Macbeth Projects

Macbeth Projects
As teachers, we recognize that each of you has a unique learning style. And since variety
is the spice of life, we are offering you THREE options for the upcoming Macbeth
projects. Select the one you want to complete. It is due Block Day, December 4th and 5th
without exception. There will be no excuses. This is a major grade. You need to do well
on this. These projects are individual assignments.
If you have any questions about any of these projects, or if you would like to see an
example, please consult your teacher. Good luck.
Macbeth Mosaic
-Your assignment is to create a mosaic that fuses visual elements and the text from the
-This visual representation from the play must include:
 Five images [one from each of the acts]
 Five quotes from the play [one from each of the acts]
 An attached analytical response that fully explains how the visual element
and the quote effectively convey that particular act’s theme. This is to be
at least a page in length; each act should be explained in its own
paragraph. The visual that illustrates the act should be explained; you
should then explain how the quote connects to that visual.
 It must be at least 8 x 11; however, it is recommended that you use a
larger sheet of cardstock or poster board.
-This creation must be neat and professional in its appearance. Pictures can be drawn,
but they must be neat and appropriate. Colorful creations are appreciated and
-Quotes must be typed and correctly cited. Please cite quotes in the following manner:
EX: A quote from Act III, Scene 2, lines 2 through 4 would be cited like this(III.ii.2-4)
Acts are cited using uppercase Roman numerals. Scenes are cited using lowercase
Roman numerals. Line numbers—you guessed it—just use numbers.
This will be worth 100 points.
Pictures used  25 points
Quotes used  25 points
Analytical response  50 points
Macbeth Autobiography
Write an autobiography from the perspective of one of the Macbeths (e.g. My Life by
Lady Macbeth). In addition to giving insight into your character’s personal responses to
events in the play, be sure to include background experiences in his/her life BEFORE we
actually meet him/her in the play. The background information you create should
logically lead into the characters’ lives as we meet them in the play.
The autobiography must be:
 Typed – 12 pt Times New Roman
 Logical – Based on characterization from the play
 Written from the perspective of Macbeth or Lady Macbeth
 Include their insight on major plot points from the play
 At least 2.5 pages – double spaced
 Consistent in terms of grammar and syntax
The following rubric will be used for evaluation:
1 (5)
Sequence of
information is
difficult to follow.
2 (12)
3 (18)
4 (25)
Student presents
Reader has difficulty
Information in
information in
following work
logical, interesting ____
logical sequence
because student
sequence which (25)
which reader can
jumps around.
reader can follow.
Student does not
Student is
have grasp of
uncomfortable with Student is at ease
information; student
demonstrates full ____
content and is able to with content, but
cannot answer
knowledge (more (25)
demonstrate basic fails to elaborate.
(Plot Points)
questions about
than required).
Work has no more
Work has numerous Work has several
than a few
Presentation has no ____
spelling errors and/or misspellings and/or misspellings and/or misspellings or
and Spelling
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.
(Formatting /
Work is Illegible.
Work has three or
four areas that are
Work has one or
two areas that are
Work is neatly
Macbeth Soundtrack Assignment
Directions: Your assignment, should you choose to accept, AND YOU WILL, is to
select an act from the play Macbeth and locate songs that represent the mood of
EACH scene from the act. Your findings must adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Artistic, attractive cover for project related to the mood of the act you selected
2. Typed using Times New Roman
3. Size 12 no smaller, no larger
4. Song title (quotations around all song titles) (“ “)
5. Artist name
6. Explanation of how each song relates to the mood of the scene.
a. Specify what the mood is for EACH scene
Include information from the play itself that demonstrates the mood of
the scene.
c. Include a summary AND/OR evidence from the song that demonstrate
the connection to the mood of the play.
d. no longer than a ½ page
7. A copy of the lyrics for ALL songs
Example (You will have more than one songs based on the amount of scenes you have
in the act you select).
Act I Scene I
“Sail” by Awolnation, a song about a young adult who is frustrated due to having ADD
and is contemplating suicide. The musical undertones permeate grief. From the
symphonic guitar to the hard hitting drums, the listener is catapulted into a state of
depression. It has a melancholy tone, one in which creates an instant sense of sadness,
darkness, and chaos just as is portrayed in Act I Scene I of Macbeth. This mood is
conveyed by the introduction of the three witches. The diction used in the scene, “Hurlyburly” meaning turmoil and uproar set at the beginning of the scene immediately conveys
pandemonium and confusion, misery and unhappiness.