New Colorado Data Systems COLORADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE SUMMIT PATHWAYS TO COLLEGE AND BEYOND COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION BETH BEAN The shifting data paradigm……. BC – Be Closed AD – Access to Data DATA DATA Colorado Data Sharing History…… 2006- Interdepartmental Data Protocol (C.R.S. 24 37.5-705) allows agency data sharing 2008 Senate Bill 08-212, the Preschool to Postsecondary Alignment Education Act, CDE and DHE to share student unit level data Additionally, SB-06-024 and C.R.S. 23-5-127 – creation and use of SASID 2010 Colorado receives Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) grant. FERPA Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems •National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), specifically Institute of Education Sciences (IES). •Grants – four rounds of ARRA funding •41 states to date •Aid state education agencies to develop and implement longitudinal data systems COLORADO SLDS oCapture oLink oProvide SLDS Connections K-12 TO POST-SECONDARY POST-SEC ONDARY TO WORKFORCE EDUCATOR TO HIGHER ED ID = SASID ID = SSN ID = EDUCATOR ID Since Fall 2009 (SASID collected in SURDS) Since 1988 TO BEGIN … FALL 2009 Recent HS Grads (84.5% have a SASID) Getting first dataset Dec 2011 Can link educators to degree in CO FALL 2010 Recent HS Grads (85.2% have a SASID) Postsecondary Student 23 year old Hispanic Male Concurrent Enrolled in HS 1110 on SAT B.A. English 153 hours to graduate 3.04GPA 2 semesters of remediation in Math Average per Year $4,623 Financial Aid Transferred from Community College K-12 and Postsecondary Link ESL 600 Science CSAP Score 11th Grade ACT 3.44 GPA College Student FRL 5 years Cherry Creek H.S. K-12 Student Cherry Creek Middle School K-12: Postsecondary: Employed Teacher School of Employment Employment Duration Subject Area Teaching Teacher Salary College Student Technical Assessments K-12 Student In-state or outof state prior experience The P-20 Future……….. College Student K-12 Student Area of Employment Salary Data Employee Employment Duration P-20 Educator Future…………… Teachers’ Student’s CSAP Scores and all K12 data K-12 Student Linked to Specific Teacher Teacher College Student K-12 Student Data Usage Example- Remediation “It is clear that if students were not proficient on the state assessment in the sixth or eighth grade, then they were very likely to require remediation later when they entered college”. Lefly, D., Lovell, C., & O’Brien, J. (2011) Shining a Light on College Remediation in Colorado:The Predictive Utility of the ACT for Colorado and the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) Challenges and Opportunities Data Governance Technical Difficulties CUPID Sustainability Improved business functions Powerful research function Better Decision making Better Policies DHE Current and Future Research Price Sensitivity Educator Preparation and Effectiveness Retention and Transfer Admissions Policy Remedial Education FAFSA Workforce Linkage Data Life Cycle……………….. Student (Data) State National Student Thank you! Questions?