Collection of Resources English Link Description An example using the 4 resources model. ool_Reading_Pedagogy.pdf Blogs by teachers working in the UK, some of which trained in Australia! They are full of stories about UK classrooms, as well as teaching resources and much more Information about books for primary Ebooks, article on them. on ABC Radio Retrieved from: Weetman, N. (2014). Writing collaboratively with children. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Big Write Sketch to Sketch Interactive punctuation mark series YouTube clip: The Art of the Metaphor - Jane Hirshfield (TEDEd) Visual dictionary like a mindmap Lesson Plan Ideas for Paragraph writing Language: Formative assessment is used during observation of the students’ ideas about paragraphs. Looking at their papers, the teacher is able to assess their paragraph writing. Keeping their paragraph sheets will help compare their paragraph writing as time goes on. Ref: Traffic Light paragraph writing organiser Retrieved from: Timms, N. (2013). Using graphic organisers effectively. Practically Primary. Vol 18, (3), p22. Framed paragraphs offer a structure for children to use as they begin to write paragraphs. They are skeleton formats that contain information about the main ideas and transition words that guide the student to organise and develop the supportive details of the topic sentence. Reading Rockets (n.d) Framed paragraphs.Retrieved from: Framed paragraphs can be a useful strategy that assists in comprehension because it supports meaning construction as well as help organise student thoughts (Timms, 2013). Ref: As teacher we could model the process; provide students with familiar text sheet and ask them in pairs / small groups to use the Traffic light colours to highlight the Topic Sentence; the Supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Use the second worksheet to help them get started - movies is a good topic they can relate to. They could even start out in pairs asking the prompt questions on thhis worksheet of each otherer. Through this "interview' process they can collect their thoughts and ideas which may help them when it comes to writing their paragraph. I believe that is appropriate for year 5 students as it addresses the Australian Curriculum by considering how everyday, relevant text that students access varies in its purpose, structure, topic and formality. This activity actively engages students in the activity and strategies known to support student learning such as collaborative group work and incorporating material of interest and relevance outside the classroom into the classroom. (I would bring in material of interest to students e.g. daily newspapers (hardcopy or online), popular magazines (NBA / AFL) as well as brochures to school fete, information evenings and junk mail, instructions) As their confidence builds, students are able to transfer these new writing skills. Students who love writing will learn the process for creating a wellorganized paragraph Story Writing ity/eal/continuum/jointconstruct.pdf The_critical_conversation_.aspx Joint Construction Kate Miller-Heidke song Caught in the crowd ( which will be used for teaching the Year 6 language sub-strand Language for interaction> Understand the uses of objective and subjective language and bias (ACELA1517) catchy song, engaging film clip. Theme of bullying is something the children will understand. The idea is to get the children working in pairs with each pair assigned a "character" from the song. There will be Kate (the singer), James (the boy who was bullied) and the bullies as well as fictional students who witnessed the incident (some friends of the other characters and others not) and a teacher who witnessed the incident. Each pair must write a report on the bullying incident described in the song for the principal who is trying to work out exactly what happened. Once the reports are ready, they will be analysed by the whole class with particular emphasis on the type of language used based on the report writer's connection to the story. This discussion will develop into clear instruction about objective and subjective language and bias. Lesson Plans Literacy The Literacy strand Website called 'Ziptales'. Fully aligned to the Australian Curriculum, the site offers a range of reading and writing lessons, online games and activities and videos Assessment - Assessment for this resource is varied depending on the chosen activity. Many of the online games and activities are deisgned to give the teacher evidence of a students understanding and achievement of the task. Teachers can also choose to simply use the provided text lists and design their own assessment strategies based on what is best for the class. Tips for Graduate Teachers Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2014b). English. Retrieved from: um/f-10?layout=1 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2014). Australian professional standards for teachers. Available from: Not My Hat ACARA. (2012c). Persuasive Writing and Marking Guide. Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. Retrieved from: Australian facts easy for kids to follow Bike Lesson by Stan Berenstain, JanBerenstain Berenstain, S., & Berenstain, J. (2011). The bike lesson. Random House Books for Young Readers. Bicycle Safety by Lisa M Herrington, Scholastic Using a VENN diagram, students make comparisons between the two books looking at their similarities and their differences. Creating a whole class VENN diagram the teacher can help students identify different bike safety rules described in the books and place them in the right sections. One noticeable difference about the books is the bike helmet. Explain that in 1964 when this book was first written nobody wore helmets- it was not a safety rule back then. If this book was written today it would certainly be an important lesson for Small Bear. Have the students tell what the steps are that they go through before they even get on their bike. Write these steps down on the board. Tell them we are going to read the book and see if they have covered all of the steps Year 2 literacy strand ACELY1665 both resources present the seasons within Australia, based on Aboriginal culture. One a traditional storybook, which uses written text and illustrations and the digital story uses music, images, spoken words and written text to describe the seasons. “Seasons” retrieved from Twelve Canoes. (n.d) Seasons [video clip]. Retrieved from: Book “ Ernie dances to the didgeridoo” by Alison Lester These resources could be used as a basis for group discussion. Assessment therefore will be based on children’s ability to identify and discuss similarities and differences between the two resources while ascertaining children’s understanding and ability to recall key ideas presented within both the resources, These resources are aligned with the top down approach/whole language model as it exposes students to different print forms, traditional (storybook) vs modern (digital print). These resources also provide opportunities for student interaction and collaboration to help construct their understanding (Seely Flint,, 2014). Numeracy in history - reading dates, plotting events on a timeline, sequencing dates/numbers, using a calendar Numeracy in Science - reading measurements, tallying results, graphing data Literacy in history - Writing stories from different historical perspectives/researching, note taking, summarising, paraphrasing Literacy in science - writing reports, making predictions, labeling diagrams There are so many different ways to explore literacy and numeracy through wider concepts! Sentences – online activities Easy, learning order of sentences basic sentence structure game using monkeys crossing a bridge. Medium shtml basic sentence structure game using penguins. Easy Excellent for students understanding Simple, Compound and Complex sentences. Hard. Easy, for lower girl students forgetting capitals. Difficult. Understanding different types of sentences, making a cubby house. Computer Use Resources Link Description ( When using facebook in the classroom facebook-in-your-classroom/) Some of the ethical and privacy issues related to using Facebook in education are addressed in at the websites below, which provide educators with best practices for using Facebook in education are: Tips to teach children acceptable behavior online Be CyberSmart! Cyber Ethics and Bullying Netsmartz Workshop Safety Security Ethics Digital Citizenship and Creative Content-A Teacher's Guide Suggestions for policies and/or information for training is readily available. For example, the following sites are all examples of places where schools and/or parents could find information to help. Resources Link Super Hyper Spider Typer Description Learning and Teaching is a Division of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), an international nonprofit organization that designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide. Evaluating Web Pages for safety online free program that helps them search for letters on a keyboard Verbs categorised by Blooms Taxonomy. Think about starting your learning objective with one of these verbs to help ensure that your LO is focussed on an something you can 'see' your students do. Remember to keep the S.M.A.R.T. model in mind when writing your LOs. Your LO is already 'Time Bound' based on the duration of your Unit, so the key is to make sure that your LO can be achieved by most students and can be measured in your assessment tasks. (great critical thinking sites and games) Critical Thinking games and understanding Site that explains how to use weebly in the classroom. Castek, J., Bevans-Mangelson, J. and Goldstone, B. (2011). Reading adventures online: Five ways to introduce the new literacies of the Internet through children's literature. The Reading Teacher, 59, (7), 714–728. DOI: 10.1598/RT.59.7.12 Leal, D., Johanson, G., Toth, A., & Chin-Cheng, H. (2004). Increasing At-Risk Students’ Literacy Skills: Fostering Success for Children and Their Preservice Reading Endorsement Tutors. Reading Improvement, 41(2), 7596. Retrieved from http: wer?sid=95323ccc-c19f-434e-996fee544293336d%40sessionmgr112&vid=4&hid=128 (Read more about them here Critical Literacy Theory overviews First Step Resources L3 program. This technique good working with Foundation class. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2004). The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A resource guide. Toronto: Author. Resource guide for IEP Resources for teachers Link ents.html Description Classroom Desk Arrangement Resources for Schools from the Australian Government for safety. The E5 Learning Model s/e5.aspx A great resource to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of what constitutes high quality teacher practice in the classroom Arranging Your Classroom Environment For Optimal Functioning Author: Tom McIntyre Cheeseman, K. L. (2005). Methods of engaging students at the start of class: Encouraging students to be involved in their own learning. Society of College Science Teachers. Retrieved from Retrieved from: CA167161805&v=2.1&u=swinburne1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=83ff f560ac63a43bb2f8f7c5e2a40c26 Blachowicz, C. L. Z., and Fisher, P. (2007). Best practices in vocabulary instruction. In L. B. Gambrell, L. M. Morrow, & M. Pressley (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction (3rd ed., pp. 178-203). New York: Guilford Press. Retrieved from: Kids Teaching Kids (2015). Target Kids Teaching Kids Week. Retrieved from: ))/Reader.aspx?p=280441&o=132&u=s273eh%2bzfr62WLcEb2hv%2bQ%3d%3d &t=1433234268&h=903B7EAC1707B6A04A9F50FE8B2E758E5D59E406&s=1 9600608&ut=405&pg=1&r=img&c=-1&pat=n&cms=-1&sd=1 Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (expanded second edition). Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Carnegie Mellon University. (n.d.). Assess teaching and learning: Formative and summative assessment. Retrieved from: apa-general-template-6th-ed-1.doc m Referencing Learning Links has information sheets on These information sheets can be downloaded as they are pdfs. These sheets contain references to a number of websites with useful information on autism and feature articles by Professor Tony Attwood, Sue Larkey and Dr Jacqueline Roberts. Autism Spectrum Disorders on its website in the publications section (just click on the link in the top black menu bar). Resources Behaviour Strategies Link Description Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies A wealth of resources for effective conflict management and information about bullying and cyberbullying. This gives advice from first-year teachers on how to work with other teachers, parents, principals and teacher educators The IRIS Center offers a site with information and practice in several areas of classroom management, including room arrangement. /teachers/become/about/survivalguide/index.html article by Grant Wiggins He was at Harvard then and working with Jay McTighe, who together they created what I consider the best working document to guide me as a teacher called UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN Reflective writing I got myself into the habit when I first began teaching to set up a document each year and record every PD experience (including hours). I know that many of you are not from Victoria, but there is an example of a document to record PD at the following page... Great Books to Read Link Knight, Kathryn. Watershed Description R6772 'Lift Off' - Felix and Alexander by Terry Denton Retrieved from: Great resource for Charlie and chocolate factory - See more at: Language Lessons from Australian History books! The children like the variety and also having Aussie history, English and some geography all in the one package Step 1: Ask the students to read the first two paragraphs of A Fortunate Life Daily read-alouds help children "internalize language and structures they'll apply to their own reading one day. My daily read-alouds also demonstrate how to understand what's being read." Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA).(2015). Younger readers book of the year awards notables. Retrieved from: Set in the Blue Mountains, this novel tells the story of Belinda, Leni and Lance three students who learn the value of friendship in developing courage to overcome the problems in their lives. Department of Education and Training, (2015). Premiers’ Reading Challenge. . Using different colours, students should highlight: personal pronouns punctuation points simple sentences compound sentences Patterson, B. (1933). Old man platypus . Retrieved from: McCrae, J. (1915). In Flanders Fields. Retrieved from: Hathorn, L. (2012). Valley under the rock. Esson, L. (1907). The Shearers Wife. Retrieved from: specific. Retrieved from: Science Link Description Retrieved from: Bybee, R.W. (2013). The next generation science standards and the life sciences. Department for Children, Schools and Families, UK. Video: Staff meeting to review progress of speaking and listening Robin Alexander Dialogos website: Abbey, N. Developing 21st century teaching and learning: Dialogic literacy USEFUL WEBSITES An example of dialogic teaching methods: a tutor and student discussing physics concepts: the website has free resources on it including building a simple erosion model: that Landcare Australia have produced Landcare resources to link in with the Australian curriculum. The curriculum resources include full lessons and is aimed at primary schools for this year, 2015. I wasn’t aware of this so this is great for all the earth and environment sciences.. Science lesson plans PE lesson plans Biology Labs Online ( Google Maps provides an interactive interface supporting the development of visual reasoning and spatial awareness as the locations can be viewed from multiple perspectives. The interactive nature of the online tool may also support the motivation and engagement of students. contains interactive, inquiry-based biology simulations and exercises, started by offering free access to the first labs. Now, however, visitors to the site receive three days’ free access, for trial purposes, after which a subscription is required. Weebly blog youtube ICT interactive games to facilitate learning in educational settings has a number of recognized benefits. For most students, games are highly engaging and motivating. Games provide real-time feedback and built-in goals that can motivate students to improve. In addition, students must make decisions as they play games, and they can see the results of those decisions right away and use that information to inform their next decisions. Meaningful games embed educational content and require students to engage in a variety of 21st century skills in order to be successful. These games compel students to apply a variety of knowledge, skills, and strategies to solve problems. Such games provide a rich environment that promotes collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication. Some of the games in this collection include companion educator guides for using game-play to explore specific subjects and topics with students. Article on importance of technology differentiation (2015). World Maps Online. miller_world_physical_wall_mural_lg.jpg (1.262 MB) Retrieved from Math Link Description multiple game Common multiples Product multiple game Read Math Curse by Jon Scieszka (New York: Viking Books, 1995), Equivalent fractions Product interactive game Multiple game Cards “I have…who has” All sorts of interactive games, decimals fractions Lesson plans for maths yr 5 Ask any math question and it answers it. Great fraction unit In this book, the character sees everything in the world as a math problem. Towards the end of the book, the character is trapped in a room with a board that is covered with “a lifetime of problems”. The character breaks a stick of chalk in two and then puts the two halves of chalk together to make one whole. With a play on words, “whole” becomes “hole”, and the character escapes through a hole in the wall. Unit plan on fractions Students use twelve eggs to identify equivalent fractions. Construction paper cutouts are used as a physical model to represent various fractions of the set of eggs, for example, 1/12, 1/6, and 1/3. Students investigate relationships among fractions that are equivalent. Lots of free online tools. National Digital Resources Learning Network develops digital curriculum content for all Australian schools Free for all schools and can be located online at There are interactive learning objects for each school level. Examples of the digital resources you may find are: • interactive multimedia • interactive assessment • audio recordings • still images • video content. Compic pictographs are a communication resource developed in Australia and consist of 1670 pictographs. For more information on Compic or computer line drawings visit Classroom Management Link Description transitions/stopping the class/getting students attention for example: shout out "To Infinity", respond with "And beyond" waving there arms in the air. Identify other tools that can used for collaboration. For communication: Skype in Education - specifically designed for classroom use - for communication with parents Google drive - sharing and storing photos, docs and folders with other teachers/staff Yammer - communication platform within organisations and businesses Brainstorming: MindMeister - mind mapping software Padlet - mind mapping software Coggle - mind mapping software For organisation and management: Trello - for communication, project management and workflow Podio - for communication, project management and workflow. For sharing: Pinterest - personalised digital pinboard, sharing content YouTube - video sharing and distribution. Classroom management and parent communication: ClassDojo - aids classroom management, connects teachers, parents and students. This site has millions of wikis for over fourteen million people and have products designed for the smallest classroom and the world's largest corporations and institutions. VIT Information: link for the VIT for the Victorian Teachers