Planning & Assignment Calendar 7th Language Arts All assignments are subject to change depending upon where students are in their understanding of material. Weekly Learning Objectives: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). “I can identify elements of plot.” “I can assess character traits that demonstrate theme.” CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.7.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. “I can come to class prepared to discuss topics and work effectively and respectfully with my classmates.” Mrs. Honn Week 5 Monday Sept. 29 Language Arts - 7th Grade Grammar – Verbals SAT Vocab A2 Words Character Traits & Character Beginning and End – Julius Baby of the World Tuesday Wednesday Oct. 1 Thursday Oct. 2 Grammar – Verbals Day 2. This will be an ongoing nightly assignment. There will be a grammar quiz on Friday. Assignments Due Grammar – Verbals Day 1 (back of notebook) Grammar Check Vocab Check Character Changes Causes & Effects, P-O-V Chester’s Way IR Grammar Check Vocab Check Grammar – Verbals Day 3 SAT Vocabulary – A2 (front of notebook) Word Part of speech (p-o-s) Definitions Sentence Picture Grammar – Verbals Day 2 Grammar – Verbals Day 4 Grammar – Verbals Day 3 Writing: Memoir with Emphasis on Plot Memoir Plot - Prewrite w/Graphic Organizer Grammar – Verbals Review Grammar – Verbals Day 4 IR – Hand Out Reading Packet Sept. 30 Homework District Reading Assessment IR – Bring Your Book to Class SAT Vocab A2. This is an ongoing nightly assignment to review. Quiz is on Friday. Friday Oct. 3 W/U = warm up Grammar Quiz – Verbals Vocab Quiz – A2 Words Grammar: Subjects & Predicates Grammar – Verbals Review Overview and Day 1 Memoir Plot - Prewrite w/Graphic Organizer Writing: Memoir with Emphasis on Plot: Begin PP Sat Vocabulary: B Words Word Part-of-speech (p-o-s) Definition Sentence Picture C/D = cool down IR = Independent Reading SAT Vocabulary – A2 (front of notebook) Word Part of speech (p-o-s) Definitions Sentence Picture IW = Independent Writing Homework: Ongoing: Read two hours each week. Write often. (See syllabus for further detail.) Monday: Grammar – Verbals Day 2 – Due Tuesday, 9/30/14 (Back of grammar/vocab notebook) Quiz on Friday, 10/3/14 Study SAT Vocabulary Words A2: word, p-o-s, definition, sentence, picture (Front of grammar/vocab notebook) (you can make flash cards to quiz yourself or play the game Memory, create a Quizlet or Spelling City account, have others quiz you, make connections when reading, speaking, and listening, etc.) Notebooks due on Friday, 10/3/14 Quiz on Friday, 10/3/14 Tuesday: Grammar: Verbals Day 3 - Due Wednesday, 10/1/14 Vocab practice: A2 words Wednesday: Grammar: Verbals Day 4 - Due Thursday, 10/2/14 Vocab practice: A2 words Memoir Plot – Prewrite w/Graphic Organizer – Due Friday, 10/3/14 Thursday: Grammar: Verbals Review - Due Friday, 10/3/14 Vocab practice: A2 words Friday: Grammar: Subjects & Predicates Intro & Day 1 SAT Vocabulary Words B: word, p-o-s, definition, sentence, picture (Front of grammar/vocab notebook) Quizzes on Friday, 10/10/14 Continue to read in your chosen Courage to be an Individual book.