Apps for Assessment DPS Presentation

A glimpse into the ways you can
use apps to assess students
Today’s Objective
• Participants will utilize the Apps for Assessment
Website and listen to descriptions of apps in order to
synthesize new tools to create assessments AS, FOR,
and OF learning.
• Success Criteria
• Differentiate assessments AS, FOR, and OF learning
• Examine Whiteboard Screencasting Apps
• Use online clicker systems
• Look at PDF annotators
• Examine other miscellaneous apps
LEAP Indicators for this session
• I.5 – Checks for understanding of content-language
• I.7 – Provides students with academically-focused
descriptive feedback aligned to content-language
• I.8 – Promotes student communication and
collaboration utilizing appropriate digital and other
•Please introduce yourself to the group by
sharing the following information:
•Your name
•Where you teach
•What grade/subjects you teach
•The technology you currently have available
•What you hope to get out of today’s session
About the Presenter – Mattea Juengel
• AP Calculus AB/Pre-Calculus Teacher at Abraham Lincoln High
• Currently has a Promethean Board and a set of gen 1 iPads
designated for AP Calculus AB
• Working on a master’s degree in K-12 Instructional Technology
through the University of Colorado Denver
Background on Assessment Terminology
• Formative v. Summative
• Summative
• OF
• End of Unit Assessment
• Formative
• Diagnostic feedback
• Focused on future improvement
• AS
• Quick feedback
• Learning while assessing
The Website
• Compares the following aspects for each app
• Features of each app
• How they can be used for assessment at each grade
• App vs. Web 2.0 versions
Whiteboard Screencasting Apps
•Screen Chomp
Socrative Demo
•Go to
•Enter room number 616331
•Answer the following question:
•Based on the information provided about
Screen Chomp, ShowMe, and Educreations,
which app sounds like it will work best for your
Self-Paced Quiz
•3 Questions
•Can randomize Order
•Can set whether to give the correct answer or
•Can show explanations or not
Class Dojo
• Great for monitoring student behavior
• Even high school student love it! (Great for study
• Students can customize their own avatar with a
student code
• Parents can also monitor student behavior through
the site
Markup v. GoodNotes
• GoodNotes has more annotation feature, and can
• Markup allows for easy return, has fewer annotation
features, and cannot zoom
• Great tool for any teacher grading typed papers
TAPit Free Demo
• Question 1
What is the coordinate point on the graph below?
TAPit Free Demo
• Question 2
• In order to turn in a paper to a teacher using Markup, what
should student do?
• A) Turn it in through Dropbox
• B) Use Google Drive
• C) Email it to the teacher’s markup email address
• D) Email it to my teacher’s school email address
TAPit Free Demo
•Question 3
What feature does GoodNotes have that
Markup does not have?
•Can annotate PowerPoint or PDF files once
already uploaded through the site
•Student can comment either with voice
comments or written comments using app or
•Useful for extending class activities outside
the classroom
Easy Portfolio
•Originally created for people in the physical
education field
•Useful to collect multiple data source for one
student, including video
•Great for sharing with parents!
•Go to
•Enter the PIN code in the upper left hand side
of the screen
PuppetPals HD
• Create videos with characters you can create or
characters from a pre-made bank
• Student record their voice while moving characters
Infuse Learning
•Web-based clicker system
•Has drawing feature
Scrogran, L. (2013) Info-Learning Tech Workshop. [Course
notes]. Retrieved from https://
Today’s Objective
• Participants will utilize the Apps for Assessment
Website and listen to descriptions of apps in order to
synthesize new tools to create assessments AS, FOR,
and OF learning.
• Success Criteria
• Differentiate assessments AS, FOR, and OF learning
• Examine Whiteboard Screencasting Apps
• Use online clicker systems
• Look at PDF annotators
• Examine other miscellaneous apps
Tinkering Time
•Using the website, find a tool you want to use
with your class and try it out!