EB101 ASSIGNMENT 2006 The effectiveness of teams in the management of a family-owned versus a non-family owned small business 1 STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION • • • • • • • • • • Introduction Purpose of assignment writing Working in groups Assignment instructions Literature overview Empirical research Writing the report Plagiarism declaration Lecturer’s evaluation Before handing in 2 INTRODUCTION The practice of writing assignments: • • • • • • Accepted teaching method for most university courses Compulsory for all Business Management modules Develops effective report writing skills Develops scientific research skills Expands knowledge of subject area Group work prepares students for the business world 3 PURPOSE AND VALUE OF ASSIGNMENT WRITING • To compile a written research report in accordance with scientific assignment rules and guidelines, e.g., Harvard method • Students get to tackle a ‘real life’ problem in the business world • Application of theoretical concepts learnt in EB101 to a practical situation • Develops independent thought and critical thinking • Prepares students for more advanced report writing projects • Develops students’ ability to gather and condense relevant information See Du Toit & Geel (2006:1) 4 WORKING IN GROUPS Benefits: • Prepares students for their working careers • Opportunity to collaborate on projects with a desired end result • Develops teamwork skills – can include in CV Challenges: • Equal participation of all members • Planning with deadline date in mind • Setting tasks and establishing clear goals from the outset • Keeping lines of communication open • One person does all the work • Free riders 5 WORKING IN GROUPS Tips and tricks: • Appoint a group leader and allocate specific tasks • Identify time frame and set up a chart commencing with deadline date • Schedule meeting dates, times, venues well in advance and send out reminders • Ensure everyone knows what to do • Know your way round the library • Expel non-performers • Focus on end result at all times • Check final document as a group • Output is a finished product group should be proud of 6 FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF GROUP NAMES SURNAME FIRST NAMES STUDENT NUMBER CONTACT NUMBER GROUP STRUCTURE GROUP Mon/Wed Tues/Fri Tues/Thurs Group leader Member Member Member (A4 sheet only. Tiny scraps of scrap paper not accepted!!!!) After 10 March 2006 groups may not be changed 7 TIMEFRAME EXAMPLE Week 1 25 Feb Week 2 3 Mar Week 3 10 Mar Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 17 Mar 24 Mar 31 Mar Week 7 7 April Assign roles & tasks Set objectives Meeting dates Commence lit search Literature search Identify suitable businesses Set up appointments Study HCSA Visit Writing Centre Literature search Assignment writing Literature search Assignment writing Final proof reading Make adjustments All attachments included Submit Fri 7th 10:30-11:30 Assignment writing Finalisation of draft report 8 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT Topic • The effectiveness of teams (partners) in the management of a family-owned versus a non-family owned small business Aim • To investigate how effective teams (partners) operate in managing their own business and to establish whether teams (partners) operate more effectively if the members are related to each other versus those that are not related. 9 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT 1. It is compulsory to consult the book “How to complete a scientific assignment and report” (HCSA) by Du Toit and Geel (2006 edition), in the completion of this assignment. 2. Your assignment must be set out according to the Harvard method, as discussed by the authors of HCSA. It will be marked according to the evaluation schedule discussed in class. 3. A special assignment lecture will be given on how to complete this assignment and attendance is compulsory. 4. Set up a title page. (Please provide two copies; one is required for proof of submission purposes). 5. Set up a table of contents. 6. Set up an introduction. 7. Provide a literature overview (see contents below). 10 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT 8. Relate theory to practice: • Conduct two interviews. One with a team member that manages a small family business and one with a team member that managers a small non-family business. A family business is one where two or more family members are working in the business and the family owns more than a 50% share in the business. The two businesses should have been in operation for at least 1 year. For the purpose of this assignment a small business is one that does not employ more than 50 persons. • A management team exists when two or more persons own and manage the business together. In a family business, team members may be any of the following persons who are related by blood or marriage, who manage a business together: husband and wife, siblings, cousins, in-laws etc. 11 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT • No chain stores will be accepted e.g. Clicks, Pick ‘n Pay etc. The Summerstrand Village and Seagate Shopping Centres are strictly out of bounds. • Only one group is allowed per business. Groups must make sure that no other group has already interviewed the businesses they approach. Should this be the case another business must be selected. • Use the questionnaires provided to obtain the necessary information. 9. Close off your assignment with a conclusion and recommendations. 12 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT 10. Consult at least six different sources (sources include books, journals, newspapers, Internet databases, etc.) Consult the management and organisational behavior textbooks. Additional information can be obtained from the South Campus library, i.e. short loan section and Mrs Prinsloo (1st floor). Use the reference technique described in HCSA. 11. Your assignment must not be more than six A4 pages (excluding title page, table of contents, list of sources and annexures), it must be technically correct, typed in 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 pt and with margins no bigger than 2.5 cm all round. It must be stapled in the top left had corner (no plastic sleeves or folders). 12. The assignment must be completed in a group of 4 persons. 13 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT 13. • • 14. 15. The due date is Friday 7 April 2006. Handing in instructions: South campus: Between 10:30 and 11:30 am, in the foyer outside venue 35OG05. Assignments will not be accepted on the 5th floor or in class. Vista campus: Between 10:30 and 11:30 am, in office number D204. Assignments will not be accepted in the class. A penalty reduction of 10% (of the mark obtained) per day will be imposed for late submission. Attachments as annexures to assignment: • Completed questionnaires • Plagiarism/group participation declaration • Evaluation sheet – names and student numbers (Stapled last) 14 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS HANDOUT Proposed table of contents (Headings must be set out according to HCSA, e.g., bold vs not bold): 1 Introduction 2 Literature overview of teams in business. 2.1 Defining teams: Distinguish between a group, a team and a partnership. Are these different concepts or one and the same thing? Define each concept and elaborate on the differences and similarities between them. Also refer to the different types of teams. 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of working in teams in today’s business environment. 2.3 Key characteristics (conditions) of effective teams. Identify and discuss what it takes to function effectively as a team? (You need at least 2 references for each characteristic/condition identified) 3 Empirical research 3.1 Background of the family and non-family small businesses interviewed (introduce the firms 3.2 Report on findings (report findings of questionnaires specifically) 4 Summary and recommendations List of sources Annexure A: Completed questionnaires Annexure B: Plagiarism/group participation declaration 15 LITERATURE OVERVIEW Library search: Effectiveness of management teams in business: • Defining teams • Benefits and shortcomings of working in teams • Key characteristics of effective teams 16 LITERATURE OVERVIEW Where to start? Prescribed textbook: • Bosch et al. (2006): Chapter on General and Strategic Management Literature sources Library: • Open shelves: books on management, organisational behaviour • Short loan • Mrs Prinsloo – 1st Floor, South Campus Library will assist with Journal articles Electronic full text journals (permission required) Internet search: • Only reliable sources may be used 17 LITERATURE OVERVIEW Suggested keywords for literature search: • • • • • • • Effective management teams Effective managing partners Management teams small business Management teams family business Family business management teams Small business management teams Shared leadership teams 18 EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Background of the small business interviewed Section A – questionnaire Introduce firms to reader Summary profile of firm – questionnaire items 1.1-11.4 Report on findings Section B – questionnaire Report on findings (actual responses to factors influencing teamwork) Analysis of questionnaire items 1-11 Compare average mean scores for family and non-family businesses Factors influencing effective teamwork can also be ranked for the family and non-family businesses 19 B FACTORS INFLUENCING EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK 1 GOALS Please indicate (X) to what extent you agree with the following statements. (1) disagree strongly, (2) disagree, (3) neutral, (4) agree (5) strongly agree My managing team member/s and I … Disagree.......…Agree 1.1 Have an articulated and clear set of business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 Understand our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.3 Are committed to our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.4 Find our business goals challenging 1 2 3 4 5 1.5 Find our business goals motivating 1 2 3 4 5 1.6 Agree on what business goals and objectives are important 1 2 3 4 5 1.7 Take ownership of our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 Average score: 28/7 = 4 Score for goals is 4. Respondent agrees that goals is a factor which influences effective teamwork 20 Non-family business B FACTORS INFLUENCING EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK 1 GOALS Please indicate (X) to what extent you agree with the following statements. (1) disagree strongly, (2) disagree, (3) neutral, (4) agree (5) strongly agree My managing team member/s and I … Disagree.......…Agree 1.1 Have an articulated and clear set of business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 Understand our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.3 Are committed to our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 1.4 Find our business goals challenging 1 2 3 4 5 1.5 Find our business goals motivating 1 2 3 4 5 1.6 Agree on what business goals and objectives are important 1 2 3 4 5 1.7 Take ownership of our business goals 1 2 3 4 5 Average mean score: 22/7 = 3.14 Score for goals is 3.14. Respondent is neutral that goals is a factor which influences effective teamwork 21 Family business EXAMPLE: RANKING TOP 5 FACTORS INFLUENCING TEAMWORK Table 3.1: Factors influencing effective teamwork in a family vs a non-family business Rank Family business Non-family business 1 Freedom (5) Trust (4.5) 2 Operational efficiency (4.5) Goals (4.8) 3 Competency (4) Leadership (4) 4 Goals (3.14) Operational efficiency (4) 5 Trust (3) Work design (3.8) Table 3.1 indicates a difference in emphasis between the factors that influence the effectiveness of teams in family owned small businesses versus those that influence non-family owned small businesses. Comparison – similarities, differences, insight, recommendations for future research??? 22 WRITING THE REPORT NB NB NB: Consult du Toit and Geel (2006) Instructions in this guide are clearly set out Report: 5 main parts • • • • • Introduction Literature review: what has already been written Empirical research: report back of interviews Conclusions and recommendations List of sources Layout • Appearance and technical requirements 23 WRITING THE REPORT INTRODUCTION • Statement of the problem Develop a problem statement using topic as a guide Provides direction for rest of the study • Emphasis on the importance of or reason for the research Why is the study necessary What insights might be gained, any future use • The objectives of the assignment Refer to assignment topic 24 WRITING THE REPORT • The method of research used Literature search Empirical research • Difficulties encountered during the research and how the difficulties were overcome Condensing a vast amount of information Group dynamics • An indication of the contents following the introduction Alert reader to sections that follow Du Toit and Geel (2006:13) 25 WRITING THE REPORT MAIN TEXT – BODY OF REPORT Du Toit and Geel (2006) must be consulted • • • • Never refer to “I” or “we” – use “the researchers” only if necessary Headings must be correctly numbered Page numbers are shown (except on first page) When taking information from any source, no matter how short the extract, reference or source MUST be acknowledged and indicated (otherwise plagiarism) • All references used in body must be acknowledged in the list of sources 26 WRITING THE REPORT MAIN TEXT – BODY OF REPORT What is plagiarism in assignment writing? • Plagiarism occurs when the work, writing, ideas, etc, of another author is copied and passed off as one’s own • Plagiarism can be deliberate or unintentional • Every source used must be properly acknowledged in accordance with scientific principles of assignment writing • Plagiarism is a growing concern in tertiary education today • Plagiarism is a serious offence which could result in disciplinary action being taken against the offender(s) 27 WRITING THE REPORT MAIN TEXT – BODY OF REPORT REFERENCING EXAMPLES (Harvard method) NB NB NB: Refer to Du Toit and Geel According to Hunt (2004:38), when leadership responsibility is shared, individual team members are committed to a tangible vision which is pursued by the entire team. Leadership responsibility, when shared, has individual team members who are committed to a solid vision which is then pursued by the entire team (Hunt 2004:38). 28 WRITING THE REPORT Plagiarism example: Shared responsibility leadership results when a team of individuals is committed to a tangible vision and they all share responsibility for the pursuit of that tangible vision. In other words, it isn't just the "leader" in authority who is responsible for making change happen, it is the entire team. Piece is copied directly from source (author) to text (body of report) No credit is given to the author 29 WRITING THE REPORT MAIN TEXT – BODY OF REPORT REFERENCING EXAMPLES (Harvard method) NB NB NB: Refer to Du Toit and Geel Kotler, Grönroos and Carter (2003:172) offer the following advantages and disadvantages that apply to working in teams in the current business environment: Although it is normal to find management teams operating in family owned businesses, several challenges are unique to the family business when it comes to working in teams (Kotler et al. 2003:191). 30 SHOWING DIAGRAMS Table 2.1: Heading 90 80 70 Figure 2.1: Heading 60 50 40 30 East West North 20 10 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Source: Adapted from Olsen (2001:36) Source: Adapted from Olsen (2001:78) 31 Gray, B.A. Krüger, J. Rootman, C. Van Eeden, S. 200134598 202045781 200347156 200269794 Note: Title page x 2 copies Group names in alphabetical order Name of lecturer/lecturers AIDS AND THE SMALL BUSINESS THE PERSPECTIVE OF PRO-DIVE DATE: 7 April 2006 LECTURER: Ms J Krüger 32 DECLARATION in respect of PLAGIARISM EB101 GROUP ASSIGNMENT - 2005 Declaration must be completed and signed by each group member and handed in with the assignment on the due date. The assignment will not be marked without it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I know that plagiarism is wrong and that it means to use another person’s work, e.g. ideas, words, models, diagrams and pretend that it is my own original work. Irrespective of the conventions used for quoting and referencing in any specific project that I submit, I undertake to give credit to each significant contribution to, and quotation that I have taken from the work(s) of other people. I shall do this by quoting and referencing. All sources derived from the Internet shall be properly acknowledged. I confirm that all written projects which I submit at this University shall be my own work. I shall not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. This declaration shall apply to all work whether I submit as an individual or as a member of a group. I understand that disciplinary action may follow should I be in breach of the above declaration. I declare that I participated equally in the preparation of this assignment to the satisfaction of my group leader and fellow group members. Signed at Port Elizabeth on the ………………………………………………………2006. 33 DECLARATION in respect of PLAGIARISM Surname & Initials Student Number Telephone Number Group Structure% Distribution of Ass. Mark Signature Group Leader Member Member Member GROUP LEADER: I declare that I am satisfied that each member listed above made an equal contribution to the assignment and should receive the percentage mark as indicated above. …………………………... Signature of Group Leader Groups are required to resolve their own problems, in particular problems concerning member participation. Lecturers will not intervene in group disputes under any circumstances. 34 BEFORE HANDING IN ASSIGNMENT Due date: Friday 7 April Document checklist: Time: 10:30-11:30 only •Report has been proof read •Double title page attached •Additional annexures •Questionnaires •Plagiarism declaration (completed & signed) •Evaluation sheet (names & student numbers written on) 35