National Dementia Friendly Communities Initiative—Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (EST) Meeting Objective: Progress update on funding and next steps planning Meeting Participants: Ron Grant, Douglas McKenzie, Sarah Hoit, Sandy Markwood, Katie Sloan, Ian Kremer, Patsy Riley, Dawn Simonson, Alex Clark, Olivia Mastry, Mary Ek Funding Status Asks updates: No new sponsorship at this point. Some initiators are in conversation with potential champions to gauge interest. See the Financial Support Status document in Attachment A. Spokesperson Update: No new information at this point. Ron Grant has agreed to be an ambassador and initiators are currently recruiting others. See the Spokesperson document in Attachment B Discussion Summary: The group discussed strategies for moving forward and generated the following: Move forward towards an implementation scenario that allows for a robust national resource and technical assistance and, if possible, an online dementia friends program that will reinforce community capacity building. Shift the implementation timeline to delay implementation next steps and focus on funding the initiative between June and August with a goal of at least $600,000-$800,000 pledged by end of August Use current funds to develop visual brand and materials that support communicating and funding for the initiative and bring in new partners, and support early development of web resources and TA manual Begin implementation of the web-based resources and technical assistance plan and development/commitment of pilot communities throughout the summer of 2015 Launch up to five very ready pilot communities by year-end or early 2016 Explore with area agencies on aging whether we could accelerate pilot communities by offering the AAAs in those communities as champions and technical assistance providers. This results in having by 1st quarter 2016 a basic web portal with enhanced resources and five pilot communities ready to start their work. Next steps and follow up: NEXT STEPS: What Summarize results of meeting (this document) Create a case study of Blue Cross Blue Shield involvement in ACT Resend Commitment Letter to DFA Champions Continue funding search with new help from DFA Champions Look into the potential of hiring a professional fundraiser Explore crowd sourcing campaign concept Potential Pilot Communities: Sandy will check in with Atlanta contact Alex will check in with Denver contact Sarah will look into Orange County Ian will check in Prince George’s Olivia and Alex will connect with Mike Simmons to determine “low hanging fruit” Olivia and Alex will check back with Knoxville to check on status of engagement Olivia and Alex will check back with Banner Health with status By Whom By When Collective Action Lab Mary Ek and Patsy Riley Mary Ek Initiator Group with input from Champions Initiator Group TBD completed TBD completed August 1 TBD TBD July 1 Sandy Markwood Alex Clark Sarah Hoit Ian Kremer Olivia Mastry/Alex Clark “ “ “ “ 1 Arrange a call for Sarah, Katie, George, Olivia and Alex to discuss DFAi conversation with Boston mayor on 7/15 or 7/16 Patsy will look into a potential DFAi presentation at the Blues Plans Senior Market Work Group Meeting on July 22 in Chicago. Sandy will get more information on DFAi presenting at n4a conference Arrange conference call (send doodle) for Olivia, Sandy, Dawn, Patsy, Katie and Alex to discuss and plan for the n4a conference (July 11-15 in Philadelphia) Support resource enhancement for US audience once funding is clearer William Hu, Sarah Hoit and Michael Buckley to join the initiators group Create a DFAi Initiator’s roster with phone and email Send summary and the following assignment to DFA champions as interim work to and track feedback. Identify one or two additional organizations or thought leaders with the offer of making introductions to a member of the initiator’s group for follow up. Mary Ek June 17 Patsy Riley June 18 Sandy Markwood Mary Ek June 18 June 17 Mary Ek will coordinate Olivia Mastry/ Alex Clark Mary Ek DFA Champions with follow up by Mary Ek June 18 completed June 22 June 22 NEXT CALL DATE AND DETAILS: Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 4:00-5:00 p.m. (EST) Call in number: 888-602-6383 PIN 63201 Attachment A Potential and Confirmed Financial Support for Dementia Champions Initiative TOTAL FUNDS PLEDGED TO DATE: $400,000 Internal Champions Organization Follow - Up Status AARP Ian Kremer Make 2016 ask in summer Bank of America Ian Kremer Make 2016 ask in fall Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Frank Fernandez Eli Lilly George Vradenburg Make 2016 ask in fall LeadingAge Wayne Olson Pledged $50,000 National Alzheimer’s Association Olivia Mastry Pledged $50,000 National Association of Areas Agencies on Aging (N4A) Sandy Markwood $35,000 in-kind support (fiscal sponsor) National League of Cities Sandy Markwood Will follow up (5/26 call) Otsuka Pharmaceutical Companies David Digby Pledged $50,000 The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Sandy Markwood Will follow up (5/26 call) US Against Alzheimer’s (USA2), including the USA2 Women’s, George Vradenburg Pledged $50,000 Clergy, African American, and Latino Networks Volunteers of America Wayne Olson Pledged $50,000 Potential External Champions Alz Foundation of America Ian Kremer Open to providing technical assistance once we are further along in the initiative Actavis Ian Kremer Ian had initial conversation-expressed interest—socializing ASK doc internally. May have to go through grant process AHIP Frank Fernandez will explore Frank will reach out to “distant” contact Apple (Health Care Apps) George George will reach out to Bud Triddle and Mike O’Reilly Assisted Living Federation of America Ian Kremer Atlantic Philanthropies Olivia Mastry/Laurel Coleman -------------------------------------------------------Banner Health Olivia Mastry/Alex Clark In conversation, future involvement likely. Biogen Idec Ian Kremer Shared full Ask document—looking for a home in their organization, may take a while Bloomberg David Digby Ask documents are being internally routed and David will follow up during week of April 19 BrightFocus Foundation Ian Kremer Pledged $50,000 2 Brookdale Senior Living Catholic Health Initiative CliftonLarsonAllen CVS—Caremark George Vradenburg Olivia Mastry/Alex Clark Wayne Olson Pledge Direct Supply Wayne Olson East Tennessee Foundation (Pat Summit Foundation) Ian Kremer Family Caregiver Alliance GE Healthcare Olivia Mastry Alex Clark Good Samaritan Services Grantmakers in Aging Wayne Olson Katie Sloan Greystone Development (Texas) Home Instead Senior Care Wayne Olson Ian Kremer IBM Life Sciences Olivia Mastry and Alex Clark JP Morgan Mike Simmons Johnson & Johnson Ian Kremer KPMG-Life Sciences Group David Digby Kaiser Family Foundation Merck National Association of Community Foundations Sandy Markwood Ian Kremer George Vradenburg National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Ian Kremer National Council of LaRaza Pew Charitable Trusts Pharma Frank Fernandez will explore George Vradenburg Sandy Markwood Piramal Point Click Care Ian Kremer Wayne Olson Retirement Research Reynolds Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sanofi Sandy Markwood Sandy Markwood George Vradenburg Ian Kremer United Health Group Dawn Simonson, Alex Clark, Olivia US Bank Alex Walgreens Katie Sloan Will inquire and gauge interest In conversation, future involvement likely. No information Pledged $100,000 Olivia meeting with social responsibility person 5/26 to discuss potential role in pilot communities and retail side of work Spoke with second in command—very interested -------------------------------------------------------Initial contact with Kathy Kelly GE Healthcare not interested in dementia. GE Healthy Cities initiative could be pursued (George Vradenberg) Olivia, Alex and Katie met with them on April 16 – likely in-kind involvement and providing pathways into other foundations Ian and Alex had initial conversation— further discussing with senior leadership but there’s a high degree of interest First call; interest in Evaluation—will follow up in May Meeting scheduled for 3/25—will have update on 3/31(need new update) Shared full Ask document—looking for a home in their organization Has a lead and is working to secure a meeting, will follow up week of April 19 Will follow up (5/26 call) Shared ask documents -------------------------------------------------------Sent Ask documents, looking into it. May be able to offer outreach support. Frank will reach out to “distant” contact --------------------------------------------------Sandy has a second meeting scheduled with them- will follow up (5/26 call) A real long shot, provided information and discussions a couple months ago. Little follow up. Recently request for a “sponsorship packet.” Will follow up (5/26 call) Will follow up (5/26 call) ?????????????????? Shared full Ask document—looking for a home in their organization Had a good call with them, likely will engage and likely financial sponsorship Introduction made on 3/24. Will schedule conversation with Olivia Had conversation, feeling optimistic that it will lead to future involvement and potential pledge. 3 Weinberg Foundation Wells Fargo Sandy Markwood David Digby Zeigler Wayne Olson Will follow up (5/26 call) Resent Ask documents and will follow up week of April 19 Information is with the decision maker at the senior level. Trying to set meeting, but he is very interested in the conversation. PARKING LOT Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Caesars Foundation Chase Credit Card Services Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company® Commonwealth Fund Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. Investor Protection Trust Jacob & Valeria Langeloth Foundation John A. Hartford Foundation Fidelity Genentech Kaiser Permanente Met Life Microsoft Corp. MoneyGram New York Life Foundation NARF (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) PG&E Corp. Pfizer Rite Aid Rose Community Foundation Southwest Airlines Co. Texas Roadhouse Walmart Starbucks Target US Chamber of Commerce Western Union Attachment B Spokesperson List/Status 4 Individual David Satcher Government Feasibility/ Reachability High Tom Daschle Government High Provides diversity, clinician view Great for DC audience Trent Lott Government High Great for DC audience George Bill Frist Government High Great for DC audience George John Engler (former Michigan governor, president of Business Roundtable) Michael Bloomberg Government Unclear on his Alz connection/interest George Government Low Good add as ex-mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (former Los Angeles Mayor) Marty Walsh (Boston Mayor) Government Low Good add as ex-mayor Government Katie Muriel Bowser (DC Mayor) Government Sandy Ed Lee (San Francisco Mayor) Government Mike & Alex Rushern Baker IV (Prince George’s County) Ike Legget (Montgomery County Executive) Government George Sent invite—has call into him Government Ian Working with BrightFocus to reach out—will meet with Ike’s advisor’s to determine how to best frame the invitation (trying to both pilot community and Santa Clara County Executive Government Mike Bryan Deslog (Leon County (FL) Commissioner / Asst. Executive of NACO) Murial Bowser (Washington DC Mayor) Shirley Franklin (former Atlanta Mayor) Government Sandy Government Sandy Government (former) Media/Entertain ment Media/Entertain ment Media/Entertain ment Media/Entertain ment Media/Entertain ment Media/Entertain ment Business/Other Alex Diane Rehm B Smith/Dan ? Martha Stewart Meredith Vieira Lisa Genova (author, Still Alice) Julianne Moore Dick Parsons (former chairman of Citigroup, former CEO of Time Warner) Howard Schultz (CEO of Starbucks) John Roberts (CEO of CVS Pharmacy) or Retail CEO Sector Comments Contact Owner George George High Medium-high Low George Widely known name, worked in NYC on Alz Has been touched by disease Sheila Burke will send inviteGeorge has called back Sheila Burke will send invite— George has called back Interested-would like more information re time commitment— George has called back and needs to follow up Katie George High Status George will reach out when she is feeling better Sent invite via Drew Holzapfel Katie Maryl Comber David Digby Was out of country, will follow up Maybe a connection via ACT George/Mary Sent invite Most visible from brand perspective Alex Sent invite-spoke to assistant and Howard has seen documents. No word yet. Yes, either president of minute clinics or CMO will likely serve as spokesperson High Business/Other Low Business/Other Med-High Olivia meeting in late May 5