August 12, 2011 - Outreach Committee Meeting Notes

OASFAA Outreach Committee Meeting Notes
August 12, 2011
Training calendar
o In an effort to help organize and prioritize, the Committee listed all upcoming
events in which we will have direct participation in, or an indirect impact upon.
 August
 OCAN Training (Just happened)
o September
 Articulations (FA updates-Federal and State)
 "College Fair" for adults
 Updates for school counselors in morning
 Admissions information disseminated to counselors in
 Four sites in Ohio; transportation provided from major
areas (Cleveland, Toledo, Dayton)
o October/November
 Regional Workshops (OASFAA, OACAC, OCAN)
 OSCA Conference
o December
 Counselor Workshops
 OASFAA/OCAN Conference
o Spring
 OACAC (June 2012)
MorraLee spoke about the Challenge Grant and regional meeting content.
o Part of the challenge grant is a school counselor friendly portion of the regional
o Topic suggestions were advanced professional judgment and dependency issues.
o Logistics was a concern, as consistency of the presentation for all regional meetings
is desired.
o Mary Arter Bell suggested staggering the regional meetings to
accommodate a single speaker traveling to all sites to present.
o Jeff Johnston brought up broadcasting one speaker through a webinar and
then recording it to post on the OASFAA and OCAN websites.
 MorraLee also let us know that Linda Knicely was hired as the liaison for all
associated organizations involved in the Challenge Grant.
Binder-National College Access Network manual
o After discussion, the Committee decided to produce a binder for high school
counselors with pertinent information regarding financial aid. Below is a list of the
resources to be included in the binder, as well as the individual responsible for
providing said resource.
1. A nice folder or 3 ring binder (with tabs) – place for all key go-to resources
a. Linda Hayes
2. EFC methodology
a. Toni Duke (will coordinate with Needs Analysis)
3. Checklist for counselors to reference – calendar/timeline
a. Barbara LaMoreaux
4. Cheat sheet for FAQ’s on the FASFA – reference chart
a. Cody McMillen
5. Quiz Sheet - By the end of this counselor workshop you will know the answers to these
a. TBD
6. Pell/OCOG Table
a. Moralee
7. List of acronyms and definitions
a. Moralee
8. Resource document – description of various organizations in Ohio with contacts
a. Exists on OASFAA Web Site (Linda Knicely)
9. How to access free publications
a. Ed Recker
10. Priority deadline list of Ohio Schools with contact information for Fin Aid office, i.e.
a. Also, an institutional scholarship deadline if different, along with web address
b. Jeff Johnston
c. Set up survey in August/September, send out to committee for
d. Send out first request in first week of October
11. List of state grants
a. Wendy Schall
12. List of federal grants
a. NASFAA Table – Wendy Schall
13. Outside scholarship resource – how to dig for scholarships
a. Kristy West and Wendy Schall
14. College Goal Sunday
a. Leigh Cameron
15. Reference to IRS data match – overcoming objections, concerns, value of (verification)
a. Ed Recker
Articulation workshops
o Jeff Johnston and Kim Jeffers volunteered to create a powerpoint presentation for
the 60 minute financial aid presentation during articulation.
 It was determined that a presentation done by Chad Foust focusing on
financial aid updates should be the cornerstone of presentation.
 Lawrence Matthews also contributed a “Financial Aid 101” presentation,
and portions of this presentation will also be incorporated.
 The importance of highlighting the changes in verification, and how
students are selected for verification, were deemed a priority.
 The presentation will hopefully be completed and sent out to presenters by
the week of August 29th.
o Articulation workshop locations and dates are listed below, as well as speaker and
table responsibilities
 September 12th: The Ohio State University-Main Campus
 Presenter-Chad Foust
 Table-Christy West, Toni Duke and Leigh Cameron
September 13th: The University of Akron
 Presenters-Jeff Johnston and Michelle Ellis
 Table-Jeff Johnston
 September 14th: Rhodes State College/The Ohio State University-Lima
 Presenters-Cathy Kohli and Wendy Schall
 Table-Wendy Schall and Mary Arter Bell
 September 15th: Xavier University
 Presenters-Todd Everett and Cody McMIllen
 Table-Linda Hayes and Cody McMillen
 Although table volunteers do not need to register, presenters do need to
 Linda Knicely has been notified as to who presenters are, as their
registration fees will be voided.
 Christy West, Wendy Schall, Cody McMillen, and Jeff Johnston volunteered
to print off handouts for their prospective sites.
 Linda Knicely is to provide us with registration numbers at the end of
 Linda Hayes has statistics regarding registration from previous years. This,
coupled with the registration numbers from Linda Knicely, should give us a
fairly accurate estimate regarding the number of handouts needed.
OASFAA Tablecloths
 It was identified that Angela Johnson has the OASFAA tablecloths.
 Angela is to bring them to the next OASFAA Executive Council Meeting, and
they will be distributed to either a presenter or table volunteer from each
area at that time.
 Linda Knicely will have access to the articulation workshop evaluations in
general. In an effort to reduce the duplication of efforts, it was decided to
utilize the general evaluation instead of developing a specific financial aid
session evaluation.