Unit 3 Woo Hoo! Good morning. How are you? GOOD + MORNING. HOW IX-YOU? Do you know sign language? SIGN-LANGUAGE IX-YOU KNOW? Are you busy? IX-YOU BUSY IX-YOU? Are you hard of hearing? IX-YOU HARD-OF-HEARING IX-YOU? Are you a teacher? IX-YOU TEACHER IX-YOU? Do you teach sign language? SIGN-LANGUAGE IX-YOU TEACH? Can you open the door? IX-YOU “OPEN-DOOR”? Where is the soda machine? SODA+MACHINE WHERE? What high school do you go to? HIGH-SCHOOL IX-YOU GO++ WHERE? Turn off the light and close the door. IX-YOU “turn light off” ALSO “close door” SENTENCE STRUCTURE Topic Time Place COMMENT Description ACTOR ACTION 1. What’s his name? 2. What is he doing? Why? 3. What time is it? 4. What did he do yesterday? 5. What is he doing tomorrow? 6. What color is he? 1. What is her name? 2. What is his name? 3. What is she talking about? 4. What does this picture mean? Who What When Where Why Which WANT FRIEND My Name Nice Meet HELLO TEACH TEACHER DEAF LEARN LEARNER SAME DIFFERENT DRAW WRITE THEY HEARING NOT LAST WHAT’S UP BUSY CONFUSED FINE HARD OF HEARING SAME-OLD, SAME OLD SO-SO HOW HAPPY GOOD WE NOTHING MUCH TIRED AFTERNOON MORNING NIGHT INTRODUCE HE/SHE/IT YES NO SIGN LANGUAGE GIRL BOY LEAVE TOILET/BATHROOM CAN’T MACHINE NEAR MAKE ASL STUDY MAN WOMAN LIKE SHE HE SCHOOL ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE UNIVERSITY DON’T LIKE ENGLISH SPANISH FRENCH RIGHT/CORRECT REMEMBER FORGOT KNOW DON’T KNOW UNDERSTAND CHAIR SIT STAND DOOR [OPEN DOOR] [CLOSE DOOR] WINDOW EXCITED FAVORITE [OPEN WINDOW] [CLOSE WINDOW] LIGHT [LIGHT ON] [LIGHTS OFF] AGAIN BORED CAN/MAY GO BELL WORK Prepare to Take Notes Giving Directions Eye Gaze/Location Agreement Your eye gaze should “agree with” the route you’re tracing. You should visualize the places along the route and shift your eyes to “look at” the places you describe. Conveying Distance Far Away Tilt head (in agreement with direction) Squint eyes Open mouth slightly Trace route: extend arm fully Conveying Distance Moderate Distance Tilt head (in agreement with direction) Purse lips slightly Trace route: extend arm moderately Very Near Tilt head (in agreement with direction) “cs” behavior (cheek to shoulder): clench teeth, turn head to the dominant side, with cheek almost touching shoulder Trace route: keep hand close to body Practice Conversation Student A: ask where _____ is Student B: tell where Student A: ask if near _____ Student B: confirm or correct Ask Where… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. BATHROOM WATER-FOUNTAIN CAFETERIA CLASS-ROOM OFFICE TELEPHONE LIBRARY BOOK+STORE COFFE + STORE Come up with three OFF-CAMPUS locations and write out directions to them. 1. Can I go to the bathroom? No, you can’t 2. Do you understand the homework? Yes, I understand the homework. 3. I’m not Marie; I’m pat. I didn’t understand. Please sign it again. 4. I don’t understand. Do you? No, I don’t understand. 5. We don’t know his/her name. I know his/her name. He/she is _______. 1. Help me move the table. 2. Please give her the book. 3. Can you give me a pencil? 4. We don’t want help. 5. I need to give you my pen. 6. Move the desk over there. 7. She is helping me move tomorrow. 8. Give me my book. 1. What does it mean? 2. Explain it again. 3. What’s your name? 4. I don’t understand. 5. Is his name Todd? 6. Do you understand? 7. No, I don’t understand. 8. Do you mind helping me? Classifiers (Take Notes) Purpose of classifiers Replaces a noun Clarifies a message More efficient Classifiers show movement, location, and appearance show where and how something moves Show what it looks like where it is located What do classifiers represent? Whole entity Surface Instrumental Depth/width Extent Perimeter shape On-surface Letter Handshapes A- vase, can, bottle, statue, placment of items on a table B/4- time marker, 4 people together, walls, floors, shelves, flat objects Handshape Classifiers C- cup, trash can, building, large pipe, shape of something F- coins, buttons, eyes moving back and forth, pearl necklace, shape of cigar G- eyebrows, mouth, mustache, collar, bird beak Handshape Classifiers ILY- bird, airplane flying L- show shape of objectspicture frame, clocks, lakes, or size O- pipes, handlebars, hose BOOK TABLE Fs-DESK GIVE HELP MOVE NEED MUST SURE/TRUE PLEASE MEANING/DEFINITION EXPLAIN/DESCRIBE IMPORTANT EXCUSE ME HOME WALK PARTY READ SLEEP TO CORRECT/GRADE PAPER TO SPOT/SEE TEST WRONG/ERROR OOPS/MISTAKE READY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY CHAT/HANG OUT CHURCH DO-DO ENJOY KICK-BACK/ TAKE-IT-EASY Fs-MOSQUE TEMPLE YESTERDAY RESTROOM WATER (fountain) BE-RIGHT-BACK COFFEE BUY PHONE TEA DRINK SODA MILK CLASS CLASSROOM OFFICE LIBRARY CAFETERIA MACHINE STORE HALLWAY ELEVATOR FOOD/EAT OVER-THERE NO, NO, NO BALL KEY