Patient Assessment: Respiratory System NUR 409 Fall 2014-2015 3/22/2016 1 OUT LINE a. b. c. Regulation of respiration.. Assessment: HX. PE. Diagnostic studies. 3/22/2016 2 Regulation of Respiration *Respiratory Center a. Pons= controls rate & depth of inspiration. b. Medulla Oblongata= control rhythm of respiration. ** Chemoreceptor a. Center-medulla oblongata: Monitor arterial blood indirectly by sensing changes in the PH of CSF. Sensitive to very small changes in PH. Increased levels of CO2= low PH== stimulates respiratory center to increase depth & rate of ventilation. 3/22/2016 3 b. Peripheral: aortic bodies & carotid bodies) Located in aortic bodies of aortic arch & carotid bodies at bifurcation of the carotids. Primarily sensitive to changes in O2 levels in the arterial blood, do detect changes in CO2 & PH. As PaO2 & PH decrease= peripheral chemo-receptors stimulate respiratory center to increase ventilation. 3/22/2016 4 Peripheral chemoreceptors not sensitive as central chemoreceptors PaO2 must drop to approximately 60 mmHg before the peripheral chemoreceptors have much influence on ventilation. It become the major stimulus to ventilation when center chemoreceptors are reset by chronic hypoventilation. 3/22/2016 5 Assessment of Respiratory Functions Health History: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Dyspnea, Orthopnea, PND. Cough,Throat soreness. Sputum Production. Chest pain (pleuritic, intercostal, generalized chest pain). Habit HX (smoking). Occupational exposure to allergens/ environmental pollutants. Past personal/ family health HX. Voice changes. Fatigue & weight changes. medication 3/22/2016 6 Sputum production Yellow, green, or brown sputum typically signifies bacterial infection. clear or white sputum may signify absence of bacterial infection. The color comes from white blood cells in the sputum. Rust-colored sputum (yellow sputum mixed with blood) may signify tuberculosis. 3/22/2016 7 Sputum production Mucoid, viscid, or blood-streaked sputum is often a sign of a viral infection. Persistent slightly blood-streaked sputum is present in patients with carcinoma. Large amounts of clotted blood are present in the sputum of patients who have suffered a pulmonary infarct. 3/22/2016 8 Cough cough can be stimulated by external agents, by inflammation of the respiratory mucosa, or by pressure on an airway caused by a tumor. caused by smoking, allergies, heartburn, asthma, and certain medicationsfrom the patient about the cough should include onset, precipitating factors, timing, frequency, and whether the cough is productive or non. 3/22/2016 9 Past Medical History Any lung problems such as asthma or TB? Exposure to lung disease? Any chest surgery or diagnostic studies? How many pillows do you use to sleep? Allergies? History of smoking? Medications? Vaccine? Any O2 use at home? 3/22/2016 10 Risk factors Smoking ◦ Pack years = #of pack/day x # of years Personal / family history Occupation Allergens Recreational exposure 3/22/2016 11 Assessment ◦ LOOK - LISTEN - FEEL Look for Symmetry of Chest Expansion Look for Signs of Increased Respiratory Effort Look for Changes in Skin Color Listen for Air Movement at Mouth & Nose Listen for Air Movement in Peripheral Lung Fields Feel for Air Movement at Mouth & Nose Feel for Symmetry of Chest Expansion 3/22/2016 12 Physical assessment Ch. Ch of respirations: Respiratory rate, depth, and pattern of respiration Labored breathing, use of accessory muscles Cyanosis of skin A/P diameter of chest, and patient posture Chest expansion 3/22/2016 13 Physical assessment Retractions: subclavicular, Substernal, intercostals. Breathing Sounds. Sputum. Mental status. V/S. Chest deformities or scars IE ratio Position of trachea. 3/22/2016 14 Assess Signs of Respiratory Distress Nasal Flaring Tracheal Tugging Retractions Accessory Muscle Use Use of Abdominal Muscles on Exhalation 3/22/2016 15 Inspection of Chest: Kyphosis, scoliosis, barrel chest. 3/22/2016 16 Inspect Clubbing of the fingers 3/22/2016 17 Palpation Tactile fremitus Subcutaneous emphysema Thoracic expansion Trachea 3/22/2016 18 Palpation 3/22/2016 19 Palpation Symmetric expansion- place hands of postero-lateral chest wall with thumbs at level of T9 or T10; Slide hands medially to pinch up a small fold of skin between thumb; have person take a deep breath your thumbs should move apart symmetrically 3/22/2016 20 Percussion Flat percussion note is a soft, high-pitched sound. It is more likely to be heard if a large pleural effusion is present in the lung beneath the examining hand. Dull percussion note is medium in intensity and pitch. It is heard if atelectasis or consolidation due to pneumonia, pulmonary edema, or pulmonary hemorrhage. A tympanic drumlike sound is a high-pitched noise heard if asthma or a large pneumothorax is present. See Table (24-1). 3/22/2016 21 Percussion 3/22/2016 22 Percussion 3/22/2016 23 Auscultation Tracheal breath sounds ◦ Over trachea, loud and harsh Bronchial breath sounds :Air in large passageways, ◦ Over large airways they are normal; anywhere else they are not normal Bronchovesicular breath sounds ◦ Medium in pitch; heard over bronchioles Vesicular breath sounds: air filling the alveolar sacs ◦ Heard over distal airway; quiet, low pitched 3/22/2016 24 Respiratory Sounds Auscultation: ◦ Throat ◦ Intercostal spaces ◦ Triangle of auscultation ◦ Under the clavicle 3/22/2016 25 Auscultation a. Evaluate the presence and quality of normal breath sounds. b. With flat diaphragm of stethoscope listen at least one full respiration in each location c. Compare side to side and top to bottom ( Go from left to right and then down or from right to left and then down d. analyze breath sounds e. detect any abnormal sounds f. examine sounds produced by spoken word 3/22/2016 26 Ausculatation 3/22/2016 27 Voice sounds ◦ Assessed when abnormalities noted ◦ Increased when sound travels through solid or liquid Consolidation of lung, pneumonia, atelectasis, pleural effusion, tumor, abscess ◦ Bronchophony: 99 – loud and clear ◦ Whispered Pectriloquy: 1, 2, 3 – loud ◦ Egophony – ‘E’ – heard as an ‘A’ 3/22/2016 28 Adventitious Sounds Snoring respiration ◦ Upper Airway ◦ Partial obstruction of the upper airway by the tongue Stridor ◦ High pitched crowing sound ◦ Usually heard on inspiration ◦ Indication of a tight upper airway 3/22/2016 29 Adventitious Sounds Wheezing ◦ Whistling sound ◦ Usually heard on expiration ◦ Indication of narrowing of lower airways caused by: Bronchospasm Edema Foreign material 3/22/2016 30 Adventitious Sounds Rhonchi ◦ Rattling sound ◦ Caused by mucus in larger airways Rales ◦ Fine crackling sound ◦ Indication of fluid in the alveoli 3/22/2016 31 Crackles Indicate Atelectasis Bronchitis Pneumonia Pulmonary edema Pulmonary fibrosis (dry crackles 3/22/2016 32 Pulse Oximetry 3/22/2016 33 PaO2 and O2 saturation PaO2 is the partial pressure of O2-measures O2 dissolved in the plasma 3% of arterial oxygen content. O2 Saturation measures the amount of Hgb saturated with oxygen. 97% of arterial content 3/22/2016 34 Pulse Oximetry a. b. c. d. Measure O2 sat which reflects the arterial oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SaO2). N value (93%-99%). Reading is unreliable if pt: On vasoconstrictor meds. Has severe anemia. Use IV dyes. Smokers who have high levels of carboxyhemoglobin. 3/22/2016 35 Pulse Oximetry Percentage of O2 saturation =Amount of O2 Hgb is carrying /amount of O2 Hgb can cary (amount of O2 Hgb can cary =1.34) 3/22/2016 36 Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve Shows relationship between PaO2 and O2 saturation These two values trend in the same direction Curve allows us to estimate PaO2 based on noninvasive peripheral O2 saturation. If the curve is shifted to the Rt it means decrease affinity & increase perfusion. If the curve is shifted to the Lt it means increase affinity & decrease perfusion. 3/22/2016 37 3/22/2016 38 PaO2 and O2 saturation •it means increase affinity & decrease perfusion. Right shift Acidosis Hyperthermia •it means decrease affinity & increase perfusion. Hypercarbia Left shift Alkalosis Hypothermia Hypocarbia 3/22/2016 39 Factors That Affect the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve Right shift Left shift Acidosis Hyperthermia Hypercarbia Alkalosis Hypothermia Hypocarbia 3/22/2016 40 Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve Clinical implications ◦ Right shift more common in high acuity patients ◦ Body temperature can be controlled to reduce oxygen consumption Table 33-7 Conditions That Alter Oxygen Consumption End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (ETCO2) Measures the levels of CO2 at the end of expiration when the percentage of CO2 dissolved in the arterioles (PaCO2) becomes almost equivalent to percentage of alveolar CO2 (PaCO2). Therefore, ETCO2 can be used to estimate levels of alveolar CO2. Used to estimate PaCO2. 3/22/2016 43 ETCO2 ETCO2 values are obtained by monitoring samples of expired gas from an endotracheal tube, an oral airway, or a nasopharyngeal airway. 3/22/2016 44 Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) a parameter that can be measured to evaluate the balance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand. For complete mixing of the blood, it is necessary to obtain a blood sample from a pulmonary artery catheter. Normal mixed venous oxygen saturation is 60% to 80% An SvO2 of 40% to 60% may occur in heart failure, and values less than 40% may indicate profound shock. A decrease in SvO2 often occurs before other hemodynamic changes 3/22/2016 45 Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) A low SvO2 may be caused by a decrease in oxygen supply to the tissues or an increase in oxygen use due to a high demand. A decrease in oxygen supply results from low hemoglobin, hemorrhage, or low cardiac output. increase in oxygen demand results from hyperthermia, pain, stress, shivering, or seizures. Elevated SvO2 values are associated with increased delivery of oxygen (high fraction of inspired oxygen [FIO2]) or with decreased demand from hypothermia, hypothyroidism, or anesthesia. 3/22/2016 46 Diagnostic Test a. Chest X-ray (CXR): Used to detect anatomical structure of the chest & diaghram. Dense materials like the bones or heart appear opaque or white. Air filled space (lungs) appears black. Soft tissue or fluid filled areas appear gray. 3/22/2016 47 Chest X-Ray 3/22/2016 48 Components of Pulmonary Gas Exchange Ventilation Diffusion ◦ Affected by pressure gradient, surface area and thickness of alveolar-capillary membrane Perfusion ◦ Affected by hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, affinity of oxygen to Hb, and blood flow Factors That Impair Pulmonary Gas Exchange Ventilation-perfusion mismatching ◦ Pulmonary embolus ◦ Pneumothorax Ventilation Perfusion Mismatch Physiological Shunt (low V-P ratio) pneumonia, atelectatsis, tumor Alveolar dead space (high V-P ratio) Pulmonary infarction, Pulmonary embolism, decrease COP Silent unit : when ventilation and perfusion low, ARDS, Pneumothorax 3/22/2016 51 b. Ventilation-Perfusion Lung Scan: Detects the percentage of the lung that is normally functioning. Diagnose & locate pulmonary emboli. Assess pulmonary blood supply. Is a nuclear imaging test composed of 2 parts: a. Ventilation Scan: Inhalation of radioactive gas. b. Perfusion Scan: radioactive materials given IV & scan to visualize blood supply to lungs. Not useful diagnostic tool in pts who are dependent on MV. 3/22/2016 52 3/22/2016 53 Pulmonary Angiography: Rapid injection of radiopaque material into arm, femoral vein, or pulmonary artery. Indicated for pulmonary embolism. The test indicates impaired blood flow to a vessel. Sputum for cytology or analysis: indicated to examine for culture sensitivity. Assess for cytology. Culture of acid-fast bacilli to detect the presence of TB & mycobacterium. ( 3 serial specimens over 3 days). Before taking the specimen to the lab, make sure that you collected a sputum and not saliva. 3/22/2016 54 3/22/2016 55 3/22/2016 56 Bronchoscopy a. b. c. Direct visualization of the larynx, trachea & bronchi by a flexible fiber optic bronchoscope. Indicated to detect tissues, collect secretions & obtain biopsy. Examine the extent of the pathological problem. Used to remove foreign bodies or lesions. Patient Preparations: CXR, ABG, Clotting studies. IV sedation/ analgesia. If purpose of Bronchoscopy is therapeutic (Drug that suppress cough or secretions are avoided. (Intratopical anesthesia, atropine, codeine). Complications: laryngospasm, fever, dysrhythmias, Pneumothorax, arrest, hemodynamic changes. 3/22/2016 57 3/22/2016 58 3/22/2016 59 Thoracentesis a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. Inserting a needle into pleural space. Indicated to remove fluid/ or air, obtain specimen, give medication. Patient Preparations: CXR, Clotting studies. Patient teaching. Local anesthesia. Pt in sitting position (chair, or edge of bed) e arms & shoulders up). Post procedures: Comfort measures. Send specimen to lab. Sterile dressing. Assess for complications: Pneumothorax, respiratory distress, pain, hypotension & pulmonary edema. 3/22/2016 60 3/22/2016 61 3/22/2016 62 Pulmonary/ or Ventilatory Function Test Measures the ability of the chest &lungs to moves air into & out of the alveoli. Pulmonary function tests help distinguish between obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases. It include measurements of lung volume, capacity & dynamic. The above measures are affected by age, disease, exercise, gender, ht & body size. a.Volume measurements (VT, IRV, EVR, RV). b. Capacity measurements (IC, FRC,VC, TLC). c. Dynamic measurements (provide information about airway resistance & amount of energy expended in breathing (work of breathing). 3/22/2016 63 3/22/2016 64 3/22/2016 65 3/22/2016 66 Dynamic measurements RR. Minute Volume/ Ventilation: volume of air inhaled & exhaled /min. Dead Space: is the part of tidal volume that does not participate in alveolar gas exchange. Is the air contained in the airways (anatomical dead space 140 ml) plus the volume of alveolar air that is not involved in gas exchange (physiological dead space). Calculated by subtracting the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) from the partial pressure of alveolar carbon dioxide (PACO2). N value of dead space in healthy adults is typically less than 40% of the tidal volume. The dead space-tidal volume ratio is used to follow the effectiveness of MV. 3/22/2016 67 3/22/2016 68 Residual volume: approximately 20% of total lung capacity in young adult. Increase e age. FEC: decrease in Ascitis and supine position. Wt of abdomen contents forces the diaphragm upward. Increase in recoil lung in pt e sarcoidosis. 3/22/2016 69 Lung Capacities Composed of 2 or more lung volumes. Useful measurements in clinical situation. Total lung capacity: maximum lung volume after full inspiration. At TLC, the force generated by a maximum contraction of the inspiratory muscles equals the recoil of the lung. That’s means: TLC dependent on the strength of resp muscle & elastic resistance of lung, chest wall,….. Its divided to 4 types. 3/22/2016 70 3/22/2016 71 Lungs Volumes and Capacity 3/22/2016 72 CALCULATION TLC= RV+IRV+TV+ERV. VC=IRV+TV+ERV=TLC-RV. FRC=RV+ERV. IC=TV+IRV. 3/22/2016 73 Dynamic Measurements Alveolar Ventilation: The volume of tidal air that is involved in alveolar gas exchange. This volume is represented as volume per minute by the symbol VA.VA is a measure of ventilatory effectiveness. It is more relevant to the blood gas values than either the dead space or tidal volume because these last two measures include physiological dead space. VA is calculated by subtracting the dead space (VD) from the tidal volume (VT) and multiplying the result by the respiratory rate (f ):V.A =(VT . VD )× f 3/22/2016 74 IMPORTANCE IN RESTRICTIVE DISEASE: Decrease VC, decrease TLC, RV, FRC. OBSTRCUTIVE DIESEASE: Decrease VC, INCREASE TLC, RV, FRC. 3/22/2016 75 Arterial Blood Gases Drawn from radial, femoral, brachial arteries Invasive procedure Caution must be taken with patient on anticoagulants Helps differentiate oxygen deficiencies from primary ventilatory deficiencies from primary metabolic acid-base abnormalities 3/22/2016 76 3/22/2016 77 Uses of Arterial Blood Gases Indication of oxygenation status Determination of acid-base state Assess ventilation 3/22/2016 78 Acid Base Relationship This relationship is critical for homeostasis Significant deviations from normal ph ranges are poorly tolerated and may be life threatening Achieved by respiratory and renal systems 3/22/2016 79 ABG Normal Values PaO2: 80-100 mmHg (partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood). SaO2: 96-100% arterial O2 saturation. pH: 7:35-7:45 over all state. PaCO2: 35-45 mmHg respiratory component. HCO3: 22-26 mEq/L (metabolic component). BE: Base excess +2- -2 3/22/2016 80 Acid/base Relationship H2O + CO2 H2CO3 Respiratory HCO3 + H+ Metabolic 3/22/2016 81 Ratio of CO2 and HCO3 Normal ratio is 1 (CO2) to 20 (HCO3) Abnormal creates imbalance 3/22/2016 82 Respiratory Imbalances Respiratory Acidosis **********too much CO2 Respiratory Alkalosis **********too little CO2 3/22/2016 83 Metabolic Imbalances Metabolic Acidosis *********too little HCO3 Metabolic Alkalosis *********too much HCO3 3/22/2016 84 Know This CO2 is an acid Regulated by the lungs Too much causes acidosis HCO3 is a base Regulated by the kidneys Too much causes alkalosis 3/22/2016 85 PH Indirect measure of H+ ion concentration. Ratio of base (HCO3) to acid CO2. Acid give up (donate) H+ ions, while bases pick up H+ ions. Body maintains a slightly alkaline pH of 7:357:45. Metabolic & Respiratory processes work together to keep Hydrogen level (H+) in a normal range. 3/22/2016 86 Regulators of Acid /Base a. Buffers primary regulator. Act immediately. Present in blood & tissue. Take up extra H+ ions or release H+ (eg bicarbonate, proteins & hemoglobin). a 3/22/2016 87 Buffer systems 3/22/2016 88 Regulators of Acid /Base b. Respiratory system: Eliminates CO2. Respiratory center in medulla controls breathing. Increased respirations leads to increased CO2 elimination from body & decrease CO2 in blood. Decreased respirations leads to decrease CO2 elimination from body & increase CO2 in blood. Responds within minutes to hours to changes in Acid / Base. 3/22/2016 89 Regulators of Acid /Base C. Renal System Secrets H+ ions & reabsorbs bicarbonate (HCO3) ions. Reabsorbing & secretion of electrolytes like (Na, K). Responds within hours to days. 3/22/2016 90 What Are the Compensations? In chronic respiratory acidosis (COPD) the kidneys increase The elimination of H+ and absorb more HCO3. The ABG will show NL ph, CO2 and HCO3 3/22/2016 91 ABG Normal Values PaO2: 80-100 mmHg (partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood). SaO2: 96-100% arterial O2 saturation. pH: 7:35-7:45 over all state. PaCO2: 35-45 mmHg respiratory component. HCO3: 22-26 mEq/L (metabolic component). BE: Base excess +2- -2 3/22/2016 92 ABGs Acidemia: Acid PH < 7.35. condition of the blood in which Alkalemia: Alkaline which PH >7.45. condition of the blood in Acidosis: the process causing acidemia. Alkalosis: the process causing alkalemia. 3/22/2016 93 How to obtain ABGs Hepranized syringe. Blood from artery. On Ice. Prompt delivery to lab. Include: a. Time drawn. b. FIO2. c. O2 delivery rate & method (ventilatory method). d. Patient temperature. e. Pulse Oximetry O2 saturation. 3/22/2016 94 Interpretation of ABGs a. Evaluate PH: this determines acidosis or alkalosis. 7.40 is the middle of the normal range of 7.35-7.45. Value below 7.40 is moving toward acidosis. Value above 7.40 is moving toward alkalosis. b. Evaluate Respiratory component (PaCO2): If PaCO2 < 35, the value is alkalotic. If PaCO2 > 45, the value is acidotic. 3/22/2016 95 Interpretation of ABGs c. Evaluate metabolic component (HCO3): If HCO3 > 26 mEq/L, the value is alkalotic. If HCO3 <22 mEq/L, the value is acidotic. d. Determine which component (PaCO2 or HCO3) matches the PH. e. If the PH is increased or decreased is the underlying disorder respiratory or metabolic: Respiratory: Decrease PH, Increase PaCO2. Increase PH, Decrease PaCO2. Metabolic: Decrease PH, Decrease HCO3. Increase PH, Increase HCO3. If both respiratory & metabolic components match the PH, may be it is a mixed disorder. 3/22/2016 96 Interpretation of ABGs e. Determine the degree of compensation: a. Absent: * The PH is not within normal range. ** The components (CO2 & HCO3) that does not match the PH imbalance is still within its normal range. b. Partial: * The PH is not within normal range. ** The components (CO2 & HCO3) that does not match the PH disorder is below or above the normal range. C. Complete: The PH is within normal range, & both CO2 & HCO3 are either above or below normal range. 3/22/2016 97 3/22/2016 98 3/22/2016 99 Metabolic Acidosis Ph 7.30 Paco2 40 Hco3 15 3/22/2016 100 Metabolic Acidosis Failure of kidney function. Blood HCO3 which results in availability of renal tubular HCO3 for H+ excretion Ph < 7.35 Hco3 < 22 3/22/2016 101 Causes of Metabolic Acidosis Renal failure Diabetic ketoacidosis Lactic acidosis Excessive diarrhea Cardiac arrest Poisoning (acetylsalicylic acid) 3/22/2016 102 S&S Lethargy Nausea & Vomiting. Dysrhythmia. Coma. 3/22/2016 103 Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis RX of underlying cause. Monitor I&O. Monitor for dysrhythmia. Protect against infection. Give sodium bicarbonate. 3/22/2016 104 Respiratory Alkalosis Ph 7.50 Paco2 30 Hco3 22 3/22/2016 105 Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis Hyperventilation PE. Panic disorder Brain stem disease. Pain Anxiety Pregnancy Acute anemia Salicylate overdose 3/22/2016 106 S&S Dizziness. Tingling. Numbness. Restlessness. Agitation. Tetany. 3/22/2016 107 Treatment of Respiratory Alkalosis Sedation. Reassure &Support patient. Breath in paper bag for attack of hyperventilation. Decrease RR. Decrease tidal volume. 3/22/2016 108 Metabolic Alkalosis pH 7.50 PCO2 HCO3 40 30 3/22/2016 109 Metabolic Alkalosis plasma bicarbonate pH > 7.45 HCO3 > 26 3/22/2016 110 Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis loss acid Diuretics. from stomach or kidney Adrenal disease. Corticosteroid therapy excessive alkali intake (Sodium bicar over load). hypokalemia 3/22/2016 111 S&S Dullness. Weakness. Dysrhythmias. Tetany. Hypokalemia. 3/22/2016 112 Treatment of Metabolic Alkalosis Treatment of underlying cause. Monitor I & O. K replacement therapy. Ammonium chloride. 3/22/2016 113 Respiratory Alkalosis Too much CO2 exhaled (hyperventilation) PCO2, H2CO3 insufficiency = ph Ph > 7.45 Pco2 < 35 3/22/2016 114 Respiratory Acidosis Ph 7.30 Paco2 60 Hco3 26 3/22/2016 115 Respiratory Acidosis Too pH much CO2 < 7.35 CO2 > 45 3/22/2016 116 Causes of Respiratory Acidosis Neuromuscular disease Head injury Sedatives, narcotics Atelectasis Obstructed airway (COPD). Inappropriate vent settings Alveolar hypoventilation 3/22/2016 117 S&S Dyspnea. Headache. Mental confusion. Pallor. Sweating. Apprehension, restlessness. 3/22/2016 118 Treatment of Respiratory Acidosis Aggressive CHEST PHYSIOTHERAPY. SUCTION. INCREASE RR. INCREASE TIDAL VOLUME. 3/22/2016 119 ABG Analysis(example) pH 7.21, Pa02 70mmHg, PaCO2 63mmHg, HC03 27mEq/L 1. Evaluate the pH. pH is not in normal range, but is decreased (acidosis). 2. Evaluate the PaC02. PaC02 is elevated. 3. Evaluated the HC03. HC03 is slightly elevated 4. Describe the acid base status. 3/22/2016 120 Step 1 Evaluate the pH Normal 7.35-7.45 Below 7.35=acidemia Above 7.45= alkalosis If a pt has more than one acid-base balance at work, the pH identifies the process in control 3/22/2016 121 Step 2 Evaluate ventilation Normal 35-45mmHg greater than 45= ventilatory failure and respiratory acidosis less than 35 = alveolar hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis 3/22/2016 122 Step 3 Evaluate metabolic process Normal 21-25 HCO3 < 22 = metabolic acidosis HCO3 > 25 = metabolic alkalosis 3/22/2016 123 Step 4 Determine primary and compensating disorder When both PCO2 and HCO3 are abnormal, one reflects the primary acidbase disorder and the other reflects the compensating disorder To decide which is which, check the ph 3/22/2016 124 Step 4 3 states of compensation possible 1. Non compensation- alteration of only pco2 or HCO3 2. Partial compensation- when both pco2 and HCO3 are abnormal and because compensation is incomplete, the ph is also abnormal; 3. Complete compensation- when both pco2 are abnormal, but because compensation is complete, the ph is normal 3/22/2016 125 Step 5 Evaluate oxygenation Normal 80-100mmhg PO2 60-80 = mild hypoxemia PO2 40-60= moderate hypoxemia PO2 below 40 = severe hypoxemia 3/22/2016 126 Step 6 Interpret Final analysis should include Degree of compensation The primary disorder The oxygenation status Ex-”partially compensated respiratory acidosis with moderate hypoxemia 3/22/2016 127 What Are the Compensations? Respiratory acidosis metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis metabolic acidosis In respiratory conditions, therefore, the kidneys will Attempt to compensate and visa versa 3/22/2016 128 BE: refer to an excess or deficit, respectively, in the amount of base present in the blood. indicates whether the patient is acidotic or alkalotic. A negative base excess indicates that the patient is acidotic. A high positive base excess indicates that the patients is alkalotic. 3/22/2016 129 Base excess beyond the reference range indicates metabolic alkalosis if too high (more than +2 mEq/L) metabolic acidosis if too low (less than −2 mEq/L) 3/22/2016 130 Anion Gap Its normal to have approximately the same n of anions and cations circulating in blood . Some of them not measured anion gaps is present. Helps determine presence and cause of metabolic acidosis (Na + K)-(Cl + HCO3) = anion gap Normal value is 6-15 (3-11) 15 or less is loss of base 16 or more gain of acid (increase in n of unmeasured anion , lactate, ketone bodies…). 3/22/2016 131 The serum anion gap is useful for determining whether a base deficit is caused by addition of acid or loss of bicarbonate. Base deficit with elevated anion gap indicates addition of acid (e.g., ketoacidosis). Base deficit with normal anion gap indicates loss of bicarbonate (e.g., diarrhea). The anion gap is maintained because bicarbonate is exchanged for chloride during excretion. 3/22/2016 132 Final Analysis Compare to previous ABG Look at patient’s history and present situation Determine what is needed to correct situation 3/22/2016 133 Case Study #1 Mr. Adams is a 60 y/O with pneumonia. He is admitted with dyspnea, fever, and ABG pH 7.28 CO2 56 PO2 70 HC)3 25 SaO2 89% 3/22/2016 134 Answer Uncompensated respir acidosis with hypoxemia due to pneumonia. Inadequate ventilation and perfusion. Goals improve both vent an oxygenations. Minimum o2 3/22/2016 135 Case #2 Ms. Stan is a 24 year old college student. She has a history of Crohn’s disease c/o 4 day history of boody diarrhea. An ABG is obtained: pH 7.28 CO2 43 PO2 88 HCO3 20 SaO2 96% 3/22/2016 136 Answer Uncompensated metabolic acidosis. Excessive loss from diarrhea. No compensation, treat control diarrhea 3/22/2016 137 Case # 3 Mr. Like is a 89 y/O nursing home resident admitted with urosepsis. Over the last 4 hours he has developed SOB and is confused. ABG: pH 7.02 CO2 55 pO2 77 JCO3 14 O2Sat 89% 3/22/2016 138 Answer Meta is secondary to resp failure. metbolic and resp acidosis with hypoxemial Metabolic is caused by sepsis , The respopressor, acidosis is secondary to resp faiure. ARDS. Treatment is aggressive, mech vent.Vasopressors, bicarb 3/22/2016 139 Case # 4 Mrs Lander is a thin, 61y/o COPD patient. Her ABG: pH 7.37 CO2 63 pO2 58 HC)3 35 SaO2 89% 3/22/2016 140 Answer Lander has a fully compensated resp adidosis with hypoxmia. Full compensation normal pH in spite of adid/base disorder. No treatment baseline 3/22/2016 141 Case #5 Mrs. Doubtfire is found pulseless and not breathing. After a couple minutes she responds with a pulse and is breathing. ABG: pH 6.89 CO2 70 pO2 42 HCO3 13 SaO2 50% 3/22/2016 142 Answer Severe metabolic an resp acidosis with hypoxemia. Resp component comes from decreased perfusion, resp comp comes from inadeq ventilation. Treatment is intubation, mech vent 3/22/2016 143 Case #6 You find Mr. Aster in respiratory distress. H/O diabetes and is febrile. ABG: pH 7.00 CO2 59 pO2 86 HCO3 14 Sao2 91% 3/22/2016 144 Answer Metabolic and respiratory acidosis hypoxemia. Resp acidosis from pneumonia. Pneumonia has altered his glucose metabolism hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosisl 1. Increase oxygenation, treat pneumonia, administer IV fluids to treat DKA 3/22/2016 145 Quiz A 42-year-old male patient had burns over 60% of his body surface area. On admission, his BP was 95/60 mm Hg with a heart rate of 132, respiratory rate of 8, temperature 96[degrees] F (35.5[degrees] C), and SaO2 of 90%. He was oliguric. He was receiving I.V. infusions of propofol and morphine.You use the five-step approach to analyze his ABGs: * PaO2 of 63 mm Hg and SaO2 of 90% suggest hypoxia based on his age 3/22/2016 146 Quiz * pH of 7.20 is consistent with acidosis * PaCO2 of 52 mm Hg indicates inadequate pulmonary ventilation to blow off CO2 * HCO3- of 17 mEq/L suggests a metabolic alteration toward acidosis Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis with hypoxia 3/22/2016 147 Follow this five-step approach to interpreting your patient's ABGs. 1. Is the patient hypoxic? Look at the Pao2 and Sao2. 2. What is acid-base balance? Check the pH. 3. How is pulmonary ventilation? Look at the Paco2. 4. What is the metabolic status? Review the HCO3-. 5. Is there any compensation or other abnormalities? What is the primary cause of acid-base imbalance and which derangement is the result of secondary (compensatory) change? 3/22/2016 148