Telecommunications Engineering Topic 3: Modulation and FDMA James K Beard, Ph.D. (215) 204-7932 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 1 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 27-Apr 20-Apr 13-Apr 6-Apr 30-Mar 23-Mar 16-Mar 9-Mar 2-Mar 23-Feb 16-Feb 9-Feb 2-Feb 26-Jan 19-Jan Attendance 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 Topics The Survey Homework Problem Problem 3.30, p. 177, Adjacent channel interference 3.35 p. 178, look at part (a); part (b) was done in class Problem 3.36 p. 178, an intermediate difficulty problem in bit error rate using MSK Topics Why follow sampling with coding? Shannon’s information theory February 14, 2005 Topic 3 3 Survey Thumbnail Nine completed surveys Six incomplete or just looks Five did not open the survey Selection biases results? Only 45% of class gives all results Other 55% can be best, worst, or more of the same February 14, 2005 Topic 3 4 Multiple Choice Questions All are replies on 1-5 basis No answers were 1 or 5 Questions My background is appropriate I understand sampled time/frequency domains I am comfortable with readings and text February 14, 2005 Topic 3 5 Multiple Choice Summary Readings Time/Frequency Background 0% February 14, 2005 20% 40% Topic 3 60% 80% 100% 6 Study Difficulties Reported Problems 2.5 p. 29 2.6 p. 33 2.14 p. 67 2.20 p. 77 2.22 p. 81 Examples 2.17 p. 75 Theme example 1 p. 82 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 7 Suggestions More examples and homework problems worked through – already in progress Go over more difficult homework problems before they are assigned Warn and correct wrong answers – AIP Discuss WHY as well as HOW February 14, 2005 Topic 3 8 Survey Summary Everybody is OK Based on 40% sample But, nobody answered 5’s Need More coverage of how and why Fill in for prerequisites February 14, 2005 Topic 3 9 Homework Problem 3.30, p. 177, Adjacent channel interference Problem 3.35 p. 178, look at part (a); part (b) was done in class Problem 3.36 p. 178, an intermediate difficulty problem in bit error rate using MSK February 14, 2005 Topic 3 10 Problem 3.30 Page 177 Adjacent channel interference G f power spectral density of input H f Frequency response of channel filter f channel separation ACI f G f H f f G f H f 2 2 df df February 14, 2005 Topic 3 11 Solution Power of signal in correct filter PCC G f H f 2 df Power of signal in adjacent channel PAC G f H f f 2 df February 14, 2005 Topic 3 12 Problem 3.35 p. 178 (a) Formulas in table 3.4 page 159 Begin BPSK with Pe erfc Eb , N0 2 Integrate over Rayleigh distribution p exp , 0 0 0 1 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 13 Evaluate the Integral Average BER is P 0 Pe p d 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 4 0 Evaluation of integral is left as ETR February 14, 2005 Topic 3 14 Problem 3.36 p. 178 Use MSK with a BER of 10-4 or better AWGN Use Table 3.4 or Figure 3.32, pp. 159-160 SNR requirement is about 8.3 dB Rayleigh fading Use Table 3.4 p. 159 Solve for SNR of about 34 dB February 14, 2005 Topic 3 15 Coding Follows Sampling Sampling Simply converts base signal to elementary modulation form Formatting for performance is left to coding Coding Removal of redundancy == source coding Channel coding == error detection and correction capability added February 14, 2005 Topic 3 16 Shannon’s Information Theory First published in BSTJ article in 1948 Builds on Nyquist sampling theory Adds BER concepts to find maximum flow of bits through a channel limited by Bandwith SNR Channel capacity maximum is CBits / Sec February 14, 2005 PT BW log 2 1 PNoise Topic 3 17 Other Important Results Channel-coding theorem Given A channel capacity CB/S Channel bit rate less than channel capacity Then There exists a coding scheme that achieves an arbitrarily high BER Rate distortion theory – sampling and data compression losses exempt from channelcoding theorem February 14, 2005 Topic 3 18 Concept of Entropy Definition – Average information content per symbol Importance Fundamental limit on average number of bits per source symbol Channel-coding theorem is stated in terms of entropy February 14, 2005 Topic 3 19 Equation for Entropy S source alphabet set L average number of bits per symbol K number of symbols in alphabet pk probability of symbol k in message 1 H S pk log 2 (entropy) k 0 pk H S (coding efficiency) L K 1 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 20 Study Problems and Reading Assignments Reading assignments Read Section 4.6, Cyclic Redundancy Checks Read Section 4.7, Error-Control Coding Study examples Example 4.1 page 197 Problem 4.1 page 197 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 21 Problem 2.4 p. 28 4 GHz microwave link Towers 100 m and 50 m tall, 3 km apart Midway between, tower 70 m tall Radius of Fresnel zone, eq. (2.38) p. 27 Distance r1 d1 d 2 d1 d 2 d1 = d2 = 1.5 km 0.075m 1500m 3000m Raise both towers February 14, 2005 Topic 3 2 7.5m 5m 22 Problem 2.5 p. 29 Similar to 2.4 but LOS is clearly obstructed Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction parameter eq. (2.39) is 2 d1 d 2 h 3.465 d1 d 2 Diffraction loss is 24 dB For 400 MHz, v = 1.096, loss = 16 dB February 14, 2005 Topic 3 23 Term Projects Areas for coverage Propagation and noise Free space Urban Modulation & FDMA Coding Demodulation and detection Will deploy over Blackboard this week February 14, 2005 Topic 3 24 Term Project Timeline First week Parse and report your understanding Give estimated parameters including SystemView system clock rate Second week Block out SystemView Signal generator Modulator Through mid-April Flesh out as class Due date TBD February 14, 2005 topics are presented Topic 3 25 EE320 Digital Telecommunications Quiz 1 Report February 21, 2005 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 26 The Curve 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 February 14, 2005 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Topic 3 27 The Answers See previous lectures/slides Questions See Excel spreadsheets Questions 1, 4 2, 3, 5 See Mathcad spreadsheet Fresnel February 14, 2005 integrals for diffraction loss Topic 3 28 Question 2 Name Wavelength Ae, Ex. 2.2 p. 16 ABREFA-KODOM APEHAYA BARAKAT BIRCH BOADO CARDONE DO GEDZAH MADJAR P H NGUYEN T T NGUYEN T H NGUYEN PANG PATEL ROIDAD SCHOLL STRAKER TANUI TRAN ZAYZAY 0.06 0.06122449 0.0625 0.063829787 0.065217391 0.066666667 0.068181818 0.069767442 0.071428571 0.073170732 0.075 0.076923077 0.078947368 0.081081081 0.083333333 0.085714286 0.088235294 0.090909091 0.09375 0.096774194 February 14, 2005 3.534291735 3.773838175 4.021238597 4.276493 4.539601384 4.810563751 5.089380099 5.376050428 5.67057474 5.972953033 6.283185307 6.601271563 6.927211801 7.261006021 7.602654222 7.952156404 8.309512569 8.674722715 9.047786842 9.428704952 Topic 3 Gain, Eq. (2.9) p. 16 Gain, dB 12337.0055 12651.5224 12936.2879 13190.1835 13412.2221 13601.5486 13757.439 13879.3012 13966.6746 14019.2302 14036.7707 14019.2302 13966.6746 13879.3012 13757.439 13601.5486 13412.2221 13190.1835 12936.2879 12651.5224 40.91209758 41.02142788 41.11809672 41.20250836 41.27500738 41.33588357 41.38537595 41.423676 41.45093014 41.46724168 41.47267206 41.46724168 41.45093014 41.423676 41.38537595 41.33588357 41.27500738 41.20250836 41.11809672 41.02142788 29 Question 3 Name ABREFA-KODOM APEHAYA BARAKAT BIRCH BOADO CARDONE DO GEDZAH MADJAR P H NGUYEN T T NGUYEN T H NGUYEN PANG PATEL ROIDAD SCHOLL STRAKER TANUI TRAN ZAYZAY February 14, 2005 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Wavel 1 Wavel 2 0.06 0.059761 0.059524 0.059289 0.059055 0.058824 0.058594 0.058366 0.05814 0.057915 0.057692 0.057471 0.057252 0.057034 0.056818 0.056604 0.056391 0.05618 0.05597 0.055762 0.6 0.59761 0.595238 0.592885 0.590551 0.588235 0.585938 0.583658 0.581395 0.579151 0.576923 0.574713 0.572519 0.570342 0.568182 0.566038 0.56391 0.561798 0.559701 0.557621 Part I Eq. (2.36) p. 27 7.745966692 7.73052108 7.715167498 7.699905035 7.684732794 7.669649888 7.654655446 7.639748605 7.624928517 7.610194341 7.595545253 7.580980436 7.566499085 7.552100405 7.537783614 7.523547939 7.509392615 7.49531689 7.481320021 7.467401274 h Nu or v, eq. (2.39) p. 28 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.547722558 0.548816909 0.549909083 0.550999093 0.55208695 0.553172667 0.554256258 0.555337735 0.55641711 0.557494395 0.558569602 0.559642743 0.560713831 0.561782876 0.562849891 0.563914887 0.564977876 0.566038868 0.567097875 0.568154908 Topic 3 Loss, Fig. Nu or v, 2.10 p. 29 2nd freq -10.639 -10.64753 -10.65605 -10.66458 -10.67311 -10.68163 -10.69016 -10.69868 -10.70721 -10.71574 -10.72426 -10.73279 -10.74132 -10.74984 -10.75837 -10.76689 -10.77542 -10.78395 -10.79247 -10.801 0.173205 0.173551 0.173897 0.174241 0.174585 0.174929 0.175271 0.175613 0.175955 0.176295 0.176635 0.176975 0.177313 0.177651 0.177989 0.178326 0.178662 0.178997 0.179332 0.179666 2nd Loss -7.501 -7.503895 -7.506789 -7.509684 -7.512579 -7.515474 -7.518368 -7.521263 -7.524158 -7.527053 -7.529947 -7.532842 -7.535737 -7.538632 -7.541526 -7.544421 -7.547316 -7.550211 -7.553105 -7.556 30 Question 5 Name ABREFA-KODOM APEHAYA BARAKAT BIRCH BOADO CARDONE DO GEDZAH MADJAR P H NGUYEN T T NGUYEN T J NGUYEN PANG PATEL ROIDAD SCHOLL STRAKER TANUI TRAN ZAYZAY February 14, 2005 BER 0.000316 0.000251 0.0002 0.000158 0.000126 0.0001 7.94E-05 6.31E-05 5.01E-05 3.98E-05 3.16E-05 2.51E-05 2E-05 1.58E-05 1.26E-05 0.00001 7.94E-06 6.31E-06 5.01E-06 3.98E-06 Qinv(BER) Eb/N0, dB 3.41734328 3.47953449 3.54076432 3.60107467 3.66050453 3.71909027 3.77686584 3.83386302 3.89011158 3.94563947 4.00047298 4.05463684 4.10815439 4.16104764 4.2133374 4.26504337 4.31618421 4.36677762 4.41684041 4.46638855 7.663472171 7.820122959 7.971640442 8.118342568 8.26051902 8.398434441 8.532331217 8.66243188 8.788941206 8.912048035 9.031926873 9.148739293 9.262635176 9.373753798 9.482224805 9.588169073 9.691699474 9.792921563 9.891934194 9.988830071 Topic 3 Rayleigh Rayleigh SNR SNR, dB 789.8195 994.518 1252.218 1576.643 1985.071 2499.25 3146.564 3961.483 4987.406 6278.966 7904.944 9951.929 12528.93 15773.18 19857.46 24999.25 31472.39 39621.58 49880.81 62796.41 28.97528 29.97613 30.9768 31.97733 32.97776 33.9781 34.97837 35.97858 36.97875 37.97888 38.97899 39.97907 40.97914 41.97919 42.97924 43.97927 44.9793 45.97932 46.97933 47.97935 31 The Quiz in the Text (1 of 2) Question 1 Text pp 3-5 Lectures and slides several times Question 2 Antenna gain equations (2.2), (2.3) pp 14 Also equations (2.9), example 2.2, pp 16-17 Question 3 Section 2.3.2 and exa,[;e 2.3 pp 24-29 Two lectures, example worked in class, practice quiz February 14, 2005 Topic 3 32 The Quiz in the Text (2 of 2) Question 4 Problem 3.30 p. 177 Given in class Answer was to give equation that was given in the problem statement Question 5 Problem 3.36, given in class Use table 3.4, figure 3.33, pp. 159-161 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 33 EE320 Convolutional Codes James K Beard, Ph.D. February 14, 2005 Topic 3 34 Bonus Topic: Gray Codes Sometimes called reflected codes Defining property: only one bit changes between sequential codes Conversion Binary codes to Gray Work from LSB up XOR of bits j and j+1 to get bit j of Gray code Bit past MSB of binary code is 0 Gray to binary Work from MSB down XOR bits j+1 of binary code and bit j of Gray code to get bit j of binary code Bit past MSB of binary code is 0 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 35 Polynomials Modulo 2 Definition Coefficients are ones and zeros Values of independent variable are one or zero Result of computation is taken modulo 2 – a one or zero The theory Well developed to support many DSP applications Mathematical theory includes finite fields and other areas February 14, 2005 Topic 3 36 Base Concept – Signal Polynomial Pose data as a bit stream Characterize data as impulse response of a filter with weights 1 and 0 Characterize as z transform Substitute D for 1/z in transfer function Example Signal 11011001 Filter is 1 + (1/z) +(1/z)3+(1/z)4+ (1/z)6 Signal polynomial is 1 + D + D2+D4+D6 Signal and filter polynomials provide base method for understanding convolutional codes February 14, 2005 Topic 3 37 Base Concept –Modulo 2 Convolutions Scenario Bitstream into convolution filter Filter weights are ones and zeros Output is taken modulo 2 – i.e. a 1 or 0 Result: A modulo 2 convolution converts one bit stream into another February 14, 2005 Topic 3 38 Benefits of Concept Convolution is product of polynomials Conventional multiplication of polynomials is isomorphic to convolution of the sequence of their coefficients Taking the resulting coefficients modulo 2 presents us with the output of a bitstream into a convolution filter with output modulo 2 These special polynomials have a highly developed mathematical basis Implementation in hardware and software is very simple February 14, 2005 Topic 3 39 Error-Control Coding Two categories of channel coding Forward error-correction (EDAC) Automatic-repeat request (handshake) CRC Codes Hash codes of the message Error detection, but not correction February 14, 2005 Topic 3 40 Topics in Convolutional Codes The node diagram is a block diagram Polynomial representations Trellis diagrams Represent signals, convolutions and special polynomials and polynomial operations Give us a simple way to understand and analyze convolutions Give us a mechanism to represent convolution operations as a finite state machine Provide a first step in visulaization of the finite state machine Node diagrams Provide a simple visualization of the finite state machine Provide a basis for very simple implementation February 14, 2005 Topic 3 41 Convolutional Code Steps Reduce the message to a bit stream Operate using modulo-2 convolutions Convolution filter with short binary mask Take result modulo 2 Implemented with one-bit shift registers with multiplexer (see Figure 4.6 p. 196) February 14, 2005 Topic 3 42 Example 4.1 Page 197 Path 2 Output Input 1/z 1/z Path 1 Haykin & Moher Figure 4.6 p. 196 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 43 Example 4.1 (1 of 4) Response of Path 1 g 1 D 1 D 2 Response of Path 2 g 2 D 1 D D2 Mutiplex the outputs bit by bit One side output, then the other Produce a longer bit stream February 14, 2005 Topic 3 44 Example 4.1 (2 of 4) Signal Message bit stream (10011) Message as a polynomial m D 1 D D 3 4 Multiply the message polynomial by the Path 1 and Path 2 filter polynomials Obtain two bit streams from resulting polynomials Multiplex (interleave) the results February 14, 2005 Topic 3 45 Example 4.1 (3 of 4) Polynomial multiplication results c 1 D 1 D 2 1 D 3 D 4 1 D 2 D3 D 4 D5 D 6 c 2 D 1 D D 2 1 D 3 D 4 1 D D 2 D3 D 6 Messages Path 1 (1011111) Path 2 (1111001) Multiplexing them (11, 10, 11, 11, 01, 01, 11) February 14, 2005 Topic 3 46 Example 4.1 (4 of 4) Length of coded message is Twice the order of the product polynomials +1 2.(length of message + length of shift registers - 1) = 2.(5 + 3 - 1)=2.7=14 Shift registers have memory Simplest way to clear is to feed zeros Number of clocks is number of stages Zeros between message words are tail zeros February 14, 2005 Topic 3 47 Problem 4.1 Signal and polynomial 1 c1 1,0,0,1,1 1,0,1 1,0,1,1,1,1,1 Signal and polynomial 2 c 2 1, 0, 0,1,1 1,1,1 1,1,1,1, 0, 0,1 Result c 11,10,11,11,01,01,11 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 48 Modulo 2 Convolution Diagrams February 14, 2005 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Poly Signal Resullt: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Topic 3 49 Trellis and State Diagrams Trellis diagram Figure 4.7 p. 198, and state table 4.2 p. 199 Horizontal position of node represents time Top line represents the input Each row represents a state of the two-path encoder – a finite state machine Trace paths produced by input 1’s and 0’s Paths produced by 0’s are solid Paths produced by 1’s are dotted February 14, 2005 Topic 3 50 Advantages of Trellis and State Diagrams Once drawn, output for any message is simple to obtain Allowed and non-allowed state transitions are explicit State diagram follows directly Figure 4.8 p. 200 Shows state transitions and causes Coding output of state diagram simpler than that of trellis diagram February 14, 2005 Topic 3 51 States of the Filter We need the output states Ordered pair of bits from Path 1 and Path 2 Objective is tracing through states to get outputs Output states not the same as register states Only four states can be defined from two outputs Total number of states is defined by the order of convolution Current example is three taps Number of states is 2<order> or 8 We get to eight states by considering each pair of consecutive input bits February 14, 2005 Topic 3 52 Drawing the Trellis Diagram State Table Begin with a state table For each paths “state” For Draw the solid path for a 0 Draw the dotted path for a 1 For the last bit 0 the last bit 1 Draw the solid path for a 0 Draw the dotted path for a 1 State 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Paths 1, 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 This is 16 lines total February 14, 2005 Topic 3 53 For Output State [0,0] For the last bit 0 Adding a zero, solid path label is (0,0) Adding a one, dotted path label is (0,1) From {0,0,0} to {0,0,0} Next state is [0,0] From {0,0,0} to {1,0,0} Next state is [1,1] For the last bit 1 Adding a zero, solid path label is (1,0) From {1,0,1} to {0,1,0} Next state is [1,0] Adding a one, dotted path label is (1,1) From {1,0,1} to {1,1,0} Next state is [0,1] February 14, 2005 Topic 3 54 For Output State [0,1] For the last bit 0 Adding a zero, solid path label is (0,0) Adding a one, dotted path label is (0,1) From {0,1,1} to {0,0,1} Next state is [1,1] From {0,1,1} to {1,0,1} Next state is [0,0] For the last bit 1 Adding a zero, solid path label is (1,0) From {1,1,0} to {0,1,1} Next state is [0,1] Adding a one, dotted path label is (1,1) From {1,1,0} to {1,1,1} Next state is [1,0] February 14, 2005 Topic 3 55 For Output State [1,0] For the last bit 0 Adding a zero, solid path label is (0,0) Adding a one, dotted path label is (0,1) From {0,1,0} to {0,0,1} Next state is [1,1] From {0,1,0} to {1,0,1} Next state is [0,0] For the last bit 1 Adding a zero, solid path label is (1,0) From {1,1,1} to {0,1,1} Next state is [0,1] Adding a one, dotted path label is (1,1) From {1,1,1} to {1,1,1} Next state is [1,0] February 14, 2005 Topic 3 56 For Output State [1,1] For the last bit 0 Adding a zero, solid path label is (0,0) Adding a one, dotted path label is (0,1) From {0,0,1} to {0,0,0} Next state is [0,0] From {0,0,1} to {1,0,0} Next state is [1,1] For the last bit 1 Adding a zero, solid path label is (1,0) From {1,0,0} to {0,1,0} Next state is [1,0] Adding a one, dotted path label is (1,1) From {1,0,0} to {1,1,0} Next state is [0,1] February 14, 2005 Topic 3 57 Drawn Trellis Diagram 0,0 0, 0 1,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 0,1 0, 0 1,1 February 14, 2005 0,1 1,0 0, 0 1,1 1,1 0, 0 1,0 0,1 Topic 3 58 State Diagram 1,1 0, 0 [00] 0, 0 1,1 1,0 [10] February 14, 2005 0, 0 1,1 0,1 1,1 [01] 0,1 1,0 0,1 1,0 0, 0 1,0 Topic 3 [11] 0,1 59 EE320 Decoding Convolutional Codes James K Beard, Ph.D. February 14, 2005 Topic 3 60 Where We are Going Exploit the Channel Coding Theorem For any required channel bit rate CR less than the channel capacity C CR C B log2 1 SNR A coding exists that achieves an arbitrarily low BER Method is error-correcting codes February 14, 2005 Topic 3 61 Hamming Weight and Distance Hamming weight A property of the code Equal to the number of 1’s Hamming distance Based on two codes Equal to the number of 1’s in an XOR Used in definition of error correction An ECC makes the Hamming distance between characters > 2 Overhead is increase in required bit rate February 14, 2005 Topic 3 62 Hamming Distance and Error Correction Code error correction capability Upper bound is half the Hamming distance between code vectors, dfree/2 The length extension due to convolutional codes can allow larger Hamming distance between input code vectors NOTE: Gray codes are contrived to have a Hamming distance of 1 between adjacent characters The constraint length K Is equal to the number of convolution delays plus 1 Bounds the error correction capability of two-convolution codes Table 4.3 p. 201 Our example has K=3, dfree=5, can theoretically correct 2 bits February 14, 2005 Topic 3 63 Haykin & Moher Table 4.3 Page 201 Maximum Free Distance Attainable for Rate 1/2 Constraint Length K Systematic Codes Non-Systematic Codes 2 3 3 3 4 5 4 4 6 5 5 7 6 6 8 7 6 10 8 7 (Note) 10 9 Not Available 12 NOTE: (1) From example polynomials 400, 671 in a non recursive code February 14, 2005 Topic 3 64 Fundamental of Maximum Likelihood: Multivariate PDF Consider N Gaussian random variables with mean zero and variance one, zi2 1 1 1 T p zi exp , pz z exp z z N /2 2 2 2 2 The covariance of z is the identity matrix I zz February 14, 2005 T zi z j i , j I Topic 3 65 Identities and Definitions Determinant of product and inverse 1 1 A B A B , A A Differential d x dx1 dx2 Gradient yi x x j y February 14, 2005 Topic 3 66 Variable Change to Correlated Variables Consider the variable change x A z The pdf of x is found from the differential and the Jacobian determinant z 1 pz z d z pz A x d x A px x d x x 1 The covariance R of x is R x x T February 14, 2005 A z z AT A AT T Topic 3 67 PDF of Correlated Variables The pdf of x is 1 px x pz z A 1 T 1 exp x R x 1/ 2 N /2 2 2 R 1 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 68 With a Mean… The pdf of a Gaussian vector x of N elements with covariance R and mean a is T 1 1 exp x a R x a 2 px x 1/ 2 N /2 2 R February 14, 2005 Topic 3 69 Maximum Likelihood Estimators Principle Given the pdf of a data vector y as available, for a given set of parameters x is p(y|x) Find the set of parameters x hat that maximizes this pdf for the given set of measurements y Properties If a minimum variance estimator exists, this method will produce it If not, the variance will approach the theoretical minimum – the Cramer-Rao bound – as the amount of relevant data increases February 14, 2005 Topic 3 70 Observations on Maximum Likelihood All known minimum variance estimators can be derived using the method of maximum likelihood; examples include Mean as average of samples Proportion in general population as proportion in a sample Statistics and error bounds on estimators are found as part of the derivation The method is simple to use February 14, 2005 Topic 3 71 Our Example Given a message vector m and its code vector c and a received vector r Make an estimate m hat of the message vector Process With the noisy c through the receiver channel estimate c hat Select the code m hat that produces a code vector c tilde has the shortest Hamming distance to c hat February 14, 2005 Topic 3 72 The MLE for c Data y cn Log likelihood function ln p y | c 1 N ln 2 ln R y c 2 T R 1 y c Solution is Nearest Neighbor ĉ y February 14, 2005 Topic 3 73 Assignment Read 4.7, 4.8, 4.10, 4.11, 4.16 Do problem 4.1 p. 197 Do problem 4.2 p. 198 Do encoding in your term project February 14, 2005 Topic 3 74 Curve for Backup Quiz 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 February 14, 2005 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Topic 3 75 Assignment Read 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 Look at Problem 4.5 p. 243 Do problems 4.6, 4.7 p. 252 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 76 Interleaving and TDMA The Viterbi Method Interleaving Scatters the code data stream Makes low BER communication more robust through fading medium and interference Noise performance TDMA February 14, 2005 Topic 3 77 Viterbi Algorithm References Viterbi, A.J., Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimum decoding algorithm, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. IT-13, pp. 260-269, 1967. Forney, G.D. Jr. The Viterbi algorithm, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 61, pp. 268278, 1973. February 14, 2005 Topic 3 78 The Viterbi Method Use the trellis for decoding Dynamic programming A method originally developed for a control theory problem by Richard Bellman Based on working the problem from the end back to the beginning Uses the Hamming distance as an optimization criteria Crops the growing decision tree by taking the steps backward in time a few at a time February 14, 2005 Topic 3 79 Interleaving Based on the coherence time of a fading channel; fading due to motion leads to TCOHERENCE Maximum range rate 0.3 , fD 2 fD Interleaving operations Block data over times much larger than TCOHERENCE Reformat in smaller blocks Multiplex the smaller blocks into an interleaved data stream February 14, 2005 Topic 3 80 Interleaver Parameters Object of interleaving Data blackouts of TCOHERENCE cause loss of less than dfree bits FEC EDAC coding can bridge these gaps Make each row Consist of at least dfree bits Last TCOHERENCE or longer February 14, 2005 Topic 3 81 Interleaver Methods Methods Simple sequential interleaving as just described Pseudorandom interleaving Combine with codes Use Viterbi interleaver Use multiplexer of convolutional codes as interleaver February 14, 2005 Topic 3 82 Noise performance Compare AWGN channels using Figure 4.13 p. 213 Rayleigh fading performance given in Figure 4.14 p. 214 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 83 Turbo Codes Revolutionary methodology Emerged in 1993 through 1995 Performance approaches Shannon limit Technique Encoding blocked out in Figure 4.5 p. 215 Two systematic codes in parallel, one interleaved Excess parity bits trimmed or culled Decoding shown in Figure 4.17 p. 217 Performance shown in Figure 4.18 p. 219 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 84 Next Time TDMA Chapter 4 examples Quiz postponed one week to March 30 Will cover Chapter 4 Some topics in CDMA February 14, 2005 Topic 3 85 TDMA Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Multiplex several users into one channel Alternative to FDMA Third alternative is CDMA, presented next Advantages over FDMA Simultaneous transmit and receive aren’t required Single-frequency operation for transmit and receive Can be combined with interleaving Can be overlaid on FDMA, CDMA February 14, 2005 Topic 3 86 Types of TDMA Wideband Used in links such as satellite communications Frequency channels several MHz wide Medium band Global System for Mobile (GSM) telecommunications Several broadband links Narrow band TIA/EIA/IS-54-C standard in use for US cell phones Single frequency channel TDMA February 14, 2005 Topic 3 87 Advantages of TDMA overlaying FDMA Cooperative channel allocation between base stations with overlapping coverage (channel-busy avoidance) Dropouts in some channels from frequency-dependent fading can be avoided Equalization can mitigate frequencydependent fading in medium and broad band TDMA/FDMA February 14, 2005 Topic 3 88 Global System for Mobile (GSM) Internationally used TDMA/FDMA From Haykin & Moher 4.17 pp. 236-239 Overview given here Full description available on WWW Organization Time blocks Major frames are 60/13 = 4.615 milliseconds Eight Time Slots of 577 microseconds in each major frame 156.25 bits per time slot; 271 kBPS data rate Frequency channels 124 channels 200 kHz wide, 200 kHz apart Frequency hopping with maximum of 25 MHz February 14, 2005 Topic 3 89 GSM Characteristics Frequency allocation (Europe) Uplink (to base station) 890 MHz to 915 MHz Downlink (to handsets) 935 MHz to 960 MHz Design features counter frequency-selective fade Channel separation matches fading notch width Frame length matches fading duration EDAC combined with multilayer interleaving Intrinsic latency is 57.5 milliseconds February 14, 2005 Topic 3 90 Subframe Organization Guard period of 8.25 bits begins the frame Three tail bits end guard and time slots Three data blocks 57 bits of data 26 bits of “training data” 57 bits of data Flag bit precedes training and second data block Defines speech vs. digital or training data Overall efficiency about 75% data February 14, 2005 Topic 3 91 GSM Coding Complex speech coder/decoder (CODEC) Concatenated convolutional codes Multi-layer interleaving GMSK channel modulation About 40 dB adjacent channel rejection ISI effects are small An international standard that defines affordable enabling technologies February 14, 2005 Topic 3 92 Coherence Time Examples Mobile terminal moving at 30 km/hr (19 mph) Frequency allocation about 1.9 GHz Problem 4.4 p. 210 answer is 9.6 ms (!!!) Coherence time about 2.84 ms Frequency of about 900 MHz European GSM allocation Coherence time of about 6 ms Velocity of 39 km/hr (24 mph) gives coherence time of 4.62 ms frame time February 14, 2005 Topic 3 93 Problems 4.6, 4.7 Message is 10111… (1’s continue) Codes are (see p. 253) Problem 4.6: (11)(10) Problem 4.7: (1111)(1101) Find output code stream by polynomial method February 14, 2005 Topic 3 94 Solution for Problem 4.6 Solution is simple enough to do by inspection: (11,10,11,01,01,01,…) Feed-through path embeds signal in the code This makes the code systematic February 14, 2005 Topic 3 95 Solution for Problem 4.7 Message polynomial is m( x ) 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 Generator polynomials are g ( x ) 1 x x x (1) 2 3 g (2) ( x ) 1 x x 3 February 14, 2005 Topic 3 96 Solution for Problem 4.7 (concluded) Code polynomials are c (1) x g (1) x m x 1 x x 3 x 4 c (2) x g (2) x m x 1 x x 2 x 3 x 5 x 6 Code bits are (1) c x 1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0, (2) c x 1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1, Code output is 11,11,01,11,10,01,01, February 14, 2005 Topic 3 97 Simulation of Problem 4.7 (1 of 2) program main !Execute a convolution code implicit none integer,dimension(4)::g1=(/1,1,1,1/),g2=(/1,0,1,1/) !Reverse order integer,dimension(23)::message=(/0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/) & integer::i,j,k=4 do i=1,10 print 1000,i,convolve(k,message,g1,i),convolve(k,message,g2,i) end do 1000 format(i3,": (",i2,",",i2,")") contains … February 14, 2005 Topic 3 98 Simulation of Problem 4.7 (2 of 2) integer function convolve(k,m,g,i) !Convolve m(i:i+k-1) with g(1:k) integer,intent(IN)::k,m(*),g(*),i integer::sumc !Perform an ordinary convolution and take the result modulo 2 sumc=0 do j=1,k sumc=sumc+m(i+j-1)*g(j) end do convolve=modulo(sumc,2) end function convolve end program main February 14, 2005 Topic 3 99 Simulation Output 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: February 14, 2005 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) 1) 1) 1) 0) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) A few minutes with Fortran 95 Your choice of language will do. Topic 3 100 Interleaving and Coherence Time Problem 4.14 page 254 Coherence time TCOHERENCE 0.3 0.15 2 fD vehicle speed BitLossBlockLength TCOHERENCE BitRate 0.15 BitRate vehicle speed February 14, 2005 Topic 3 101 Discussion Questions One-Channel TDMA What about both transmit and receive on the same frequency channel? Is it a good idea? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of systematic and nonsystematic codes? February 14, 2005 Topic 3 102 Assignment Read 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 Look at problem 5.1 p. 262 Do problem 5.2 p. 263 Next time Spreading the spectrum Gold codes Galois fields for binary sequences February 14, 2005 Topic 3 103