Study Guide Questions

The Elephant Man
Study Guide Questions
Directions: As we read The Elephant Man, you are responsible for
answering the study guide questions in your journal. You do not have
to write the question in your notebook, but you must answer the
question in complete sentences.
Sc. 1-4
1. Describe Frederick Treves and Carr Gomm. How is/are their
ambition(s) revealed in scene 1?
2. Specifically show what type of relationship Ross and John Merrick
have. What metaphor does Ross use for Merrick?
3. What is the Voice saying after Treves horrible description? In what
tone does Treves respond?
4. Why does scene 3 close with a policeman on the stage?
5. Briefly describe each of the following characters as they appear in
scene four: Man, Merrick, Ross Pinheads, Policeman, and Conductor.
Sc. 4-8
1. The playwright takes the viewer/reader to Brussels to “see” the
Pinheads. What is function/purpose of showing us their situation?
2. How are the policemen used and portrayed? What is their
3. How does Treves “prepare” Miss Sandwich for meeting Merrick?
4. How is Bishop How (Dr. How) characterized in scene 7? What is
his role?
5. Carr Gomm plays a significant role in scene 7. What is his role?
6. Examine the last four lines of scene 7. What do they mean?
7. What does Gomm force Treves to do early in scene 8? How does he
do it?
8. What contradictions are revealed in scene 8? What does the
playwright, Bernard Pomerance, want readers/viewers to think about?
Sc. 9-11
1. Who is Mrs. Kendal? Describe her actions in this scene?
2. Why is Mrs. Kendal at the London Hospital?
3. Characterize Treves in scene 9. How does he respond to Mrs.
Kendal’s frank question?
4. How does Mrs. Kendal arrive at her closing conclusion in scene 9?
5. What is the purpose of scene 9?
6. Explain the play on the word “illusion” in scene 10.
7. What does Merrick reveal about himself in his discussion of Romeo
and Juliet with Mrs. Kendal?
8. Think back to scene 4. What has happened to Merrick since that
9. Describe the gifts and people Merrick receives. What is Treves
10. What relationship does the Princess define?
Sc. 12-15
1. Examine the comparison Mrs. Kendal makes in her first lines of
scene twelve.
2. Analyze Treves’ comparison in the last lines of scene 12.
3. Why do all the characters in this scene compare Merrick to
4. Characterize Lord John in scene 13. What is his function?
5. Why does Merrick worry about Treves and Mrs. Kendal keeping
their word to him?
6. Why does Merrick confide his desire to have a mistress to Mrs.
Kendal instead of to Treves? Or to Bishop How?
7. What is Treves’ reaction to Mrs. Kendal’s moment of “Paradise”?
Why does he react this way?
8. What is the purpose of scene 14?
9. What is Ross’s proposition to Merrick?
10. Examine the idea of illusion and imitation.
11. What do Merrick’s lines reveal in scene 15?
Sc. 16-18
1. Analyze Merrick’s question and commentary.
2. What does Merrick want to believe?
3. Why does Treves have trouble defending his position?
4. How does Treves justify his beliefs/actions?
5. Is Treves “merciful?”
6. Will Mrs. Kendal come back? Why or why not?
7. Why does Treves dream as he does? What is the function of his
8. How does the dream sequence support or refute the ideas and
themes of the play?
9. Analyze the irony in scene 17.
10. What does Merrick reveal about Treves in scene 18?
11. What changes have occurred in Merrick and Treves?
12. Compare scene 18 with scene 3.
13. Why is the information of this dream portrayed as a dream?
14. Is this the “real” Treves?
Sc. 19-21
1. What are Bishop and Merrick doing in scene 19?
2. Analyze the discussion between Gomm and Treves. What is Treves
talking about? Does Gomm understand?
3. What is Bishop’s answer to Treves’s “musings”?
4. How is Treves analyzing his life/his “possessions”?
5. Examine Treves plea at the end of scene 19. Where have those
lines previously appeared? Compare the scenes.
6. Why is Swork’s anecdote important to scene 20?
7. Why do the Pinheads appear again?
8. Analyze Gomm’s action and words in the last scene. Who is he?
9. What judgment does the playwright impart on Treves? Gomm?
10. What purpose does the building of St. Phillips Cathedral have?
11. Why does the playwright use such lengthy titles?
12. Examine this play as a work of social criticism. What message
does the playwright have for us?