Monday, 9/29 (B Day)

Monday, 8/25
Objective: I will be able to identify course policies and procedures.
Do Now: Complete the student survey. Read. (5 min.)
Introduction to Ms. Hendricks
Course Overview
Exit ticket: Question or comment about the course
HW: Student survey due Tues. (A Day), Wed. (B Day)
Tues.-Wed., 8/26-27
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze Unit 1 vocabulary words.
Do Now (#1 in composition book): pg. 57 Daily Spark – vocab in context (5 min.)
(5 min. discuss)
Course Procedures
Diagnostic Test (12 minutes)
Grade (5 minutes)
Unit 1 Vocab Intro (20 minutes)
[Review connotation / denotation; literal / figurative language; synonyms / antonyms; vocabulary context
clues; prefixes, suffixes, and roots; Kinds of Questions; Strategies (30 minutes)] – time permitting
HW: 1 page reaction to Malleable Intelligence article due Wed. A Day and Thurs. B Day; supplies due 9/2
A Day, 9/3 B day, parent signature form + parent survey due 9/2 A Day; 9/3 B Day
Thurs.-Fri., 8/28-29
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze aspects of the hero’s journey as articulated by literary
theorist Christopher Vogler.
Do Now #2: What are the characteristics of a hero’s journey? (5 min.)
Correct First Exercise Vocabulary (15 min.)
Hero’s Journey video (8 min.)
Discussion of video (10 min.)
Notes / discussion of Campell, Monomyth, Vogler, Hero Journey/Quest/Cycle (30 min.)
Groupwork: Separation or departure phases of literature or movie
HW: Flag phases 1-4 of the hero’s journey on post-it notes in your summer reading, Vocab 1B
Tues.-Wed., 9/2-3
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze aspects of the hero’s journey as articulated by literary
theorist Christopher Vogler.
Each student picks up a manila folder at the door for portfolio construction
Do Now (3 min.): Write your last name, first name on the manila folder tab in pen. Place your parent
survey and parent signature form inside.
Grading of Vocab 1B (5 min.)
Finish notes / discussion of hero’s journey outline (Vogler / Campbell) (15 min.)
Group jigsaw activity (20 minutes) – stages of the hero’s journey (an in-depth look) pp. 10-14
Instructions: 1) State the name of the stage; verbally summarize its characteristics; written – at least 5-8
sentences - provide an example from a work of literature or movie of a hero in this particular stage of
his/her journey. How is this stage important to the meaning of the work as a whole?
Presentation of groupwork
HW: Vocab 1C, Read, highlight, and annotate (questions / comments) pp. 10-14 of hero’s journey packet,
Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz 9/8
Thurs.-Fri., 9/4-5
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary archetypes.
*Students will pick up a post-it note on the way into class.
Do Now: On your post-it note, provide an example of a literary archetype (universal symbol) and what it
represents. Write your first and last name on your post-it note. Example: the color red – blood (2 minutes).
*AR test – summer reading (in the computer lab) – Approximately 20 minutes
Introduction to Unit 2 Words (approximately 15 minutes)
*Overview of literary archetypes – notes / discussion / group jigsaw activity (approximately 30 minutes)
*Begin introduction to hero’s journey group project requirements (hero’s journey group project
performance assessment due 9/15)
HW: Vocab 2A, Study for Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz (9/8), flag in your book (post-it notes) phases 5-10 of
the hero’s journey
Mon. 9/8
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze Unit 2 vocabulary words.
Do Now #3: If you could be a superhero, what superpower(s) would you have? Why? (at least 5-8
sentences in your composition book) (5 min.)
Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz (8 min.)
Grade Unit 1 Quiz (4 min.)
Unit 2 Vocabulary Introduction (20 min.)
HW: Vocabulary 2A; flag in your book (post-it notes) phases 11-12 of the hero’s journey
Tues.-Wed., 9/9-9/10
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary archetypes.
Do Now #4: SAT practice, pg. 137 (5 min.)
Discuss / correct do-now (5 min.)
Grade Vocabulary 2A (10 min.)
Literary Archetypes PowerPoint / Notes / Discussion (30 min.)
Exemplar literary analysis (5 min.)
Groupwork literary analysis (10 min.)
Group presentations – literary archetypes (20 min.)
HW: Vocabulary 2B
Thurs.-Fri., 9/10-9/11
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze phases of the hero’s journey and literary archetypes
within my summer reading novel.
Do Now #5: SAT practice – charlatan, pg. 50 Vocab Daily Spark (5 min.)
Discuss / correct do-now (5 min.)
Correct HW – Vocab 2B (5 min.)
Discuss project requirements / deadline (Friday, September 19th) – 40 min.
Choose groups / project roles / begin work on project
HW: Vocabulary 2C; Rough draft of 2 phases of hero’s journey (context [at least three sentences], quote
[properly formatted with pg. #], connection [at least three sentences]); rough draft of archetypal analysis
[at least three sentences]
Monday, 9/15
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze phases of the hero’s journey and literary archetypes within
my summer reading novel.
Do Now #6: Graphic organizer – “Where I’m From”
Discuss/correct do-now (5 min.)
Finish discussion / notes over hero’s journey project requirements
Form groups
Begin to work in groups
HW: Study for Unit 2 Vocab Quiz
Tues.-Wed., 9/16-17
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze phases of the hero’s journey and literary archetypes
within my summer reading novel.
Do Now #7: SAT practice, pg. 39 (5 min.)
Discuss/correct do-now (5 min.)
Vocabulary Quiz (8 min.)
Grade Vocabulary Quiz (3 min.)
Introduction to Unit 3 Words (20 min.)
Students work in groups to complete the following (per person):
1 Archetypal analysis (at least three sentences)
1 labeled visual (archetype or phase of the hero’s journey)
Hero’s phase: Quote (1-2 sentences) with page #; Connection (at least three sentences); Context (at
least three sentences)
Additional Hero’s phase: Quote (1-2 sentences) with page #; Connection (at least three sentences);
Context (at least three sentences)
HW: Vocabulary 3A – highlight context clues; Rough draft of the hero’s journey project: 1 Archetypal
analysis (at least three sentences)
1 labeled visual (archetype or phase of the hero’s journey)
Hero’s phase: Quote (1-2 sentences) with page #; Connection (at least three sentences); Context (at
least three sentences)
Additional Hero’s phase: Quote (1-2 sentences) with page #; Connection (at least three sentences);
Context (at least three sentences)
Bring flash drive to class
Thurs.-Fri., 9/17-9/18
Do Now #8: SAT practice, pg. 101 (5 min.) -teacher
Correct Vocabulary 3A (15 min.)
Students work in groups to revise/edit rough draft of the hero’s journey project / create final draft
Begin analysis of “Where I’m From” poem (time permitting)
HW: Final draft of the hero’s project journey due
3B Vocabulary
Monday, 9/21
Day of Silence
Objective: I will be able to brainstorm / begin drafting a creative short story.
Do Now: Individually fill out self and group evaluation sheet. (available on Schoolwires site; Unit 1: Hero’s
Turn in hero’s journey group project
Follow the handout directions for brainstorming / drafting a creative short story.
Tues., 9/22 (Wed., 9/23 – Fieldtrip)
Do Now: SAT practice (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Correct Vocabulary 3B (5 min.)
Group presentations – hero’s journey
Annotation / discussion of “Where I’m From” poem
HW: Vocabulary 3C
Thurs.-Fri., 9/24-9/25
Do Now: SAT practice (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Correct Vocabulary 3C (10 min.)
Group presentations – hero’s journey
Drafting / peer editing of “Where I’m From” poem
HW: Study for Vocabulary Unit 3 Quiz – Mon., 9/23
Typed, Times New Roman, 12 point font final draft of “Where I’m From” poem due Tues. 9/23 (A Day);
Wed. 9/24 (B Day) (in the 30% grade category column)
Monday, 9/29 (B Day)
Do Now #9: Understanding Sentence Parts - Practice 1 & 2, pg. 2 (Killgallon) (5 min.)
Discuss / correct Do Now
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices / grammatical concepts within ʺWhere I'm
Fromʺ by George Ella Lyons
Finish group presentations - hero's journey
Annotation / discussion of literary devices / grammatical concepts within ʺWhere I'm Fromʺ
Drafting of poem based upon stylistic elements within “Where I'm Fromʺ
HW: Due Wed., 10/1: Rough draft of ʺWhere I'm Fromʺ poem
Vocabulary: ʺVocabulary for Comprehension,ʺ pg. 43; ʺGrammar in Context,ʺ pg. 44
Tuesday, 9/30 (A Day)
Do Now #9: Understanding Sentence Parts - Practice 1 & 2, pg. 2 (Killgallon) (5 min.)
Discuss / Correct Do Now
Objective: I will be able to brainstorm / draft a creative short story.
HW: Due Thursday: 1 page, typed, double spaced introduction to short story; ʺVocabulary for
Comprehension,” pg. 43; ʺGrammar in Context,ʺ pg. 44
Wednesday, 10/1 (B Day)
Objective: I will be able to analyze and correct my responses on the ELA BOY. I will be able to elaborate
upon the historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now: Killgallon, Grammar
Correct Grammar – pp.43-44
Peer revising / editing of “Where I’m From” poem
ELA BOY deconstruction / analysis
Historical background of To Kill A Mockingbird – group discussion / group summation / presentations
HW: Due Monday: Grammar pp. 45-47
Due Wednesday: typed, final draft of “Where I’m From” poem + visual (30% category)
Thursday, 10/2 (A Day)
Objective: I will be able to analyze and correct my responses on the ELA BOY. I will be able to elaborate
upon the historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now #10: Killgallon, Grammar
Correct Grammar – pp.43-44
Peer revising / editing of “Where I’m From” poem
ELA BOY deconstruction / analysis
Historical background of To Kill A Mockingbird – group discussion / group summation / presentations
HW: Due Monday, 10/6: Grammar pp. 45-47
Due Tuesday, 10/7: typed, final draft of “Where I’m From” poem + visual (30% category)
Mon., 10/6
Objective: I will be able to analyze questions and justify responses on the ELA BOY.
Do Now #11 – Killgallon grammar (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Correct Vocab HW (pp. 45-47) (10 min.)
Complete groupwork – BOY deconstruction
Begin group presentations
HW: pg. 48 Vocab
-typed, final draft of “Where I’m From” poem + visual (30% category) (due 10/7 – A Day; 10/8 – B Day; if
the printed hard copy is not ready at the beginning of class, the assignment is late)
Tues.-Wed., 10/7-10/8
Objective: I will be able to provide justifications for the correct answers on the ELA BOY.
I will be able to articulate details about the historical context (Great Depression, Jim Crow Laws)
of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now #12 – Killgallon grammar (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Group presentations / note taking – ELA BOY
Brief introduction to To Kill a Mockingbird
Groupwork – Historical Context: The Great Depression; Plessy versus Ferguson and the Jim Crow Laws;
The Scottsboro Trial, The Trial of Walter Lett, and The Murder of Emmett Till
HW: Read pp. 3-19 ; Vocabulary pp. 49-50
Thurs.-Fri., 10/9-10-10
Objective: I will be able to articulate details about the historical context (Great Depression, Jim Crow
Laws) of To Kill a Mockingbird.
I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices within To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now #12 – Killgallon grammar (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Correct Vocabulary – pp. 49-50
Group presentations / notes – historical context
Groupwork – Stylistic Analysis of Chapter 1
HW: Read Chapters 2-3, pp. 20-42
Study for Vocabulary Units 1-3 on Mon., 10/13
Mon., 10/13
Objective: I will be able to define Units 1-3 Vocabulary words.
Do Now #13: SAT practice (2 min.)
Correct Do Now (5 min.)
Vocabulary Units 1-3 Exam
Grade Exam
Group presentations / notes – historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird
HW: Chapter 1 Stylistic Questions
Tues.-Wed., 10/14-10/15
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices within To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now #14: SAT practice (2 min.)
Correct Do Now (5 min.)
Introduction to Vocabulary 4A (20 min.)
Finish Group presentations / notes – historical context of To Kill a Mockingbird
Correct / Discuss Chapter 1 Literary Analysis Questions
Groupwork / Group presentations – The Exposition – Notes / Guiding Questions
HW: Vocabulary 4A; For Chapters 2-3: Mark in pink the lines containing irony in the school scenes. Mark
in yellow key passages revealing Burris Ewell’s and the Ewell family’s character. Write at least 1 inference
about Burris / the Ewell family on the side of each highlighted (yellow) paragraph.
Objective: I will be able to construct Level I, II, and III questions in preparation for a Socratic seminar.
Do Now # 15 grammar practice (Killgallon) – 5 min.
Discuss (5 min.)
Correct Vocab 4A HW (10 min.)
Discuss / correct Chpt. 2-3 homework (15 min.)
Levels of Questioning – Notes (20 min.)
Construct Level I, II, and III questions (20 min.)
Introduce discussion norms / Socratic seminar structure (see handout) (5 min.)
Begin HW (5 min.)
HW: Vocabulary 4B; Read Chapter 4 – highlight school irony in pink; the first two items the children find in
the tree in (yellow); author’s time progression (yellow). How old are the kids now? Write on the side. Dill’s
character development (orange) Kids’ superstitions (yellow). Scout’s final moment in the tire incident
Mon., 10/20
Do Now # 16 SAT practice (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Check Vocab 4B (5 min.)
Review Level I, II, III questions / introduce assignment + rubric for Socratic seminar (10 min.)
Silently construct Level I, II, and III questions in preparation for 10/21 (A Day) and 10/22 (B Day) Socratic
HW: Complete Level I, II, and III questions for Socratic seminar (test grade) 10/21 – A Day, 10/22 – B Day
Vocab 4C
Day of Silence questions due Wed. (B Day), Thurs. (A Day – 2nd and 4th pds.)
Vocabulary Quiz Thurs. (A Day), Fri. (B Day)
Do Now #17 SAT practice (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Check Vocab 4C (5 min.)
Socratic Seminar
HW: Study for Unit 4 Vocab Quiz (counts for 2 nd 9 weeks)
Read Chapter 5. Underline key plot events. Highlight in pink evidence of judgmental attitude(s).
Thurs.-Fri., 10/23-10/24
Do Now #18 Grammar practice (5 min.)
Discuss Do Now (5 min.)
Vocab Unit 4 Quiz
Check Quiz
Dialectical Journal intro. followed by groupwork (character traits + purpose / effect)
HW: Finish thesis + Dialectical Journal. Read Chapter 6. Underline key plot events. Highlight in yellow at
least one literary device (detail, figurative language, allusion, parallelism, etc.) that makes the story come
Monday, 10/27
Objectives: I will be able to identify and analyze Unit 5 Vocabulary words. I will be able to construct a
creative metaphor and an appositive phrase. I will be able to appreciate the rhythm of poetry and identify
uniqueness of voice.
Do Now # 19: Compose a creative metaphor. Incorporate an appositive into the metaphorical
comparison. Example: I am the sole lighthouse on the shore, a bright beacon fighting the waves of
Turn in dialectical journals.
Unit 5 Vocabulary Words – for each, introduce pronunciation, part of speech, synonyms, antonyms,
Homework: Vocabulary 5A; Read Chapter 7. Underline key plot events. Highlight in yellow at least one
literary device (detail, figurative language, allusion, parallelism, etc.) that makes the story come alive.
Tues.-Wed., 10/28-10/29
Objective: I will be able to compose the rough draft for an analytical essay, crafting a thesis statement,
transitions, supporting evidence, and commentary.
Correct Vocab 5A
Annotate sample characterization essay / outline for thesis statement, transitions, supporting evidence,
and commentary
Begin typing characterization essay
Homework: Characterization essay – typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font – due
Monday, 11/3 (30% category); Vocab 5B; Read Chapter 8. Underline key plot events. Highlight in yellow
at least one literary device (detail, figurative language, allusion, parallelism, etc.) that makes the story
come alive.
Thurs.-Fri. 10/30-10/31
Objective: I will be able to explain the importance of plot details and literary devices to the meaning of To
Kill a Mockingbird.
Groupwork: Analysis of Chapters 5-8
HW: Vocab 5C; Characterization essay – typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font – due
Monday, 11/3 (30% category)
Objective: I will be able to draft a creative short story. (1-2 pages, handwritten)
HW: Study for Vocab Quiz; Read Chapter 9 – To Kill a Mockingbird
Objective: I will be able to draft a typed (2 page) creative short story.
Do Now #22
Vocab Quiz
Grade Vocab Quiz
Peer Editing – Analytical Essay
Drafting (Typing) of Creative Short Story
HW: 2 pages, typed double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font story (30% category) – due Thurs.
(A Day); Fri. (B Day)
Analytical Essay due 11/11 (Tues.) 11/12 (Wed.) (40% category – test grade)
Thurs.-Fri. 11/5-11/6
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices from Chapters 1-9. I will be able to craft
substantive literary commentary.
Do Now #23
Introduction to Unit 6 Vocabulary
Examples of literary commentary
Group crafting of literary commentary
HW: Read Chapter 10, To Kill a Mockingbird, highlight in blue characterization of Atticus, both positive
(mark with a + sign) and negative traits (mark with a – sign); Analytical Essay due 11/11 (Tues.) 11/12
(Wed.) (40% category – test grade); Vocab 6A
Monday, 11/10
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices from Chapters 1-10. I will be able to craft
substantive literary commentary.
Do Now #24
Discuss / Correct Do Now
Correct Vocab 6A
Finish Group Commentary Challenge Part I. presentations / corrections
Introduction to Literary Terms
Begin Group Commentary Part II
HW: TKAM Analytical Essay Final Draft (Test Grade) Due Tues., A Day; Wed., B Day – see To Kill a
Mockingbird link on Schoolwires (TKAM Analytical Essay; Analytical Essay Rubric / Scoring Guide);
Vocab 6B; Read Chapter 11 (highlight in blue Atticus’s quote about courage; highlight in orange
characterization of Mrs. Dubose)
Tues.-Wed., 11/11-11/12
Objective: I will be able to compose a draft of a creative short story.
Do Now #25
Discuss / Correct Do Now
Correct Vocab 6B
Collect Analytical Essay
In-class composition of pages 3-4 of short story
HW: Hard copy of completed short story due at the beginning of class – Thurs. A Day; Fri. – B Day; must
be at least 1,000 words (approximately 4 pages) – include word count at the bottom; Times New Roman,
double spaced, 12 point font; Vocab 6C
Thurs.-Fri. 11/13-11/14
Objective: I will be able to craft substantive literary commentary based on literary devices and events in Chapters 111.
Do Now #26
Discuss / Correct Do Now #26
Finish Group Commentary Part II
Presentations of Group Commentary Part II
TKAM Analytical Questions / Discussion – Chapters 9-11 (time permitting)
HW: Read Chapter 12. Highlight in orange three literary devices utilized in Chapter 12. On a separate
sheet of paper, compose three Level 2 questions about these literary devices. Answer each of these
questions in complete sentences (2-3 sentences) with supporting textual evidence. (Include page
numbers.) For a review of Level 2 questions, see
-Literary terms quiz – examples & definitions – Monday, 11/17 (see classnotes & literary
devices handouts – also available on Schoolwires – see Literary Devices link)
-Vocab Unit 6 Quiz – Tues., 11/18 (A Day); Wed., 11/19 (B Day)
-2nd composition book check was postponed – this check can occur at any time. Always bring
your composition book to class with complete / updated Do Nows. Do Nows 1-26 are available
on Schoolwires.
Mon., 11/17
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze literary devices.
Do Now #27: Free write (must be at least ½ page)
Literary Devices Quiz / check Chapter 12 homework
Presentation / Discussion of literary device homework
HW: Read chapter 13; highlight / label three literary devices (Example: highlight an example of
personification and then write the word “personification” above the example); study for Unit 6
Vocabulary Quiz
Tues.-Wed., 11/18-11/19
Objectives: 1) I will be able to peer edit a short story for creativity, spelling and grammar, word choice,
fluidity, and organization and development. 2) I will be able to craft substantive literary commentary
based on literary devices and events in Chapters 1-11.
Do Now #28
Correct Do Now
Vocabulary Quiz
Grade Vocabulary Quiz
Peer Editing
Finish Group Commentary – Part II (identification of one literary device per chapter + 2-3 sentences of
commentary per device)
Begin presentations of Group Commentary – Part II
HW: Read Chapters 14-15
Highlight in orange: Clues Jem is growing up, changing;
in Yellow: attitudes of Dill’s parents – how do they feel about him?
Ch. 15: in blue: at least 2 statements or actions of Atticus’s courage.
Final draft of Creative Writing essay – Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced: 1,000 words –
due Mon., 11/24 – test grade
Thurs.-Fri., 11/20-11/21
Objectives: 1) I will be able to present substantive literary commentary based on literary devices and
events in Chapters 1-11. 2) I will be able to compose Level II and III questions based on events in
Chapters 9-15, and be able to support my responses with textual evidence.
Do Now #29
Finish presentations of Group Commentary – Part II
Composition of Level II and III questions / Socratic seminar
HW: Read Chapter 16 – highlight / label examples of figurative language
Read Chapter 17, Mr. Ewell’s testimony: Underline in red: evidence for Tom Robinson’s guilt. Highlight in
green: evidence for innocence. Highlight in yellow: neutral details
Final draft of Creative Writing essay – Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced: 1,000 words –
due Mon., 11/24 – test grade
Mon. 11/24, Tues. 11/25
Objectives: 1) I will be able to analyze the characterization, testimony, and rhetorical strategies used in
the examinations of Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, and Tom Robinson, identifying details that point to the
guilt or innocence of Tom Robinson.
2) I will be able to respond to Level II and Level III questions regarding plot details, characterization, and
literary devices in Chapters 1-17.
Do Now #30: Review pages 227-228. How are the Ewells and their living conditions described? Respond
in at least five sentences.
Check HW
Finish presentations as needed / Review sample literary analysis essay
Notes / discussion – characterization of Ewells, Chapter 16 – details of Tom Robinson’s innocence / guilt
Structural Elements and Rhetorical Strategies – an Introduction
Acting out / Discussion / Notes – Chapters 18-19
Level II / III questions & responses – time permitting
Homework: Read Chapters 18-26. Label (in your book) at least ten examples (total) of structural
elements / rhetorical strategies from your handouts. Prepare for a quiz over your reading + Structural
Elements and Rhetorical Strategies handouts which will occur December 2nd / 3rd.
Monday, 12/1
Objective: I will be able to identify and analyze structural elements and rhetorical strategies and how
these apply to To Kill a Mockingbird.
Do Now #31 – page 81 Vocab Workbook – Analogies section
Check Do Now
Review for Structural Elements / Rhetorical Strategies Quiz
HW: Prepare for quiz: Chapters 18-26 and terminology / application of concepts from Structural
Elements and Rhetorical Strategies handouts
Read Chapter 27
Vocab pp. 72-75
Vocab Test: Groups 4-6 – Monday, 12/8
Tues. 12/2 & Wed. 12/3
Objectives: 1) I will be able to compare and contrast Mayella Ewell, Robert Ewell, Heck Tate, and Tom
Robinson’s testimonies, highlighting and explaining the significance of inconsistencies. 2) I will be able to
analyze the courtroom techniques of Atticus and Judge Taylor. 3) I will be able to identify and explain
the importance of structural elements / rhetorical strategies within Chapters 17-26.
Do Now #32 – Choosing the Right Meaning & Two-Word Completions pp. 81-82 Vocab Workbook
Check Do Now
Check Vocab
Rhetorical Strategies TKAM Quiz
Analysis of rhetorical strategies in To Kill a Mockingbird - Groupwork
Groups assigned: Mayella Ewell (Chpt. 18), Robert Ewell (Chpt. 17), Heck Tate (Chpt. 17), Tom
Robinson (Chpt. 19)
1. Summarize your character’s testimony in a paragraph of at least five sentences.
2. Describe in a secondary paragraph of at least five sentences the credibility of your character’s
testimony. Should s/he be believed? Support your assertions with textual evidence.
3. Provide three examples with page numbers of structural elements or rhetorical strategies utilized by
your character or a character questioning your character.
Groups assigned: Mr. Gilmer, Atticus, Judge Taylor
1. In a paragraph of at least five sentences, summarize the courtroom techniques of your character.
2. In a secondary paragraph of at least five sentences, contrast the courtroom techniques of your
character with the techniques and/or disposition of a secondary character. What is the significance of
the differences between the characters?
3. Provide three examples with page numbers of structural elements or rhetorical strategies utilized by
your character.
Group presentations
HW: Read Chpts. 28-29: TKAM
On a separate sheet of paper, compose two Level II questions about Chapter 28, and two Level II
questions about Chapter 29 (include page numbers). Also, compose one Level III question about the
Vocab: pp. 76-78
Thurs. 12/4 & Fri. 12/5
Objectives: 1) I will be able to compare and contrast Mayella Ewell, Robert Ewell, Heck Tate, and Tom
Robinson’s testimonies, highlighting and explaining the significance of inconsistencies. 2) I will be able to
analyze the courtroom techniques of Atticus and Judge Taylor. 3) I will be able to identify and explain
the importance of structural elements / rhetorical strategies within Chapters 17-26.
Do Now #33 – Complete the Enriching Your Vocabulary Do Now on page 83 of your Vocab Workbook
Check Do Now
Check Vocab
Finish groupwork from Tues.
Group presentations
HW: Finish reading TKAM (Chapters 30-31). On a separate sheet of paper, compose two Level II
questions about Chapter 30, and two Level II questions about Chapter 31 (include page numbers). Also,
compose one Level III question about the text.
Complete Vocab pp. 79-80
Study for Vocab. Test – Groups 4-6 which will occur on Monday, 12/8
Update Do-Nows 1-33 (See “Do Nows” tab on Schoolwires)
Mon., 12/8
Objective: I will be able to define SAT-level vocabulary words.
Do Now #34 – STAAR Warm Up
Correct Do Now
Correct Vocab. Homework
Vocab Test - Units 4-6
Review quiz – rhetorical strategies
Finish presentations (analysis of testimonies / rhetorical strategies)
No homework
Tues.-Wed. 12/9-12/10
Objective: I will be able to articulate and respond to AVID Level II and III questions about To Kill a
Do Now #35 - STAAR Warm Up
Correct Do Now
Introduction of Vocabulary Unit 7 Words
Closing Socratic seminar – To Kill a Mockingbird
Begin groupwork – Night – historical background information
HW:Vocab 7A; read Preface to the New Translation of Night – vii-xv
Thurs.-Fri. 12/11-12/12
Objective: I will be able to describe the historical context of Night, focusing upon the author’s
background and details of the Holocaust.
Do Now #36 – STAAR Warm Up
Correct Do Now
Check Vocab 7A
Complete groupwork activity / summation and presentations of information from Facing History and
Ourselves and USMM (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum) articles. Please see Night link on Schoolwires
to access the articles.
Time permitting – Begin reading / analyzing the Foreword
HW: Vocab 7B; Read the Foreword – pp. xvii-xxi; Read pp. 3-22 of Night (due 12/18 – A Day, 12/19 – B
Mon. 12/15
Objectives: I will study for semester finals / read Night.
HW: Vocab 7B; Read the Foreword – pp. xvii-xxi; Read pp. 3-22 of Night (due 12/18 – A Day, 12/19 – B
Tues. 12/16
Objectives: I will take my Science final exam (1st and 2nd periods). I will compare and contrast the film
and novel versions of To Kill a Mockingbird (4th period).
HW: Vocab 7B; Read the Foreword – pp. xvii-xxi; Read pp. 3-22 of Night (due 12/18 – A Day, 12/19 – B
Wed. 12/17
Objectives: I will take my Foreign Language final exam (5th and 6th periods). I will compare and contrast
the film and novel versions of To Kill a Mockingbird (7th and 8th periods).
HW: Vocab 7B; Read the Foreword – pp. xvii-xxi; Read pp. 3-22 of Night (due 12/18 – A Day, 12/19 – B