“THE BEST SAFEGUARD AGAINST FASCISM IS TO ESTABLISH SOCIAL JUSTICE TO THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE EXTENT.” ~ARNOLD TOYNBEE (1976) THE SINGLE CLENCHED FIST LIFTED AND READY OR THE OPEN ASKING HAND HELD OUT AND WAITING. CHOOSE: FOR WE MEET BY ONE OR THE OTHER. -CARL SANDBURG SOCIAL JUSTICE The term 'social justice' implies fairness and mutual obligation in society: that we are responsible for one another, and that we should ensure that all have equal chances to succeed in life. Social justice is defined as "... promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity." It exists when "all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment and support for their human rights” In conditions of social justice, people are "not be discriminated against, nor their welfare and well-being constrained or prejudiced on the basis of gender, religion, political affiliations, age, race, belief, disability, location, social class, socioeconomic circumstances, or other characteristic of background or group membership" (Toowoomba Catholic Education, 2006). HUMANISM: • a : devotion to the humanities and literary culture • b : the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance • c: a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason •Humanism is a philosophy focused upon human means for comprehending reality. Humanists make no claims to possess or have access to supposed transcendent know •Humanism is a philosophy of reason and science in the pursuit of knowledge. •Humanism is one of those philosophies for people who think for themselves. There is no area of thought that a Humanist is afraid to challenge and explore. Source: http://americanhumanist.org YOUR JOB IS TO WRITE AN APA PAPER THAT: • 1) addresses a humanitarian issue: these is not specifically limited to issues of social justice, per se, but it must tangentially be connected to improving the lives of people somehow. • 2) the paper must address a current issue and be rooted in the facts of that issue • 3) the paper must be important to you • 4) the paper must suggest possibilities to ameliorate or solve the problem at hand. HOMEWORK FOR UNTIL AFTER EASTER BREAK •List as many possibilities for research as you can to prepare for the writing of the paper. SOCIAL JUSTICE SPEAKS OUT ABOUT • • • • • • Civil Rights Genocide Hate crimes Inequality Economic disparity Global Crises