Forensic Science Study Guide: Chapters 1-14


Forensic Science Study Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Forensic Science

Define forensic science

Identify the major contributors to the development of forensic science

Describe the services of a forensic crime laboratory

Identify the specialized forensic specialties (pathology, anthropology, entomology, psychiatry, odontology, engineering)

Chapter 2 – The Crime Scene

Describe the steps taken by the first officer at a crime scene

Explain the steps taken to thoroughly record and process a crime scene

Understand the chain of custody

Chapter 3 - Physical Evidence

Define physical evidence

Understand the difference between identification and comparison of physical evidence

Define and contrast individual and class characteristics

Chapter 4 – Analysis of Glass

Identify the composition of glass

Define and understand the propertied of density and refractive index

Understand how to examine and identify glass fractures

Chapter 8 – Forensic Serology

List the A B O antigens and antibodies found in the four blood types

Understand and describe how blood is typed

List and describe the tests used to identify and characterize a stain as blood

List and describe the methods used to interpret bloodstain patterns

Chapter 9 – DNA

Describe tandem repeats and explain how they can be identified by restriction fragment length polymorphorisms (RFLP)

Indicate how short tandem repeats and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are different from RFLP

Chapter 14 – Fingerprinting

Identify the three fundamental principles of fingerprinting

Know the common ridge characteristics of a fingerprint

Distinguish between the three major fingerprint patterns and their respective subclasses

Distinguish between visible, plastic, and latent fingerprints

List the techniques for developing and lifting latent fingerprints
