8th Grade Social Studies Final Exam

8th Grade Social Studies Final Exam Practice
Review (2)
Time Periods of American History:
a. Civil Rights Movement
j.World War I
b. Roaring Twenties
k. Cold War
c. Age of Imperialism
l. World War II
d. Immigration/Urban Growth
e. Reconstruction
f. Closing of the Frontier (West)
g. Great Depression
h. Progressive Era
i. Age of Industry
- Period in American History between when the
Stock Market crashed in 1929 and the start of World War
II. It described the worst economic downfall in U.S.
history, marked by reduced industrial production,
business failures, and, at its' height, an unemployment
rate of 25%.
- Period in American History (1920-1929)
marked by many happy and exciting years which brought
many changes to transportation, women's rights, African
Americans, mass media, new consumer products, music,
and alcohol consumption.
-Period in American History (1900-1920) that is
characterized by political, economic, and social reform
Period in American History characterized by the
closing of the frontier (west). Disappearing will be the
open range for cattle, herds of buffalo will all but
disappear, open plains will be divided into plots for
famers and reservations will be set up for Native
Americans to settle on, ending their migratory ways.
- Period in American History (1941-1945) marked
by changing governments, rise of dictators, and
aggressor nations. The U.S. was drawn into the war after
being neutral when Japan attacked the U.S. Naval fleet at
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
-Period in American History marked by the
movement of people from one country to another. Major
causes were religious and political persecution and
poverty in their homelands. Early peoples came from
northern and western Europe. Later peoples came from
eastern and southern Europe as well as Asian nations.
- Period in American History marked by African
Americans gaining equal rights. Leaders like Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks helped this movement.
This movement attempted to help African Americans fight
discrimination, racism, and prejudice.
-Period in American History when America
changed from a farming nation to a nation full of factories
and businesses. This period saw the rise of inventions,
factories, corporations, and labor unions.
-Period in American History (1916-1919) that was
an armed conflict, fought mainly in Europe, and sparked
by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and the
resulting involvement of European military alliances. The
United States entered the war in 1917 to "make the world
safe for democracy" and, partially, in response to
Germany's practice of unrestricted submarine warfare
and the sinking of the Lusitania.
-Period in American History after the Spanish
American War (1898) when America took overseas lands.
The U.S. annexed the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Hawaii,
and Samoa. Americans also developed trade with China
and Japan.
-Period in American History from 1865-1876
when former Confederate states were occupied by
federal troops and controlled by the national government
prior to their re-admission to the Union. Period after the
Civil War when former slaves were freed, made citizens,
and black males could vote.
- Period in American History following World War
II and lasting until the downfall of the Soviet Union in
1991. It was characterized by competition between
democratic and communist nations.
2015 edition
Famous Persons in American History:
a. Carrie Chapman Catt
b. Eleanor Roosevelt
c. Cesar Chavez
p. Geronimo
d. Thomas Edison
q. Samuel Gompers
e. John D. Rockefeller
r. Chief Joseph
f. Henry Ford
s. Woodrow Wilson
g. Andrew Carnegie
t. Wilbur/Orville Wright
h. Harry S. Truman
u. Adolf Hitler
i. Teddy Roosevelt
v. Franklin D. Roosevelt
j. Winston Churchill
w. Dwight D. Eisenhower
k. Richard Nixon
x. Thurgood Marshall
l. Mikhail Gorbachev
y. Martin Luther King, Jr.
m. Alexander Graham Bell
z. Abraham Lincoln
n. Jane Addams
aa. Andrew Johnson
o. Colonel George Custer
bb. John Wilkes Booth
-Leader of U.S Army troops who marched into
the Little Bighorn Valley against over whelming numbers
and were all killed by the Sioux warriors lead by Crazy
-Fierce Indian leader of the Apache nation who
lead the last fight against U.S. military.
-Indian Chief who tried to win better treatment for
the Nez Perce tribe and proclaimed after being chased
down by soldiers and surrendering that “…I will fight no
more forever.”
- Scottish-born industrialist and philanthropist
who used his fortune, made in the steel industry, to
finance the building of schools, hospitals, and libraries.
-Businessman and founder of the Standard Oil
Company, an oil monopoly, he was known for his ruthless
business tactics but was also a philanthropist, providing
funds for worthy charities.
- Teacher of the deaf and inventor of the
telephone, who also invented the early phonograph, and
many aids for the deaf.
- The ‘Wizard of Menlo Park’, he had little formal
education but had patents for 1,000 inventions including
the incandescent lamp, phonograph, and the motion
picture projector.
2015 edition
- His ideas for the mass production of
automobiles included the assembly line and
interchangeable parts. This led to better, more affordable
automobiles for many Americans.
-Labor leader who founded and was president of
the American Federation of Labor, he believed that labor
and management shared interests and should work
- Bicycle mechanics who experimented with
hundreds of flying machines, their first flying machine,
powered by a small gasoline engine, flew at Kitty Hawk,
NC, on December 17, 1903.
- Twenty-eighth President and leader of the
Progressive movement, his Fourteen Points were
supposed to be a basis for the treaty to end World War I
which included the League of Nations. He had a stroke
while campaigning for its’ passage.
-Leader of the woman’s suffrage movement and
educator who was also active in the movement for world
-First Lady who became the eyes and ears for
her President husband during the Great Depression, she
also championed the causes of the underprivileged.
-Social worker and founder of Hull House in
Chicago that helped the poor and immigrants to improve
their lives, she also later campaigned to abolish war.
-Twenty-sixth President who led the Rough
Riders during the Spanish American War. He was a
supporter of U.S. expansion and pushed for the building
of the Panama Canal. The toy teddy bear was named
after him.
- Prime Minister of England during World War II,
his speech during the Cold War spoke of the ‘Iron
Curtain’ that had descended across Eastern European
nations controlled by the Soviet Union.
-Thirty-fourth President and commander-in-chief
of Allied forces during World War II, he helped to plan the
D-Day invasion (‘Operation Overlord’) to re-take Europe.
-Thirty-third President. He became President
after FDR died in office and approved the dropping of the
atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World
War II.
-Thirty-second President, elected four times,
who lead the United States during the Great Depression
and World War II. He created the New Deal to meet the
problems of the Depression.
- Dictator and leader of the Nazi Party during
World War II; his attempted extermination of the Jewish
people in World War II was called the Holocaust. He
committed suicide at the end of the war to prevent his
-Religious leader and civil rights activist who
urged non violent civil disobedience in the black struggle
for equality.
-Thirty-seventh President who reduced U.S.
involvement in Vietnam and opened ties to China. When
his Watergate cover-up was exposed, he became the first
President to resign from office.
-Soviet leader whose policies of "glasnost" and
"perestroika" were aimed at reforming his country’s
economy and political system. This led to the break-up of
the Soviet Union.
-An African American lawyer, civil rights activist,
and Supreme Court Justice. As chief attorney for the
NAACP, his victory in Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka ended the ‘separate but equal’ argument that was
used for the segregation of races for over 50 years.
-Hispanic labor organizer who founded the
United Farm Workers to force growers to improve the
working conditions for migrant workers
-was the person who assassinated President
Abraham Lincoln.
-was the President of the United States during the
Civil War and who wanted to treat the South with leniency
after the war.
-became President after President Lincoln was
killed and was impeached by the Radical Republicans in
2015 edition