography 1st position 2nd position 3rd position secondary and lower 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 中国民生银行 (CHINA MINSHENG BANK) bachelor 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 苹果公司 (APPLE) 国际商业机器公司 (IBM) master and higher 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 苹果公司 (APPLE) 渣打银行 (STANDARD CHARTERED) East 苹果公司 (APPLE) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) North 百度公司 (BAIDU) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 西门子 (SIEMENS) Northeast 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 拜耳集团 (BAYER) 通用电气公司 (GENERAL ELECTRIC) Northwest 联想集团 (LENOVO) 国际商业机器公司 (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES) 【IBM】 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 腾讯公司 (TECENT) 拜耳集团 (BAYER) 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 阿尔斯通 (ALSTOM) South Central Southwest 24 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 4. Randstad Award 4.2. most attractive sectors Randstad Award attractiveness grid attractiveness by name awareness name awareness high 1 high name awareness and low attractiveness high name awareness and high attractiveness • • indifferent players • • dominant players • optimize • defend limited choice among less qualified/less motivated potential employees 4 low name awareness and low attractiveness low name awareness and high attractiveness • low profile players • very limited choice among less qualified/less • niche players • limited choice among well qualified/highly • • attack motivated employees build attractiveness low 2015 can choose among wide range of well qualified/highly motivated potential employees 3 motivated potential employees 26 2 Employer Branding: perception is reality China high sectors attractiveness sectors respondents who know one or more companies operating in a particular sector 100% high 90% 80% name awareness FMCG (food & non-food) automotive transport, logistics & wholesalers 45% 50% retail & trade 70% finance (banking & insurance) 60% informatics & consulting industrial & manufacturing 50% 55% 60% 40% 30% 65% construction 70% 75% pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom 20% 10% 0% attractiveness low 27 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China high sectors ranked by attractiveness attractiveness: respondents who know one or more companies in these sectors and who would like to work for these companies 28 2015 2014 2013 1. power, utilities & telecom 72.90% 71.58% 64.68% 2. pharmaceutical & chemical 71.57% 68.04% 63.98% 3. finance (banking & insurance) 71.40% 72.07% 57.46% 4. informatics & consulting 68.48% 65.85% 56.71% 5. industrial & manufacturing 63.30% 60.61% 55.51% 6. construction 63.11% 64.78% 55.18% 7. automotive 61.29% 61.45% 51.70% 8. FMCG (food & non-food) 57.84% 54.82% 50.72% 9. retail & trade 51.86% 50.66% 46.83% 10. transport, logistics & wholesalers 49.24% 49.80% 57.46% 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive sectors by attribute 1st position 29 2nd position 3rd position salary & employee benefits pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) career progression opportunities pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom informatics & consulting pleasant working atmosphere power, utilities & telecom pharmaceutical & chemical informatics & consulting long-term job security power, utilities & telecom pharmaceutical & chemical finance (banking & insurance) good work-life balance pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) financially healthy pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) interesting job content power, utilities & telecom informatics & consulting pharmaceutical & chemical good training pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) strong management pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) environmentally & socially aware (CSR) pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive sectors by gender and age 30 1st position 2nd position 3rd position men power, utilities & telecom pharmaceutical & chemical finance (banking & insurance) women finance (banking & insurance) power, utilities & telecom pharmaceutical & chemical 18 - 24 years power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) informatics & consulting 25 - 44 years pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) 45 - 65 years power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) pharmaceutical & chemical 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 3 most attractive sectors by education and geography 31 1st position 2nd position 3rd position secondary and lower finance (banking & insurance) informatics & consulting power, utilities & telecom bachelor power, utilities & telecom master and higher power, utilities & telecom East power, utilities & telecom North finance (banking & insurance) Northeast power, utilities & telecom Northwest power, utilities & telecom South Central power, utilities & telecom Southwest finance (banking & insurance) 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China finance (banking & insurance) pharmaceutical & chemical pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom finance (banking & insurance) finance (banking & insurance) finance (banking & insurance) pharmaceutical & chemical informatics & consulting finance (banking & insurance) finance (banking & insurance) pharmaceutical & chemical pharmaceutical & chemical pharmaceutical & chemical pharmaceutical & chemical power, utilities & telecom appendix additional research modules module 1: most important attributes by demographic subgroups module 2: drivers for changing employers by demographic subgroups module 3: drivers for staying with the current employer by demographic subgroups glossary: research details and REMAS module 1 most important attributes by demographic subgroups atmosphere, financial stability and good location searched more by women in China what attributes make your top 5 of most important criteria when choosing an employer? criteria viewed by gender – ranked by occurrence in top 5 salary & employee benefits career progression opportunities long-term job security good work-life balance pleasant working atmosphere financially healthy interesting job content good training conveniently located strong management strong image/strong values offers flexible working arrangements quality products/services international/global career opportunities men environmentally & socially aware (CSR) women uses latest technologies diversity management 0 35 2015 10 Employer Branding: perception is reality 20 China 30 40 50 60 70 80 young potentials more focused on job content, strong image and international career opportunities what attributes make your top 5 of most important criteria when choosing an employer? criteria viewed by age – ranked by occurrence in top 5 salary & employee benefits career progression opportunities long-term job security good work-life balance pleasant working atmosphere financially healthy interesting job content good training conveniently located strong management strong image/strong values offers flexible working arrangements quality products/services international/global career opportunities 18-24 years environmentally & socially aware (CSR) 25-44 years uses latest technologies 45-65 years diversity management 0 36 2015 10 Employer Branding: perception is reality 20 China 30 40 50 60 70 80 job security and financial stability attract more lower educated; (international) career more higher educated what attributes make your top 5 of most important criteria when choosing an employer? criteria viewed by education level – ranked by occurrence in top 5 salary & employee benefits career progression opportunities long-term job security good work-life balance pleasant working atmosphere financially healthy interesting job content good training conveniently located strong management strong image/strong values offers flexible working arrangements quality products/services international/global career opportunities secondary and lower bachelor environmentally & socially aware (CSR) master and higher uses latest technologies diversity management 0 37 2015 10 Employer Branding: perception is reality 20 China 30 40 50 60 70 80 module 2 drivers for changing employers by demographic subgroups lack of career prospects and low salary more often drives workforce aged <25 to change employers what factors did contribute to your decision to look for a new career opportunity outside of your former organization? gender leavers’ factors overall men 39 lack of career growth opportunities 34 compensation too low lack of financial stability 19 lack of recognition/rewards 19 insufficient employee benefits 18 work-life balance issues 18 not feeling interested in my job 6 25-44 45-65 3 5 3 17 insufficient training opportunities 13 not feeling engaged 13 note: top 10 factors are shown 2015 18-24 15 poor leadership 39 women age Employer Branding: perception is reality note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China lack of recognition more often reason to quit for production workers and balance issues more for office workers what factors did contribute to your decision to look for a new career opportunity outside of your former organization? education leavers’ factors secondary and lower overall master and higher production office 8 2 2 8 2 34 compensation too low lack of financial stability 19 lack of recognition/rewards 19 3 insufficient employee benefits 18 6 8 work-life balance issues 18 3 2 not feeling interested in my job 17 insufficient training opportunities 13 not feeling engaged 13 note: top 10 factors are shown 2015 3 15 poor leadership Employer Branding: perception is reality manager 39 lack of career growth opportunities 40 bachelor job level 3 2 note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China career and job issues more often drives potential leavers aged <25, salary and leadership issues more often 45+ what factors would contribute to your decision to look for a new career opportunity outside of your current organization? gender potential leavers’ factors overall men 42 lack of career growth opportunities work-life balance issues 20 lack of recognition/rewards 20 insufficient employee benefits 19 lack of financial stability 18 15 poor leadership 14 note: top 10 factors are shown 41 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality 25-44 45-65 6 3 8 3 16 insufficient training opportunities lack of communication about vision/strategy 18-24 40 compensation too low not feeling interested in my job women age 6 8 12 note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China balance issues more often reason to quit for production workers and career issues more for office workers what factors would contribute to your decision to look for a new career opportunity outside of your current organization? education potential leavers’ factors secondary and lower overall 42 lack of career growth opportunities 40 compensation too low lack of recognition/rewards 20 insufficient employee benefits 19 3 lack of financial stability 18 3 poor leadership 14 note: top 10 factors are shown 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality production 2 office manager 3 5 6 7 16 15 lack of communication about vision/strategy 42 4 20 insufficient training opportunities master and higher 7 work-life balance issues not feeling interested in my job bachelor job level 3 4 4 12 note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China module 3 drivers for staying with the current employer by demographic subgroups good balance keeps more women and workforce aged 45+ at work, salary and career more men and workforce aged <25 what factors contribute to your decision to stay with your current organization? Please select your top 3. gender stayers’ factors overall men 41 good work-life balance 40 competitive salary 32 career growth opportunities 27 financially healthy 44 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality 45-65 6 2 7 3 5 3 4 5 7 2 15 9 13 note: top 10 factors are shown 25-44 3 2 18 opportunities to develop my skills pleasant company culture 18-24 21 flexible working arrangements strong image women 30 I feel recognized for my work work-life benefits (e.g. childcare) age 2 11 note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China more production workers are staying with their employer for high salary and more office workers for good balance what factors contribute to your decision to stay with your current organization? Please select your top 3. education stayers’ factors secondary and lower overall office manager 12 32 career growth opportunities 4 4 30 I feel recognized for my work 27 financially healthy 21 flexible working arrangements 3 7 4 6 8 3 18 opportunities to develop my skills work-life benefits (e.g. childcare) production 6 40 competitive salary 15 2 3 13 strong image pleasant company culture note: top 10 factors are shown 2015 master and higher 41 good work-life balance 45 bachelor job level Employer Branding: perception is reality 11 3 note: scores for sub groups indicate percentage points above average (= overall score), e.g. women score 9 percentage points above average, so their score is 52+9 = 61% China glossary research details and REMAS description of online respondents (details) respondents total sample 9,006 region respondents working 7,645 sector Agriculture, forestry, fishing Automotive Construction Finance (Banking & Insurance) FMCG Human Resources Industrial/Manufacturing Informatics Consulting Mining and resources Non-profit (Healthcare/NGO/public services) Public administration (government) Education Pharmaceutical/Chemical Power/Utilities/Telecom Real estate or rental and leasing Retail trade Wholesale trade Services Media Transport/Logistics/Warehousing Travel/Leisure/Hospitality Other 215 158 619 345 188 147 1,799 525 54 88 142 316 661 481 401 154 316 224 207 31 294 81 200 (*) East 2,820 North 950 Northeast 742 Northwest 655 South Central 2,552 Southwest 1,288 (*) 47 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China only if respondent is currently working Randstad Employer Attractiveness Score (REMAS) a unique indicator of Employer Branding what is REMAS? • • • Randstad Employer Attractiveness Score among respondents who know the company, the percentage that would like to work for the company minus the percentage that would not unique indicator to determine the attractiveness of companies, taking into account not only the promoters (the percentage that would like to work for the company) but also the detractors (the percentage that would not like to work for the company) why REMAS? • • 48 to promote a unique indicator of Employer Branding to allow easy benchmarking for all companies against others 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China Randstad Employer Attractiveness Score (REMAS) concept total sample: 100% 70 respondents out of 100 know the company know the company: 70% 70/100 = 70% = name awareness would like to work for: 36% 25/70 would like to work for the company would not like to work for: 21% 15/70 would not like to work for the company REMAS = attractiveness – detractors = 15% 49 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China 25/70 = 36% = attractiveness (attractiveness) 15/70 = 21% = detractors sectors ranked by REMAS REMAS: among respondents who know one or more companies in these sectors; percentage of respondents who would like to work for the company minus the percentage that would not 50 REMAS 2015 REMAS 2014 1. power, utilities & telecom 66.15% 64.43% 2. pharmaceutical & chemical 63.52% 57.85% 3. finance (banking & insurance) 62.22% 63.41% 4. informatics & consulting 57.44% 54.08% 5. industrial & manufacturing 52.04% 48.57% 6. construction 51.77% 54.79% 7. automotive 48.42% 49.14% 8. FMCG (food & non-food) 43.39% 39.84% 9. retail & trade 35.82% 34.15% 10. transport, logistics & wholesalers 29.41% 30.46% 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China top 20 most attractive companies by REMAS REMAS: among respondents who know the company (minimum 10% name awareness); percentage of respondents who would like to work for the company minus the percentage that would not 51 1. 阿里巴巴集团 (ALIBABA GROUP) 81.68% 11. 拜耳集团 (BAYER) 73.24% 2. 国际商业机器公司 (IBM) 81.38% 12. 百度公司 (BAIDU) 73.08% 3. 苹果公司 (APPLE) 78.93% 13. 渣打银行 (STANDARD CHARTERED) 72.19% 4. 英特尔公司 (INTEL) 78.71% 14. 西门子 (SIEMENS) 71.70% 5. 瑞士ABB集团 (ABB) 76.93% 15. 联想集团 (LENOVO) 71.61% 6. 蒂森克虏伯 (THYSSENKRUPP) 76.45% 16. 法国威立雅环境集团 (VEOLIA) 71.25% 7. 腾讯公司 (TECENT) 75.04% 17. 博世公司 (ROBERT BOSCH) 71.21% 8. 埃森哲 (ACCENTURE) 74.95% 18. 卡特彼勒 (CATERPILLAR) 70.45% 9. 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司 (ROYAL DUTCH SHELL) 74.94% 19. 招商银行 (CHINA MERCHANTS BANK) 69.98% 10. 通用电气公司 (GENERAL ELECTRIC) 73.44% 20. 联合技术公司 (UNITED TECHNOLOGIES) 69.90% 2015 Employer Branding: perception is reality China