RETT SYNDROME UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF MECP2 BASIC NEUROSCIENCE NBL 120 DECEMBER 2007 OUTLINE CLINICAL BACKGROUND MOLECULAR IMPLICATIONS PHENOTYPE-GENOTYPE RELATION FUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF MUTATIONS RETT SYNDROME A NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER OF YOUNG FEMALES CHARACTERIZED BY PROFOUND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT COMMUNICATION DYSFUNCTION STEREOTYPIC MOVEMENTS PERVASIVE GROWTH FAILURE RETT SYNDROME CONSENSUS CRITERIA - 2001 Normal at birth Apparently normal early development (may be delayed from birth) Postnatal deceleration of head growth in most Lack of achieved purposeful hand skills Psychomotor regression: Emerging social withdrawal, communication dysfunction, loss of learned words, and cognitive impairment Stereotypic movements: Hand washing/wringing/squeezing; Hand clapping/tapping/rubbing; Hand mouthing Gait dysfunction: Impaired (dyspraxic) or failing locomotion RETT SYNDROME TEMPORAL PROFILE APPARENTLY NORMAL DEVELOPMENT ARREST OF DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRESS FRANK REGRESSION WITH POOR SOCIAL CONTACT AND FINGER SKILLS STABILIZATION: BETTER SOCIAL CONTACT AND EYE GAZE, BUT GRADUAL SLOWING OF MOTOR FUNCTIONS RETT SYNDROME WHAT DO WE KNOW? GENETIC DISORDER AFFECTING FEMALES PREDOMINANTLY OCCURRENCE >>99.9% SPORADIC VARIABLE CLINICAL EXPRESSION PERVASIVE GROWTH FAILURE SIGNIFICANT LONGEVITY CONSISTENT NEUROPATHOLOGY MORE THAN 95% OF FEMALES MEETING CONSENSUS CRITERIA HAVE MUTATIONS IN MECP2 Rett Syndrome in USA IRSA Case Registry by State (May 2007) 87 14 13 18 89 10 64 27 27 9 34 179 31 24 178 87 44 40 377 56 90 50 20 232 7 66 33 53 170 24 107 4 2 66 25 43 1 222 1 193 101 53 61 1 9 103 2 6 45 5 142 9 0 1 180 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 10 10 14 TOTAL 3712 RETT SYNDROME VARIABLE CLINICAL EXPRESSION PHENOTYPIC EXPRESSIONS SEIZURES OR BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS BREATHING IRREGULARITIES SLEEP CHARACTERISTICS SCOLIOSIS AMBULATION LONGEVITY IN RETT SYNDROME SURVIVAL FOLLOWS THAT OF ALL FEMALES UNTIL AGE 10 70% SURVIVAL TO AGE 35 COMPARED TO 98% IN ALL FEMALES AND 27% IN PERSONS WITH PROFOUND MOTOR AND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT RETT SYNDROME BRAIN MORPHOLOGY REDUCED BRAIN WEIGHT REDUCED VOLUME OF SPECIFIC REGIONS REDUCED MELANIN PIGMENTATION SMALL NEURONS; SIMPLIFIED DENDRITES WITH REDUCED SPINES ABSENCE OF RECOGNIZABLE DISEASE OTHER NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS DOWN SYNDROME REDUCED DENDRITIC BRANCHES AND SPINES AFTER EARLY INFANCY AUTISM INCREASED PACKING DENSITY DECREASED CELL SIZE ANGELMAN AND FRAGILE X SYNDROMES: REDUCED DENDRITIC ARBORIZATIONS AND SPINES Spine Dysgenesis in Mental Retardation Normal DS MR FraX FMR1 KO mice wt Rett Syndrome • Down’s Syndrome (Huttenlocher ‘70, ‘74; Marin-Padilla ‘72, ‘76; Purpura ‘74, ‘75); Fragile X Syndrome - and FMR1 KO mice (Wisniewski ‘85; Greenough ‘97); Rett Syndrome (Balichenko ‘94) Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in X-linked MECP2, encoding methylCpG-binding protein 2 Ruthie E. Amir, Ignatia B. van den Veyver, Mimi Wan, Charles Q. Tran, Uta Francke & Huda Y. Zoghbi Nature Genet 1999;23:185 METHYL-CpG-BINDING PROTEIN 2 ONE OF FAMILY OF METHYL-BINDING PROTEINS CAPABLE OF TRANSCRIPTIONAL SILENCING OR REGULATION UBIQUITOUS IN MAMMALIAN TISSUES HIGHLY EXPRESSED IN MAMMALIAN BRAIN SPECIFIC TARGET GENES UNDEFINED MAY FUNCTION IN MAINTENANCE OF DEVELOPING AND MATURE NEURONS MeCP2 DISTRIBUTION IN HUMAN BRAIN DURING DEVELOPMENT CAUDAL-ROSTRAL GRADIENT OF MeCP2 IN HUMAN BRAIN CORTICAL NEURONS LAST TO EXPRESS Shahbazian et al. Hum Mol Genet 2002;11:115 Function of MeCP2 MeCP2 Sin3A HDAC TRD MBD Methylated CpG Chromatin Mutated MeCP2 HDAC Sin3A MeCP2 Methylated CpG Chromatin WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT MECP2 AND RETT SYNDROME ? >95% OF CLASSIC RETT SYNDROME CAUSED BY MUTATIONS IN MECP2 8 MUTATIONS ACCOUNT FOR ~ 65% OF THOSE IN RETT SYNDROME SPORADIC RS: MAJORITY APPEAR TO BE OF PATERNAL ORIGIN FAMILIAL RS (<<1% of total) MAJORITY DUE TO LARGE DELETION Mutations Mutations in MeCP2 found in 70-95% “classical” Rett syndrome Missense, nonsense, frameshift, large scale rearrangements DOES MUTATION PREDICT OUTCOME? Certain mutations (R133C, R294X, and R306C and C-terminal truncations are associated with “better outcome” – Lower severity scores – Slower progression – Preserved speech variants Missense mutations in C-terminal region in males associated with XLMR RETT SYNDROME AND MECP2 RETT SYNDROME IS A CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS RETT SYNDROME IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH MECP2 MUTATIONS RETT SYNDROME MAY BE SEEN WITH MECP2 MUTATIONS RETT SYNDROME MAY BE SEEN WITHOUT MECP2 MUTATIONS MECP2 MUTATIONS MAY BE SEEN WITHOUT RETT SYNDROME RETT SYNDROME AND NORMAL MECP2 LARGE SCALE DELETIONS MISSED BY CURRENT PCR METHODS ALTERNATE SPLICE VARIANT, TERMED MeCP2B OTHER GENES INCLUDING MeCP2 DOWNSTREAM TARGETS Mnatzakanian et al. Nature Genet 2004;36:339-341 Rett Syndrome Female Phenotypes With MECP2 Mutations Rett Syndrome Preserved Speech Variant Delayed Onset Variant Congenital Onset Variant Early Onset Seizure Variant Autistic-like Variant Angelman Syndrome Mild Learning Disability Normal Carriers Rett Syndrome Male Phenotypes With MECP2 Mutations Fatal Encephalopathy Rett/Klinefelter Syndrome X-Linked MR/Progressive Spasticity Somatic Mosaicism/NDD MECP2 Duplications and X-linked MR WHO SHOULD HAVE MECP2 TESTING? FEMALES WITH TYPICAL AND VARIANT RETT SYNDROME FEATURES INFANTS, ESPECIALLY MALES, WITH UNEXPLAINED PROGRESSIVE ENCEPHALOPATHY MALES WITH RETT SYNDROME FEATURES CHILDREN WITH ANGELMAN FEATURES AND NORMAL METHYLATION CHILDREN WITH FAMILIAL XLMR AND NORMAL FRAGILE X TESTING Assessing function of mutant protein Drosophila S cells – Not highly methylated Transfect MeCP2 construct and methylated reporter plasmid Assess transcription MeCP2 mmm CAT Mutations decrease MeCP2 repression in Drosophila cells Relative CAT activity (%) 120 Relative CAT activities (%) 100 80 60 • Transient transfection • MeCP2 construct • CAT reporter 40 20 0 MeCP2 R106W R133C F155S T158M R255X Kudo et al., Brain and Dev 2001 A photobleaching technique to study protein movement in living cells Immobile fraction T1/2 Mobile fraction FRAP = fluorescence recovery after photobleaching Phair RD, and Misteli T. (2001) Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2(12):898-907 Mecp2 is a mobile protein in live cells 1.0 Relative Intensity 0.8 0.6 0.4 Mecp2A 0.2 Mecp2B 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 Time (seconds) 250 300 Rett mutations increase mobility 1.0 0.9 Relative Intensity 0.8 0.7 0.6 WT R106W 0.5 R133C F155S 0.4 T158M R255X 0.3 GFP 0 20 40 60 Time (seconds) 80 MOUSE MODELS Knock-out mouse: Mecp2 deleted Knock-in mouse: Insertion of human mutation in Mecp2 KNOCK-OUT MUTANT Note hind-limb clasping Guy et al. Nature Genetics 2001;27:322326 KNOCK-OUT MUTANT Is Mecp2 knock-out reversible? Using estrogen receptor controlled Mecp2 promoter: – Mecp2 knock-out phenotype reversed in both immature male and mature male and female mice with estrogen analog, tamoxifen – Rapid re-expression in immature males resulted in death in 50% Guy et al. Science 2007;315:1143-1147 KNOCK-IN MUTANT Note humped back and forelimb clasping Young and Zoghbi, Am J Hum Genet 2004;74:511520 KNOCK-IN MUTANT Impaired hippocampus-dependent social, spatial, and contextual fear memory Impaired long-term potentiation and depression Reduced post-synaptic densities No change in BDNF expression Moretti et al. J Neurosci 2006;26:319-327 KNOCK-IN MUTANT Enhanced anxiety and fear based on: – Elevated blood corticosterone levels – Elevated corticotropin-releasing hormone in hypothalamus, central nucleus of amygdala, and bed nucleus of stria terminalis – MeCP2 binds to Crh promoter methylated region McGill et al. PNAS 2006;103:18267-18272 KNOCK-IN MUTANT Implications of Crh over-expression: – Anxiety plays central role in clinical RS – Amygdala has direct input into hypothalamus and brainstem autonomic nuclei correlating with clinical problems of respiration, GI function, and peripheral sympathetic NS – Suggests strategies for therapeutic intervention Longevity Study ● ● ● ● ● Data gathered on 1928 girls and women Completion of data gathering and filling in missing data consumed most of winter Analysis of longevity underway Databank very informative Appears representative North American Database Total enrolled 1928 Typical 1648 (85.5 %) Atypical 259 (13.4 %) Not RS (MECP2 positive) 21 (1.1 %) North American Database Group Total Mutation No Unknown mutation Typical 1648 791 (91%) 79 (9%) 778 Atypical 259 94 (58%) 68 (42%) 97 Not RS 21 21 (100%) 0 0 North American Database Mutation Type N % Missense 356 38.8 % France (Philippe et al.) 35.6 Nonsense 323 35.2 37.3 Frameshift 161 17.5 12.0 Complex deletion 59 6.4 5.8 DATABASE RESOURCES – RettBase: Dr. John Christodoulou MECP2 Mutation Repository – InterRett: Dr. Helen Leonard Clinical information repository from parents and physicians Acknowledgements ● IRSA ● UAB – Jane Lane – Suzie Geerts – Jerry Childers ● duPont Hospital for Children – Carolyn Schanen ● NIH – NICHD/ORD/NCRR ● Greenwood Genetic Center – Steve Skinner – Fran Annese ● Baylor College of Medicine – – – – Daniel Glaze Jeff Neul Huda Zoghbi Judy Barrish ● Girls and women with RS and their families That’s all folks!!!