THE CONSENT GAME © Dara Raboy-Picciano, Juan Rosario ©2005 The Consent Game © Purpose of the Consent Game: A tool to facilitate discussion with students, faculty, professional and paraprofessional staff around issues of consent and sexual assault. Dara Raboy-Picciano, Juan Rosario © 2005 The Consent Games © How It Works: Most People know the Definitions of Sexual Assault and Consent. When it comes to the practical Application personal biases and myths may emerge. Through the use of this game, with real life scenarios, trained facilitators can begin to challenge those biases and myths in a fun non-threatening way. Dara Raboy-Picciano, Juan Rosario© 2005 The Consent Game © Types of Scenarios used: Scenario 1: Consent: Proceeding from one form of sexual activity to another Scenario 2: Consent and coercion Scenario 3: Consent and incapacitation due to alcohol or drugs Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario© 2005. The Consent Game Other Scenarios: Same sex relationships First time meeting someone Trusted Friend Intimate partner . Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario© 2005 © The Consent Game © How to Play: Pick three “contestants” from your audience. Have three chairs in the front of the room for contestants to sit in. Each contestant gets a Red Light, Green Light and Yellow Light. (circle of paper) Explain the Rules of the Game to the Contestants and Audience Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario© 2005. The Consent Game © Rules of the Game: As the MCs (Facilitator’s) read each line from the first scenario each contestant will hold up either a yellow, green or red light to indicate whether or not the person in the scenario has consent to proceed. After each light is held up. The MCs will ask the contestants to explain why they are holding up this color light. Once the contestants give an explanation, the studio audience will be given a chance to comment or ask questions. The MCs will then read the next line in the scenario and proceed the same way. MCs will facilitate discussion throughout the Scenario At the end of the Scenario, new contestants will be chosen for the next scenario Scenario’s take about 20 minutes to process It’s nice to have prizes for contestants Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario© 2005. The Consent Game © Role of MCs Facilitate Discussion Bring out Talking Points Challenge Perspectives Challenge Victim Blaming Challenge Rape Myths Challenge Rigid Gender Biases , Beliefs and Gender Roles Give the Facts: Hand out “Know the Facts” Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario© 2005. The Consent Game © Consent Game Scenarios Scenario 1: Proceeding from one form of sexual activity to another: Rose and Miguel had been going out for several months. They had “hooked up” in the past. Rose has expressed to Miguel on several occasions that she desires to remain a virgin until marriage. They often sleep at each others rooms, in the same bed. On some of these occasions they kiss and hold each other. On at least one occasion the touching went further to touching genital areas. On this night, Rose and Miguel decided to take their relationship to the “next” level. Rose and Miguel began to engage in oral sex. Both parties were actively enjoying this activity. Miguel then placed Rose on her back and proceeded to intercourse. Rose stared blankly off and became silent. Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario ©2005 The Consent Game © Scenario 2: Coercion: Kim and Lee had been dating for a semester. Kim is a freshman and Lee is a senior. They were “hooking up” in Lee’s room one afternoon after class. Kim felt like things were going to fast. Lee tells Kim, “I thought you really liked me” and “I thought this could be a special time”. Kim really likes Lee, but doesn’t want to move too quickly. Lee begins to question whether or not Kim trusts him. He also says things like, “we’ve been going out for a semester, and it’s time you made me happy.” He continues to say things like, “I’ve been waiting for such a ling time, you’re lucky I’m still with you”. He also says “come on, Kim, it will be special.” After some time, Kim gives in to his requests. Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario ©2005 The Consent Game © Scenario 3: Incapacitated Sex: Rich and Keisha are out at a bar with some mutual friends. The two are acquaintances through these friends. After several drinks the two are seen dancing together. As the evening progresses Rich and Keisha’s friends want to leave for another party. Noticing that Rich and Keisha are having a good time, the friends take off to the other party. An hour later Rich asks Keisha if she wants to leave. Rich and Keisha look around for their friends and realize they have left. Rich offers to give Keisha a ride home. Keisha feeling dizzy and light headed accepts the ride. Once at Keisha’s home, Keisha invites him in for another drink. Rich and Keisha are really hitting it off. They have several more drinks while talking. Keisha holds Rich’s hand. Rich leans over and begins to kiss Keisha. The couple moves from the couch to the bed where they proceed to take off their clothes. Keisha slurs her speech and falls off the bed. Rich helps her back on the bed and proceeds to intercourse. Keisha is out of it, so Rich hurry’s up and finishes. Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario ©2005 The Consent Game © If you have questions or would like consultation please contact Dara RaboyPicciano, LCSW or Juan Rosario, MPA Dara Raboy-Picciano and Juan Rosario ©2005