Chapter Two: The English “Transplantations”

Alan Brinkley,
American History 14/e
Chapter 2:
Transplantations and Borderlands
The Early Chesapeake
 The Growth of New England
 The Restoration Colonies
 Borderlands and Middle Grounds
 The Evolution of the British Empire
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The Early Chesapeake
The Founding of Jamestown
– Early Problems
 Jamestown
– John Smith
Jamestown settlement with Ships
(S. Solum/PhotoLink/Getty Images)
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The Early Chesapeake
 London Company:
Virginia Company
Virginia and Carolina, 1638
– The Starving Time
– De La Warr’s Harsh
– Emergence of the
Tobacco Economy
 Exhausted the soil
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The Early Chesapeake
– The Headright System
 Women purchased for colonists’ wives
 House of Burgesses
 Birth of American slavery
– Suppression of the Powhatan Indians
 Pocahontas
– Demise of the Virginia Company
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The Early Chesapeake
The Growth of the Chesapeake, 1607-1750
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The Early Chesapeake
The Non-Indian Population of the Chesapeake, 1607-1700
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The Early Chesapeake
Exchanges of Agricultural Technology
– Indian Agricultural Techniques
Maryland and the Calverts
 George Calvert
– Proprietary Rule
– Religious Toleration
 “Act Concerning Religion”
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The Early Chesapeake
Turbulent Virginia
– Virginia’s Westward Expansion
– Berkeley’s Autocratic Rule
Bacon’s Rebellion
– Backcountry Grievances
– Significance of Bacon’s Rebellion
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The Growth of New England
New England, 1755
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The Growth of New England
– Religious Repression
Plymouth Plantation
 The Scrooby Separatists
– The Mayflower
– Relations with the
– William Bradford
The Mayflower at Plymouth
(Scenics of America PhotoLink/Getty Images)
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The Growth of New England
The Puritan Experiment
– Massachusetts Bay Company
– John Winthrop
 “City upon a hill”
– The Congregational Church
– A Theocratic Society
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The Growth of New England
Boston Harbor
(Library of Congress)
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The Growth of New England
The Expansion of New England
– Growing Religious Dissent
– Roger Williams
– Anne Hutchinson
– New Hampshire and Maine
Settlers and Natives
– Importance of Indian Assistance
– Shifting Attitudes
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The Growth of New England
The Growth of New England, 1620-1750
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The Growth of New England
The Non-Indian Population of New England, 1620-1700
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The Growth of New England
The Pequot War, King Philip’s War, and the
Technology of Battle
– The Pequot War
– King Philip’s War
 Metacomet
– Flintlock Musket
A Pequot Village Destroyed
(Rare Book Division, New York Public Library)
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The Restoration Colonies
The English Civil War
– Origins
 Cavaliers and Roundheads
 Charles I beheaded
 Oliver Cromwell
 The Stuart Restoration
– New Proprietary Colonies
Oliver Cromwell
(Portrait Gallery)
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The Restoration Colonies
The Carolinas
– Incentives for Settlement
 Anthony Ashley Cooper
Virginia and Carolina, 1638
– Fundamental
Constitution for
 Close ties with the
– North and South
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The Restoration Colonies
New Netherland, New York, and New Jersey
– Capture of New Amsterdam
– Establishment of New Jersey
The Quaker Colonies
– The Society of Friends
– William Penn
– Pennsylvania Founded
– Charter of Liberties
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
The Caribbean Islands
– The English Caribbean
– Imperial Conflict
– Sugar and Slavery
(C. McIntyre/PhotoLink/Getty Images)
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
The Seventeenth Century Caribbean
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
Masters and Slaves in the Caribbean
– Slave Revolts
– Unstable
– Connection to
British North
Making molasses in Barbados
(New York Public Library)
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
The Southwestern Borderlands
– Spain’s Northern Colonies
– California
– Importance of the Spanish Borderlands
The Southeastern Borderlands
– Hostilities in the Southeast
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
The Founding of Georgia
– James Oglethorpe’s Vision
– Georgia’s Military Rationale
– Transformation of Georgia
Savannah in 1734
(I.N. Phelps Stokes Collection of
American Historical Prints,
New York Public Library)
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Borderlands and Middle Grounds
Middle Grounds
– Conflict and Accommodation
– Mutually Beneficial Relations
– The Shifting Balance
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The Evolution of the British Empire
The Drive for Reorganization
– Mercantilism
– The Navigation
The New World, 1650
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The Evolution of the British Empire
The Dominion of New England
 Combined the New England governments
– Sir Edmund Andros
The “Glorious Revolution”
 William and Mary became joint sovereigns
– End of the Dominion
– John Coode’s Rebellion
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