B. A. 1974 University of Virginia

M.S. 1976 Old Dominion University

Ph.D. 1979 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill


July, 2006 - Present Associate Dean, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

June, 2001 - June, 2006 Director of First Year Program

May, 1996 - September, 1997 Director of Women's Studies

March, 1995 - May, 1996 Acting Director of Women's Studies



Russell-Cole, K., Wilson, M., and Hall, R. (2013). The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color in a New

Millennium (Paperback Edition) New York: Vintage/Random House (Lisa Queen Literary Agency, NY).

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Jan., 1996). Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and White

Women. New York: Anchor Publishing. (Literary Agent, Suzanne Gluck, International Creative

Management, Inc. NY).

Russell, K., Wilson, M., and Hall, R. (1992). The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color Among African

Americans (Paperback Edition) New York: Anchor/Doubleday Publishing (International Management

Group, Inc., NY)

Refereed Articles:

Neal, A. M. & Wilson, M. L. (1989). The role of skin color and features in the Black Community:

Implications for Black women and therapy. Clinical Psychology Review, 9, 323-333.

Halpert, J. A., Wilson, M., & Hickman, J. (1993). Pregnancy as a source of bias in performance appraisals,

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14, 649-663.

Non-refereed Articles:

Wilson, M. (l988). Sexual harassment and the law. The Community Psychologist, 2l(2), 16-17.

Naylor, K., Tolan, P., & Wilson, M. (1987) Acquaintance rape: A systems approach. The Community

Psychologist, 2l, 20-21.

Wilson, M.L. (1993) Women and skin color prejudice. The Community Psychologist, 26, 51.

Wilson, M. (Mar. 26, 1996) Woman to Woman: The Politics of Race and Gender.Chicago Tribune, Sect. 1, p. 15.

Scholarly Papers:

Neal, A., Wilson, M., & Robinson, W.L. (1986, August). Gender and ethnic name manipulation on perceptions of academic expertise. Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention,

Washington, DC.

Wilson, M. (l987, May). Sexual harassment on the college campus. Presented at the Midwestern

Psychological Association convention, Chicago, IL.

Naylor, K., Tolan, P., & Wilson, M. (l988, May). Evaluation of an acquaintance rape workshop. Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association convention, Chicago, IL.

Taylor, J. & Wilson, M., & Razzano, L. (June, 1989). What cracks us up? Gender differences in humor production. Paper presented at a session entitled "Transforming humor research: In search of a woman's tradition" (organized by Taylor and Wilson) at the 12th Annual National Women's Studies

Association Convention, Towson, MD.

Wilson, M. (August, 1989). Shades of racism: Biased methodologies and the politics of research. Paper presented at a session entitled "Images of blacks: Perceptions of physical attractiveness for three age groups" (organized by A. Neal) at the 97th annual American Psychological Association Convention, New

Orleans, LA.

Naylor, K., Tolan, P., & Wilson, M. (June, 1989). Diminishing sexual assault in a college population. Paper presented at the Second Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action in East Lansing, MI.

Razzano, L. & Wilson, M. (May, 1990). Sexual orientation and body image. Paper presented at the

Midwestern Psychological Association Convention in Chicago, IL.

Naylor, K., Tolan, P., & Wilson, M. (1991). Developing a comprehensive model of sexual assault prediction. Presented at the Third Bi-Annual Conference on Research in Action in Tempe, AZ.

Marcus, N. & Wilson, M. (August, 1991). Stereotypes of physical attractiveness: Their self-fulfilling nature based on gender at the 1991 APA Annual Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Halpert, J., Wilson, M., & Hickman, J. (August, 1991). Pregnancy as a source of bias in performance appraisals at the 1991 APA Annual Convention in San Francisco, CA.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Feb., 1993). The Color Complex: Color and Romance Among Black Gays and

Lesbians. Workshop to be presented at the 6th Annual National Black Gay and Lesbian Conference in Los

Angeles, CA.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Mar., 1993). The Color Complex: The Politics of Skin Color Among African

Americans. Workshop presented at the 18th Annual Association of Women in Psychology Conference in

Atlanta, GA.

Wilson, M., Razzano, L., Salmons, S. (Mar., 1993) The Halo Effect Revisited: The Stereotyping of African

American Women by Skin Color and Name. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Association of Women in Psychology Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Razzano, L. & Wilson, M. (Mar., 1993) Women and Anger: Reclaiming Our Lost Emotion. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Association of Women in Psychology Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Baughn, Camille, & Wilson, M. (Oct., 1994) The Effects of Physical Attractiveness, Race, and Sex on

Heterosexual Dating Preference, Informal paper presented at the Society for Experimental Social

Psychologists Convention, Lake Tahoe, NV.

Wilson, M. (May, 1995). Race, Skin Color, and Physical Attractiveness: The Politics of Interracial Dating in America. Invited Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, IL.

Trafalis, S., & Wilson, M. (Oct., 1995) Black Women and White Women in the Workplace: Attributions

Regarding Their Success and Failure. Poster presentation at the Society for Experimental Social

Psychologists Convention, Washington, D.C.

Wilson, M., & Russell, K. (Nov., 1995) Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women. Paper presentation at In Our Own Right: Women's Solutions to Black/White Issues of

Race, Class and Gender, 1895-1995, held in Atlanta, GA.

Wilson, M. (Mar. 18, 2002) "The Unique Challenges of Women and Diversity in the Workplace." National

Training Laboratory's MegaLearning Event, Dallas, TX.

Wilson, M. (Oct. 13, 2001) Raising consciousness through laughter: Humor as a Strategic tool for teaching diversity. Workshop presented at the First Annual Institute for the Study and Promotion of

Race and Culture, Diversity Challenge for 2001: How to Survive Teaching Courses on Race and Culture,

Boston, MA.

Wilson, M., Garner, K., Ford, R. (May, 2002) The Shape of a Woman: Cultural differences in Preferences and Stereotypes. Midwestern Psychology Association. Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M., Garner, K., Ford, R. (May, 2002) The Shape of a Woman: Cultural Differences in Preferences and Stereotypes. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Feb. 23, 2003). Meeting at the Crossroads: Feminist Pedagogy and the Freshman Seminar.

Paper presented at the Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ward, J. and Wilson, M. (Feb., 2005) Focal Point Seminar: Intellectual Socialization for First-Year

Students, 24th Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, Phoenix, AZ.

Wilson, M. and NgocAnna Huynh (May, 2005) Gender and Leadership Within MPA: What (if anything) is

Going On? Paper presented at the annual Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M., Thomsen, C.J., Garner, L., and Ford, Rebecca (May, 2005). Shallow How? Body Size and Race as Perceptions of a Woman's Future Success. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological

Society conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Tucker, A, Wilson, M., Reyna, C., & McLemore, K. (2006). Stereotypes of male rape victims and the conception of the sexual assault of men scale. Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and

Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Choplin, Jessica L. & Wilson, Midge Am I Lighter Than You? Social Comparison-Induced Distortions

Among African Americans (May, 2006) Paper presented at the annual Midwestern Psychological

Association conference, Chicago, IL


Invited Talks:

Wilson, M. (Feb., 1989) "Sexual Harassment and Sexism on the College Campus," February, 1989.

Colloquium, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

Wilson, M. & Torry, M. (Apr. 1991) Psychological and Legal Aspects of Sexual Harassment, Brown Bag

Luncheon, DePaul Law School, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. "Human Rights and Justice" Teach-In sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, on May 1, 1992 (the day after the Rodney King Verdict), DePaul University, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Mar., 1993) "The Color Complex." Invited speaker for International Women's Day Event,

DePaul University, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K.(Jun. 1994) "Do Women of Different Race Differently to Social Issues?," Invited speaker at the National Education Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Wilson, M. (Mar., 1996) "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and White Women,"

College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Apr., 1996). "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women," Featured Speakers, American Association of University Women Regional Conference,

Atlantic City, NJ.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Sept. 30, 1996)."Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women," Featured Speakers for an event sponsored by The Committee of 100 Women for

Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Oct. 7, 1996) "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women," Colloquium sponsored by the Women's Studies Program, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Oct. 21, 1996) "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between African American & European

American Women." Colloquium sponsored by the Women's Studies, Psychology, and African-American

Studies, U. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (Apr. 6, 1997) "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women." Invited Workshop for the Women Employed Twelfth Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Aug. 14-15, 1997) "Divided Sisters" Invited speaker for "Can We Talk," the Black Career

Women twentieth anniversary series of activities, Cincinnati, OH.

Wilson, M. (Feb. 7, 1998). "Women and Multicultural Perspective." Invited Presenter at a workshop for the Chicago Foundation for Women, Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Mar. 6, 1998). "Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women & White Women."

Principals Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.

Wilson, M. (Aug. 11, 1998). "Psychological Aspects of Sexual Harassment." Illinois Masonic Hospital,

Chicago, IL.

Wilson, M. (Oct. 5, 1998). "Promoting Diversity: Conversations among Women of Many Colors."

NorthEast Coalition of Educational Leaders and the Harvard Principals' Center. Cambridge, MA.

Wilson, M. (Oct. 22, 1998). "Divided Sisters." Annual Conference of the National Assocation Extension of Family and Consumer Sciences. Rapid City, S.D.

Wilson, M. & Russell, K. (July 17, 2000). Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and

White Women. Principals' Center 2000 Summer Institute. Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Cambridge, MA.

Wilson, M. (Mar. 18, 2002) "The Unique Challenges of Women and Diversity in the Workplace."

National Training Laboratory's MegaLearning Event, Dallas, TX.

Wilson, M. (April 3, 2003) The Psychology of Beauty, Harbinger Corporation Event.

Wilson, M. (November, 2004) Invited panelist for Shade of gray: Erasing the Color Complex, a colorism forum, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Wilson, M. , Reyna, C., Sanchez-Giancola, Y., & Lopez, F. (March, 2005) DePaul University's Chicago

Quarter: Presentation at Special Conference on First Year Programming, Northeastern University,

Chicago, IL.

Expert Witness Activities:

Served as an expert witness in the court case Tracy Morrow v. Secretary of the Treasury, United States

District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Case Number 1:87-CV-1789-CAM, Jan., 1990.

Served as an expert witness for the defense in the court case Ogden's Adult Book Store v. DuPage

County, April, 1991.

Served as an expert witness for the defense in the court case Ogden's Adult Book Store v. DuPage

Country, March, 1992.

Served as an expert witness for the prosecution in Doe v. Calumet City, Cook County, 1996-97.

Served as an expert witness for the prosecution in a class action racial bias suit, Daniels et al. v. Federal

Reserve Bank, 98 C 1186, 1998.

Served as an expert witness for the prosecution in a sexual harassment case, City of Chicago v. Rick J.

Santella, Rudy Urian, and Eileen Joyce, 97 C 8861, 1998.

Served as an expert witness for the plaintiff in a race harassment case, Collier v. Bradley University et al.,


Served as an expert witness for the plaintiff in a color discrimination case, Speight v. Mineta,

Washington, D.C., August 25, 2003