SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY IMPERIAL VALLEY CAMPUS Geography 321: United States Instructor: Ph.D. Pablo Gonzalez-Reyes Schedule #: 60017 Room A-3, Monday 19:25-22:05 SYLLABUS Purpose of course This course uses a regional perspective to provide students with a broad overview of the United States. In addition to focusing on particular regions of the country, we will touch on issues related to physical environments and resource conservation, economic organization of territory, demographics, and geographic patterns of cultural characteristics and social practices. The semester's goal is to familiarize students with the many landscapes of the United States and to develop critical insights into the past, present, and future of the country. Required text Hardwick, S.W., F.M. Shelley, and D.G. Holtgrieve 2013. The Geography of North America: environment, political economy, and culture, 2nd ed. Pearson: Boston, Mass. ISBN: 978-0-321-76967-1 (U.S. portions only). Other readings will be assigned and made available through blackboard. Grading system Students will receive a course grade based on the accumulation of points throughout the semester. There are a total of 400 points available. Points 384-400 364-383 344-363 Grade A AB+ 324-343 304-323 284-303 264-283 244-263 Three examinations (70 pts. each) Class attendance Take home assignments Term paper TOTAL B BC+ C C210 points 90 points 40 points 60 points 400 points Attendance and class participation All students, regardless of their standing in the course, are expected to keep pace with assigned readings, attend class, and contribute to group discussions. In addition to maximizing class participation points, regular attendance will reduce the amount of time you need to spend preparing for exams. During the semester, there will be two examinations and a final exam (short answers, multiple choice, and essay questions). Any student who misses more than three class sessions will forfeit their 50 points. Pop questions will be given in class. Make-up exams will only be given in dire circumstances and must be arranged prior to the scheduled exam time. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Date Topic 1 / 27 Introduction (Hardwick, 1) (Getis, 1) 2/3 Physical Features of the United States (Hardwick, 2) (Getis, 2) 2 / 10 Historical Settlement of the United States (Hardwick, 3) (Getis, 3) 2 / 17 The United Economy 2 / 24 Cities and Megalopolis 3/3 First exam / Neighborhoods 3 / 10 The Atlantic Periphery / The Great Lakes and Corn Belt (Hardwick, 5 & 8) 3 / 17 The Great Plains / The Rocky Mountains (Hardwick, 11 & 12) States Readings & chapters Political (Hardwick, 4) (Hardwick, 7) (Getis, 9) (Getis, ch. 10) 3 / 24 The Intermontane West / The Pacific Northwest 3 / 31 - 4 / 4 Spring recess South / 4/7 The Inland Southeast 4 / 14 Second exam / Alaska / Hawaii (Hardwick, 17 & 18) 4 / 21 Mexamerica / California (Hardwick, 14 & 15) on The (Hardwick, 13 & 16) 4 / 28 Human Impact Environment the 5/5 The Future of the United States. Term paper due 5 / 12 Final exam (Hardwick, 9 & 10) (Getis, 12) (Hardwick, 19)