1st Six Weeks Syllabus - Humble Independent School District

1st Six Weeks Syllabus/Unit Plan
English 2 - Mrs. Ryan
Reading: Antigone
Vocabulary: SAT Vocabulary Units, Tragedy Vocabulary, Argument Vocabulary
Grammar: Grammar Diagnostic, Missing Commas, Compound Sentences
Writing: Argumentative Essay
Summative: Antigone Background Test, CBA (Argumentative Essay), Vocabulary/Grammar
Test (this will be an average of the 3 highest scores of 4 total quizzes)
Formative: Plagiarism Quiz, Greek Theater/Tragedy Quiz, Argumentative Writing Basics Quiz,
Argumentative Essay (CBA) Pre-Writing/Outlining Activity, Reading Checks (Unannounced)
Mon: Welcome! Classroom Rules and Procedures, Schoology, “What’s in a Name?” Quiz: Grammar Unit #1
Quick Write
(Missing Commas and
Tue: Why Language and Literature Matter Notes
Compound Sentences)
Week of
Aug 22
Week of
Aug 29
Week of
Sept 5
Block: Grammar Diagnostic (This will determine the pacing of future Grammar
Fri: Quiz Grammar Unit #1, Greek Tragedy and Theater Notes (Will be a Quiz on
*Daily Warm-up: Missing Commas and Compound Sentences
I can . . .
-implement the district, campus, and classroom procedures
-create an account in Schoology
-write a brief paragraph analyzing the significance of my name
-correctly use commas in a compound sentence
-explain key characteristics of the Greek culture and theater and compare/contrast it
to characteristics of modern society.
Mon: Receive Vocabulary Unit 1, Greek Burial Rituals Quiz: Greek
Tue: Antigone Background Notes, Oedipus Family Tree
Block: Plagiarism Video and Quiz, Finish Background Notes of Antigone
Fri: Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz
I can . . .
-recall key information about Greek theater/tragedy
-explain what constitutes plagiarism in an academic setting and discuss the
consequences for such actions
-discuss the significance of Antigone’s family and their history
-correctly apply the definition of an SAT word by using it in a sentence and
identifying any synonyms or antonyms
Mon: Labor Day- No School
Tue: Review for Antigone Background Test
Block: Antigone Background Test
Fri: Quiz Grammar Unit #2, What is an argument? How do you define it?
**Warm-ups will cover Grammar Unit #2 (this is TBA based on Diagnostic
I can . . .
-practice key study skills and strategies while reviewing for a test
-recall key information about Greek culture and Antigone’s family
-create my own definition about argument
Quiz: Greek
Quiz: Plagiarism Video
Quiz: Vocabulary Unit
Antigone Background
Quiz: Grammar Unit #2
Week of
Sept 12
Week of
Sept 19
Mon: Argumentative Writing: What is a thesis, Argument vs. Persuasion, Reliable
evidence and the different types (Quiz on Block Day!)
Tue: What does an argument prompt look like? Organizing an argument essay
(“foldable” pre-write strategy)
Block: Quiz: Argumentative Writing Basics, Outline/Pre-Write CBA prompt (Will
be a Formative Grade)
Fri: Vocabulary Unit 2 Quiz, Begin writing CBA
I can…
-define thesis.
-describe what accurate and reliable evidence looks like.
-identify different types of evidence (data, facts, ideas).
-create a written argument for an academic audience.
-construct a clear thesis statement in response to a persuasive prompt.
-use specific and relevant evidence to support my claims.
-organize my arguments by summarizing two opposing positions.
-propose a solution or compromise to a dilemma.
Mon: Complete CBA
Tue: Receive Antigone Reading Questions, Read Prologue
Block: Antigone
Fri: Sum up results of Vocab/Grammar Quizzes, Antigone
I can…
-create a written argument for an academic audience.
-construct a clear thesis statement in response to a persuasive prompt.
-use specific and relevant evidence to support my claims.
-organize my arguments by summarizing two opposing positions.
-propose a solution or compromise to a dilemma.
-describe the basic setting of Antigone and identify the main characters
-use reading strategies to answer reading questions about Antigone
Mon: Return CBAs, Look at Writing Portfolios + Reflection
Tue: Antigone
Block: Antigone
Fri: Antigone
CBA Outline/Rough
Quiz: Argumentative
Writing Basics
Quiz: Vocabulary Unit
Average of
Reading Checks
Reading Checks
I can . . .
Week of
Sept 26
- define and identify archetypes and motifs in Antigone.
- describe the audience of the play, Antigone.
-consider the Sophocles’ perspective.
-consider the perspective of Sophocles’ audience.
-recognize and analyze patterns in Antigone.
-analyze how archetypes and motifs affect the plot of plays.
-make inferences about Antigone.
-use textual evidence to support my analysis of the themes in Antigone.
Please note that this syllabus is subject to change due to variance in pacing/unexpected
events. Students will be notified well in advance of any changes that are made.