Sexual Behavior
Biological Basis of Sex
Sexual Behavior and Response
Sexual Dysfunctions
Preventing HIV/AIDS
Biological Basis of Sex
Female Anatomy
• Vulva: The female external genital organs.
• Mons Veneris: The mound of fatty tissue that covers the joint of
the pubic bones and cushions the female during intercourse.
• Vagina: The tubular female sexual organ that receives the penis
during intercourse and through which the baby pauses during
• Cervix: The lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.
• Uterus: The pear-shaped female reproductive organ in which
the fertilized ovum implants and develops during childbirth.
Female Anatomy
Female Anatomy
• Fallopian Tubes: The straw like tubes through which
the ovum passes between the ovaries and the uterus.
• Ovaries: Female reproductive organs that produce
ova and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
• Clitoridectomy: Removal of the clitoris.
• A clitoridectomy is a rite of initiation into womanhood
in predominately Islamic cultures in Africa and the
middle east. The removal of the clitoris represents
an attempt to ensure the girl’s chastity.
Male Anatomy
• Penis: The male organ that serves as a
conduit for sperm during ejaculation and urine
during urination.
• Testes: Males reproductive organs that
produce sperm cells and male sex hormones.
• Scrotum: A pouch of loose skins that houses
the testes.
Male Anatomy
Male Anatomy
• Sperm: Male germ cell
• Semen: The whitish fluid that carries sperm.
• Testosterone: A male sex hormone that promotes
development of male sexual characteristics and has
activating effects on sexual arousal.
• Prostate: A male reproductive organ that produces
Sex Hormones and Sexual Behavior
• The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone.
• Estrogen: A generic term for several female sex hormones
that foster growth of female sex characteristics and
regulate the menstrual cycle.
• Progesterone: A female sex hormone that promotes growth
of the sex organs, helps maintain pregnancy, and is also
involved in regulation of the menstrual cycle.
• Menstruation: The monthly shedding of the inner lining of
the uterus by women who are not pregnant.
Sex Hormones and Sexual Behavior
• Sexual behavior among many lower animals is
almost completely governed by hormones. Sex
hormones have organizing and activating effects.
• An organizing effect would be the hormones
predisposing lower animals toward masculine or
feminine mating patterns.
• An activating effect would stimulation of the sex
drive and facilitation of the sexual response.
Sex Hormones and Sexual Behavior
• Testosterone in adulthood apparently activates masculine
behavior patterns.
• Men who are castrated or given drugs that decrease
testosterone in the blood stream, they show a gradual loss
of sexual desire.
• Testosterone stokes sexual desire in both men and
• Sex hormones promote the differentiation of our sex
organs in a masculine or feminine direction. As adults, we
may need certain levels of sex hormones to become
sexually aroused.
Sexual Behavior and
Varieties in Sexual Expression…
• In our society, there exist a large variety of sexual
behaviors and contraceptive methods.
• 24.7% of men and 7.6% of women report
masturbating at least once monthly.
• 70% of people report experience with oral sex.
• 26% of men and 20% of women have some
experience with anal intercourse.
Varieties in Sexual Expression…
• Ten to twenty percent of married couples
report engaging in sexual intercourse a few
times a year whereas 30% report a frequency
of 2-3 times per week.
Methods of Contraception
• Issues to consider when choosing contraception:
Moral Acceptability
Sharing responsibility
Protection against STDs
The Sexual Response Cycle
• The sexual response cycle is characterized by
vasocongestion and myotonia.
• Vasocongestion: Engorgement of blood vessels
with blood, which swells the genitals and breasts
during sexual arousal.
• Myotonia: Muscle tension.
• The sexual response cycle consists of four
phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and
Excitement Phase
• Excitement Phase: The first phase of the sexual
response cycle, which is characterized by erection in
the male, vaginal lubrication in the female, myotonia,
and increases in heart rate in both males and females.
• In the excitement phase, men experience an erection,
the scrotal skin thickens and the testes become
• In women, the vagina becomes lubricated, the clitoris
swells and flattens. The breasts enlarge and blood
vessels near the surface become more prominent.
Plateau Phase
• Plateau Phase: the second phase of the sexual
response cycle, which is characterized by increases in
vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood
pressure in preparation for orgasm.
• In the plateau phase, breathing becomes rapid, like
panting. Heart rate may increase to 100 to 160 beats
per minute.
• In men the head of the penis shows some size
increase and in women, the outer part of the vagina
swells, contracting the vaginal opening in preparation
for grasping the penis.
Orgasmic Phase
• Orgasmic Phase: The third phase of the
sexual response cycle, which is characterized
by pelvic contractions and accompanied by
intense pleasure.
• In the male, semen collects at the base of the
penis and muscle contractions propel the
ejaculate out of the body.
• Orgasm in the female is manifested in 3 to 15
contractions of the pelvic muscles that
surround the vaginal barrel.
Resolution Phase
• Resolution Phase: The fourth phase of
the sexual response cycle, during which
the body gradually returns to its
prearoused state. Unlike women, men
enter a refractory period.
• Refractory period: A period of time
following orgasm during which an
individual is not responsive to further
sexual stimulation.
Sexual Response
• Rape: Forced sexual intercourse.
• 4 out of 5 rapes are committed by people
the victims know.
• More than one out of three men in one study
admitted to coercing women into sexual
Why do Men Rape Women?
• Some social scientists argue that rape is often
a man’s way of expressing social dominance
over women.
• Alcohol figures prominently in rape.
• American culture socializes men into
becoming rapists by reinforcing males for
aggressiveness and competitive behavior.
• Men may misread women’s resistance as a
game of playing hard to get.
• Men may delude themselves into thinking that
“women actually want it.”
Myths About Rape
• In the United States there are many myths
about rape…myths that blame the victim.
• Examples include “the woman is partly to
blame if she dressed in a provocative
manner.” or “women like to be talked into
sex.” or “women say no but actually mean
• Men who support traditional, rigidly defined
gender roles are more likely to blame the
victims of rape.
Pathway to Sexual
Preventing Rape
• From a sociocultural perspective,
preventing rape involves publicly
examining and challenging widely held
attitudes that contribute to rape.
• On a personal level, there are things that
women can do to protect themselves
such as establishing signals with women
in your local area, keeping windows
locked, avoiding deserted areas and not
talking to strange men on the street.
Preventing Date Rape
• Communicate your sexual limits to your date.
• Meet new dates in public places, and avoid
driving with someone you’ve just met.
• State your refusal in definitive terms.
• Become aware of your fears.
• Pay attention to your “vibes.”
• Be cautious if you are in a new environment.
• If you’ve recently broken off a relationship
with someone, don’t let him into your place.
• Stay sober and see that your date does too.
Sexual Dysfunctions
Types of Sexual Dysfunctions
• Sexual dysfunctions: Persistent, recurring
problems in becoming sexually aroused or reaching
• Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: A sexual
dysfunction characterized by lack of interest in
sexual activity.
• Female sexual arousal disorder: A sexual
dysfunction characterized by difficulty in becoming
sexually aroused, as defined by vaginal lubrication,
or sustaining arousal long enough to engage in
satisfying sexual relations.
Types of Sexual Dysfunctions
• Male erectile disorder: A sexual dysfunction
characterized by repeated difficulty
becoming sexually aroused, as defined by
failure to achieve or sustain erection.
• Orgasmic disorder: A sexual dysfunction in
which one has difficulty reaching orgasm,
although on has become sufficiently
sexually aroused.
• Premature ejaculation: Rapid ejaculation
that occurs with minimal sexual stimulation.
Causes of Sexual Dysfunctions
• Many cases of sexual dysfunctions
reflect biological problems. Fatigue,
diabetes and drugs can all impair
sexual performance.
• Female sexual arousal disorder more
commonly has psychological causes.
Sex Therapy
• Reducing performance anxiety
• Changing self-defeating attitudes and
• Teaching sexual skills.
• Enhancing sexual knowledge.
• Improving sexual communication.
Preventing STDs
STD Stats
• There are nearly 3 million new Chlamydia
infections in the United States each year.
• Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is estimated to
be present in 1/3 of college women and 8% of
men aged 15 to 49.
• It is estimated that throughout the world,
15,000 people contract HIV.
Preventing HIV/AIDS and
other STDs
Preventing STDs
• Don’t ignore the threat of STDs.
• Practice Abstinence.
• Engage in a monogamous relationship with
someone who is not infected.
• Practice safer sex.
• Don’t use oral sex as an alternative.
• Talk to your doctor if you think you might be
• When in doubt if the sex is safe…stop.
To the Instructor:
• The preceding slides are intended to provide
you a base upon which to build your
presentation for Chapter 13 of Nevid’s
Psychology and the Challenges of Life.
• For further student and instructor resources
including images from the textbook, quizzes,
flashcard activities and e-Grade plus, please
visit our website:
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