fire safety manual

Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information
University of Bristol
Tyndall Ave
Date: May 2015
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Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
People ............................................................................................................................ 4
Emergency Plan and PEEPS ............................................................................................ 6
FIRE EMERGENCY PLAN NSQI building....................................................................... 6
Action in Case of FIRE............................................................................................. 6
Emergency drill .............................................................................................................. 8
Arranging a Fire drill................................................................................................... 8
Maintenance and Testing Regime ................................................................................. 9
a) Fire Alarm System .................................................................................................. 9
Daily Check ............................................................................................................. 9
Weekly Test ............................................................................................................ 9
Four Monthly Maintenance & Annual Test ......................................................... 11
Alarm Activations ................................................................................................. 11
b. Emergency Lighting .............................................................................................. 12
c. Stand Alone Smoke Detectors .............................................................................. 12
d. Fire Doors ............................................................................................................. 12
e. Fire Fighting Equipment ....................................................................................... 13
f. Electrical fixed installation and Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Testing .......... 13
g. Refuge communication systems testing .............................................................. 13
h. Backup Power Supply........................................................................................... 13
i. Dry Risers............................................................................................................... 14
Fire exits & escape routes ............................................................................................ 14
Training ........................................................................................................................ 14
Hazards......................................................................................................................... 15
Gas bottles ............................................................................................................... 15
Flammables .............................................................................................................. 15
Radioactive sources ................................................................................................. 15
Other fire hazards .................................................................................................... 15
Building Plans ............................................................................................................... 16
General Information .................................................................................................... 21
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This Manual details the fire safety arrangements in place at the Bristol Centre for
Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI), Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1FD
The University is required by law to assess the fire safety risk at each of our
premises and we want to take appropriate measures, as far as reasonably
practicable, to protect lives.
As well as protecting our people, the University also wants to protect property,
our neighbours and the environment and to ensure business continuity in the
event of a fire.
The aim of this Manual is to use the statutory risk assessment process to
establish and document the local management procedures in place to meet
these various needs.
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The University is the “responsible person” under the law that is required to carry
out the fire safety process.
We have to rely on individuals at each location to carry out the process, make
sure it is documented, updated, relevant and effective – in other words, that it
The individuals the University relies on at NSQI are:
Job Title
Prof. J. Annett
Head of Physics
S.R. Neck
Building and
Technical Manager
F. Hale
Fire Safety
NSQI Fire Safety
Fire Warden
P. Dunton
A. Martin
Team of 4
First aiders
Physics Porters
07.30 –
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Fire safety role
Overall management
responsibility on behalf of
the Combined building
complex of Physics/NSQI
and HPC
Fire Safety Co-ordinator
for the combined
complex of Physics/NSQI
and HPC
NSQI Fire Safety
Coordinator who will
ensure the Risk
Assessment has been
completed and is
regularly updated and
that the maintenance and
testing procedures
detailed in this Manual
are in operation
Fire warden who will:
- Verify there is a fire if
the alarm is activated;
- Call out Security/the
Brigade if necessary;
- Assist with evacuation of
the building and prevent
unauthorised re-entry
following an alarm
Will carry out regular
testing as detailed in this
(In term
often to
S. Hyde
Electrical & Other
Manual and act as Fire
Warden (see above)
during portered hours
Will specify and cost
works identified in the
Help Desk Will respond to call outs
in connection with faults
in the alarm or
emergency lighting and
ensure these are repaired
In addition, Richard Norris, the Fire Safety Adviser based at the University’s
Health and Safety Office (HSO) is available for advice on fire safety and to deliver
training – tel: 0117 92 88784.
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Emergency Plan and PEEPS
Personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) are required for anyone whole whose
mobility is impaired. These are drawn by the lab manager in consultation with the
person involved and then verified by Richard Norris.
There are currently no active PEEPs in the building
Action in Case of FIRE
The building fire alarm system covers all rooms and passageways and
should activate on detecting the heat and/or smoke from a fire. This will
result in the continuous sounding of the fire alarm. Location of the fire
will be indicated on the fire alarm system control panel which is located in
the NSQI entrance lobby and replicated in the Physics Porters’ Lodge.
The alarm signals automatically to University Security. The duty Physics
porter, Building Fire Coordinator (or member of the Building management
team) or Department Head must telephone Security as soon as it is
known there is a genuine fire (and to stand them down if the signal is a
false alarm).
If the automatic fire alarm system fails to activate, the person discovering
a fire should:
o Operate the nearest RED manual fire alarm call point;
o Ring the University Emergency Telephone Number 11 22 33 from
the nearest phone (external 0117 331 1223) or 999 should this
number fail to be answered;
o State the building and room number of the fire location;
o Only attempt to extinguish the fire if you are trained and
proficient in the use of fire extinguishers. DO NOT place yourself
or others in danger;
o Report to the Porters’ Lodge, inside the building entrance, and
give the porters accurate information about the fire
On hearing the fire alarm, all personnel must evacuate the building by the
nearest fire exit and muster at either the lawn opposite Senate House or
the lawn by Stuart House
DO NOT stop to collect your personal belongings
DO NOT re-enter the building until instructed to do so
Members of staff should ensure that all students and visitors in
their immediate area are evacuated
o SHUT, BUT DO NOT LOCK your room door and close fire doors
behind you
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o If you know someone has not left the building, report his or her
name and location to a porter, or the fire Marshal
The Fire Wardens, Stewards and Marshals: See departmental instructions in
Appendix A
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Emergency drill
A formal fire drill will be carried out every term at a time when the building is fully
occupied (normally during maximum occupancy).
NOTE: False alarm evacuations are not replacements for formal fire drills.
The drill will be organised by the NSQI Fire Co-ordinator in conjunction with the
Combined Building Complex Fire Co-ordinator, who will use it to assess the
effectiveness of the fire safety management procedure including
Use and effectiveness of fire wardens plus the control of the evacuation and
assembly area(s);
Effectiveness of the alarm investigation team;
Effectiveness of communications with and support from Security and
Suitability of procedures for evacuating those people who are unable to
escape without assistance (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans or PEEPS);
An opportunity to make staff and students familiar with the alternative
escape routes from buildings, rather than falling back on their normal way
into and out of the building;
Arrangements for visitors and contractors.
Arranging a Fire drill
The organiser (who could be based in Physics) needs to:
Arrange the date and time of the drill;
Contact the Health and Safety Office on 88780 preferably a week in
advance so someone can attend and monitor the drill;
The drill is carried out by suitably trained building users without the
involvement of Building Services except for the replacement of used
break glasses.
Record the drill in the log – Log 1. Fire Drills.
Take any follow up actions that become apparent after the drill.
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Maintenance and Testing Regime
a) Fire Alarm System
Warning 1:
The NSQI fire alarm panel is fitted with a university fire test switch. It is
vital that the university fire test switch is turned to the ‘test’ position prior
to testing and returned to the ‘normal’ position immediately following
testing. This switch ensures that important safety equipment is kept
running for the duration of the Fire test.
Warning 2:
There is also a fireman’s override switch fitted at the NSQI fire alarm panel.
This should only be used by authorised Fire Service Personnel. This switch
will shut down important safety systems which may be harmful to people
in the laboratory and preparation areas. In the event this switch is used
NSQI management must be consulted prior to anybody entering the
laboratory and preparation areas.
It is vital that testing the alarm does not cause unwanted Fire signals to the
Daily Check
Each day the duty Porter in Physics will visually check the fire alarm panel
situated in their lodge to ensure the combined building complex system is
active and not showing any faults.
The check should be logged each day on the record sheet (Log 2 Daily Fire
Alarm Checks)
All faults and disabled messages are to be logged on the sheet and
telephoned through to the Maintenance Services helpdesk on 89898.
Maintenance Services will provide a job number which should be recorded on
the sheet.
Sheet to be checked weekly by Physics Building Fire Coordinator./ deputy
If the fault is in NSQI liaise with the NSQI Management team immediately.
Weekly Test
The weekly tests (each Wednesday between 08:30 and 09:00) are announced on the
screens in the foyer
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Prior to starting the test a call should be made to Security on 87848, informing them
that a weekly fire alarm test is about to take place in the building.
The two staff carrying out the test will agree which call point(s) will be tested
and check location of call points on the numbered plan1. One porter will stay
at the panel and one will go to the location where the call point(s) require
testing. Each call point has a unique number.
The second porter will operate the panel and check normal operation.
The NSQI fire test key switch must be engaged by switching to the ‘test’
position prior to any fire alarm test (see Warning 1 on page 10). The switch
ensures the continued operation of important safety systems; failure to
engage this switch might be harmful to people in the NSQI labs and
preparation areas. The switch must be returned to the ‘normal’ position
immediately following each test.
The porter at the call point will use the key provided during training to
operate the manual call point.
The porter positioned at the alarm panel will wait a few seconds for the
alarm to ring and then press “silence”, note the information on the panel to
ensure the right sounder has been tested, and then press “reset”.
On completion of the test the alarm panel will need to be returned to normal
operation. Ring Security on 87848 to inform them that the testing is
complete and that the alarm is now in normal operation.
The weekly fire test log (Log 3) must be completed for the # numbered call
points tested and signed off by the Combined Building Complex Fire
coordinator / deputy
If there are any problems with the alarms during or after the test they must
be reported immediately to the Maintenance Services Helpdesk on 89898
(prior to 8am, any problems should be reported to Security who will contact
the shift).
Manual call points in plant rooms accessed and controlled by Maintenance
Services will be tested by Maintenance Services engineers. When a call point
in a plant room is due to be tested, please remember to process a job
through Maintrix around one week before the test is due, stating the day and
time the test is to take place.
Decide how many call points you want to test each week; the aim is to ensure all NSQI call points are
tested at least once per year.
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Four Monthly Maintenance & Annual Test
Maintenance Services will arrange for a contractor to test one third of all
active components and an audibility test of the sounders, so that the full
system is tested each year.
The final visit each year will provide a full service of the fire alarm system and
its component parts as recommended by the system manufacturer.
The contractor must record the test in the fire alarm system maintenance log
– Log 4. (N.B. the Testing Manager, based in Estates Operations also holds a
copy of the test record.)
The Building Fire Coordinator will check that these regular tests have taken
Alarm Activations
A record must be kept of all alarm activations, whether genuine or false.
Shift maintenance will complete the logbook when they have attended site to
deal with false alarms
The Combined Building Complex Building Fire Coordinator will ensure these
have been logged (Log 5 Fire Alarm Activations).
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b. Emergency Lighting
Detail in the works instruction does not tally with the guidance provided by Avon Fire
& Rescue.
Tim Rudge has outline the following procedure:
1) Weekly visual check;
2) Monthly – switch on & off;
3) 6-monthly – drain 1 hour
4) Annual – drain 3 hours
NSQI systems are self-testing & require only the 6-month and annual drain test.
When lighting in a plant room is scheduled to be tested please process a job through
Maintrix about a week before the test is due, stating when the test must take place).
c. Stand Alone Smoke Detectors
None fitted
d. Fire Doors
Fire doors should be closed and not left propped open.
If a fire door has to be propped open for a short period, e.g. a delivery, the prop
needs to be removed as soon as the job is finished.
The only acceptable door-opening devices are either an automatic fire door or
‘Dorgard’ – which responds automatically to a fire alarm activation.
Any faults in fire doors should be reported immediately to Maintenance Services
on 89898.
A planned preventative maintenance system is in place for fire doors.
NSQI carry out their own 6-monthly fire door check
The inspection entails a visual check of each fire door completing Log 7 (fire door
 Does the door shut properly?
 Is it free of holes and damage?
 Is the glass tightly fixed (if you tap it, does it rattle?)
 Are any gaps around the top and sides small?
 Does it have a brush or seal?
 Is that brush or seal intact?
 Does it have a “Fire Door-Keep Shut” sign?
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If the check reveals defects, the log should be sent to the Building Surveyor who will
allocate job numbers and return the log to the Building Fire Coordinator to retain in
this manual and ensure repairs are carried out.
e. Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire extinguishers and fire blankets and are required to be checked annually and
certified as fit for purpose. The Health & Safety Office (HSO) will arrange for their
contractor to carry out this annual inspection.
Building Fire Coordinator should contact the Fire Safety Adviser, Richard Norris if
this inspection is delayed or has not been carried out.
HSO will complete Log 9: Fire Fighting Equipment Test Record.
In addition, a regular visual inspection should be made to ensure that equipment:
 Appears to be undamaged,
 The date on the label is within 12 months,
 A security tag is in place,
 The pressure gauge is in the green zone,
 The extinguisher is where it should be on its hook or stand
 This will form part of the normal Building Safety inspection regime
f. Electrical fixed installation and Portable Appliance Testing
(PAT) Testing
Faults in electrical equipment are a major cause of fires in the UK workplace. Fixed
electrical installations are maintained and tested by Maintenance Services on a 3 or
5 yearly cycle. Test certificates are held by the testing manager in Maintenance
Services. Schools/SSAS should arrange appropriate PAT testing for their
g. Refuge communication systems testing
Fire refuge communication systems will be tested weekly by portering staff. One
point is tested each week and where there are multiple refuge points within a
building a different point will be tested each week and recorded on Log 11.
h. Backup Power Supply
(Some essential equipment is fitted with a UPS)
Estates Operations arrange for the back up power supply to be tested annually. The
Testing Manager in Estates Operations keeps records.
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i. Dry Risers
A dry riser is a main vertical pipe intended to distribute water to multiple levels of a
building or structure as a component of the fire.
Estates Operations will inspect and test the dry risers twice a year. This will be
entered in Log 4.
Fire exits & escape routes
Should be available at all material times, should be free of obstruction, not used for
storage of equipment or combustible materials, should not contain anything that can
start a fire or allow a fire to spread.
Fire doors across corridor escape routes must only be held open via approved
methods (automatic fire doors or Dorgard).
Doors across escape routes must not have mechanical or digital locks to open the
doors in the direction of escape. Where locks are required for security reasons they
must fail to safety when the alarm sounds, or have a green break glass and suitable
signs to allow easy escape.
Final exit doors should be single-action open, e.g. push-bar, thumb latch etc. Where
the door is locked with a mag-lock for security reasons it must either fail-safe or have
a green break-glass and suitable signs.
Final exit doors must not be obstructed either inside or outside. Where there is a
risk the outside can be obstructed, the door must have a Fire Exit Keep Clear sign
attached. It may be necessary to paint yellow hatching and/or install bollards to
prevent parking etc.
Students must be made aware of the basic fire safety instructions for the buildings –
when the weekly tests are due, what to do whenever they hear the fire alarm, where
the alternative exits are. – covered during induction
Suitable Staff must be trained as fire wardens and alarm investigators.
Centre staff need at least basic fire safety awareness, possibly alarm investigation
and fire warden also - Covered by induction training / leaflet
All staff and PG students should be trained in the safe use of fire extinguishers.
Training may be on line / course by Dept Safety Manager or HSO
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Gas bottles
Gas cylinders are managed by the NSQI Laboratory Managers, full and empty
cylinders are kept in an internal gas store. Lab plans (in the fire document box)
indicate where cylinders are normally located in the building.
Flammable liquids, gasses and solids are held in many labs. Each lab has COSHH/Risk
Assessments on display detailing such materials and the locations of hazards are
marked on room or floor maps. No large quantities of flammable liquids or gases are
held within NSQI. Labs are advised to keep quantities as low as possible and are kept
either in a fume or ventilated cupboard.
Radioactive sources
None currently in NSQI
Other fire hazards
Waste bins should be kept locked and sited as far away from buildings as possible. If
waste accumulates outside bins, Sustainability Tel: 89100 can arrange for more
frequent waste collections.
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Building Plans
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General Information
Neighbouring Physics is the largest occupant of the long; “L” shaped building comprising of a 1920’s wing, 2x 1960’s blocks and the newly built NSQI.
The combined building has 3 lifts, The South Physics lift is due to be changed to an evacuation lift summer 09. The Physics North lift is 2 sided and is the only
lift to access all main floors in Physics – it is not an evacuation lift. The NSQI lift is not an evacuation lift.
There are no flat or ramped disabled exit routes for the combined building
NSQI and Physics have numerous labs throughout the building which may contain chemicals, bottled gasses, liquid cryogens, radioactive sources, x-ray, high
voltage equipment and strong magnetic fields. Much equipment is kept running 24/7 to maintain stability and operate long duration experiments – location
of main hazards can be found on the floor plans located in the Fire Box in the NSQI foyer – adjacent to the Fire Alarm and Smoke Vent Panels.
All parts of the combined building are connected to the same alarm panel located in Physics (with a repeater panel in NSQI) though because of different
installation dates the various components (detectors, call points etc) appear different in each building. The Fire alarm panel for the combined building has a
5 minute delay and a “double knock” system built in to allow for early investigation of alarms before the sounders operate. All areas also operate a call
challenge system whereby trained investigators (linked by 2-way radio) continue to investigate – even when the alarm has sounded. The Brigade is only
called once a fire is confirmed.
To aid clarity, this document primarily is for the NSQI “part” of the combined building. Similar documentation from the other responsible occupants
(Physics, HPC, IAC, and Building Services) will be included in the final package for the combined fire safety manual.
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