(A) Essential Question

Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
- English II Pre-AP – Agenda – 5th Cycle
Essential Question:
Which take precedence: divine laws or humanity’s laws?
Due Today:
 Read and annotate Antigone – finish Scene I and Ode I;
Scene II and Ode II
Annotations Check
Antigone – Review Scene II and Ode II
Antigone – Read Scene III/Ode III/Scene IV/Ode IV
Introduce LOGOS/ETHOS –
from Letter from a Birmingham Jail packet
 Read and annotate Antigone – finish the rest of the play –
Scene V/Paean/Exodus
 Bring back National Board Permission Slip
 Finish Logos and Ethos from MLK Packet
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Essential Question:
Do citizens have a duty to defy unjust laws at all costs?
Due Today:
 Research Proposal due to Turnitin.com by 11:59pm
Tuesday night (10/20)
 Greek Theatre Notes (from PPT)
 National Board Release Handout
 Oedipus questions
5. Journal – To Obey or not to Obey???
What does ‘justice’ mean to you? Are there any laws that you
think are unjust? Do people have any obligations when faced
with unjust laws?
6. Oedipus questions and review
7. Antigone – Intro/Prologue/Parados/Scene I/
 Read and annotate Antigone – finish Scene I and Ode I;
Scene II and Ode II
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Bring back National Board Permission Slip
 Research Proposal due to Turnitin.com by 11:59pm
Tuesday night (10/20)
Essential Question:
What did the oral tradition of storytelling evolve into?
Due Today:
 Nothing is due today
1. National Board Release Handout – take the National Board
Release Permission slip home, have your parents read it and
sign whether they are willing to allow me to use your work for
my national board study or not. Bring it back for an easy 100.
2. Journal – Response to Disconnect series:
View the photo gallery at:
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
It showcases pictures of people with their smartphones edited
What do these pictures say about our society and how we
communicate about each other?
3. Research Project Introduction – A Modest Proposal Handout –
Read the handout and the topics/questions. For homework:
Write your proposal and turn it in to Turnitin.com by 11:59
Tuesday night.
4. Introduction to Greek Theatre – Greek Theatre Notes and PPT
5. Oedipus story and questions – read the story and answer the
questions in your journal in a small group.
 Bring back National Board Permission Slip
 Make sure to complete & study Greek Theatre Notes –
quiz next week
 Research Proposal due to Turnitin.com by 11:59pm
Tuesday night (10/20)
 Finish Oedipus questions
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Essential Question:
How familiar am I with Epics and Archetypes?
Due Today:
 Figurative Language Illustrations
1. PSAT (A-day only)/PSAT Prep (B-day only)
2. Hero’s Journey – Film Study (Star Wars Episode IV)
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Keep your Star Wars hero’s journey worksheet – we’ll
finish it as we watch the film
Essential Question:
What’s on the PSAT?
Due Today:
 Figurative Language Illustrations
1. Iliad/Gilgatest
2. Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope – Film Study and
 Test Thurs/Fri over Iliad, Gilgamesh, Epics, Heroes, and
Archetypes – use your study guide and packet to study.
Essential Question:
How is figurative language different in ancient literature?
Due Today:
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Figurative Language Worksheet
1. Figurative Language & The Iliad
2. Figurative Language Posters
3. Review for Thurs/Fri test over: The Iliad, The Gilgamesh Epic,
Nature of the Hero, The Epic, All Archetypes (your packet)
 Test Thurs/Fri over Iliad, Gilgamesh, Epics, Heroes, and
Archetypes – use your study guide and packet to study.
Essential Question:
What information is passed down in epics?
Due Today:
 None
1. AP-style group quiz
2. Figurative Language & The Iliad
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Test Thurs/Fri over Iliad, Gilgamesh, Epics, Heroes, and
Archetypes – use your study guide and packet to study.
We’ll review next week.
 Finish The Iliad figurative language worksheet for
homework if you didn’t finish in class
Essential Question:
What information is passed down in epics?
Due Today:
 Completed Chapter 24 from Iliad study guide
 Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet
1. Socratic Seminar – Are Epics and Heroes Still Relevant?
 Test next week over Iliad, Gilgamesh, Epics, Heroes, and
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Essential Question:
What information is passed down in epics?
Due Today:
 Completed Chapter 22 from Iliad study guide
Review Archetype Boxes Activity
Finish Reading The Iliad
Finish your study guide
Prepare for Socratic Seminar
 Finish Iliad study guide and prepare for your Socratic
Seminar next class!!!
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Essential Question:
Why do heroes go on quests?
Due Today:
 Completed Chapters 1, 3, & 6 from Iliad study guide
1. Reading Check Books 1-6 + Greek Vocabulary
2. Scenes from Troy – Achilles vs Boargus; Achilles vs Hector; Paris
vs. Menelaus (can all be found on you tube)
3. Archetypes – What characters do we come across in epics?
Where have we seen them before?
4. Archetype – a model situation (think plot), setting, or type of
character which commonly shows up in literature and film.
5. Begin ‘Archetype Boxes’ Activity – For each of the archetypes,
write their characteristics in the left box. Write examples that
you know of in the right box.
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
6. Read Book 22 from The Iliad and finish your study guide.
 Finish Archetypes boxes activity and reading The Iliad Book
 Socratic Seminar Wednesday
Essential Question:
What is the nature of a hero?
Due Today:
 Greek Vocab Chart
1. Quickwrite – What is the author’s main point in the passage
‘Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not)’. How does the
author make his point? Do you agree with what the author
says? Why or why not?
2. The Epic – What characteristics make an epic an EPIC?
3. List of characters – in our journals begin a list of who each
character’s name is, what side they are on, and what they do
4. Read, as a class, Book 1 – The Quarrel
5. Answer questions from Book 1 on your study guide
6. Begin reading Books 3 & 6 – finish for HW and complete study
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Read Books 3 & 6 and answer the corresponding questions
in your Iliad study guide
 Reading Check and Vocab Quiz next Class!!!!
Essential Question:
What is the nature of a hero?
Due Today:
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Thematic Gilgamesh Poster
1. Gilgamesh poster presentations
2. The Epic Hero –
Take your set of pictures. Each of the pictures represents a
characteristic of the epic hero.
Label the picture based on the characteristic of a hero you
think it represents.
Once you are through – In your journal, explain what you think
is happening in each one and what it has to do with the epic
3. Hand out Epic and Heroes Packet
4. Read ‘The Nature of the Hero’ and discuss the characteristics of
a hero
5. Intro to the Trojan War
6. Greek Vocab Worksheet
7. Set up Character List for The Iliad
8. We did not begin the book today
 Finish Greek Vocab for next class!
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Essential Question:
What is the nature of a hero?
Due Today:
 Nothing
1. Quickwrite – ‘What’s a Hero’?
Paragraph 1 – Write 1 or 2 paragraphs describing your
definition of a hero. Give examples from life or literature to
support the traits you describe.
Paragraph 2 – Do you think the main character of your summer
reading book is a hero? Explain in 1-2 paragraphs.
2. Read The Gilgamesh Epic in Adventures in World Literature first as a class, then in groups of two
3. Thematic Statement Posters
 None
Essential Question:
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
How does ancient literature contribute to the modern era?
Due Today:
 Nothing
PSAT Warm-Up & Practice (warm up #6)
Finish Gilgamesh Intro Video - Annenberg Foundation Video
Return to KWL chart and discuss what you’ve learned
Read The Gilgamesh Epic in our class textbook
Quickwrite – ‘What’s a Hero’?
Paragraph 1 – Write 1 or 2 paragraphs describing your
definition of a hero. Give examples from life or literature to
support the traits you describe.
Paragraph 2 – Do you think the main character of your summer
reading book is a hero? Explain in 1-2 paragraphs.
 None
Essential Question:
Why is feedback invaluable to the writing process?
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Due Today:
 Bring a computer if you have one
1. Summer Assignment Work Time
2. KWL chart (in journal) – What do you know about Gilgamesh?
What do you want to know about Gilgamesh?
3. George Smith and the Discovery of Gilgamesh – Article and
4. Gilgamesh Intro Video - Annenberg Foundation Video
 Final Summer Assignment Due to Turnitin.com by
September 12th at 11:59
Essential Question:
Why is feedback invaluable to the writing process?
Due Today:
 Bring a computer
 Bring retyped, revised, and reprinted DJs and
Schaffer for editing workshop
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
Peer Editing Workshop – How it works.
Peer Editing Workshop – Summer Assignment
Summer Assignment Work Time
Introduce Gilgamesh - Annenberg Foundation Video
 Final Summer Assignment Due to Turnitin.com by
September 12th at 11:59
Essential Question:
How can I use the revising process for maximum benefit?
Due Today:
 ‘History of Literacy’ due to Turnitin.com
1. Hand back blue books
2. Revisiting and Reviewing Schaffer Format
3. Work as a class to construct a related materials Schaffer using
Baby and Stay
4. Revision Workshop – Summer Assignment
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Revise, retype, print (or rewrite) your Summer Assignment
Schaffer and DJs for Peer Editing Workshop next class
 Final Summer Assignment Due to Turnitin.com by
September 12th at 11:59
 Bring computer to next class if you have one
Essential Question:
How can I use the revising process for the maximum benefit?
Due Today:
 Self-introduction based on ‘History of Literacy’
 You should be signed up for Turnitin.com
Check HW
Thematic Statements are Alive! Review of ThemStats
The Writer’s Workshop – Revising Workshop
Revising Workshop ‘History of Literacy’ Intro
Sign up for Turnitin.com and work on final ‘HoL’ Draft
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 ‘History of Literacy’ Intro due to Turnitin.com by 11:59
 Final Summer Assignment Due to Turnitin.com by
September 12th at 11:59
Essential Question:
Where am I in regards to reading and writing; how did I get
Due Today:
 Writer’s Notebook should be finished/prepared
 Summer Assignment book should be with you®
1. Writer’s Choice – 10 minute write
2. Book Chats Revisited – discuss some of the major themes of
your novel and the evidence you used to prove them.
3. Reflection – What’s your takeaway from your summer reading?
4. Using ‘History of Literacy’ Questionnaire, introduce yourself to
me. You can use letter, essay, or narrative form. This should be
a minimum of one page (2 pages in your composition book).
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Sign up for your class period on Turnitin.com
 Revise your ‘History of Literacy’ introduction and write it
nicely or type and print it for next class.
Essential Question:
What are the expectations for my writing this year?
Due Today:
 Summer Assignment Blue Books (last day for full
credit) Signed Honor Code
 Composition Book for Writer’s Workshop
 Be signed up for my website
 Summer Assignment book should be with you®
Partner Clocks
Set up Writer’s Journal
6-word Memoirs
‘History of Literacy’ Questionnaire
Summer Assignment Book Groups
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
 Signed Honor Code Due Next Class
 Finish ‘History of Literacy’ at home
Essential Question:
How can I get the most out of my courses this year?
Due Today:
Summer Assignment Blue Books
1. Seating Game – Order yourself in desks in reverse of the order
of your first name. The desks are numbered 1-34; therefore,
the last name alphabetically should be in the first desk.
2. Personal Info Index Card
3. Class Handouts and Policies
4. Summer Assignment Reading Quiz
5. Turn-in Summer Assignment blue books
-Bring composition book for next class
-Bring signed handouts for next class
-Bring summer reading book next class for book
Last Updated: October 21st, 2015
-Bring Summer Assignment Materials (if you didn’t the
1st day)
-Subscribe to my class website