Title Slide 1 Who Are We? 103,000 Secondary students in Career & Technical Programs in: 166 school districts (178) 1,226 secondary programs 8 Technical Centers 4 Technical Colleges 2 Who Are We? In Post-Secondary Education: Colorado Career and Technical Education is a major component of the state's largest system of higher education serving more than 117,000 students (30,000 CTE Students) annually in: 13 Colorado Community Colleges and 600 postsecondary programs 3 Essential Question Why Clusters, Pathways & Plans of Study? 4 Colorado’s Education Pipeline 5 Percent of Students Who Take Remedial Courses 63% at two-year institutions 40% at four-year institutions The Bridge Project Stanford University 6 How Hiring Practices Will Change 28% will reduce hiring those with only a high school diploma 49.5% will increase two-year college graduates Almost 60% will increase their hires of four-year college graduates 42% will increase their hires of postgraduates within next five years The Conference Board 7 Economic Implications Difference in annual salary between a DPS high school graduate with no further education and a DPS graduate who completes college: $66,324 Combined difference in annual salary of all DPS dropouts compared to their classmates who graduated from college: $135,964,200 8 Governor Ritter’s “Colorado Promise” Identifies two clear goals: 1. 2. Cut by half the number of high school students who fail to graduate. Double the number of Certificates Degrees awarded over the next 1015 years. 9 Purposes of the Perkins Act Challenging Academic and Technical Standards within a Plan of Study Preparation for high skill, high wage or high demand occupations Integration of academic and technical instruction Increasing flexibility to improve CTE Partnership of post secondary & 10 secondary Purpose of Perkins Act Providing Individuals with Lifetime Educational Opportunities to Develop the Knowledge and Skills Needed to Keep the UNITED STATES competitive…… 11 Positive Effect of CTE? Do we Make a Difference? How? We Can Expand that Difference! 12 Vocational Education vs. Career & Technical Education Vocational Education “Then” Career and Technical Education “Now” For Some”Students For All Students For a Few Jobs For All Careers 6 to 7 “Program Areas” 17 Clusters – 81 Pathways In Lieu of Academics Aligns and Supports Academics High School Focused High School and College Partnerships 13 A bit of history … U.S. Department of Education National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education National Advisory Committees Cluster Leaders 14 Career Clusters “An organizing tool defining CTE using broad clusters of occupations and pathways with validated standards that ensure opportunities for all students regardless of their career goals and interests.“ www.careerclusters.org 15 17 Career Clusters 16 So where do Career Clusters fit in? What are they? Career Clusters are groupings of occupations and industries These groupings are used as an organizing tool for: Curriculum Design Instructional + Guidance Model Seamless Transition 17 What about Career Pathways? A Career Pathway represents a grouping of occupations within a cluster that share a base level of common knowledge and skill. 18 Colorado Career Cluster Model 19 Hospitality, Human Services & Education Education & Training Teaching & Training Teacher Professional Human Services Hospitality & Tourism Professional Support Services Early Childhood Professional Administration & Admin Support Services Industry Sector Career Clusters Pathways Plans of Study 20 Foundation Knowledge & Skills 21 Cluster Approach to Addressing Educational Redesign Strategy to organize instruction and student experiences around career themes (Focus on an industry cluster of related occupations) Incorporates existing school reform strategies (career academies, career pathways, small learning communities, Tech Prep) Connects to business and higher education 22 What about Local Implementation? One (1) Approved Plan of Study by June 30, 2008 for each institution receiving Perkins Work with your Guidance Counselor and Administration Use it as a time to “Re-Think” your program 23 Key Points of Colorado Implementation WHAT? Every student will follow a pathway that leads to career success. HOW? Through seamless programs of study fostering academic and technical achievement. WHY? To develop a globally competitive workforce for Colorado. 24 Title Slide 25 What is a Plan of Study? It is a visual communication tool that demonstrates the link of high school academic and CTE courses to college programs and careers. It is also a partnership with business and industry! 26 A Plan Of Study Must: Incorporate & align secondary and postsecondary education elements Include the opportunity for obtaining postsecondary credit (PSEO, ACP, etc) Lead to an industry-recognized certificate, credential at the postsecondary level or an associates or higher degree. 27 Why Use A Plan Of Study Provides a road map for the student/parent Increases student retention Connects Career Path Courses with Core Academic Courses 28 Why Use A Plan Of Study Allows flexibility for students to explore and update their plans of study Increases awareness of CTE opportunities It is the first and most important step in guiding and preparing today’s students for high wage, high skill and high demand careers! 29 21st Century Skills How many jobs will a young person between the ages of 18 – 40 have in their lifetime? 30 21st Century Skills # of Jobs Job Skill Learning Model 20th Century 21st Century 1 – 2 Jobs 10 – 15 Jobs Mastery of One Field Flexibility And Adaptability Subject Matter Mastery Integration of 21st Century Skills into Subject Matter Mastery 31 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REALITY 21st century workplace and technical skills have become more important than land and buildings Trained human capital must be developed through a complex educational system Lack of a skilled workforce will cause existing businesses to leave and new businesses to stay away 32 COMMUNITIES WILL HAVE TO GROW THEIR OWN TALENT Millennial generation (today’s new employees under age 26) are less likely to relocate: Want to stay close to family High cost of housing leading to multi generational housing 33 How To Create A Plan Of Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the appropriate Career Cluster and Pathway Create a name for your plan of study Define Career Opportunities Identify Core Academic and Career Path Courses Include Postsecondary Credit Options 34 Describe Extended Learning Options The Colorado Promise Create an educated skilled workforce for Colorado that is globally competitive. 35 Establish Extended Learning Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) Work Based Learning (WBL) Experiences Job Shadowing Career Preparation Internships 36 Then What? Involve students, parents, counselors, community HOW? 37 Implementation Goals Span All Grades Elementary Career Awareness Middle Career Exploration High Career Concentration PS Career Preparation Lifelong Career Advancement 38 39 40 41 SECTOR SECTOR Management & Administration Health & Public Safety CAREER CLUSTER CAREER CLUSTER Finance Health CAREER PATHWAY CAREER PATHWAY Accounting Diagnostic PLAN OF STUDY PLAN OF STUDY Accountant Radiology Technology 42 Impact on Credentialing Credentials now issued by Pathway (not Program Area) Many Instructors will be credentialed in multiple pathways To find your appropriate Pathways…go to www.coloradostateplan.com 43 Finding My Pathway 44 “I want more of our students to consider college and post-high school training as viable options after graduation – and I want them to be fully prepared for those opportunities.” -- Colorado Governor Bill Ritter 45 Title Slide 46 Career Clusters Career Pathways Plans of Study CTE 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 End Game Career Clusters for 1K Question: Number of Career Clusters in Colorado Check Your Answer Terms for 1K Answer: What is 17? Back to the Game Board Career Clusters for 2K Question: Hospitality & Tourism; Human Services; and Education and Training Check Your Answer Terms for 2K Answer: What are the Career Clusters in the Hospitality, Human Services & Education Industry Sector Back to the Game Board Terms for 3K Question: Grouping of related occupations and industries Check Your Answer Terms for 3K Answer: What is a Cluster? Back to the Game Board Career Pathways for 1K Question: Number of Career Pathways in Colorado Check Your Answer Career Pathways for 1K Answer: What is 81? Back to the Game Board Career Pathways for 2K Question: Reason to implement the career pathway model. Check Your Answer Career Pathways for 2K Answer: What is •Consistency for better data (results) and shared development opportunities •Articulation within and between states •Employer validated standards •Opportunities for “all” students •A “place” for all career goals and interests Back to the Game Board Career Pathways for 3K Question: Definition of a Career Pathway Check Your Answer Career Pathways for 3K Answer: What is a grouping of occupations within a cluster that share a base level of common knowledge and skill. Back to the Game Board Plans of Study for 1K Question: Number of Plans of Study your institution has to submit by June 30, 2008 Check Your Answer Plans of Study for 1K Answer: What is 1? Back to the Game Board Plans of Study for 2K Question: Example of an Extended Learning Activity Check Your Answer Plans of Study for 2K Answer: What is…? Back to the Game Board Plans of Study for 3K Question: A system that serves as the nation’s source of occupational information. Check Your Answer Plans of Study for 3K Answer: What is O-Net? Back to the Game Board CTE for 1K Question: Catchy phrase to describe Governor Ritter’s Education Goals Check Your Answer CTE for 1K Answer: What is the Colorado Promise? Back to the Game Board CTE for 2K Question: Number of Students enrolled in secondary CTE Programs. Check Your Answer CTE for 2K Answer: What is 103,000? Back to the Game Board CTE for 3K Question: Provides college credit for prior learning. Check Your Answer CTE for 3K Answer: What is Advanced Credit Pathway? Back to the Game Board Other for 1 Question: _____ are among the most abundant animals that live in the soil. Check Your Answer Other for 1 Answer: Earthworms Back to the Game Board Other for 2 Question: Earthworms enhance the _____ by burrowing through the layers of soil. Check Your Answer Other for 2 Answer: Soil Back to the Game Board Other for 3 Question: A crop that is grown for organic matter and is turned back into the soil. Check Your Answer Other for 3 Answer: Green Manure Back to the Game Board Other for 4 Question: What is the largest source of organic matter in the soil? Check Your Answer Other for 4 Answer: Plant roots Back to the Game Board Other for 5 Question: Why do producers use summer fallow in a crop rotation? Check Your Answer Other for 5 Answer: To conserve water and nitrogen Back to the Game Board Title Slide 83